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自“小朝”(欧木赖)普及以来,每年至麦加的朝圣人流日渐增多,对其城市基础设施及交通网络的发展和适应性提出了相当大的挑战。阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹国王大道规划项目即为此提供了一个切实的解决方案。设计内容包括麦加西门入口规划与清真寺、办公室、住宅楼、商业区的设计。作为连接吉达与红海中心主干线的补充部分,  相似文献   

设计任务:以一座高档商务中心为基身的15座由宾馆和住宅所构成的超大型高层建筑群.   规划中的Darb al-Khalil城市发展项目坐落于麦加ibrahim al-Khalil街和al-Hijrah街之间并临靠南北两条环城公路环绕.整个建筑群被穿插于其间的各条大街,和一条完全根据规划特色所设计的全新内部街道分割成四个不同区域.建筑群成功地重新定义了整个麦加河谷流域空间,使其成为麦加禁寺之前的自然的延伸区域.同时该区域山势起伏的地形亦造就了麦加禁寺与建筑群间强烈的风格对比.……  相似文献   

<正>沙特阿拉伯法赫德国王国家图书馆是沙特阿拉伯重要的文化建筑之一。Eckhard Gerber教授和他的设计团队在沙特阿拉伯的首都利雅得完成了该项重要设计,全新的建筑很好地诠释出当代阿拉伯城市的发展与文化,此项设计起到促进城市发展的推动作用。出于对阿拉伯文化的尊重,新建筑的设计充分保留了原有的建筑特点。旧图书馆大楼是一个中心带有圆形拱顶的"十字"结构大楼,此次改造的主要目的是对旧建筑进行重新整  相似文献   

达兰的石油矿业大学的前身是一所学院,1963年由国王下令成立,目的是培养管理本国石油工业的人才。当时只有学生67名;1976年已有学生1753名和价值超过5000万美元的建筑物。校园占地475公顷。这块用地是经过多年考虑后选定的。它与本国最大的石油公司(ARAMCO)的总部相邻,可利用这里现成的公路、供电线路、电话线及污水处理设施,同时在校园北边原来已建成一批住宅和宿舍。学校建筑群以一座清真寺为中心,它的一侧排列着图书馆、教室楼、教室  相似文献   

司马蕾 《世界建筑》2012,(4):104-105
本项目业主的目标是兴建一个超高级的住宅区,并以阿拉伯语"AjmalMakan"(大意为"天堂般的地方")为主题进行地段的多功能开发。本案的基地很特别,利雅得Hanifah大河的支流流经其上,河流带来了独特的绿洲景观,规划也以其为主要依据确定了街道的有机平面;同时将豪宅、别墅和精品酒店等建筑罗布在河流沿岸。  相似文献   

这家银行是为40多个伊斯兰国家提供发展援助而设立的国际性金融机构。为了体现出这层含义,我们在设计中反映了伊斯兰的精神与传统,创造出伊斯兰文化与现代建筑的完美融合。建筑的设计要与地域性气候相协调。由于基地位于沙特阿拉伯的吉达,距红海不是很远,那里的气候比较潮湿炎热。整个建筑必须结合节能设计,使其具有持久性和可持续性。  相似文献   

42口卜肠、1. ‘,匕、.川.!舰下︸翻七毛利雅得外交部大厦,沙特阿拉伯@拉申  相似文献   

吉达新场机占地104平方公里,被认为是目前世界上最大的机场。其中朝圣者航站大栅(包括候机楼和朝圣者停留休息的大厅)已于今年5月启用。每一个穆斯林都有着虔诚的愿望,在一生中至少去麦加朝圣一次。目前,不少朝圣者仍通过海路及陆路前来,但乘飞机前来者已越来越多。1975年,乘飞机来的朝圣者已达50万人。  相似文献   

<正>日前,世界上设计运能最大、列车运营模式最复杂、同类工程建设工期最短的轻轨铁路项目—沙特麦加轻轨铁路,建成通车。麦加轻轨铁路全长18.25公里,合同造价约17.73亿美元。由中国铁建股份有限公司总承包建  相似文献   

<正>沙特阿拉伯国家馆,是2010上海世博会上规模最大、投资最多的外国自建馆之一,也是惟一由中国设计单位独立设计的外国自建馆。设计灵感来自于沙漠中的绿洲,主体建筑更像一艘浮于空中的大船,底部和甲板种满了沙特  相似文献   

 Natural coarse and fine aggregates which accumulated along six selected wadis in the region of Makkah were assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The six wadis were Numan, Al-Yamanyah, Al-Shamyah, Hwarah, Alaf and Faydah. More than 440 aggregate samples were collected and their physical, mechanical and chemical properties determined. Petrographic studies on the gravel samples were undertaken to characterise the aggregate types. The results were compared with ASTM and British Standard specifications. The aggregates were generally within the acceptable limits for use in concrete although there were the relatively high values of chloride, sulphate and total dissolved salts in the fine aggregates in Wadis Alaf, Hwarah and Faydah. Nine fine aggregate samples representing upstream, midstream and downstream deposits from these saline wadis were washed in distilled waters after which the aggregates were within the acceptable limits for structural concrete. There were indications of material which could cause alkali-silica in the coarse aggregate at Wadi Faydah. The study proved reserves of 12.5 million m3 of coarse aggregate and 23 million m3 of fine aggregate. Received: 27 May 1998 · Accepted: 18 February 1999  相似文献   

Each year the Hajj attracts over one million pilgrims to Makkah with all the enormous administrative, social and economic implications this signifies. The authors conclude that there are unique factors affecting construction practice in Makkah and it is apparent that early action is always needed to correct aspects of construction, less costly overruns are an inevitable consequence.  相似文献   

项目地点:沙特阿拉伯利雅得项目类型:建筑(住宅)开工日期:未知该项目获2005年豪瑞可持续建筑大奖赛非洲中东地区提名奖  相似文献   

石材是全世界各民族都十分钟爱的一种装修材料.它不受民族、文化、宗教、信仰、风俗的影响,有其广泛的应用面.只不过一些民族在颜色的使用上有所忌讳罢了.  相似文献   

Sandstones are often characterized as fractured aquifers. We present a case study of the Wajid sandstone, which forms a regional aquifer system in SW Saudi Arabia, where matrix, fracture, and large-scale hydraulic conductivities are coincident. The measurements deal with different scales and methods and are based on porosity and permeability measurements in the laboratory, as well as pumping tests in the field. Porosities of the sandstone samples in general are high and range between less than 5?% and more than 45?%. Gas permeabilities for strongly cemented samples are <?1 mD, whereas most samples range in between 500 and 5,000 mD. There is only a weak anisotropy with preference of the horizontal x-, y-directions. Hydraulic conductivities of the matrix samples (5.5?·?10?6 m/s and 1.1?·?10?5 m/s for the Upper and Lower Wajid sandstone, respectively) were in the same order of magnitude compared to hydraulic conductivities derived from pumping tests (8.3?·?10?5 m/s and 2.2?·?10?5 m/s for the Upper and Lower Wajid sandstone, respectively).  相似文献   

 For the last 12 years the solid waste of Jeddah City has been placed in Wadi Nakhil, to the east of the city. This facility is now 80% full. No geotechnical site characterisation was undertaken prior to opening this municipal landfill site in 1982 and, being so close to the city, it now poses risks to the health of nearby residents as well as ecological dangers. The paper considers the requirements of a new site and discusses the most appropriate method of closing the existing site to ensure its long-term safety. Received: 28 August 1998 · Accepted: 30 August 1999  相似文献   

Undermanagement of the considerable range of areas reserved for public spaces within modern residential areas in Jeddah has not only reduced socialization for inhabitants, but has become a public burden that continues to prove a drain on urban life. This, in turn, has stimulated the development of regulatory and organizational reforms. The reforms have inexorably drawn all departments and agencies involved in public space management into a new field of responsibility. As they came into operation, new actors appeared in the field of public space management. Although the aim of the reforms was to resolve inter-municipal regulatory conflicts and to place a renewed emphasis on local and private actions as alternative sources of managerial control, the new public space governance arrangements are riddled with tension as a result of the multiplicity of actors and the absence of a well-defined institutional framework; this in turn led to greater confusion about responsibilities. This article attempts to understand the complexities of the ongoing management of public spaces in Jeddah in the light of recent theories of governance, with the aim of developing a conceptual framework that may suggest innovatory approaches through which to address these complexities. Broadly speaking, the investigation – which is based on extensive documentary analysis, a qualitative survey and systematic field observation – notes that, in order to tackle management issues such as non-responsiveness, bureaucratic rigidity, the fragmentation of responsibilities and so on, it is imperative to give further consideration to the role of legislation within an appropriate institutional framework.  相似文献   

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