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许红 《面粉通讯》2009,23(2):6-8
采用国内较先进的主机设备(磨粉机、清粉机和高方筛),配以特殊的磨粉机技术参数、精选流程、独特的磨、撞结合工艺,在投资很少的情况下进行工艺改造,基本可以达到全套引进粉厂的工艺效果,其中某些指标还优于引进厂。该技术主要适用于一般县级粉厂或大中型乡镇与民营粉厂的工艺改造,具有良好的推广前景。  相似文献   

手控磨粉机喂料闸门与磨辊离合轧联动设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据制粉工艺要求,提出对手动磨粉机喂料系统的改进措施,详细介绍该机构的结构、安装、调节等细节.对面粉厂家的设备改造和粮机厂的改进设计有一定参考作用.  相似文献   

从上世纪90年代从国外引进到国内消化吸收生产出国产八辊磨粉机的几年间,八辊磨粉机在制粉领域各个系统开始大量使用,甚至有的新粉厂设计为全八辊磨粉机制粉工艺生产线。经过几年的使用和观察,八辊磨粉机的使用效果并不理想,好多使用八辊磨粉机的厂家要么把下面四辊停用,要么更换成四辊磨粉机。近几年来八辊磨粉机逐渐淡出了人们的视线。  相似文献   

我厂一车间粉间改造的工艺特点及调试周洵(西安人民面粉厂)1基本情况1.1概况我厂一车间始建于1952年,次年投产,系我国解放初从美国艾利斯公司引进的五条生产线之一。曾先后多次更新改造,除磨粉机外,其他设备均已换成国产品,制粉仍是原来前路出粉法4B4M...  相似文献   

磨粉机是面粉厂中的三大主机之一,而其中的磨辊又是磨粉机的关键性工作部件,它所选用的技术参数恰当与否,关系到能否实现粉厂的有关工艺、经济指标.  相似文献   

小型粉厂(5~6部磨粉机)利用短粉路生产高精度面粉是粉厂技术人员一直探讨的课题,我们通过近几年对短粉路面粉厂进行工艺技术改造的实践.总结出了一套短粉路生产高精度粉的经验,现提出供同行技改参考.  相似文献   

在制粉工艺设计中,当生产规模和产品结构基本确定后,如何合理配置磨粉机,将直接影响粉路设计、工艺效果和经济效益.文章对选择磨粉机不同型号、数量的粉路进行分析对比,结合工作实践体会,指出设计中磨粉机模式化配置存在的问题和如何合理配置磨粉机以及提高工艺效果的建议.  相似文献   

近几年来,随着国民经济的迅速发展,为适应城乡人民生产、生活的需要,在湖北省范围内陆续新建、改造了一部分中小型等级粉厂。仅150吨/24小时小麦制粉设备即12台800型磨粉机的制粉厂有近10家,引进成套或部分单机设备的制粉厂其年生产能力也多达30余万吨.这些厂一般都具有较先进的设备,比较完善和先进的小麦清理和制粉生产工艺。这些厂的建成投产,对于推动湖北省制粉生产技术水平的提高,对满足城乡人民生产、生活的需要,还在起着也将继续起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

兴大面粉厂是一座小型风力提粉厂。为提升产品档次,提高产量,降低成本,增加效益,更好地参与市场竞争,决定对该厂刹克龙风力提粉进行技术改造。2002年初,我们和厂家一起,将该厂刹克龙风力提粉工艺,改造为利用高方筛分级制粉新工艺。根据原料质量、设备状况和产品要求,经过精心设计、施工安装和调试,顺利完成技改工作。投产半年多的实践说明,此次技改取得了较好的效果。 1 改造前的情况改造前,麦间清理工艺为:“三筛二打二去石一次着水润麦”干法清理工艺。粉间主要设备为6F1820型复式磨粉机5台,粉路4B3M刹克龙风力  相似文献   

从瑞士布勒引进的制粉生产线,存在产量未达设计能力、出粉率偏低、电耗较高、设备性能下降、面粉粉质过细的问题,通过调整输送风网、磨粉机快、慢辊转速和筛路,注意设备保养和操作,注重工艺测定和水调质管理,加强物料“同质合并”,改造了压运系统和配粉系统,很好地解决了存在的问题。  相似文献   

稻谷的生产和加工技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了我国稻谷生产领域的主要成就以及各种大米的生产加工技术,以指导大米的合理加工和消费.  相似文献   

详细阐述磨辊技术特性的内容、形成与调控、质量要求等,全面分析了磨辊技术特性与制粉工艺效果的关系.  相似文献   

面粉品质受原料小麦与加工工艺的影响.而原料小麦的品质首先决定于小麦品种的影响,其次与小麦的种植环境与栽培条件也有关系,市场反映的强筋不强、弱筋不弱就与此有关,下面就几个方面进行探讨.  相似文献   

针对碾米企业的未来发展趋势,从生产体系、原粮质量、企业管理、品牌建设、人才队伍等几个方面提出了对应措施。  相似文献   

依据木材铣削要素、材料性质、铣刀切削方向,稳定性和安全性几方面介绍了木工铣刀主要技术参数,角度参数、结构形式、回转方向、切削用量、运转稳定性和加工的安全性选用的原则和方法.  相似文献   

主要介绍了目前国外的最新的制粉技术和设备,提出了国内粮食机械设计和制造的方向。  相似文献   

文章介绍了用查表法计算铣削参数,使复杂的铣削计算变得简捷明快 ,具有实用意义 ,且便于掌握。  相似文献   

Microbiology of wheat and flour milling in Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A survey was undertaken to determine the microbiological status of Australian wheat and the distribution of microorganisms in the flour milling fractions and end products. A total of 650 milling process and end product samples was obtained from nine flour mills located in New South Wales (4), Queensland (2), Victoria (2) and Western Australia (1) during the 1997-1998 and 1998-1999 wheat seasons. Most frequent (modal) counts in wheat and flour were, respectively, as follows: aerobic mesophilic plate count, 10(5) and 10(2) colony forming units/gram (cfu/g); coliforms, 10 and 1 most probable number/gram (MPN/g); Bacillus spp., 10(4) and 10(2) cfu/g; B. cereus, 1 and 0.1 MPN/g; mesophilic aerobic spores, 10 and 1 cfu/g; aerobic thermophiles, both 10 cfu/g; yeasts, 10(3) and 10(2) cfu/g, and moulds, 10(3) and 10(2) cfu/g. Bacillus spp., coliforms, yeasts and moulds were the most frequently detected microorganisms throughout the survey. The most common moulds isolated were Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium and Eurotium spp. Environmental serovars of Salmonella were isolated from two samples. Escherichia coli and B. cereus were present at very low levels, a majority of positive samples being at the minimum level of detection (3 and 0.3 MPN/g, respectively). As wheat grain layers are separated, surface-adhering contaminants are concentrated in end product bran, wheat germ and pollard, which comprise the outer layers of the grain. Consequently, the inner endosperm fraction contains lower microbial counts, and flour is the cleanest end product of the milling process. Higher microbiological counts midstream in the milling process indicate that equipment contamination may contribute to microbiological contamination; however, the microbiological quality of incoming wheat has a strong influence on the ultimate quality of milling end products.  相似文献   

Total folate content in oat varieties from three harvesting years (2006-2008), and in oats milling fractions, was determined using microbiological assay. Furthermore, folate vitamer distribution in milling fractions were examined with the UPLC method, which was taken in use and validated. The total folate content of the cultivars varied moderately within each year. The average content in the 2008 samples was 685ng/gdm. The UPLC method proved fast and sensitive for determining seven folate monoglutamates in cereal samples. Folate content in fractions, which are normally discarded, such as flour from oat cutting and flaking, were 1.5- to 2.5-fold higher than in native grain. The main folate vitamers found in the oat fractions were 5-CH(3)-H(4)folate, 5-HCO-H(4)folate, and 5,10-CH(+)-H(4)folate. The UPLC results more closely matched the microbiological results compared to those that are usually achieved with HPLC methods. This study illustrates that oats and, especially, by-products of milling are good sources of folate.  相似文献   

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