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开源蒙特卡罗程序OpenMC(OpenMonte Carlo code)只提供源代码而没有执行码,在编译OpenMC的过程中发现不同版本的辅助程序与之存在兼容性问题。本文通过分析OpenMPI、Mpich及HDF5各版本辅助程序,对0.6.2版本OpenMC源代码的支持情况进行研究,为正确编译OpenMC执行码给出了直接参考。为进一步验证OpenMC执行码计算临界问题的正确性,选择国际临界安全基准评价实验手册(The International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project,ICSBEP)中的96道代表性例题进行基准校验,与通用蒙特卡罗程序的计算结果进行对比并以实验值作为参考。结果表明,OpenMC计算值与实验值及其他程序计算值吻合较好,验证了OpenMC临界计算的可行性和正确性,上述结论将为程序以后的实际应用及完善奠定基础。 相似文献
BEAVRS基准题是麻省理工学院计算反应堆物理小组2013年公布的压水堆三维全堆芯高保真计算基准题。本文使用传统两步法程序系统CASMO-4E/SIMULATE-3对其进行建模与跟踪计算。结果表明:在热态零功率(HZP)工况下,径向探测器反应率最大相对误差为-18.8%,与蒙特卡罗程序MC21程序的-16.1%相当;在燃耗深度为38.7 MW·d/tHM、堆芯功率为20.3%FP时,径向探测器反应率最大相对误差为-12.9%;在堆芯第1循环内,堆芯各燃耗点处临界硼浓度与测量值误差在40ppm以内,满足工程精度要求。 相似文献
针对最新发布的BEAVRS2.0基准题,采用多群二维输运理论进行燃耗计算,得到离散工况下少群常数并进行截面拟合处理,将先进节块法应用于求解中子扩散方程,建立三维堆芯节块程序SimOR仿真计算模型;选取不同运行工况进行组件均匀化计算、堆芯临界计算,并建立堆芯临界燃耗分析模型,并与BEAVRS2.0基准测量解、nTRACER等程序参考解比对,其计算结果吻合很好,验证了仿真模型建立的正确性与程序计算的精准性,可以广泛应用于核电仿真计算研究,同时为压水堆燃料管理燃料组件计算、堆芯扩散-燃耗计算提供数据依据及方案参考。 相似文献
瞬发中子基波衰减常数α可定量描述反应堆内中子随时间的变化,是计算绝对反应性所需的中子动力学参数之一,对次临界(特别是较深次临界)绝对反应性的精确测量具有重要意义。本文在开源程序OpenMC基础上,基于k α迭代方法,以中子径迹长度上的平均时间吸收权重修正作为k α迭代参数因子,在输运过程中对瞬发、缓发中子分别考虑,开发了具有瞬发α本征值问题计算功能的OpenMC PA模块。以Godiva衍生基准题和MUSE 4次临界实验装置为计算对象,对程序计算瞬发α本征值问题能力进行验证。结果表明,该计算模块有优于MCNP4C的计算速度与计算范围,计算值与参考值的相对误差小于05%。OpenMC PA能满足次临界系统瞬发α本征值和中子动力学参数计算需求。 相似文献
基于组件计算的燃耗实验基准题建模分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
组件计算在堆芯核设计中占有重要地位。组件程序的燃耗计算精度对核反应堆堆芯的功率分布、换料寿期及反应性控制设计方面具有重要意义。为了评估用于堆芯燃耗计算的多群常数库的准确性,本文运用DRAGON计算程序建立了燃耗实验计算模型,采用SFCOMPO-2.0燃耗实验基准题提供的乏燃料样品燃耗历史参数及最终核素组分信息,对Takahama-3反应堆、H.B. Robinson-2反应堆及Beznau-1反应堆系列样品进行了建模计算,并将计算结果与SFCOMPO-2.0数据库中的基准实验结果进行了对比和分析。结果表明:多数核素的模拟结果与基准值符合良好,误差在10%以内。同时本文对理论计算值与基准实验值存在差异较大的几种核素进行了相应讨论,并对样品计算结果进行了对比分析。 相似文献
核数据不确定性分析影响着反应堆安全,在反应堆堆芯物理计算过程中具有重要意义。利用SCALE6.1程序包中KENO模块建立反应堆模拟评估和验证基准BEAVRS(Benchmark for Evaluation and Validation of Reactor Simulations)第一循环热态零功率堆芯物理模型,采用TSUNAMI-3D模块开展keff的敏感性与不确定性分析,分析了不同燃料富集度、不同温度对keff敏感性与不确定性的影响。结果表明:核数据不确定性导致BEAVRS模型的keff总的不确定性为0.501 6%;235U的平均裂变中子数敏感性导致keff的敏感性系数最大(0.926 58);对keff不确定性贡献最大的是238U(n,γ)反应截面,为0.298 14%;在燃料富集度降低、温度上升时,238U(n,γ)反应截面不确定性会导致keff的不确定性增大。因此,在开展反应堆... 相似文献
数值反应堆是基于大规模并行计算平台,利用先进的物理模型和数值模拟算法,采用精细化建模,从而精确模拟反应堆在正常运行与事故工况中发生的各类物理现象的模拟技术。西安交通大学NECP团队基于自研的多群和连续能量数据库,提出了全局 局部耦合输运计算方法、大规模并行的2D/1D耦合输运方法等,开发了基于确定论方法的数值反应堆物理程序NECP X,并在此基础上实现了物理 热工 燃料性能分析的多物理耦合模拟计算。基于该程序及其耦合系统,在商用大型压水堆、研究堆和实验堆中进行了验证应用。数值结果表明,NECP X程序及其耦合系统可准确预测反应堆在运行过程中的关键安全参数随时间的演变情况,如有效增殖因数、功率、温度、应力、间隙宽度等,可为商用大型压水堆、研究堆和研究堆的设计及安全分析提供可靠的工具。 相似文献
特征线方法在应用于全堆芯三维输运计算时面临着计算时间长、内存需求量大的问题,而大规模并行是最有效的解决办法。传统的并行策略是进行空间的区域分解,但当问题的几何规模较小时,其并行度有限,无法充分利用并行资源。本文在高保真物理计算程序NECP-X空间区域分解的基础上研究了角度和特征线的三重并行计算。为实现角度并行的负载平衡,采用了考虑权重的贪婪算法角度并行策略;为节省内存,在共享内存的并行模式下采用动态调度的分配方案实现特征线并行。数值结果表明,NECP-X中的角度和特征线并行效率较高,可在空间区域分解并行的基础上进一步扩大并行规模,提高计算速度。 相似文献
《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2007,34(1-2):22-27
This paper shows a comparison between the results obtained with the HELIOS code and other similar codes used in the international community, with respect to the transmutation of actinides. To do this, the international benchmark: “Calculations of Different Transmutation Concepts” of the Nuclear Energy Agency is analyzed. In this benchmark, two types of cells are analyzed: a small cell corresponding to a standard pressurized water reactor (PWR), and a wide cell corresponding to a highly moderated PWR. Two types of discharge burnup are considered: 33 GWd/tHM and 50 GWd/tHM. The following results are analyzed: the neutron multiplication factor as a function of burnup, the atomic density of the principal actinide isotopes, the radioactivity of selected actinides at reactor shutdown and cooling times from 7 until 50,000 years, the void reactivity and the Doppler reactivity. The results are compared with the following codes: KAPROS/KARBUS (FZK, Germany), SRAC95 (JAERI, Japan), TRIFON (ITTEP, Russian Federation) and WIMS (IPPE, Russian Federation). For the neutron multiplication factor, the results obtained with HELIOS show a difference of around 1% δk/k. For the isotopic concentrations: 241Pu, 242Pu, and 242mAm, the results of all the institutions present a difference that increases at higher burnup; for the case of 237Np, the results of FZK diverges from the other results as the burnup increases. Regarding the activity, the difference of the results is acceptable, except for the case of 241Pu. For the Doppler coefficient, the results are acceptable, except for the cells with high moderation. In the case of the void coefficient, the difference of the results increases at higher void fractions, being the highest at 95%. In summary, for the PWR benchmark, the results obtained with HELIOS agree reasonably well within the limits of the multiple plutonium recycling established by the NEA working party on plutonium fuels and innovative fuel cycles (WPPR). 相似文献
A method is described how a quantitative measure can be obtained for the accuracy of numerical methods for the solution of neutron transport problems in an arbitrary homogeneous multidimensional medium. An expansion for the combining coefficients of singular eigenfunctions is developed that yields exact elementary plane-wave solutions that can be evaluated very accurately in terms of exponential integral functions. Linear combinations of these solutions are automatically generated which approximate, in the least squares sense, a user specified incident flux distribution on the boundary of a multidimensional benchmark cell domain. The generated solution is exact for a new benchmark problem which has incident flux given precisely by the generated solution. The quantitative error analysis method has been implemented in the code BEAPAC-3T and is illustrated by application to the TWOTRAN-II code for a square domain problem. 相似文献
A. Benuzzi 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》1987,100(2)
The CONT benchmark calculation exercise is a project sponsored by the Containment Loading and Response Group, a subgroup of the Safety Working Group of the Fast Reactor Coordinating Committee — CEC. A full-size typical pool-type LMFBR undergoing a postulated Core Disruptive Accident (CDA) has been defined by Belgonucleaire-Brussels under a study contract financed by the CEC and has been submitted to seven containment code calculations. The results of these calculations are presented and discussed in this paper. 相似文献