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保障性住房建设与融资渠道   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新加坡在保障性住房建设与管理方面取得了举世瞩目的成就,主要得益于"居者有其屋"的住房保障政策。"居者有其屋"政策由新加坡建屋发展局结合中央住房公积金政策以及严谨的保障性住房分配和管理制度,从根本上解决了新加坡人住房保障问题。据新加坡建屋发展局统计,超过80%的新加坡人居住在政府组屋中,保障性住房政策真正成为"普惠性的政策"。在新加坡的成功经验中,保障性住房的土地获取和资金筹集两个方面很有特点。  相似文献   

我国保障性住房政策演变及思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
试图从理论上澄清住房保障的基本概念,保障的对象和政策目标,并对我国保障性住房政策演变与实践进行了回顾与反思,在此基础上,提出了深化土地制度改革,完善融资机制推进保障性住房建设的政策建议.  相似文献   

试图从理论上澄清住房保障的基本概念保障的对象和政策目标,并对我国保障性住房政策演变与实践进行了回顾与反思.在此基础上,提出了深化土地制度改革、完善融资机制推进保障性住房建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

在住房保障制度建设过程中,按照公平兼效率的原则,建立健全保障性住房的分配与退出机制十分重要。关键是做好以下几方面工作:(1)建立居民经济和住房信息系统,为保障性住房分配和退出,提供完善的信息基础设施和制度保障。(2)构建保障性住房申请联动审核机制,建立严格的审核、公示与监管制度。(3)完善保障性住房退出机制,促使非住房保障对象主动退出保障性住房。(4)制定住房保障法律、法规和政策,依法进行保障性住房的分配和退出。(5)推进保障性住房产权制度创新,治理住房保障对象的违规交易行为。  相似文献   

"英国住房保障制度(British Housing Security System,简称BHSS),核心理念是"为全体英国人民解决'住有所居'与'居者有其屋'的住宅权及财产权问题."英国作为传统的法治国家,要使保障低收入者住房问题的政策得到良好的实施必然需要出台保障性住房法,英国的保障性住房的政策法规主要有保障性住房建设、低收入住房分配管制、住房补贴等方面,回顾英国保障性住房法规历史,可看出住房保障政策趋向与演变发展的差异,有助于研究英国保障性住房未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

正BHSS系统的核心理念是"为全体英国人民解决‘住有所居’与‘居者有其屋’的住宅权及财产权问题。"英国作为传统的法治国家,要将保障低收入者住房问题的政策得以良好的实施必然需要出台保障性住房法,英国的保障性住房的政策法规主要有保障性住房建设、低收入住房分配管制、住房补贴等方面,回顾英国保障性住房法规历史,可看出住房保障政策趋向与演变发展的差异,有助于研究英国保障性住房未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

德国作为住房保障政策较为成熟的高福利国家,一直在探寻与不同发展阶段需求相匹配的住房保障制度,试图通过适时调整实物配租与货币补贴的比例关系,调控租金控制力度,实现住房保障与目标人群范围的动态适配。在二战后住房短缺时期,德国建设大量实体保障性住房,推出住房保障政策;在经济平稳发展时期,德国推进住房保障市场化,加强货币补贴力度;在住房市场震荡后,德国重启实体保障性住房建设,扩大货币补贴人群范围。然而,在住房保障制度调适过程中,德国也曾出现政策衍生问题,如:实物配租与货币补贴不均衡配置,住房保障模式单一化发展,降低了住房保障效率;过度租金控制造成旧约与新约租金价格差距扩大,阻碍了保障性住房市场化流动;忽视潜在目标人群,出现"老年返贫"和"贫困延迟",导致未来需保障人群扩大化。借鉴德国经验与教训,我国保障性住房制度改革需结合自身发展状况,推进货币补贴政策,坚持实物配租供给;健全租金控制制度,提高市场配置效率;明确保障目标人群,扩大住房保障范围。  相似文献   

程远 《河南建材》2020,(2):47-48
审计部门对于保障性安居工程多采用传统审计的方式,这种方式多偏向于项目的政策执行程度及合法合规的审计,不能有效解决保障性安居工程建设中资金使用效率不高、建成后分配不公平及缺少后期管理等问题,所以应深化传统跟踪审计与绩效审计的结合。文章着重介绍了针对保障性住房的绩效审计内容和有效实施绩效审计的对策建议。  相似文献   

我国城市住房保障体系建设与创新发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在梳理总结国外住房保障体系演变及启示的基础上,厘定我国城市住房保障体系建设的演进逻辑,基于住房保障需求、保障性住房供给及住房保障政策维度反思当前住房保障体系的主要问题,进而提出构建动态可支付的住房保障发展框架,为实现全体国民"住有所居"与良性发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

贾晶 《城乡建设》2014,(6):70-71
正一、保障性住房空置问题突显1998年到2009年期间,我国的保障性住房主要是廉租住房和经济适用住房两类。这个时期住房保障的工作指标不够明确,地方政府动力不足,在商品房快速发展的情况下,保障性住房在整个住房供应体系中所占比重逐年下降。经济适用住房政策在实施过程中,由于可以让取得住房的人获得  相似文献   

A constructionist approach to the study of social problems and housing policy provides a theoretically informed means of analysing the ways in which housing policy is formulated and implemented. Yet despite a strong commitment by housing researchers to policy relevance, constructionist studies of how specific social problems are generated and deployed have so far made only a limited impact on housing research. The paper addresses this lacuna by first discussing important literature and the key conceptual issues in this field of study. This is followed by a discussion of two examples from recent UK housing policy (the shift in the 1980s from defining lone mothers as the victims of housing shortages to a morally questionable group subverting needs-based allocation policies and the re-emergence of anti-social behaviour as a problem on housing estates). The paper's conclusion is that the 'construction of problems' provides a rich source of new material as well as offering significant opportunities to develop a more critically informed housing research agenda.  相似文献   

This paper examines housing policies aimed at establishing mixed income communities. Based on stakeholder interviews and case study analysis in England and Scotland, the paper pays particular attention to the impact of interventions in housing management. The first part considers the policy context for mixed communities and considers the conceptual basis underlying contemporary housing management through discourses of culture and social control. The second part considers how this agenda has resulted in the adoption of intensive management strategies within mixed communities; illustrated in the development of allocation policies, initiatives designed to tackle anti-social behaviour, and proposals to develop sustainable communities. The main argument is that given that the concept of mixed communities is based on the premise of social housing failure, citizenship has been defined largely in response to private sector interests. This approach to management has been a contributory factor in the construction of social housing as a form of second-class citizenship.  相似文献   

European integration will have several effects on national housing policies. The major responsibility for policy formulation and policy implementation in housing will remain with national and local governments. Nevertheless, the Maastricht Treaty will have important implications for housing through several channels: factor mobility, competition policy and liberalisation of markets, economic growth, lower inflation, cuts in government spending, tax harmonisation and issues of citizenship and social justice. In this exploratory contribution we sketch within a closely specified framework the possible impacts of European integration for national housing policies.  相似文献   

Swedish urban planning and housing policies have been seen as exemplars by many Australian policy makers. The mixture of state activism, strong local government, broad concepts of welfare policy and social housing, coupled with wide community acceptance of these ideals, has enabled major innovations in housing policy. This article describes the historical background and recent changes to these policies within Sweden's changing political framework. It also shows that global fiscal changes, coupled with Sweden's entry into the ‘federalising’ European Union, have changed the context of these policies. Swedish housing and urban policy is changing; Swedish local government has a strong role in the development and implementation of these changing policies. There are many interesting lessons for Australian urban policy in these changes.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the effect of devolution on housing policy and practice in Northern Ireland. It outlines the history and context of devolution and housing policy in Northern Ireland, including the legacy and persistence of intense social conflict. Current devolution arrangements are reviewed, including the implications of enforced coalition for policy governance. The paper focuses on three dimensions of housing and housing-related policy development and implementation: social housing, especially the distinctive history and changing organisation of social housing provision; policies affecting the housing market, including the changing regime for spatial planning; and, regeneration and tenant participation. The paper argues that housing policy has tended to converge with policies in England, rather than moving towards a distinctively local agenda. Local political agendas remain dominated by disagreements over constitutional status thus policy formulation is determined more by officials than by elected politicians.  相似文献   

Neighbourhood social mix is currently a pressing issue for both researchers and policy makers in the Western world. In an international perspective, Sweden offers an interesting case as both the structure of the housing market and the focus of the social mix policy differs from other countries’ policies. The introduction of a policy for social mixing in Sweden in 1974 was a reaction to the increasing socioeconomic segregation in the housing market. Swedish city planning and the conditions in the housing market have however changed dramatically since the policy was first introduced. This article is based on official housing policy documents and interviews with public actors. It seeks to analyse the policy makers’ understanding of Swedish social mix policy and how the policy is translated into practical planning. The overall aim is to analyse the Swedish policy in relation to similar policies in other countries, this to point at some of the existing differences, especially the different perspective on ethnic segregation. On the basis of document analysis and interviews with public actors, we come to the conclusion that the understanding and practice of the social mix policy in Sweden have been rather consistent over time. Even though Sweden has experienced increasing immigration, which has added an ethnic dimension to housing segregation, the Swedish social mix policy has remained a general policy for counteracting socioeconomic segregation, rather than ethnic segregation. This is an important difference compared to other mixing strategies in Europe and North America where ethnic mix has been, and still is, at the top of the agenda.  相似文献   

Inclusionary housing brings together housing supply policies and social housing policies. This article contrasts this combination of policies to a situation where the two policies are kept separate. Drawing on theory of institutional change, the article highlights constitutional, organisational and cultural aspects of inclusionary housing policy and compares this with the features of a policy where inclusionary housing is not adopted. The article seeks to assess similarities and discrepancies between the English version of inclusionary housing and Norway’s housing and planning policy. The planning law and practices, the policy for housing affordability, financial support systems, actors and organisations are assessed and compared. The article concludes that if Norway wanted to implement ICH, it would be possible to customise the planning practices and finance schemes, but new organisations would have to be established. On top of that, there are also cultural divergences between the policy regimes that would need to be regarded.  相似文献   

In the new Millennium, sustainable urbandevelopment is becoming a fashionable topic,almost as popular as globalization or citycompetition. European countries differ widelyfrom each other on whether they have a nationalpolicy for urban development or not, and if so,on the emphasis of such a policy. Pan Europeanorganizations are reluctant to establish aclear vision of a desirable European pathtoward urban development. This is even true forthe European Union: although the EU is runningextensive systems of support policies, it hasno clear expectation of how European citiesshould develop or what they should look like inthe future. (The European Spatial DevelopmentPerspective, ESDP, contains some statementsabout desirable urban development, but this isfar from being a binding document or havingsubstantial influence on the allocation ofmeans of support.)The criticism leveled at the EU for having nocommon policy for the future of its citiesshould be seen in perspective, as the lack ofideas/patterns for sustainable urbandevelopment is even more visible in theaccession countries and in Eastern Europe. Thedramatic changes in the cities of thepost-socialist countries even appear to bemoving in the opposite direction – away fromsustainability.Sustainability is a complex phenomenon, havingeconomic, environmental and social aspects. Anyconcept of sustainable urban development mustincorporate sectoral concepts; these must bewell integrated in the overarching urban,regional and governance policies.One sectoral policy of great importance tosustainable development is housing. Withoutsuitable suggestions for housing policies, noconcept of sustainable development can besuccessful (and vice versa). Yet, housing isone of the less frequently discussed aspects ofsustainability. This might be explained by theway housing research has developed; economicand social aspects have taken precedence overenvironmental effects and externalities. Ofcourse, the fact that housing is not part ofthe common policies of the EU also helpsexplain the present situation.This paper elaborates on the link betweenhousing and urban development. Using examplesof good and not so good practices, we considerwhy housing experts should investigate theenvironmental and spatial externalities ofhousing policies and why experts working onurban development policies should take theresults of such analyses into account. Suchcollaboration could raise the status ofsustainable urban policies supported bysuitable housing policies.The analysis presented here pertains to theWestern and Central parts of Europe, roughly tothe area of the soon-to-be-enlarged EuropeanUnion.The structure of the paper is as follows. Thefirst chapter discusses models and trends ofurban development. The second chapter gives anoverview of policies with the potential toinfluence urban development, followed by goodand not so good examples for such policiestaken from both Western and Eastern Europe. Thethird and fourth chapters concentrate on largehousing estates, where interventions wereneeded to ensure the sustainability ofdevelopment. Finally, chapter five offers someconcluding remarks.  相似文献   


Despite widespread enthusiasm for Housing First approaches to addressing homelessness, conditional models of support that require ‘housing readiness’ persist in many jurisdictions. Existing research cites an ongoing commitment to conditionality amongst homelessness services providers as a key reason for its persistence. In this paper, we argue that State housing policies also play an important role in perpetuating conditionality in the homelessness sector. Drawing on research carried out in an Australian jurisdiction, we show how policies regarding the supply and allocation of social housing compel homelessness service providers—including Housing First services—to employ conditionality practices. We also demonstrate the detrimental impact this has on the housing outcomes of homelessness people with complex needs. We conclude that our findings challenge the claim made by some that Housing First constitutes a ‘paradigm shift’, and instead highlight the complex processes of policy translation and assemblage that shape the adaptation of Housing First in different contexts.  相似文献   

Housing analysis traditionally focuses on the consumption and allocation aspects of housing provision, concentrating particularly on state policies towards housing tenures. This paper presents a theoretical critique of the consumption‐orientated emphasis, and suggests an alternative framework based on structures of housing provision. It is argued that to look at consumption‐related issues in the context of state housing policies is important, but an adequate analysis must place such an investigation in terms of the totality of social relations associated with the form of housing provision in question.  相似文献   

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