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Our objective was to determine the effects of rate of gain and body weight (BW) on development of the mammary parenchyma. Mammary tissue samples were collected from heifers (n = 72) reared on 1 of 2 dietary treatments (restricted, 650 g/d of daily gain; or elevated, 950 g/d of daily gain) and slaughtered at 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, or 350 kg of BW. Mammary samples were excised, preserved, prepared for histology, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Digital images of tissue sections were captured for analysis. Tissue areas occupied by the interlobular and intralobular stroma, epithelium, and lumen were measured (μm2). The numbers of epithelial and luminal structures per image were tabulated to measure the complexity of ductal development. Mean percentages of mammary parenchyma occupied by the interlobular stroma, epithelium, lumen, and intralobular stroma were 29, 20, 7, and 43%, respectively. Percentage of area occupied by the intralobular stroma was affected by BW and was lower for 100-kg heifers compared with heifers 200 kg and heavier (33 ± 4 vs. 46 ± 4), but the percentage of area occupied by other tissue elements did not differ by BW or treatment, nor was there an interaction. However, the numbers of both epithelial (8.3 ± 4 vs. 47 ± 4) and luminal-containing (6 ± 4 vs. 38 ± 4) structures per image increased markedly between 100 and 350 kg of BW, irrespective of diet. For heifers slaughtered between 100 and 350 kg of BW, alterations in the rate of gain between 650 and 950 g/d, accomplished by feeding varying amounts of the same diet, had no significant effect on tissue characteristics or the pattern of mammary parenchymal development. These data emphasize the importance of BW and age in determining developmental characteristics of the heifer mammary parenchyma and suggest that the rate of gain per se has a minimal impact on histological development, and thus do not support the hypothesis that rate of gain has a direct negative impact on ductal development.  相似文献   

A proteomics approach was used to characterize biochemical and cellular mechanisms governing effects of peripubertal feeding on heifer mammary development. Mammary parenchymal tissue from 24 Holstein heifers randomly assigned to treatments arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial design was used to generate 2-dimensional protein maps of mammary tissue extracts. Heifers were reared on 1 of 2 dietary treatments, restricted (650 g/d of daily gain) or elevated (950 g/d of daily gain) and killed at 1 of 2 body weights (BW, 200 or 350 kg). Cytosolic mammary gland extracts were prepared from frozen mammary parenchyma. Proteome maps of extracts were constructed using PDQuest software. Densities of 820 protein spots were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. Protein spots were characterized by changes in profiles of expression in response to increased BW, dietary treatment, or both. Dietary treatment influenced the expression of 131 protein spots, whereas heifer BW influenced the expression of 108 spots. The 22 most highly influenced (statistically) spots were excised and submitted for mass spectrometric analyses. Returned protein names and accession numbers were used in National Center for Biotechnology Information database searches to obtain information on the identified proteins. For example, one of the proteins that differed by dietary treatment, transferrin, a binding protein of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3, was identified via these methods. Possible roles of this and other proteins in mammary development are described. We concluded that a proteomic approach is an effective tool for identifying the proteins involved in bovine mammary development.  相似文献   

Lameness causes major financial losses and welfare problems in dairy herds. Prevention of foot lesions may suffice in the majority of lameness cases. The objectives of this longitudinal study were to describe the dynamics and associations between abnormal hind leg conformation, asymmetric claws, lameness, and foot lesions in 122 Danish Holstein heifers from an average of 41 d before first calving until dry off or culling. The cattle were housed either in a free-stall system with cubicles or in deep-bedded straw yard. The claws of all cattle were examined on up to 5 occasions. The associations between foot lesions, lameness, symmetry of the claws, shape of the dorsal toe-wall, and the conformation of the hind legs were examined statistically using mixed models. A large proportion (81%) of the heifers had cow-hocked conformation, with wide-based stance, hocks together, and lateral rotation of the foot before calving, and 25% of the heifers had locomotion scores above 2, indicating signs of lameness, before calving. Our results indicate that lameness, abnormal conformation, and lesions acquired precalving persist throughout the first lactation. Thinner cows were more cow-hocked, and cow-hocked cows had a higher frequency of sole hemorrhages. Increased severity of white line lesion was associated with greater claw asymmetry. More severe lameness and sole hemorrhages were found in symmetric claws.  相似文献   

Anogenital distance (AGD), defined as the distance from the center of the anus to the base of the clitoris, in lactating dairy cows of first and second parity, has been reported to be inversely related to fertility and moderately heritable. Thus, AGD may be a useful reproductive phenotype for future genetic selection to improve fertility. The objectives of this study were to (1) characterize AGD in nulliparous dairy heifers; and (2) determine if the inverse relationship between AGD and fertility, found in lactating dairy cows, is also evident in nulliparous heifers. We measured AGD in 1,692 Holstein heifers from 16 herds in Western Canada (Alberta and British Columbia) and one herd in the United States (Washington State). Data were analyzed using MEANS, UNIVARIATE, LOGISTIC, ROC, GLIMMIX, and LIFETEST procedures of SAS (SAS Institute Inc.). Mean (±standard deviation) age at AGD measurement was 13.9 ± 1.5 mo, and AGD was normally distributed with a mean of 107.3 ± 10.5 mm, ranging from 69 to 142 mm. With every 1-mm increase in AGD, the predicted probability of pregnancy was reduced by 1.9%. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was used to determine the optimum threshold AGD that predicted the probability of pregnancy. Based on the optimum threshold AGD, data from heifers were categorized into short (≤110 mm) and long (>110 mm) AGD groups, and associations between AGD groups and fertility measures were determined. Heifers with short AGD required fewer services per conception (1.5 vs. 1.7) than heifers with long AGD. Consequently, heifers with short AGD conceived earlier (448.4 vs. 454.3 d) and had greater pregnancy to first AI than those with long AGD (58.3 vs. 49.6%). Moreover, heifers with long AGD had reduced hazard (hazard ratio of 0.59) for pregnancy up to 450 d of life compared with those with short AGD. In summary, AGD was normally distributed and highly variable in the population. In addition, an inverse relationship between AGD and fertility measures in nulliparous heifers was evident, confirming an earlier report of a similar relationship in lactating dairy cows. These findings strengthen the potential for AGD to be used as a fertility trait and management tool in future selection programs.  相似文献   

Objectives of this study were to measure both daily and periprandial plasma ghrelin concentrations of postpubertal Holstein heifers during prolonged undernutrition. Following an acclimation period, Holstein heifers [n = 10; 339.5 ± 8.6 kg of body weight (BW)] were fed ad libitum [well fed (WF); n = 5] or restricted to 50% of ad libitum intake [underfed (UF); n = 5) for 8 wk. Body condition scores (BCS) were recorded at the beginning and end of the treatment period, and weekly measurements of BW, plasma ghrelin, progesterone, and nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentrations were obtained. Ovarian follicular and luteal structures were measured twice weekly via transrectal ultrasonography. Plasma ghrelin concentrations were also measured during a periprandial window bleed conducted at the end of the experiment. During the window bleed, samples were collected every 15 min between 0500 and 0900 h, with feed offered at 0700 h. Underfed heifers lost BW and BCS, whereas WF heifers gained weight and either increased or maintained BCS. Chronic underfeeding increased circulating ghrelin and NEFA concentrations. By wk 4 of the treatment period, circulating ghrelin concentrations of the UF heifers reached a plateau. Periprandial fluctuations in ghrelin concentrations were apparent as plasma ghrelin concentrations changed over time. Overall differences in periprandial plasma ghrelin concentrations were primarily due to prefeeding effects of plane of nutrition. Plasma ghrelin concentrations and change in BCS were negatively correlated such that heifers that lost the most BCS had the highest concentrations of circulating ghrelin. Two of the 5 UF heifers became anestrus by wk 3 of the treatment period. Despite being of similar age, the heifers that became anestrus had lower BW and plasma ghrelin concentrations than the UF heifers that continued to ovulate. In the current experiment, long-term undernutrition elicited ghrelin responses similar to those reported for shorter durations of nutrient restriction in cattle and other ruminants. These results demonstrate that plane of nutrition is a chronic regulator of plasma ghrelin concentrations, and that these concentrations can be experimentally manipulated in postpubertal heifers for up to 8 wk with no evidence of an adaptive response.  相似文献   

Selection for production traits with little or no emphasis on health traits has led to an increase in the incidence of disease in Canadian dairy herds. We describe here a patented protocol for estimating the breeding value for immune responsiveness in heifers that combines measures of both cell-mediated (CM) and antibody-mediated (AM) immune responses (IR). The ability of putative type 1 and type 2 antigens used to induce CMIR and AMIR, respectively, was assessed in replacement Holstein heifers, and the effects of age and pregnancy on type 1 and type 2 IR bias were estimated. Results demonstrated that the type 1 and type 2 antigens induced polarized type 1 and type 2 responses in heifers regardless of age and pregnancy status, and can therefore be used to identify animals with superior overall immune responsiveness. However, age and pregnancy status had significant effects on adaptive IR profiles, highlighting the need for appropriate statistical modeling of such effects when ranking animals on their ability to mount CM and AMIR. Responses became increasingly type 1 biased as heifers approached 12 mo of age, from which point, responses then became increasingly type 2 biased with age and length of gestation. Knowledge of how age and pregnancy influence the dynamics of type 1 and type 2 IR bias is expected to improve our ability to select animals with enhanced immune responsiveness and aid in the development of effective vaccines through strategic targeting of vaccine components to recipients.  相似文献   

The objective of this 70-d study was to determine the effects of the essential oil cinnamaldehyde compared with the ionophore monensin on performance of weaned Holstein dairy heifers. Eighty-four Holstein dairy heifers (91 ± 3.33 d of age; 109 ± 7.55 kg) were housed in a naturally ventilated curtain sidewall, straw-bedded barn in 12 pens with 7 heifers/pen (3.98 m2/head). Heifers were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments in a completely randomized design: (1) control (CON; carrier, 908 g of ground corn), (2) monensin sodium [MON; 1 mg/kg of body weight (BW) + carrier], (3) cinnamaldehyde (CIN1; 1 mg/kg of BW + carrier), or (4) cinnamaldehyde (CIN2; 2 mg/kg of BW + carrier). The treatments were hand-mixed into a 20% crude protein (CP) whole shelled corn and protein pellet mix fed at 2.21 kg/heifer daily. Heifers had access to free-choice hay and water daily. Initial BW and hip heights were taken at the start of the study and every other week thereafter until calves reached 23 wk of age. Blood samples were also taken on each weigh day to determine plasma urea nitrogen, glucose, and insulin-like growth factor-1 concentrations. Fecal samples were taken from the same 3 heifers/pen initially and then at d 28, 56, and 70 of the study for coccidia counts. Cinnamaldehyde had no performance effects on growth, hay intake, hip height, or blood metabolites compared with MON or CON. Average daily gains were 0.98, 0.99, 1.01, and 1.03 kg/d, and average hay intakes per pen were 17.08, 16.34, 18.11, and 17.60 kg/d for CON, MON, CIN1, and CIN2, respectively. Fecal samples by pens indicated the presence of viable coccidia, but the counts were low and not consistent across heifers within each pen. No benefits were associated with supplementing cinnamaldehyde or monensin into grain mixes for weaned heifers.  相似文献   

Claw horn disruption lesions are a common cause of lameness in dairy cattle. It is commonly agreed that they develop due to excessive pressure from the distal phalanx on the horn-producing tissue in the sole. The distal phalanx is supported by the suspensory apparatus, a large proportion of which is made up of connective tissue. It has been hypothesized that increased laxity of the connective tissue due to hormonal changes around calving may lead to decreased support of the distal phalanx, resulting in a sinking of the bone and increased pressure on the horn-producing tissue. In this longitudinal study, our first objective was to determine whether the thickness of the soft tissue related to the claw sole (the combined depth of the digital cushion and corium; soft-tissue thickness, STT) in the weight-bearing hind claws of live heifers changed around calving (the period from approximately 3 wk before calving to 2 wk after calving). Our second objective was to evaluate the relationship between the body condition score (BCS) of recruited heifers and the STT estimates we obtained. We measured STT (defined as the distance between the distal phalanx and the sole horn) in the apex and the posterior part of the sole of the hind claws of 34 Holstein heifers 4 times over 3 to 4 wk around calving. We determined STT by ultrasonographic measurements through the sole horn on weight-bearing claws. The overall mean STT at site 1 was 3.3 mm [minimum–maximum (min–max): 1.8 to 5.2 mm], and the mean at site 2 was 3.7 mm (min–max: 2.2 to 5.8). The overall mean STT was thickest in the first examination before calving [site 1: 3.4 mm (min–max: 1.9 to 4.7); site 2: 4.1 mm (min–max: 2.7 to 5.8)] and thinnest at site 1 in the second examination after calving (3.2 mm, min–max: 1.8 to 5.2) and at site 2 at the first examination after calving (3.5 mm, min–max: 2.2 to 5.0). We observed an average reduction in STT of ?0.2 mm (min–max: 0.8 to ?0.9 mm) at site 1 during the study period, but we did not observe this reduction in all animals. At site 2, we found an average reduction in STT of ?0.6 mm (min–max: 0.8 to ?1.3 mm) from 10 d before calving to 5 d after calving, corresponding to a decrease of approximately 15% (min–max: 0 to 31%). We suggest that this reduction was caused by a rotation of the distal phalanx toward the posterior part of the sole horn in the weeks around calving. During the same period, heifer BCS decreased between 0.25 and 0.5 increments in the BCS scale, but we found no correlation between BCS and STT. However, the heifers experienced many changes related to management, feeding, and time budget during the study period, and the rotation of the distal phalanx and reduction of the STT might be explained not only by calving but also by other factors that affect heifers and their claws during the transition period.  相似文献   

Ninety-six Holstein heifers (400 ± 6 kg, 15.2 ± 0.1 mo), including 9 with ruminal cannulas, were offered 1 of 3 diets for 180 ± 8 d in a randomized replicated pen design. Dietary treatments included a control diet (C100) and 2 independent limit-fed (LF) diets. The LF diets included one offered at 85% of C100 intake (L85) without an ionophore, and a second containing an ionophore (325 mg/head per day of lasalocid) that was offered at 80% of C100 intake (L80+I). Heifers were evaluated for growth, rumen digesta volume, nutrient excretion, and subsequent lactation performance. Limit-fed heifers consumed less dry matter and neutral detergent fiber, and had greater respective average daily gains (0.96 or 0.89 vs. 0.81 kg/d), and lower feed:gain ratios (9.1 or 9.3 vs. 13.0 kg/kg) compared with heifers offered the C100 diet. No differences in rumen pH, NH3-N, or volatile fatty acid concentrations were observed between C100 and LF heifers. Rumen digesta volume, density, and weight were unaffected by LF, and feeding L85 or L80+I did not result in carryover effects for rumen digesta volume when these heifers were offered a common high-fiber diet immediately after the 180-d growth trial. At parturition, no differences were observed for dystocia index, calf body weight, or 7-d postpartum body weight between cows offered LF or C100 diets as heifers. Lactation body weight, dry matter intake, and feed efficiency of cows did not differ between treatments at 45 or 90 d in milk. Milk yield and milk components also were not different between cows that were offered C100 or LF diets as gravid heifers. At 45 d in milk, rumen digesta volume was greater (99.1 vs. 66.1 L) for cows offered L85 compared with cows offered L80+I as gravid heifers, but this effect was not observed at 90 d in milk. Limit feeding of gravid Holstein heifers for 180 d did not result in any carryover effects during their first lactation for rumen digesta volume, dry matter intake, or milk yield.  相似文献   

Monitoring the growth of replacement heifers is a useful management tool to assist producers in achieving a reasonable goal for age at first calving. Standard growth curves have been established, and heart girth tapes are widely available to estimate body weight (BW). Probably the easiest, and undoubtedly the most accurate, means of determining the actual BW of heifers is by using a calibrated electronic scale. However, if an electronic scale is not available, indirect methods of BW estimation are required. The hipometer is a new indirect tool that uses the external width between the greater trochanters of the left and right femurs to estimate BW. The purpose of this observational study was to evaluate the hipometer and the heart girth tape to estimate the BW of Holstein heifers, as compared with their actual weight recorded by an electronic scale. A total of 311 Holstein heifers in 4 research herds, ranging in age from 1 wk old to immediately prior to calving (24 mo), were used in this comparison. The mean BW of all heifers was 261 ± 124 kg. The Pearson values of the correlation between the scale and hipometer weights, and the scale and tape weights were 0.92 and 0.94, respectively. The concordance correlations of scale weight with hipometer and tape weights were 0.98 and 0.99, respectively. The agreement among the 3 methods, as assessed by the kappa statistic, was substantial for heifers aged 3 to 15 mo. However, poor to no agreement was observed in heifers younger than 3 mo, as well as at 15 mo of age or greater (kappa 0 to 0.18). This is of particular concern because these groups represent the age when dairy heifers would be weaned (<3 mo) and the age when breeding would normally commence (>15 mo). We concluded that the hipometer is an easy and useful alternative method of estimating the BW of Holstein heifers, particularly in heifers aged 3 to 15 mo.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that extended photoperiod accelerates pubescence in dairy heifers thereby limiting time for mammary development, which could be detrimental to future milk yield. We hypothesized that the potential negative effects of rapid growth and puberty through long-day photoperiod (LDPP) exposure could be overcome with a greater supply of metabolizable protein in dairy heifers fed rumen-undegradable protein (RUP). In an initial slaughter study, we compared deuterium oxide (D2O) and direct chemical analysis to assess body composition at 5 and 7 mo of age in heifers (n = 20) exposed to LDPP or short-day photoperiod (SDPP). Before slaughter, D2O dilution was used to estimate body composition and results were compared with actual values determined by direct chemical analysis of body tissue. In 5-mo-old heifers, the correlations between estimates of body protein, water, and mineral contents as determined by D2O dilution and direct chemical analysis of body tissue were 0.86, 0.85, and 0.76, respectively; however, fat content values were not correlated (r = −0.068). In 7-mo-old heifers, we were unable to accurately estimate body composition using the D2O dilution method. A second study was conducted to determine if LDPP, which has previously been shown to hasten puberty, could be combined with RUP to promote lean growth without limiting body stature in prepubertal heifers. Thirty-two weaned heifers (86 ± 2 d old; 106.2 ± 17.3 kg of body weight) were assigned to LDPP or SDPP and RUP or control diet in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement until the onset of puberty. Relative to SDPP, LDPP increased prolactin secretion and promoted lean growth. Exposure to LDPP also enhanced body weight, withers height, and heart girth. Furthermore, RUP supplementation increased withers height and heart girth. There was a significant interaction between LDPP and RUP for hip height. Moreover, LDPP hastened the onset of puberty. In summary, D2O was a feasible method to estimate lean composition in heifers at younger ages; however, it failed to accurately estimate body composition in heifers around puberty. Long-day photoperiod hastened puberty and accelerated lean growth without limiting skeletal growth in dairy heifers.  相似文献   

Traditionally, high-forage, low-concentrate diets fed ad libitum have been the primary system of feeding dairy heifers. However, high-concentrate diets can be fed at restricted intakes to reach desired rates of gain and increase nutrient efficiency. A total mixed ration containing high corn silage (CS; HCS: 77% CS, 23% concentrate) or low CS (LCS: 67% concentrate, 33% CS) was fed at restricted intakes in 2 trials to evaluate nutrient utilization by growing heifers. In the first trial, 4 ruminally cannulated heifers (298 ± 16 kg of body weight) were fed to study differences in rumen pH, volatile fatty acid and ammonia concentrations, and mass of rumen contents. In situ determinations were made on the total mixed ration and CS. Low CS rations were digested more rapidly in situ when compared with HCS (4.5 vs. 2.3 ± 0.3%/h), and no differences were observed in CS digestibility when incubated in the rumen of heifers fed either ration. Mean rumen pH tended to be lower for LCS than for HCS (5.9 vs. 6.2 ± 0.1). Individual and total rumen volatile fatty acid concentrations and rumen ammonia concentration were not different between treatments. Total mass of rumen contents was lower for LCS. In the second trial, four 6-mo-old heifers (172 ± 14 kg of body weight) and four 12-mo-old heifers (337 ± 10 kg of body weight) were used. Digestibility of dry matter was greater for the LCS than the HCS diet in both age groups (76.3 vs. 71.1% for 12-mo-old heifers; 71.4 vs. 68.9% for 6-mo-old heifers). Apparent digestibility of N was not different between treatments; however, retained N was higher for the LCS diets for both age groups. Fecal output was significantly reduced in the LCS diets for both age groups. Feeding low-forage, high-concentrate diets to growing dairy heifers at restricted intakes, although more highly digestible, resulted in few significant differences in rumen fermentation patterns and lower fecal output.  相似文献   

Holstein dairy heifers were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments to determine whether a presynchronization strategy using GnRH would improve reproductive performance after synchronization of ovulation and timed artificial insemination (TAI). Heifers (n = 82) in the first treatment (GPG) received a hormonal protocol for synchronization of ovulation and TAI (100 μg of GnRH, d 0; 25 mg of PGF, d 6; 100 μg of GnRH + TAI, d 8); whereas heifers (n = 84) in the second treatment (GGPG) received GPG, but with the addition of a GnRH injection (100 μg) 7 d before initiation of the GPG protocol. The proportion of heifers receiving AI before d 8 was similar for GPG (4.9%) and GGPG (9.5%), and the proportion of heifers diagnosed pregnant 30 d after AI did not differ between treatments (45 vs. 51%, respectively). Treatment did not affect the proportion of heifers ovulating after the second GnRH injection or the proportion in which a corpus luteum regressed after treatment with PGF. In conclusion, presynchronization with GnRH 7 d before initiation of synchronization of ovulation using GnRH and PGF did not affect the proportion of heifers expressing estrus before TAI or improve synchronization response or fertility to the synchronization protocol.  相似文献   

To test the effect of chromium propionate on glucose utilization in growing dairy heifers, 0, 5, 10, or 15 mg of chromium/d were fed to 20 Holstein heifers of 11 to 14 mo of age, in a replicated Latin square. A 2-wk adaptation period was followed by 4 periods of 2 wk each with a 2-wk flush out period between treatments. Treatments were allotted to periods in a design balanced for potential carryover effects. Chromium propionate was fed in 0.25 kg/d of ground corn individually. After 14 d on each treatment, animals were fitted with an indwelling jugular catheter, and an intravenous glucose tolerance test was conducted the following morning. Body weights increased throughout the experiment, but weights and condition scores were unaffected by treatment. Chromium supplementation increased basal glucose and decreased basal insulin and nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) in serum in a dose-dependent, quadratic manner. Chromium increased glucose clearance rate as measured by half-life, time to nadir, and area under the curve. Over all periods, insulin concentrations tended to be lower in treated animals whereas clearance rates were unchanged. Serum NEFA levels were negatively correlated with glucose, such that treated animals with increased glucose had lower NEFA overall. There was an apparent long-term effect of chromium, because heifers in period 4 on the control diet had reduced insulin concentrations than those in the other control periods. Chromium propionate may increase glucose utilization in growing dairy heifers.  相似文献   

Sixty Holstein heifers, 124.5 +/- 1.1 d of age and 124.9 +/- 2.5 kg of BW, were used to evaluate the influence of dietary crude protein to metabolizable energy ratio (CP:ME) on feed efficiency, structural growth, and body condition score. Treatment rations containing a specific CP:ME ratio were assigned to heifers in a complete randomized block design with treatment periods lasting 20 wk. The CP:ME ratios were 48.3, 59.1, 67.5, and 76.5 g of CP per Mcal of ME. The CP:ME ratios were altered by adjusting the concentration of CP (12.0,15.2, 17.4, and 19.7% CP) with similar amounts of ME (2.6 Mcal/kg DM) across all treatment rations. BW was recorded weekly on two consecutive days and used to adjust dry matter intake to allow approximately 0.80 kg/d gain. Average daily gain did not differ between the treatment rations, 0.74, 0.81, 0.81, 0.77 kg/d, low to highest CP:ME ratio, respectively. Dry matter intake showed a quadratic effect for the treatment rations, 3.30, 3.41, 3.48, and 3.39 kg/d, low to highest CP:ME ratio, respectively, and averaged 2.0% BW. Feed efficiency improved linearly with increasing CP:ME ratios, 4.76, 4.42, 4.35, and 4.33, respectively. The increased CP:ME ratios were accompanied by increasing levels of plasma urea N, 9.88, 13.34, 14.94, and 16.57 mg/dl, respectively. A trend toward linear increases in wither and hip height growth resulted with increasing CP:ME. Hip width growth was quadratic with increasing CP:ME ratios. Observed linear effects in feed efficiency and some structural growth measurements demonstrate positive results when feeding CP:ME ratios >48.3 to Holstein heifers between 125 and 234 kg of BW and gaining 0.80 kg/d.  相似文献   

Four prepubertal Holstein heifers, average age 184 +/- 2.1 d and 169.1 +/- 15.8 kg of body weight, fitted with rumen cannulae were used to evaluate effects of altering the soluble CP and potentially rumen degradable protein fractions of diets containing 16% CP and 71.5% TDN. Parameters studied included rumen ammonia, volatile fatty acid production, N balance, total tract apparent digestibility, and urinary excretion of purine derivatives in a 4 x 4 Latin square design with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Heifers were fed treatment rations containing 62.1 +/- 0.8 g CP/Mcal ME at 2.0% BW with altered soluble CP fractions (AB1) (33.6 or 40.6% of CP) and potentially rumen degradable protein fractions (B2B3) (20.9 or 28.2% of CP). Increased intake of AB1 increased rumen ammonia and decreased total volatile fatty acid concentrations with molar proportions of isovalerate and isobutyrate decreased. Increased intake of B2B3 tended to increase volatile fatty acid concentrations, increased molar proportions of propionate, and decreased the acetate to propionate ratio. Nitrogen utilization was not affected by increased intake of AB1 or B2B3, although increased intake of AB1 tended to increase urine urea excretion. Increasing solubility (40.6 versus 33.6% AB1) of dietary CP when feeding a 16% CP and 71.5% TDN ration, decreased total volatile fatty acid concentrations and molar proportions of isovalerate and isobutyrate. Feeding 62.1 +/- 0.8 g CP/Mcal ME with increased potentially rumen degradable protein (28.2 versus 20.9% B2BS) at 2.0% BW affected rumen fermentation but did not affect DM digestibility or N utilization.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(3):2201-2214
The objective of this study was to determine growth, feed intake, and feed efficiency of postbred dairy heifers with different genomic residual feed intake (RFI) predicted as a lactating cow when offered diets differing in energy density. Postbred Holstein heifers (n = 128, ages 14–20 mo) were blocked by initial weight (high, medium-high, medium-low, and low) with 32 heifers per block. Each weight block was sorted by RFI (high or low) to obtain 2 pens of heifers with high and low genomically predicted RFI within each block (8 heifers per pen). Low RFI heifers were expected to have greater feed efficiency than high RFI heifers. Dietary treatments consisted of a higher energy control diet based on corn silage and alfalfa haylage [HE; 62.7% total digestible nutrients, 11.8% crude protein, and 45.6% neutral detergent fiber; dry matter (DM) basis], and a lower energy diet diluted with straw (LE; 57.0% total digestible nutrients, 11.7% crude protein, and 50.1% neutral detergent fiber; DM basis). Each pen within a block was randomly allocated a diet treatment to obtain a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement (2 RFI levels and 2 dietary energy levels). Diets were offered in a 120-d trial. Dry matter intake by heifers was affected by diet (11.0 vs. 10.0 kg/d for HE and LE, respectively) but not by RFI or the interaction of RFI and diet. Daily gain was affected by the interaction of RFI and diet, with low RFI heifers gaining more than high RFI heifers when fed LE (0.94 vs. 0.85 kg/d for low and high RFI, respectively), but no difference for RFI groups when fed HE (1.16 vs. 1.19 kg/d for low and high RFI, respectively). Respective feed efficiencies were improved for low RFI compared with high RFI heifers when fed LE (10.6 vs. 11.8 kg of feed DM/kg of gain), but no effect of RFI was found when fed HE (9.4 vs. 9.5 kg of DM/kg of gain for high and low RFI, respectively). No effect of RFI or diet on first-lactation performance through 150 DIM was observed. Based on these results, the feed efficiency of heifers having different genomic RFI may be dependent on diet energy level, whereby low RFI heifers utilized the LE diet more efficiently. The higher fiber straw (LE) diet controlled intake and maintained more desirable heifer weight gains. This suggests that selection for improved RFI in lactating cows may improve feed efficiency in growing heifers when fed to meet growth goals of 0.9 to 1.0 kg of gain/d.  相似文献   

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