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利用计算流体力学软件(CFX),初步研究了严重事故下氢气在安伞壳空间内的流动特性,分析了不同产氢速率对安全壳内氢气分布的影响。结果表明:各种氢气释放速率情况下,氢气分布的基本趋势一致;不同的产氢速率对氢气分布的影响主要体现在氢气运动到安伞壳穹顶时所形成的涡旋小同,氢气释放速率低的序列,氢气容易滞留在穹顶,然后向下慢慢扩散,分布较均匀;氢气释放速率高的序列的氢气运动方向性强,容易向下空间运动,分布的区域集中些,分层现象明显。 相似文献
针对反应堆安全壳或厂房局部空间内氢气爆炸过程,利用Fortran 90语言开发了氢气爆炸数值分析程序。采用单步反应模拟氢气与空气的化学反应,采用5阶精度的WENO求解对流项,时间步进采用3阶精度的龙格-库塔方法,对局部二维空间内氢气/空气/水蒸气预混气的爆炸过程进行了数值模拟。采用开发的程序计算了两种典型的激波管问题以验证程序的准确性,并用该程序分析了带隔间的沸水反应堆厂房局部空间内的氢气爆炸过程。计算结果表明:爆炸过程中最大的压力峰值来源于冲击波与反射波之间的碰撞,最大的冲击波压力和温度高达7.5 MPa和3 245 K。由此可得,安全壳内的氢气爆炸过程可能会威胁到安全壳的完整性,导致放射性物质释放。 相似文献
安全壳内氢气积聚和不凝性气体存在时的蒸汽冷凝是核电厂严重事故时所重点关注的现象,通常采用氦气替代氢气开展相关实验研究.针对使用氦气替代氢气开展实验研究的相似性问题,基于氢气与氦气等体积流量、等浮力以及等浓度分布相似三种方法使用GASFLOW模拟分析了含圆盘障碍物的封闭空间内氦气与氢气的分布特征.采用三种相似方法能够使得... 相似文献
基于蒸汽/氢气混合喷放下安全壳大空间内氢气分层行为的主导机制——惯性力、粘性力及浮升力间的相互作用,通过理论建模与实验拟合的方法,得到了预测氢气分布特性的半经验关系式,通过与环境中喷入中等蒸汽浓度及高蒸汽浓度实验数据的比较,验证了该模型的合理性,可为后期耦合安全壳内蒸汽冷凝行为影响下的氢气分布理论模型的开发提供辅助支撑;同时,通过将其应用于CAP1400缩比安全壳模型中典型氢气行为的研究发现,在容器轴向位置可能形成轻质气体积聚区、浓度梯度区及滞止区,该结果与国际基准实验(ISP47)的相关发现一致。 相似文献
严重事故下安全壳内氢气浓度场分布 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
利用计算流体力学程序FLuENT和GASFLOW,采用不同的湍流模型,研究了核电站严重事故下氢气在安全壳内的传输与混合过程.计算结果表明,FLUENT中的RNG k-ε模型能够较好的模拟氢气的质量扩散,动量扩散和湍流脉动特征;FLUENT中的标准k-ε模型和GASFLOW中的k-ε模型能得到工程上可以接受的计算结果;而GASFLOW中代数模型未能较好地模拟氢气的质量扩散和动量扩散,氢气的浓度场分布与其他模型的计算结果存在较大的差别.同时,本文对混合气体中的水蒸汽浓度和气体的质量流速对安全壳内氢气浓度分布的影响进行了初步研究.研究表明,破口气体的密度和流速是影响氢气浓度场的重要因素;混合气体密度越小、流速越大,则有更大的浮力和初始动量作用于气体.湍流模型的选择和对浮力驱动的湍流射流的模拟是影响严重事故下氢气在安全壳内的分布模拟结果的重要因素. 相似文献
研究严重事故下安全壳内氢气分布有利于评估氢气风险。本文采用三维CFD方法对THAI装置HM2试验进行建模,并分别使用代数模型和k-ε模型模拟氢气分层形成以及破坏过程。分析结果表明,CFD模拟结果与实验数据基本符合,在模拟中可观察到氢气分层现象的形成以及水蒸气对氢气分层的逐步破坏与混合过程;在氢气注射阶段,代数模型和k-ε模型的模拟结果接近,能够反映氢气浓度分层的形成过程;在水蒸气注射阶段,代数模型基于半经验的混合长度理论,在模拟装置较复杂几何结构内水蒸气流动对氢气分层的破坏作用时并不十分理想,标准k-ε模型对装置各测点氢气浓度达到一致的时间预测与试验结果较为接近。 相似文献
堆顶固定屏蔽在中国实验快堆(CEFR)中承担着重要功能,对其进行充分冷却极其重要。本文采用CFD方法对该设备的冷却系统进行了三维数值研究,详细分析了该冷却系统的流动特性和水力学设计,并对设计中的不足提出了优化建议。研究表明,该冷却系统基本可满足要求,但部分环节需要优化。将调节阀尽量均匀布置可改善水平风道流场分布;入口处设置两道通风孔可提高竖直风道内空气流动的均匀性;调节阀开度应适当增加以进一步满足流量分配需求。该研究可为CEFR运行安全和类似冷却系统的设计提供参考。 相似文献
利用计算流体力学程序FLUENT和GASFLOW,采用不同的湍流模型,研究了核电站严重事故下氢气在安全壳内的传输与混合过程。计算结果表明,FLUENT中的RNGk-ε模型能够较好的模拟氢气的质量扩散,动量扩散和湍流脉动特征;FLUENT中的标准k-ε模型和GASFLOW中的k-ε模型能得到工程上可以接受的计算结果;而GASFLOW中代数模型未能较好地模拟氢气的质量扩散和动量扩散,氢气的浓度场分布与其他模型的计算结果存在较大的差别。同时,本文对混合气体中的水蒸汽浓度和气体的质量流速对安全壳内氢气浓度分布的影响进行了初步研究。研究表明,破口气体的密度和流速是影响氢气浓度场的重要因素;混合气体密度越小、流速越大,则有更大的浮力和初始动量作用于气体。湍流模型的选择和对浮力驱动的湍流射流的模拟是影响严重事故下氢气在安全壳内的分布模拟结果的重要因素。 相似文献
Space probes exploring the deep space need a noticeable amount of electricity for powering their instrumentation (5–8 kWe). The solar battery, however, is not able to afford this because of the extended distance between the probe and the sun. Furthermore, the radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) may be extraordinarily sizable for this purpose. On the contrary, installation of nuclear reactor on the probes seems to be promising for the reasons such as its small mass, stability, and its high power density. Especially, the deep-space sample return mission has an essential demand for a nuclear reactor typically with the following specifications: 10-year reactor employment time, total system mass less than 500 kg, and electricity output more than 8 kWe. High power density is the key to realize these requirements. The thermal electricity conversion efficiency of a space reactor increases in accordance with the rise of the core temperature. Thus, in the present study, we propose a use of the molten-salt fuel considering that this type of fuel can achieve high core temperature over 1000 K. In addition to the space reactor for the space exploration, autonomic reactor control is extremely desirable because real-time control from the earth is difficult because of the long time lag of mutual communication. The molten-salt space reactor proposed in the present paper satisfies all the above essential demands primarily owing to the high-temperature operation availability. In addition, we concluded that the automatic reactor start-up in its orbit is feasible by virtue of introduction of novel reactivity-control devices proposed by Kambe (Kambe, Sato, Tsunoda. Space Nuclear Conference; 2007 June 24–28; Boston, MA. p. 36–45). 相似文献
轻水堆严重事故及可能的缓解措施 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
现有概率安全评价指出,常规轻水堆的堆芯熔化频率及安全壳失效,放射性大量释放的频率都是是很低的。但这些风险对于下一代先进轻水堆说是不能忽力听,近年来西方对下一代先进轻水堆的安全目标作了更高的要求,即在严重事故的条件下,仍然能保证安全壳的完整性,而无需采取应急措施,这就要求对严重事故现象可有足够的认识,以便对严重事故设置相应的缓解措施,本文简述了严重事故的物理现象,机理及可能的缓解策略,综述了这方面的 相似文献
In this study, a numerical analysis code (DETAC, Detonation Analysis Code) for hydrogen detonation during the reactor severe accident was developed using Fortran 90 language, and the simulation was performed for the hydrogen detonation. A global-chemistry model was adopted to simulate the chemical reaction. The Euler equations were solved using third-order Runge-Kutta method with fifth-order weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme handling the convection flux. Afterward, the hydrodynamics solver was verified by comparison of predicted results and exact solutions of four cases of shock tube problems. A hydrogen detonation in a pipe was simulated to verify this code by comparing the results with the classical C-J theory. Furthermore, this code was applied to the hydrogen detonation analysis in the compartment of BWR building. Two cases with different ignition locations were analyzed in this paper and the maximum pressure of these cases were 7.5 MPa and 8.0 MPa, respectively. The pressure and the temperature during detonation were affected by the ignition location. The results indicated that the possibility of reactor building destruction exists if the hydrogen detonation occurs. 相似文献
文章介绍了先进小型轻水堆发展历史和基本特点;提出了在我国开展先进小型轻水反应堆研究和应用的建议和策略。先进小型压水堆主要面对非主干网电力系统,可以比较经济和高效地替代中小型火电机组,因此可以作为节能减排的重要补充手段。先进小型轻水反应堆在安全性和经济陛上的特点扩大了核能在新兴工业国家和发展中国家的市场,可以成为我国核电设备出口的重要组成部分。 相似文献
目前对于能源需求形式出现了许多新的要求,这样便产生了许多新型反应堆来满足其要求,这些反应堆也越来越多地受到人们的重视.本文综述了水下新型堆﹑空间堆和激光堆的性能和特点.这些新型堆为我国的航空航天﹑水下等特殊条件下的能源供给提供了相适应的选择. 相似文献
为满足未来空间探测活动的大功率用电及轻质量载荷需求,以美国、俄罗斯空间气冷反应堆方案为基础,提出一个亚MW级空间气冷堆堆芯初步设计方案,并使用蒙特卡罗程序对该方案进行堆芯物理计算与分析,给出几种典型工况下的堆芯反应性以及中子分布特征。计算结果表明,该设计方案可满足反应堆的安全性要求,能实现紧急停堆,并可保证在堆芯被水淹没等设计基准事故条件下维持反应堆次临界,确保反应堆安全。此外,通过在堆芯局部燃料棒中添加热中子吸收材料,对堆芯径向功率分布进行优化,以展平径向功率分布。 相似文献
Masao Chaki Tetsushi Hino Masayoshi Matsuura Koki Hibi Hiroki Takimoto 《Progress in Nuclear Energy》2008,50(2-6):185-191
A new small reactor concept called the Package-Reactor has been jointly developed by Hitachi, Ltd. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. The reactor technology was based on that of conventional LWRs. The reactor core consists of 12 cassettes containing fuel rods with a similar design to that of PWR fuel rods. Cassettes are placed in air at atmospheric pressure. Tube-type control clusters placed outside the pressure boundary are used as the core shutdown system. Natural circulation with two-phase flow is employed for the core cooling system and no re-circulation pumps are required. With these concepts the Package-Reactor eliminates any active components that operate in high pressure regions of the reactor and its capital costs can be reduced. The feasibility of reactivity control by using moderator void feedback and burnable poisons was studied to reduce operational and maintenance costs. It was found that a continuous operation of more than 5 years without any operations to control reactivity would be feasible with a UO2 fuel enrichment of 5.0 wt%, which is the upper limit for UO2 fuel enrichment under the current regulations in Japan. In addition, we researched the core reflectors' characteristics of the Package-Reactor. 相似文献
David Shropshire 《Progress in Nuclear Energy》2011,53(4):299-307
Future plans for energy production in the European Union as well as other locations call for a high penetration of renewable technologies (20% by 2020, and higher after 2020). The remaining energy requirements will be met by fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Smaller, less-capital intensive nuclear reactors are emerging as an alternative to fossil fuel and large nuclear systems. Approximately 50 small (<300 MWe) to medium-sized (<700 MWe) reactors (SMRs) concepts are being pursued for use in electricity and cogeneration (combined heat and power) markets. However, many of the SMRs are at the early design stage and full data needed for economic analysis or market assessment is not yet available. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop “target cost” estimates for reactors deployed in a range of competitive market situations (electricity prices ranging from 45-150 €/MWh). Parametric analysis was used to develop a cost breakdown for reactors that can compete against future natural gas and coal (with/without carbon capture) and large nuclear systems. Sensitivity analysis was performed to understand the impacts on competitiveness from key cost variables. This study suggests that SMRs may effectively compete in future electricity markets if their capital costs are controlled, favorable financing is obtained, and reactor capacity factors match those of current light water reactors. This methodology can be extended to cogeneration markets supporting a range of process heat applications. 相似文献
本文采用集总参数法,在先进非能动压水堆核电厂严重事故一体化分析模型基础上,考虑先进压水堆非能动安全特性以及严重事故下采取熔融物堆内滞留(IVR)措施等特性对氢气风险的影响,开展了典型严重事故下安全壳内氢气风险分析。分别选取了冷段双端剪切断裂大破口、冷段大破口叠加IRWST重力注水有效以及ADS-4误启动三个典型大破口失水事故序列,对事故进程中的氧化温度、产氢速率以及产氢质量等特性进行了研究。选取产氢量最大的冷段大破口叠加IRWST重力注水有效事故序列,分析了氢气点火器系统的消氢效果。结果表明,堆芯再淹没过程产生大量氢气,采用点火器可有效去除安全壳内的氢气,从而降低氢气燃爆风险。 相似文献