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The classical adherens junction that holds epithelial cells together consists of a protein complex in which members of the cadherin family linked to various catenins are the principal components. delta-catenin is a mammalian brain protein in the Armadillo repeat superfamily with sequence similarity to the adherens junction protein p120(ctn). We found that delta-catenin can be immunoprecipitated as a complex with other components of the adherens junction, including cadherin and beta-catenin, from transfected cells and brain. The interaction with cadherin involves direct contact within the highly conserved juxtamembrane region of the COOH terminus, where p120(ctn) also binds. In developing mouse brain, staining with delta-catenin antibodies is prominent towards the apical boundary of the neuroepithelial cells in the ventricular zone. When transfected into Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells delta-catenin colocalized with cadherin, p120(ctn), and beta-catenin. The Arm domain alone was sufficient for achieving localization and coimmunoprecipitation with cadherin. The ectopic expression of delta-catenin in MDCK cells altered their morphology, induced the elaboration of lamellipodia, interfered with monolayer formation, and increased scattering in response to hepatocyte growth factor treatment. We propose that delta-catenin can regulate adhesion molecules to implement the organization of large cellular arrays necessary for tissue morphogenesis.  相似文献   

We have identified the cmp44E gene which encodes a putative multi-pass transmembrane protein that is conserved from yeast to humans. The expression of cmp44E during embryogenesis is ubiquitous with notably higher levels in the CNS and brain. It is also expressed in the germline during the germarial stages as well as several later stages of oogenesis. Utilizing a P-element insertion at the 5' end of cmp44E we have isolated several deletions, created by imprecise excision events which eliminate most or all of its coding region. Analysis of these deficiencies has revealed that cmp44E is an essential gene required for embryogenesis. Results obtained from germline clone analysis indicate that cmp44E is not only required in the germline slem cells early in oogenesis, but is also required in other tissues probably due to it being required for cell viability. Finally, using germline transformation, we have identified a minimal genomic fragment capable of fully rescuing a null allele of cmp44E.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Stimuli that stress cells, including inflammatory cytokines, ultra-violet irradiation, DNA-damaging chemotherapeutic drugs and heat shock, stimulate a recently identified cytoplasmic signaling system that is structurally related to the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. This pathway consists of a cascade of protein kinases including stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK), also termed Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), and two kinases that activate it, MEKK and SEK/MKK4. Despite rapid progress in delineating the components of this pathway, the cellular consequence of its activation remains to be defined. RESULTS: We have screened cells for defects in SAPK signaling and identified a cell line, previously characterized for its thermotolerance properties, as being more refractive to SAPK activation induced by heat stress than its thermosensitive parental line. Stable expression of dominant inhibiting SEK mutants in thermosensitive parental cells specifically and effectively blocked SAPK activation after heat shock. These lines also became markedly resistant to the cytocidal effects of thermal stress, confirming the phenotype of the thermotolerant line. These cell lines defective in SAPK activation were also resistant to the lethal effects of the DNA-damaging drug cis-platinum. CONCLUSIONS: Experimentally induced stable blockade of SAPK activation in cells with normal thermosensitivity is sufficient to confer resistance to cell death induced by diverse stimuli including heat and the chemotherapeutic agent cis-platinum. These results suggest that activation of the SAPK pathway by diverse cell stressors plays a critical part in mediating the toxicity of these treatments and inducing cell death. SAPK activation in this context could broadly influence cellular response to stress, modulate apoptosis during development or determine the clinical response of tumor cells to cytotoxic therapies.  相似文献   

P1 lysogens of Escherichia coli carry the prophage as a stable low copy number plasmid. The frequency with which viable cells cured of prophage are produced is about 10(-5) per cell per generation. Here we show that a significant part of this remarkable stability can be attributed to a plasmid-encoded mechanism that causes death of cells that have lost P1. In other words, the lysogenic cells appear to be addicted to the presence of the prophage. The plasmid withdrawal response depends on a gene named doc (death on curing), encoding a 126 amino acid protein. Expression of doc is not SOS-inducing and killing by Doc is recA-independent. In cells that retain P1 the killing is prevented by the product of a gene named phd (prevent host death), encoding a 73 amino acid protein. The genes phd and doc have been cloned and expressed from a 0.7 kb segment of P1 DNA. The two genes constitute an operon and the synthesis of Doc appears to be translationally coupled to that of Phd. Homologs of the P1 addiction genes are found elsewhere, but phd and doc are unrelated to previously described genes of other plasmids that also cause an apparent increase in plasmid stability by post-segregational killing.  相似文献   

1. House dust mite (HDM) allergens with cysteine and serine proteinase activity are risk factors for allergic sensitization and asthma. A simple method to fractionate proteinase activity from HDM faecal pellets into cysteine and serine class activity is described. 2. Both proteinase fractions increased the permeability of epithelial cell monolayers. The effects of the serine proteinase fraction were inhibited by 4-(2-aminoethyl)-benzenesulphonyl fluoride hydrochloride (AEBSF) and soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI). The effects of the cysteine proteinase fraction could be inhibited by E-64. No reciprocity of action was found. 3. Treatment of epithelial monolayers with either proteinase fraction caused breakdown of tight junctions (TJs). AEBSF inhibited TJ breakdown caused by the serine proteinase fraction, whereas E-64 inhibited the cysteine proteinase fraction. 4. Agarose gel electrophoresis revealed that the proteinases induced DNA cleavage which was inhibited by the matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor BB-250. Compound E-64 inhibited DNA fragmentation caused by the cysteine proteinase fraction, but was without effect on the serine proteinase fraction. Staining of proteinase-treated cells with annexin V (AV) and propidium iodide (PI) revealed a diversity of cellular responses. Some cells stained only with AV indicating early apoptosis, whilst others were dead and stained with both AV and PI. 5. HDM proteinases exert profound effects on epithelial cells which will promote allergic sensitization; namely disruption of intercellular adhesion, increased paracellular permeability and initiation of cell death. Attenuation of these actions by proteinase inhibitors leads to the conclusion that compounds designed to be selective for the HDM enzymes may represent a novel therapy for asthma.  相似文献   

In plants, morphogenesis is largely determined by the orientation and extent of cell enlargement. To define the molecular mechanisms regulating plant cell enlargement, we have conducted a molecular genetic analysis of the ROOT HAIR DEFECTIVE3 (RHD3) gene of Arabidopsis thaliana. Mutations affecting the RHD3 gene were found to alter cell size, but not cell number, in tissues throughout the plant. Genetic and physiological analyses suggest that the RHD3 gene is not required for proper cell type specification, and it is likely to act downstream of the hormones auxin and ethylene. The RHD3 gene was cloned by a T-DNA tagging method and confirmed by the molecular complementation of the rhd3 mutant phenotype and by the analyses of six rhd3 mutant alleles. Consistent with the global effects of the rhd3 mutations, the RHD3 gene is expressed in all major plant organs. The deduced RHD3 product is a novel 89-kD polypeptide with putative GTP-binding motifs near the amino terminus. RHD3-like genes were identified from a protozoan (Entamoeba histolytica), a fungus (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), and another plant species (Oryza sativa), with the sequence identity including the putative GTP-binding motifs. These results imply that the RHD3 protein is a member of a new class of GTP-binding proteins that is widespread in eukaryotes and required for regulated cell enlargement.  相似文献   

Aspergillus nidulans reproduces asexually via uninucleate, haploid spores, which are produced on morphologically differentiated aerial structures, called conidiophores. These consist of four distinct cell types, a foot with a terminally swollen stalk, metulae, phialides and conidiospores. The molecular mechanisms underlying the morphological changes that occur during conidiophore development have been studied by mutant analysis. We have isolated the hym A mutant, in which conidiophore development is affected at the metula stage. In the mutant metulae do not differentiate properly but come to resemble hyphae (hym = hypha-like metulae). In this paper we have analyzed the corresponding gene. It encodes a highly expressed 44 kDa protein which resides in the cytoplasm and has homologues in yeast, plants, fly, worm, fish, mice and man. We constructed hym deletion strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and of A. nidulans and found that the gene is essential in S. cerevisiae but is dispensable in the filamentous fungus. A cellular function for the Hym protein has not yet been defined in any organism. To demonstrate functional conservation we constructed a chimeric protein comprised of the N-terminal half of the A. nidulans and the C-terminal half of the mouse homologue MO25. This hybrid protein could fully substitute for HymA function in A. nidulans. In addition, the mouse protein itself partially rescued the hym A mutation in the fungus. HymA is thus highly conserved in evolution and probably serves similar functions. The fact that hym A is required for conidiophore development in A. nidulans suggests that homologous genes in other organisms might also be involved in morphogenesis.  相似文献   

We describe a novel synaptic vesicle protein called SVOP that is distantly related to the synaptic vesicle proteins SV2A, SV2B, and SV2C (20-22% sequence identity). Both SVOP and SV2 contain 12 transmembrane regions. However, SV2 is highly glycosylated, whereas SVOP is not. Databank searches revealed that closely related homologs of SVOP are present in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila (48% sequence identity), suggesting that SVOP is evolutionarily ancient. In contrast, no invertebrate orthologs of SV2 were detected. The sequences of SVOP and SV2 exhibit homology with transport proteins, in particular with mammalian organic cation and anion transporters. SVOP and SV2 are more distantly related to eukaryotic and bacterial phosphate, sugar, and organic acid transporters. SVOP is expressed at detectable levels only in brain and endocrine cells where it is primarily localized to synaptic vesicles and microvesicles. SVOP is present in all brain regions, with particularly high levels in large pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex. Immunocytochemical staining of adjacent rat brain sections for SVOP and SV2 demonstrated that SVOP and SV2 are probably coexpressed in most neurons. Although the functions of SV2 and SVOP remain obscure, the evolutionary conservation of SVOP, its hydrophobic nature, and its homology to transporters strongly support a role in the uptake of a novel, as yet unidentified component of synaptic vesicles. Thus synaptic vesicles contain two classes of abundant proteins with 12 transmembrane regions that are related to transporters, nonglycosylated SVOP and highly glycosylated SV2, suggesting that the transport functions of synaptic vesicles may be more complex than currently envisioned.  相似文献   

To assess the maternal and neonatal risk associated with high-order cesarean sections, a case-control study was carried out in two university affiliated maternity wards. The outcome of 154 pregnancies of women undergoing cesarean section for the 4th time or more was compared with 148 women sectioned for the 2nd or 3rd time and 132 women of similar age and parity after spontaneous birth. The main outcome measures were maternal operative and postoperative morbidity and neonatal prematurity and its complications, Apgar scores, and the need for intensive care. Women undergoing multiple (> or = 4) cesarean sections had significantly more intra-abdominal adhesions (P < 0.0001) than women sectioned for the 2nd or 3rd time. However, the time interval from incision to delivery and the total duration of operation were similar. The postoperative course was not adversely affected by multiple cesarean sections. A high incidence (16.2%) of preterm cesarean deliveries was noted in the study group. This was due to non-elective repeat cesarean delivery rather than to poor timing of scheduled cesarean sections. The significantly increased (P < 0.05) need for neonatal intensive care was explained by the higher occurrence of prematurity. Low Apgar scores (< or = 7) at 1 and 5 min were significantly (P < 0.01) related to multiple cesarean sections, even after controlling for the effect of gestational age. We conclude that multiple cesarean sections pose little risk for the mother, but may be associated with increased neonatal risk, attributed mainly to preterm non-elective cesarean sections.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroid hormones trigger the programmed cell death (PCD) of a segmental subset of accessory planta retractor (APR) motoneurons at pupation in the moth, Manduca sexta. APRs from abdominal segment four [APR (4)s] survive through the pupal stage, whereas homologous APR(6)s die 24-48 h after pupal ecdysis (PE) (the shedding of the larval cuticle), in response to the prepupal peak of ecdysteroids. Following retrograde labeling with the vital fluorescent dye, DiI, the morphology of APR(4)s and APR(6)s in vivo was examined at PE and 24-48 h later. During this period, APR(4) somata remained large and ovoid while APR(6)s somata became shrunken and rounded. Similar phenotypes were observed when DiI-labeled APRs were cultured at PE and examined 24 h to 1 week later. During initial shrinkage and rounding of APR(6)s, the plasma membrane remained intact but DNA condensation occurred and mitochondrial activity was lost. The requirements for ecdysteroids and new protein synthesis for APR(6) death were tested by culturing cells with ecdysteroids and cycloheximide (CHX). When cultured at PE, the death of APR(6)s was independent of further exposure to ecdysteroids and could not be blocked by CHX. In contrast, APR(6)s cultured 24 h earlier required additional exposure to ecdysteroids to die and their death was inhibited by CHX. Thus, the final 24 h of larval life represents an important transition period in the commitment of APR(6)s to undergo PCD, and is of interest for pursuing underlying mechanisms of steroid-induced PCD.  相似文献   

Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin (IL)-3, and IL-5 stimulate DNA synthesis and proliferation and inhibit apoptosis in hematopoietic cells. Multiple signal pathways are activated by binding of these ligands to their receptors, which share a common beta subunit. Janus protein kinase 2 (Jak2) binds to the membrane proximal domain of the beta chain and is phosphorylated on receptor ligation. To explore the role of Jak2 in the regulation of specific signal transduction pathways, we constructed fusion proteins with a CD16 external domain, a CD7 transmembrane region, and a Jak2 cytoplasmic domain. This cytoplasmic domain consisted either of wild type Jak2 (CD16/Jak2-W) or Jak2 mutations with deletions of (a) the amino terminus (CD16/Jak2-N), (b) kinase-like domain (CD16/Jak2-B), (c) kinase domain (CD16/Jak2-C), or (d) amino-terminal and kinase-like domains, leaving the kinase domain (CD16/Jak-K) intact. In contrast to the CD16/Jak2-W fusion protein, which requires cross-linking for activation, CD16/Jak2-N, CD16/Jak2-B, and CD16/Jak2-K were constitutively phosphorylated, and they stimulated Shc phosphorylation and increased binding of STAT to DNA in Ba/F3 cells. Cell lines derived from IL-3-dependent Ba/F3 cells stably transfected with CD16/Jak2-W, CD16/Jak2-N, or CD16/Jak2-B mammalian expression vectors died at a rate similar to that of the parental cells on IL-3 deprivation. In contrast, CD16/Jak2-K cell lines exhibited increased expression of bcl-2 and pim-1 mRNA and maintained their viability when compared with control cell lines. Thus, activation of tyrosine phosphorylation by creating a CD16/Jak2-K fusion is sufficient to activate pathways that prevent cell death.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosomal proteins are highly conserved across widely divergent species, suggesting that strong functional constraints prevent divergence of important amino acid motifs. Using this as a basis, an evolutionary approach could be used to identify putative functional motifs. We obtained the DNA sequence of the ribosomal protein L18 from the evolutionary divergent protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma brucei. Analysis of this sequence showed that it had 46% and 43% identity with the human and yeast sequences, respectively, and 30% of amino acid residues were identical across all the species analysed. Using these data, amino acids essential to the structure and function of ribosomal protein L18 can be inferred and could provide valuable information for molecular modelling and mutational studies.  相似文献   

Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis is a gram-negative human mucosal pathogen, which primarily causes otitis media in young children. However, this bacterium is also a common cause of lower respiratory tract infections in adults with underlying lung disease. Our previous data have shown that M. catarrhalis expresses iron-repressible outer membrane proteins in response to iron limitation. We have extended these observations to demonstrate that one of these proteins, termed outer membrane protein (OMP) B1, binds human transferrin. Using a newly developed monoclonal antibody to OMP B1, we determined that this protein is conserved in the iron-stressed outer membranes of all clinical isolates of M. catarrhalis tested to date. Furthermore, our data have confirmed that children infected with M. catarrhalis have immunoglobulin G antibodies to OMP B1 in their convalescent sera. These current data suggest that OMP B1 is immunogenic and expressed in vivo and may be involved in an iron uptake mechanism utilized by M. catarrhalis.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses based on protein sequence data indicated that sterol 14-demethylase P450 (CYP51) and bacterial CYP51-like protein were joined into a distinctive evolutionary cluster, CYP51 cluster, within the CYP protein superfamily. The most probable branch topology of the CYP51 phylogenetic tree was (bacteria, (plants, (fungi, mammals))), which is comparable to the phylogeny of major kingdoms of living matter, suggesting that CYP51 has been conserved from the era of prokaryotic evolution. This may be strong evidence supporting the prokaryotic origin of P450. Structure of flanking regions and the number and insertion sites of introns are quite different between mammalian and fungal CYP51s. This fact indicates that different mechanisms are operative in evolution of protein sequences and gene structures. CYP51 is the first example violating the well-documented rule that the basic structure of a gene, including intron insertion sites, is well conserved in each P450 family. One CYP51 processed a pseudogene was found in rat genome. Nonsynonymous nucleotide divergence observed between the pseudogene and CYP51 cDNA was less than one-fifth of the synonymous divergence. This unusually low rate of nonsynonymous nucleotide changes in the pseudogene suggests that it may be derived from another CYP51, which might have been active for a significant duration in the past.  相似文献   

The gene encoding human IAP-like protein (hILP) is one of several mammalian genes with sequence homology to the baculovirus inhibitor-of-apoptosis protein (iap) genes. Here we show that hILP can block apoptosis induced by a variety of extracellular stimuli, including UV light, chemotoxic drugs, and activation of the tumor necrosis factor and Fas receptors. hILP also protected against cell death induced by members of the caspase family, cysteine proteases which are thought to be the principal effectors of apoptosis. hILP and Bcl-xL were compared for their ability to affect several steps in the apoptotic pathway. Redistribution of cytochrome c from mitochondria, an early event in apoptosis, was not blocked by overexpression of hILP but was inhibited by Bcl-xL. In contrast, hILP, but not Bcl-xL, inhibited apoptosis induced by microinjection of cytochrome c. These data suggest that while Bcl-xL may control mitochondrial integrity, hILP can function downstream of mitochondrial events to inhibit apoptosis.  相似文献   

Signal transduction through the T cell receptor for antigen, the TcR/CD3 complex, involves phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in the CD3-zeta chain. Since both CD3-epsilon and the zeta chain contain a tyrosine-based signaling motif, we examine phosphorylation of CD3-epsilon in human T cells. Engagement of the TcR/CD3 complex induced tyrosine phosphorylation of CD3-epsilon in vivo. Induction of CD3-epsilon phosphorylation followed similar kinetics to that of the zeta chain phosphorylation. In contrast to zeta, CD3-epsilon phosphorylation was strictly dependent upon cell surface expression of this member of the TcR/CD3 complex. Chemical and proteolytic cleavage combined with peptide-specific Western blotting established that CD3-epsilon phosphorylation occurred in the two tyrosine residues located in the signal transduction motif in the C-terminal portion of the molecule. Taken together, these data indicated that phosphorylation of CD3-epsilon by tyrosine protein kinases may serve to couple the TcR/CD3 complex to other effector molecules in the signaling cascade.  相似文献   

CART1, a novel human gene, encodes a putative protein exhibiting three main structural domains: first, a cysteine-rich domain located at the amino-terminal part of the protein, which corresponds to an unusual RING finger motif; second, an original cysteine-rich domain located at the core of the protein and constituted by three repeats of an HC3HC3 consensus motif that we designated the CART motif, and which might interact with nucleic acid; third, the carboxyl-terminal part of the CART1 protein corresponds to a TRAF domain known to be involved in protein-protein interactions. Similar association of RING, CART, and TRAF domain was observed in the human CD40-binding protein and in the mouse tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2), both involved in signal transduction mediated by the TNF receptor family and in the developmentally regulated Dictyostelium discoideum DG17 protein. CART1 is specifically expressed by epithelial cells in breast carcinomas and metastases. Moreover, in these malignant cells, the CART1 protein is localized in the nucleus. Altogether, these observations indicate that CART1 may be involved in TNF-related cytokine signal transduction in breast carcinoma.  相似文献   

A novel fucosyltransferase (cFTase) activity has been enriched over 10(6)-fold from the cytosolic compartment of Dictyostelium based on transfer of [3H]fucose from GDP-[3H]fucose to Galbeta1,3 GlcNAc beta-paranitrophenyl (paranitrophenyl-lacto-N-bioside or pNP-LNB). The activity behaved as a single component during purification over DEAE-, phenyl-, Reactive Blue-4-, GDP-adipate-, GDP-hexanolamine-, and Superdex gel filtration resins. The purified activity possessed an apparent Mr of 95 X 10(3), was Mg2+-dependent with a neutral pH optimum, and exhibited a Km for GDP-fucose of 0.34 microM, a Km for pNP-LNB of 0.6 mM, and a Vmax for pN-P-LNB of 620 nmol/min/mg protein. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of the Superdex elution profile identified a polypeptide with an apparent Mr of 85 X 10(3), which coeluted with the cFTase activity and could be specifically photolabeled with the donor substrate inhibitor GDP-hexanolaminyl-azido-125I-salicylate. Based on substrate analogue studies, exoglycosidase digestions, and co-chromatography with fucosylated standards, the product of the reaction with pNP-LNB was Fucalpha1, 2Galbeta1,3GIcNAcbeta-pNP. The cFTase preferred substrates with a Galbeta1,3linkage, and thus its acceptor substrate specificity resembles the human Secretor-type alpha1,2- FTase. Afucosyl isoforms of the FP21 glycoprotein, GP21-I and GP21-II, were purified from the cytosol of a Dictyostelium mutant and found to be substrates for the cFTase, which exhibited an apparent K(m) of 0.21 microM and an apparent V(max) of 460 nmol/min/mg protein toward GP21-II. The highly purified cFTase was inhibited by the reaction products Fucalpha1,2Galbeta1,3GlcNAcbeta-pNP and FP21-II. FP21-I and recombinant FP21 were not inhibitory, suggesting that acceptor substrate specificity is based primarily on carbohydrate recognition. A cytosolic location for this step of FP21 glycosylation is implied by the isolation of the cFTase from the cytosolic fraction, its high affinity for its substrates, and its failure to be detected in crude membrane preparations.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is known to induce cell death in a wide variety of cell types, apparently by modulating intracellular signaling pathways. In this study, we have examined the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades in relation to oxidant-induced cell death in an oligodendrocyte cell line, central glia-4 (CG4). Exposure of CG4 cells to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) resulted in an increased tyrosine phosphorylation of several protein species, including the abundantly expressed platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor and the activation of the three MAPK subgroups, i.e., extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), p38 MAPK, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Dose-response studies showed differential sensitivities of PDGF receptor phosphorylation (>1 mM) and ERK/p38 MAPK (>0.5 mM) and JNK (>0.1 mM) activation by H2O2. The activation of ERK was inhibited by PD98059, a specific inhibitor of the upstream kinase, MAPK or ERK kinase (MEK). H2O2 also activated MAPK-activated protein kinase-2, and this activation was blocked by SB203580, a specific inhibitor of p38 MAPK. The oxidant-induced cell death was indicated by morphological changes, decreased 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide reduction, and DNA fragmentation. These effects were suppressed dose-dependently by the MEK inhibitor PD98059. The results demonstrate that H2O2 induces the activation of multiple MAPKs in oligodendrocyte progenitors and that the activation of ERK is associated with oxidant-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

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