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PURPOSE: To describe the electrographic and clinical features of nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) in the critically ill elderly and to identify potential predictors of outcome. METHODS: We prospectively identified 25 episodes of altered mentation and NCSE in 24 critically ill elderly patients associated with generalized, focal, or bihemispheric epileptiform EEG patterns. Patients with anoxic encephalopathy were excluded. RESULTS: Of 25 hospitalizations, 13 (52%) resulted in death, and 12 (48%) patients survived to discharge. Death was associated with the number of acute, life-threatening medical problems on presentation (survivors, 1.8; fatalities, 2.8; p = 0.013) and with generalized EEG pattern (p = 0.017). Higher doses or greater number of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) did not improve outcome. Treatment with intravenous benzodiazepines was associated with increased risk of death (p = 0.033). Ten patients with advance directives were managed outside the intensive care unit (ICU). Mean hospitalization was 39 days in the ICU group and 22 for those with advance directives (p = 0.017). CONCLUSIONS: Severity of illness correlates with mortality in critically ill elderly patients with NCSE. Treatment with intravenous benzodiazepines may increase their risk of death. Aggressive ICU management may prolong hospitalization at considerable cost, without improving outcome. It is unclear whether NCSE affects outcome in the critically ill elderly or is merely a marker for severity of disease in predisposed patients. The benefits of aggressive therapy are unclear. Carefully controlled, prospective trials will be necessary to determine the best therapies for NCSE in the critically ill elderly and the appropriate role of the ICU in their management.  相似文献   

J DePriest 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,102(3):245-6, 251-2, 258 passim
Oliguria is a common occurrence in the ICU setting. In patients with preserved renal function, fluid challenges or low doses of diuretics are generally successful. In patients with oliguric renal failure, it is still essential to ensure adequate intravascular fluid volume, especially in critically ill patients. Loop diuretics remain the mainstay of treatment. When diuretic resistance is encountered, physicians should consider further optimization of hemodynamics, alternative loop diuretics, and combined drug therapy. In some cases, continuous renal replacement therapy can be very effective. Yet, while these interventions can help reduce the morbidity of severe volume overload, they have not been shown to improve mortality rates.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure gastric emptying in critically ill patients using an acetaminophen absorption model and determine which variables are associated with impaired gastric emptying. DESIGN: A prospective, cohort study. SETTING: A medical/surgical ICU at a tertiary care hospital: Hamilton General Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario. PATIENTS AND PARTICIPANTS: We recruited 72 mechanically ventilated patients expected to remain in the ICU for more than 48 h. Our results were compared to those in healthy volunteers. INTERVENTION: Within 48 h of admission to the ICU, 1.6 g acetaminophen suspension were administered via a nasogastric tube into the stomach. Blood samples were drawn a t = 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min for measurement of plasma acetaminophen levels determined by the enzymatic degradation method. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Maximal concentration of acetaminophen was 94.1 (75.3) mumol/l compared to 208.4 (33.1) mumol/l in a control population (p < 0.0001). The time to reach the maximal concentration was 105 min (60-180) compared to 30 min (15-90) in controls (p < 0.0001). The area under the time-acetaminophen concentration curve t = 120 was 9301 (7343) mumol/min per l compared to 11644 (1336) mumol/min per l in the controls (p = 0.28). The variables associated with delayed gastric emptying were age, sex and use of opioids for analgesia and sedation. CONCLUSIONS: Gastric emptying is delayed in critically ill patients. The important consequences of this phenomenon include intolerance to enteral nutrition and gastric colonization. Strategies to minimize the use of narcotics may improve gastric emptying. Studies to examine the effect of gastrointestinal prokinetic agents on gastric emptying are needed.  相似文献   

This article reports on phenomenological research designed to discover how caring was taught in a nursing education program. The basic questions were: 1) What is the meaning of caring to the faculty and students; 2) How do the faculty communicate this meaning to the students; and 3) How does this meaning shape the experience of the students? Data were collected from a small associate degree nursing program using: a) semi-structured interviews with all faculty and a selected group of students, b) classroom observations, and c) review of documents. Data were analyzed for and found to have content explaining the meaning of caring, how caring was being taught, and what students were learning about caring as the essence of nursing. Implications derived speak to the need for faculty and administrators to have caring as a way of being if they wish to communicate caring as the essence of nursing to students.  相似文献   

Severe depletion of body protein stores can result from prolonged starvation or from hormonal and cytokine-mediated effects during critical illness. Recent advances in the understanding of cytokine actions have substantially refined the interpretation of the nutritional assessment of critically ill patients. In addition, the design of nutritional programs for hospitalized patients has changed considerably during the past decade. Although nutritional support of critically ill patients will not lead to positive nitrogen balance, nutrition can increase protein synthesis, enhance immune function, and beneficially modify the body's response to an illness.  相似文献   

Examined differences on 9 psychological measures among groups of 25 critically ill hospitalized patients, 25 noncritically ill hospitalized patients, and 25 normal well controls. The instruments used were the Purpose in Life Test, the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior test, and 2 listening measures on which eye-blink rates were recorded. 4 multivariate discriminate function analyses were performed to determine those variables that discriminated groups of Ss. The critically ill group expressed (a) more "purpose in life," (b) an increased need for affection and inclusion, (c) a decreased "wanted control" from others, and (d) an increased rate of eye blinks in response to disease-related material. The critically ill group appeared to be psychologically unique, since there was little difference between the results of the other 2 S groups. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that exogenous human growth hormone (HGH) exerts an anabolic effect on protein metabolism in surgical patients with mild or moderate catabolism. However, contradictory results have been demonstrated in polytrauma patients where HGH did not improve protein metabolism. Aim of this study was to evaluate whether the pharmacokinetics of recombinant biosynthetic human GH (r-HGH) are altered in critically ill patients. After an overnight fast, r-HGH was infused at a rate of 460 micrograms/h/kg/bw during 120 min to five intensive care unit (ICU) patients. The patients were catabolic (nitrogen balance -11 +/- 0.5), showed normal liver function, and only one patient had a slightly impaired kidney function (creatinine > 1.5 mg/dl). Endogenous GH secretion was suppressed by continuous infusion of 50 micrograms/m2/h somatostatin. From plasma GH curves, elimination half life (t1/2kle), whole body clearance (Cltot) and steady state distribution space (DS) were calculated in an open two compartment model. Additionally, the effects of r-HGH infusion on plasma insulin, glucagon and amino acid concentrations were evaluated. T1/2kle was 19.6 +/- 2.3 min, Cltot 2.9 +/- 0.4 ml/kg/bw/min and DS 76.4 +/- 3.8 ml/kg/bw for 90 min. The plasma levels of total amino acids including the branched chain amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine and of glutamine were significantly higher during r-HGH infusion than during the basal and somatostatin periods. In conclusion, the elimination of r-HGH in catabolic ICU patients is not different from that of healthy volunteers.  相似文献   

This prospective, open-label, clinical trial was conducted to describe the pharmacology of bumetanide in pediatric patients with edema. Nine infants, children, and young adults with edema who were selected for diuretic therapy were studied. After a brief baseline period, each patient received parenteral bumetanide 0.2 mg/kg divided into two equal doses and administered every 12 hours. Urine excretion rate, fractional and total excretion of Na+, Cl-, and K+, creatinine clearance, and plasma and urine concentrations of bumetanide were measured at multiple intervals after drug administration. Bumetanide caused significant increases in the excretion rate of urine and each measured electrolyte. Unexpectedly, creatinine clearance increased dramatically after each dose. Adverse effects, including hypokalemia and hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis, were evident by the end of the treatment period. The plasma pharmacokinetics of bumetanide revealed mean +/- standard deviation values for total clearance and apparent volume of distribution of 3.9 +/- 2.4 mL/min/kg and 0.74 +/- 0.54 L/kg, respectively. Patients excreted an average of 34% of each dose unchanged in the urine over 12 hours. Plasma concentrations of bumetanide accurately predicted several renal effects using a link model with similar pharmacodynamic parameters in each case. Parenteral bumetanide 0.1 mg/kg administered every 12 hours produced significant beneficial and adverse effects in these critically ill pediatric patients with edema. Pharmacokinetic parameters are similar to those previously reported for infants. Plasma concentrations of bumetanide can predict effect-compartment pharmacodynamics.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: a) To evaluate the predictive ability of different creatinine clearance methods as compared with the criterion standard, inulin clearance; and b) to determine which of the predictive methods yields the most accurate estimation of creatinine clearance. DESIGN: Prospective study. SETTING: Medical intensive care unit (ICU) of a university-affiliated tertiary care hospital. INTERVENTIONS: Glomerular filtration rate was measured by the criterion standard, inulin clearance. PATIENTS: Twenty mechanically ventilated adults. MEASUREMENTS: Renal function was assessed by the following procedures: inulin clearance using a standard protocol, 30-min creatinine clearance, 24-hr creatinine clearance, and creatinine clearance estimates by the Cockcroft-Gault equation. Ideal body weight, total body weight or lean body mass with actual serum creatinine or serum creatinine concentration corrected to 1 mg/dL (85 mumol/L) in cachectic patients were sequentially incorporated into the Cockcroft-Gault equation. RESULTS: The Cockcroft-Gault equation, using ideal body weight and the corrected serum creatinine concentration, was the best predictor of inulin clearance with the smallest bias (9.7 +/- 8.6, 95% confidence interval 5.7 to 13.8). The bias encountered with the 30-min creatinine clearance was not different from that value with the 24-hr creatinine clearance (21.6 +/- 33.0, 95% confidence interval 6.2 to 37.1 vs. 25.4 +/- 28.3, 95% confidence interval 11.8 to 42.9). Good correlations existed between inulin clearance and the Cockcroft-Gault equation, using ideal body weight and the corrected serum creatinine concentration (r2 = .81; p = .0001), as well as between inulin clearance and the Cockcroft-Gault equation, using the lower of ideal or total body weight and the higher of the actual serum creatinine concentration or corrected serum creatinine (r2 = .75; p = .0001). The 30-min creatinine clearance and the 24-hr creatinine clearance had poorer agreement with inulin clearance. The incorporation of a corrected serum creatinine value into the Cockcroft-Gault equation consistently led to better predictions and higher correlation coefficients. CONCLUSIONS: The utilization of the Cockcroft-Gault equation as used clinically (the lower of ideal or total body weight and the higher of actual serum creatinine or corrected serum creatinine concentration to 1 mg/dL [85 mumol/L]) results in more accurate predictions of glomerular filtration rate in the medical, critically ill patient than urine creatinine clearance measures. If creatinine clearance measures are used, the 30-min collection provided results not different from those results obtained with 24-hr urinary collections.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: Chronically critically ill (CCI) patients are primarily elderly people who have survived a life-threatening episode of sepsis but remain profoundly debilitated and ventilator dependent. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of bone hyperresorption and parathyroid hormone (PTH)-vitamin D axis abnormalities in these patients. DESIGN: Prevalence survey. SETTING: Respiratory care step-down unit (RCU) at a tertiary care teaching hospital. PATIENTS: Forty-nine ventilator-dependent CCI patients transferred from ICUs within the same institution. INTERVENTION: None. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: N-telopeptide (NTx) levels in 24-h urine collections and serum intact PTH, 25-vitamin D, and 1,25-vitamin D levels were measured within 48 h of RCU admission. Patients were hospitalized a median of 30 days before RCU admission. Four patients (9%) had normal NTx and PTH levels. Forty-five patients (92%) had elevated urine NTx levels consistent with bone hyperresorption. Nineteen patients (42% of total patients) had elevated PTH levels consistent with predominant vitamin D deficiency, 4 patients (9%) had suppressed PTH levels consistent with predominant hyperresorption from immobilization, and 22 patients (49%) had normal PTH levels consistent with an overlap of both vitamin D deficiency and immobilization. There were no differences in vitamin D metabolites among these groups. CONCLUSIONS: CCI patients have a high prevalence of bone hyperresorption in which PTH levels may clarify the cause. Further studies will determine the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of routine NTx and PTH screening in these patients and the role of vitamin D and antiresorptive therapies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare gastric tonometry (pHi) with estimates of pHi in ill injured patients, and to correlate pHi with haemodynamic variables. DESIGN: Prospective, non-interventional study. SETTING: ICU of Level I trauma centre, USA. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: 154 gastric tonometry measurements were compared with physicians' estimates of adequacy of resuscitation. Resuscitation was categorised as inadequate (pHi < 7.35) or adequate (pHi> or = 7.35). Measured and estimated pHi were also compared with oxygen delivery, oxygen consumption, cardiac index, mixed venous O2 saturation, and critical illness scores. RESULTS: Estimated pHi was often higher than measured pHi in the judgement of all four surgical intensive care physicians. Measured pHi correlated positively with mixed venous O2 tension (r = 0.21). There were significant negative correlations between measured pHi and both oxygen delivery (r = -0.25) and oxygen consumption (r = 0.28). Estimated pHi correlated positively with mean arterial pressure (r = 0.21) and hospital day (r = 0.26); it correlated negatively with pulmonary arterial elastance (r = -0.35). CONCLUSION: Experienced intensive care physicians tended to overestimate visceral perfusion, which suggests that gastric tonometry adds useful information over and above routine haemodynamic indices. Arterial blood pressure and mixed venous oxygen saturation correlated better with measured pHi than with other indices of perfusion.  相似文献   

We studied 201 critically ill patients during 267 courses of gentamicin (139 courses) or tobramycin (128 courses) therapy. Clinical and pharmacokinetic data were obtained on 240 of 267 courses (120 courses each of gentamicin and tobramycin). Two judgments of nephrotoxicity and its cause were made independently in this study, using a clinical and a pharmacokinetic definition of nephrotoxicity. The two sets of criteria were generally in good agreement, as all but 10 of 41 patients who were judged nephrotoxic by pharmacokinetic criteria were independently judged nephrotoxic by the clinical definition. Groups of patients judged nontoxic did not differ from groups judged nephrotoxic in age, sex, weight, initial creatinine clearance, total dose given, duration of treatment, initial aminoglycoside trough serum levels, number of dosage adjustments, concurrent use of furosemide, or concurrent cephalosporins. Prior aminoglycosides (usually gentamicin) had been used more frequently in the nontoxic group (P less than 0.05). Two major conclusions of this study are at variance with those of previous investigators; (i) we found no clinical parameters of value in predicting nephrotoxicity in critically ill patients; and (ii) aminoglycoside serum concentrations, once in the therapeutic range, were of limited value in prevention of aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity in our patients.  相似文献   

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