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We study an object-oriented data model that allows to express both uniqueness constraints and inclusion dependencies as semantic constraints. The data model is based on a subset of F-logic. Uniqueness constraints comprise path functional dependencies which generalise functional dependencies and reflect the navigational power of object-oriented query languages. As inclusion dependencies, we consider explicit class inclusion constraints, besides inclusions required by class hierarchies, and onto constraints that enforce reachability of objects. For these classes of semantic constraints we present an axiomatisation and prove its inference rules to be correct and complete with respect to general logical implication, leaving the decision problem open. The completeness proof combines the known construction for path functional dependencies alone with a possibly infinite model generation process to enforce onto constraints. The results prepare the grounds for normal forms in object-oriented data models and subsequently for computer aided object-oriented database design, following the decomposition approach for the relational data model. Beyond the application for schema design, the achievements could also be exploited for related tasks like semantic query optimisation and mediated data integration within a variety of graph based data models. Received: 11 October 2000 / 27 January 2003  相似文献   

In database design, integrity constraints are used to express database semantics. They specify the way by that the elements of a database are associated to each other. The implication problem asks whether a given set of constraints entails further constraints. In this paper, we study the finite implication problem for cardinality constraints. Our main result is a complete characterization of closed sets of cardinality constraints. Similar results are obtained for constraint sets containing cardinality constraints, but also key and functional dependencies. Moreover, we construct Armstrong databases for these constraint sets, which are of special interest for example-based deduction in database design.  相似文献   

When data sources are virtually integrated, there is no common and centralized method to maintain global consistency, so inconsistencies with regard to global integrity constraints are very likely to occur. In this paper, we consider the problem of defining and computing consistent query answers when queries are posed to virtual XML data integration systems, which are specified following the local-as-view approach. We propose a powerful XML constraint model to define global constraints, which can express keys and functional dependencies, and which also extends the newly introduced conditional functional dependencies to XML. We provide an approach to defining XML views, which supports not only edge-path mappings but also data-value bindings to express the join operator. We give formal definitions of repair and consistent query answers with the XML data integration settings. Given a query on the global system, we present a two-step method to compute consistent query answers. First, the given query is transformed using the global constraints, such that to run the transformed query on the original global system will generate exactly the consistent query answers. Because the global instance is not materialized, the query on the global instance is then rewritten in the form of queries on the underlying data sources by reversing rules in view definitions. We illustrate that the XPath query transformations can be implemented in XQuery. Finally, we implement prototypes of our method and evaluate our algorithms in the experiments.  相似文献   

Object databases have been recognized as providing rich data modeling capabilities for the next-generation applications, especially CAD/CAM, software engineering, and multimedia. The core object model consisting of objects, messages and inheritance, however, is not adequate to tackle all the requirements of these applications. Since collaborative activity is one of the key features of next-generation applications, it is essential that the basic object model be extended to support collaborative activity. We propose an object model for collaborative designing based on objects and constraint meta-objects. Each design object has an associated constraint space consisting of one or more constraint meta-objects. The object/constraint meta-object separation achieves a clear distinction between design object and its associated design environment and provides a framework for supporting collaboration among members of a design team. Collaboration is modeled as dependencies among multiple constraint spaces on different nodes, and collaborative activity as design transactions satisfying local constraints and propagating constraints among interrelated constraint spaces. We propose language extensions to C++ for capturing the object/constraint meta-object paradigm. The extensions are implemented using filters, a special mechanism for capturing messages sent to an object. Our model has been applied to the case of a mechanical CAD problem  相似文献   

In this paper we study queries over relational databases with integrity constraints (ICs). The main problem we analyze is OWA query answering, i.e., query answering over a database with ICs under open-world assumption. The kinds of ICs that we consider are inclusion dependencies and functional dependencies, in particular key dependencies; the query languages we consider are conjunctive queries and unions of conjunctive queries. We present results about the decidability of OWA query answering under ICs. In particular, we study OWA query answering both over finite databases and over unrestricted databases, and identify the cases in which such a problem is finitely controllable, i.e., when OWA query answering over finite databases coincides with OWA query answering over unrestricted databases. Moreover, we are able to easily turn the above results into new results about implication of ICs and query containment under ICs, due to the deep relationship between OWA query answering and these two classical problems in database theory. In particular, we close two long-standing open problems in query containment, since we prove finite controllability of containment of conjunctive queries both under arbitrary inclusion dependencies and under key and foreign key dependencies. The results of our investigation are very relevant in many research areas which have recently dealt with databases under an incomplete information assumption: e.g., data integration, data exchange, view-based information access, ontology-based information systems, and peer data management systems.  相似文献   

The authors address the issue of reasoning with two classes of commonly used semantic integrity constraints in database and knowledge-base systems: implication constraints and referential constraints. They first consider a central problem in this respect, the IRC-refuting problem, which is to decide whether a conjunctive query always produces an empty relation on (finite) database instances satisfying a given set of implication and referential constraints. Since the general problem is undecidable, they only consider acyclic referential constraints. Under this assumption, they prove that the IRC-refuting problem is decidable, and give a novel necessary and sufficient condition for it. Under the same assumption, they also study several other problems encountered in semantic query optimization, such as the semantics-based query containment problem, redundant join problem, and redundant selection-condition problem, and show that they are polynomially equivalent or reducible to the IRC-refuting problem. Moreover, they give results on reducing the complexity for some special cases of the IRC-refuting problem  相似文献   

In a multidatabase system that consists of object databases, the same real-world entity can be stored as objects in different databases with incompatible object identifiers. How to identify and integrate these objects representing the same entities such that (a) object duplication in the query result can be avoided, (b) information for the entity can be gathered, and (c) the specialization of multiple classes can be built is an important issue to provide a well structured global object schema and a more informative query result. In this paper, we extend our results on probabilistic query processing and joining relations on incompatible keys to solve the problem. Various data and schema conflicts such as missing data, inconsistent data and domain mismatch which may exist in classes from different databases are considered in the process of identification.Recommended by: Amit Sheth  相似文献   

A design process for an object-oriented database design environment, known as constraint analysis, is presented. Given the increased level of semantics associated with an object-oriented database schema, constraint analysis makes use of semantics expressed as database constraints to support the flexible specification of propagation actions for operations on objects. Constraints are formally represented using Horn logic. The constraint analysis process then reasons about constraints at design time to help the designer understand the effects of constraints on object manipulation, identifying possible constraint violations as well as design alternatives for handling violations. An advantage of constraint analysis is that both inherent and explicit schema constraints are included in the analysis process. A formal representation is given that supports the analysis of constraints and the automatic identification of design alternatives for responding to constraint violations  相似文献   

ThingLab is a constraint-oriented, interactive graphical system for building simulations. A typical problem in ThingLab (and in systems like it) is that, to define an object with a new kind of constraint, the user must leave the graphical domain and write code in the underlying implementation language. This makes it difficult for less experienced users to add new kinds of constraints or to modify existing ones. As a step toward solving this problem, the system described here allows the graphical definition of objects that include new kinds of constraints. This is supported by an interface in which a user can open two views on an object being defined, a use view and a construction view. The use view shows the object's normal appearance; the construction view contains additional objects and constraints, which serve to graphically specify the new constraints on the defined object.  相似文献   

We present a technique for transferring query optimization techniques, developed for relational databases, into object databases. We demonstrate this technique for ODMG database schemas defined in ODL and object queries expressed in OQL. The object schema is represented using a logical representation (Datalog). Semantic knowledge about the object data model, e.g., class hierarchy information, relationship between objects, etc., as well as semantic knowledge about a particular schema and application domain are expressed as integrity constraints. An OQL object query is represented as a logic query and query optimization is performed in the Datalog representation. We obtain equivalent (optimized) logic queries, and subsequently obtain equivalent (optimized) OQL queries for each equivalent logic query. We present one optimization technique for semantic query optimization (SQO) based on the residue technique of U. Charavarthy et al. (1990; 1986; 1988). We show that our technique generalizes previous research on SQO for object databases. We handle a large class of OQL queries, including queries with constructors and methods. We demonstrate how SQO can be used to eliminate queries which contain contradictions and simplify queries, e.g., by eliminating joins, or by reducing the access scope for evaluating a query to some specific subclass(es). We also demonstrate how the definition of a method or integrity constraints describing the method, can be used in optimizing a query with a method  相似文献   

We propose a method based on geometrical tools to map problems onto regular and synchronous processor arrays. The problems we consider are defined by systems of affine recurrence equations (SARE). From such a problem specification we extract the data dependencies in terms of two classes of vectors: the utilization vectors and the dependence vectors. We use these vectors to express constraints on the timing or the allocation functions. We differentiate two classes of constraints. The causal ones are intrinsic timing constraints induced by the system of equations defining the problem. A given choice of target architecture may impose new constraints on the timing or the allocation. We call them the architecture-related constraints. We use these constraints to determine first an affine timing function and next an allocation by projection. We finally illustrate the method with three examples: the matrix multiplication, the recursive convolution and the LLt Cholesky factorization.  相似文献   

区间约束及其代数查询语言   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
提出了区间约束和基于区间约束的代数查询语言。区间约束与密序约束相经,增加了简单的加减运算,具有更强的描述能力,同时区间约束元组有简洁,唯一的规范区间表示,文中给出了计算区间约束的规范区间表示的算法,针对区间约束关系,定义了基本代数操作的语法及语义,研究了代数查询语言,并证明代数约束查询语言满足封闭性,最后讨论了区间约束的实现与应用。  相似文献   

A view in object oriented databases corresponds to virtual schema with restructured generalization and decomposition hierarchies,Numbers of view creation methodologies have been proposed.A major drawback of existing methodologies is that they do not maintain the closure property.That is,the result of a query does not have the same semantics as embodied in the object oriented data model.Teherefore,this paper presents a view creation methodology that derives a class in response to a user‘s query,integrates derived class in global schema (i.e., considers the problem of classes moving in class hierarchy)and selects the required classes from global schema to create the view for user‘s query.Novel idea of view creation includes:(a) an object algebra for class derivation and customization(where the derived classes in terms of object instances and procedure/methods are studied),(b)maintenance of closure property,and (c)classification algorithm which provides mechanism to deal with the problem of a class moving in a class hierarchy.  相似文献   

A minimal framework for an object-oriented query language standard should (1) include a formal definition of a high-level data model and the syntax and semantics of associated query languages, (2) provide the functionality of relational query languages, and (3) support proofs of correctness of transformations for logical query optimization. In this paper, a high-level conceptual model for object-oriented query processing is discussed; the model includes widely-used structural abstractions such as the isa relationship, associations (properties) between complex objects and complex objects/values, and inheritance of properties. A formal, algebraic query language for the model, inspired by relational algebra, is presented. Operators of the algebra allow queries based on values, queries that manipulate entire objects, and queries that construct new objects from existing objects/values. All queries retain connections to existing database objects, providing logical access paths to data. Each query result is a class, so the algebra has the closure property. The intensional and extensional results of query operators are summarized. Two forms of logical query optimization supported by the query algebra are outlined: algebraic transformations and classifier-based optimizations (optimizations which employ inclusion and exclusion dependencies between classes).  相似文献   

Several object-oriented database management systems have been implemented without an accompanying theoretical foundation for constraint, query specification, and processing. The pattern-based object calculus presented in this article provides such a theoretical foundation for describing and processing objectoriented databases. We view an object-oriented database as a network of interrelated classes (i.e., the intension) and a collection of time-varying object association patterns (i.e., the extension). The object calculus is based on first-order logic. It provides the formalism for interpreting precisely and uniformly the semantics of queries and integrity constraints in object-oriented databases. The power of the object calculus is shown in four aspects. First, associations among objects are expressed explicitly in an object-oriented database. Second, the nonassociation operator is included in the object calculus. Third, set-oriented operations can be performed on both homogeneous and heterogeneous object association patterns. Fourth, our approach does not assume a specific form of database schema. A proposed formalism is also applied to the design of high-level object-oriented query and constraint languages.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of a novel strongly typed deductive object database language, called Rule-based Object Language, which is being developed at the University of Regina. Rule-based Object Language is a uniform language for defining, querying, and manipulating a database, which integrates important features of deductive databases and object databases. It supports object identity, complex objects, classes, class hierarchies, multiple inheritance with overriding and blocking, and schema definition. It also supports structured values such as functor objects and sets, treating them as first class citizens and providing powerful mechanisms for representing both partial and complete information about sets. Important integrity constraints such as domain, referential, functional dependency, multi-valued dependency, and cardinality are built-in in a uniform framework. Rule-based Object Language directly supports non-first normal form relations and is an extension of the pure valued-oriented deductive languages such as Datalog and LDL (without grouping) and subsumes them as special cases. It supports schema, object, fact and rule queries in a uniform framework. It also supports schema, fact and rule updates.  相似文献   

XML强多值依赖的推理规则集问题是解决不完全信息环境下XML数据依赖蕴涵问题的基础,是不完全信息环境下XML模式设计理论的关键问题之一。提出了XML Schema、符合XML Schema的不完全XML文档树等概念;基于子树信息等价和子树信息相容的概念提出了XML强多值依赖的定义及性质;给出了相应的推理规则集,并对其正确性和完备性进行了证明。研究成果为不完全信息环境下存在XSMVD的XML Schema设计奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Recently, two relaxed notions of equivalence of schema mappings have been introduced, which provide more potential of optimizing schema mappings than logical equivalence: data exchange (DE) equivalence and conjunctive query (CQ) equivalence. In this work, we systematically investigate these notions of equivalence for mappings consisting of s-t tgds and target egds and/or target tgds. We prove that both CQ- and DE-equivalence are undecidable and so are some important optimization tasks (like detecting if some dependency is redundant). However, we also identify an important difference between the two notions of equivalence: CQ-equivalence remains undecidable even if the schema mappings consist of s-t tgds and target dependencies in the form of key dependencies only. In contrast, DE-equivalence is decidable for schema mappings with s-t tgds and target dependencies in the form of functional and inclusion dependencies with terminating chase property.  相似文献   

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