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The addition of dicarboxylic acids to polyurethane adhesives, to improve their adhesion to vulcanized synthetic rubbers, may cause the degradation over time of the adhesives. To avoid the degradation of polyurethane adhesives, this study proposes a surface treatment on vulcanized synthetic rubbers with carboxylic acid solutions instead of adding them to the adhesives. In all the styrene-butadiene rubbers studied, a great improvement in adhesion to polyurethane adhesives has been obtained. The nature of the solvent used to disperse the fumaric acid over the surface, as well as the nature of the rubber, determined the effectiveness of the surface treatment. The use of fumaric acid solutions provided optimum results when the surface of the rubber was slightly roughened. The increase in the adhesion properties of styrene-butadiene rubbers, treated with fumaric acid, has been attributed to an increase in the degree of the surface roughness and to an enhancement in the surface energy (due to the elimination of abhesive substances on the surface of the rubber and to the formation of C-O groups by surface oxidation). The effectiveness of the surface treatment on rubbers with fumaric acid in the adhesion of styrene-butadiene rubbers has been compared with those produced by other common treatments, such as halogenation and roughening. In general, T-peel strengths obtained in the rubbers treated with fumaric acid were similar to those obtained through halogenation and were always higher than those obtained through roughening. Therefore, surface treatment of styrene-butadiene rubbers with fumaric acid can be considered as an alternative method to chemical treatments currently used, especially in the footwear industry.  相似文献   

In this paper two kinds of weak boundary layers (WBL) in synthetic vulcanized styrene-butadiene rubber are described.

i) WBL produced by the presence of antiadhesion compounds of the rubber formulation (zinc stearate, microcrystalline paraffin wax). These WBL cannot be effectively removed by solvent wiping, whether followed by washing with an ethanol/water mix or not. Although this treatment allowed a significant removal of zinc stearate, the paraffin wax concentration on the surface was not greatly reduced, thus, poor adhesion of rubber was obtained. Chlorination with small amounts of ethyl acetate (EA) solutions of trichloro isocyanuric acid (0.5-5 wt% TCI/EA) and/or an extended halogenation treatment increased the adhesion strength and effectively eliminated the zinc stearate from the rubber surface. If an additional heat treatment (50°C/24h) of the chlorinated rubber was also carried out, the WBL was more effectively eliminated and the resulting adhesion was independent of the amount of chlorination agent applied to the rubber surface. Furthermore, this heat treatment favoured the elimination of WBL in the untreated rubber and also contributed to the removal of WBL produced by an excess of halogenation agent.

ii) WBL created by an excess of chlorination agent applied to the rubber surface. The excess of chlorination agent produced lack of adhesion in the rubber because there was significant damage of the rubber surface and a non-rubber surface layer was formed (mainly due to oxidized, chlorinating agent residues and cyanuric acid), which contributed to the formation of WBL. To avoid the creation of WBL, a postchlorination treatment of rubber with a solution of 25 wt% ethanol in water followed by a vacuum-drying process produced excellent results. The effectiveness of this treatment relied on combining an adequate degree of chlorination with no external surface deterioration of the rubber by the excess of chlorination agent.  相似文献   

In this paper two kinds of weak boundary layers (WBL) in synthetic vulcanized styrene-butadiene rubber are described.

i) WBL produced by the presence of antiadhesion compounds of the rubber formulation (zinc stearate, microcrystalline paraffin wax). These WBL cannot be effectively removed by solvent wiping, whether followed by washing with an ethanol/water mix or not. Although this treatment allowed a significant removal of zinc stearate, the paraffin wax concentration on the surface was not greatly reduced, thus, poor adhesion of rubber was obtained. Chlorination with small amounts of ethyl acetate (EA) solutions of trichloro isocyanuric acid (0.5–5 wt% TCI/EA) and/or an extended halogenation treatment increased the adhesion strength and effectively eliminated the zinc stearate from the rubber surface. If an additional heat treatment (50°C/24h) of the chlorinated rubber was also carried out, the WBL was more effectively eliminated and the resulting adhesion was independent of the amount of chlorination agent applied to the rubber surface. Furthermore, this heat treatment favoured the elimination of WBL in the untreated rubber and also contributed to the removal of WBL produced by an excess of halogenation agent.

ii) WBL created by an excess of chlorination agent applied to the rubber surface. The excess of chlorination agent produced lack of adhesion in the rubber because there was significant damage of the rubber surface and a non-rubber surface layer was formed (mainly due to oxidized, chlorinating agent residues and cyanuric acid), which contributed to the formation of WBL. To avoid the creation of WBL, a postchlorination treatment of rubber with a solution of 25 wt% ethanol in water followed by a vacuum-drying process produced excellent results. The effectiveness of this treatment relied on combining an adequate degree of chlorination with no external surface deterioration of the rubber by the excess of chlorination agent.  相似文献   

研究了白炭黑比表面积及用量对SSBR/BR并用胶性能的影响。结果表明,随着白炭黑用量的增大,所选3种白炭黑填充的胶料正硫化时间均有不同程度的延长;比表面积较大的白炭黑Z1165MP和白炭黑175GR对胶料焦烧时间的影响较大;白炭黑用量少于70份时,随着白炭黑比表面积的增大,硫化胶拉伸强度和撕裂强度均明显增大,硬度和生热量同时升高,回弹性降低。混炼胶和硫化胶的Payne效应及60℃损耗因子均随3种白炭黑的用量和比表面积的增大而增大。  相似文献   

The properties of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) reinforced by modified silica was investigated according to national standards. Silica was modified by silane coupling agents KH-570, KH-590, and KH-792. The optimized geometries of molecular modified silica reinforced SBR were obtained by using B3LYP calculation of density functional theory with the 6-31+G basis sets. The natural bond orbital analyses were carried out. The Si-O bond length of silica modified by KH-792 was the shortest and the electronegative of O was the highest. It indicated that the connection between silica and KH-792 was the tightest. Higher tensile strength and elongation of reinforced SBR was obtained by silica modified with the KH-792. It was caused by large delocalization of lone pair electrons of the two N atoms in KH-792. The S-C bond length in silica modified by KH-590 was longer than the ordinary S-C bond length. Then the sulfur free radical (·S·) was produced more easily in vulcanization. The degree of crosslink was increased by the cross-linkage of the rubber molecule and the sulfur free radical. That was why the highest stress and tear strength of reinforced SBR was produced when silane coupling agent KH-590 was used. The calculation results was in accord with experimental data.  相似文献   

Surface modifications produced by treatments (mainly halogenation) of synthetic vulcanized styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) leading to increased adhesion properties with polyurethane adhesives have been studied. T-peel tests, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), advancing contact angle measurements, infra-red (IR) spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to analyze the nature of surface modifications produced in the rubber. Although some surface heterogeneities were created, physical treatments (ultrasonic cleaning, solvent wiping, abrasion) did not noticeably increase the adhesion strength because certain abhesive substances (e.g. zinc stearate, paraffin wax) cannot be removed from the rubber surface by such treatments. Chemical treatment (chlorination) was carried out using ethyl acetate solutions of trichloroisocyanuric acid (TCI) (1,3,5-trichloro-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-trione). Chlorination of SBR with trichloroisocyanuric acid produced a significant improvement in T-peel strength, due to the contribution of mechanical (surface roughness, microcracks), thermodynamical (increase of polar contribution to the surface energy) and chemical (removal of abhesive substances, creation of polar groups) rubber surface modifications. The strong adhesion between the chlorinated SBR surface and the polyurethane adhesive was due to the presence of oxidized species of >C=O, -C-OH and -COR type. Chlorination of SBR is a fast reaction which needs only a small concentration of chlorination agent (< 1 wt% TCI/ethyl acetate) to produce high adhesion levels. An increased amount of TCI facilitated the chlorination reaction progressing from the exterior to the internal rubber bulk; however, although a thicker layer of chlorinated rubber created no further increase in adhesion strength was obtained.  相似文献   

The influence of the addition of silica (Aerosil-200) (5-25 wt%) to polyurethane adhesives on their adhesion properties with non-chlorinated and surface-chlorinated rubbers has been studied. The chlorinating agent was Trichloroisocyanuric acid (TIC) in 2-butanone solution at a concentration of between 1 and 9 wt%. In general, silica produced an increase in the adhesive viscosity and an improvement of green (immediate) peel strength (especially with chlorinated rubber). The best results were obtained for a silica content of 10-20 wt%. However, the addition of silica did not improve the peel strength after a thermal ageing process. Polyurethane adhesives containing silica undergo an improvement in their resistance to degradation by chlorine on the rubber surface. On the other hand, the chlorination of silica produces the rupture of Si-O bonds and the formation of Si-H and Si-Cl groups. Furthermore, the stirring speed (directly related to the dispersion) of silica into the adhesive is an important parameter which affects the viscosity and peel strength. A stirring speed of 1000 rpm gives the best silica dispersion.  相似文献   

The influence of the addition of silica (Aerosil-200) (5-25 wt%) to polyurethane adhesives on their adhesion properties with non-chlorinated and surface-chlorinated rubbers has been studied. The chlorinating agent was Trichloroisocyanuric acid (TIC) in 2-butanone solution at a concentration of between 1 and 9 wt%. In general, silica produced an increase in the adhesive viscosity and an improvement of green (immediate) peel strength (especially with chlorinated rubber). The best results were obtained for a silica content of 10-20 wt%. However, the addition of silica did not improve the peel strength after a thermal ageing process. Polyurethane adhesives containing silica undergo an improvement in their resistance to degradation by chlorine on the rubber surface. On the other hand, the chlorination of silica produces the rupture of Si-O bonds and the formation of Si-H and Si-Cl groups. Furthermore, the stirring speed (directly related to the dispersion) of silica into the adhesive is an important parameter which affects the viscosity and peel strength. A stirring speed of 1000 rpm gives the best silica dispersion.  相似文献   

研究了白炭黑增强的两种国产的溶聚丁苯橡胶(SSBR)的微观结构、硫化特性、基本力学性能、填料分散性、抗湿滑性及滚动阻力,并与两种国外同类产品进行了比较。结果表明,四种SSBR生胶中,国产的SSBR2564S、SSBR2557S及国外的SSBR2550的分子量分布相当,而国外的SSBR6270属于偶联型的,分子量分布宽;四种胶料的硫化特性相近、加工安全性能相当;四种SSBR硫化胶中,SSBR6270的撕裂强度、断裂伸长率最大,其余三者的力学性能相近;这四种SSBR硫化胶都具有优异的耐磨性能、滚动阻力和抗湿滑性。综合来说,国内的SSBR2564S、SSBR2557S与国外的SSBR2550、SSBR6270差异不大,而且这四种SSBR都可以用来作为低滚动阻力胎面胶的基础胶料。  相似文献   

疏水性二氧化硅气凝胶的常压制备与表征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚明明  姚欣 《广东化工》2010,37(1):5-7,22
采用溶胶-凝胶技术,以正硅酸乙酯为有机前驱体,三甲基氯硅烷为改性剂,在常压下干燥制备出疏水性二氧化硅(SiO2)气凝胶,同时采用密度测量、比表面积和孔径分布仪、扫描电镜、热重分析仪对SiO2气凝胶进行表征。文章重点研究反应物配比和表面修饰对SiO2气凝胶性能的影响。结果表明,采用正硅酸乙酯、水、乙醇体积配比为25︰6︰80和三甲基氯硅烷的正己烷溶液表面修饰合成的SiO2气凝胶性能质量较好。  相似文献   

Summary: The effect of silica and its surface treatment on the mechanical properties of composites was studied as part of the evaluation of cyanate ester matrices as potential electronic encapsulants. Three filler surface treatments were used, as a qualitative interfacial adhesion scale, in an attempt to gauge the magnitude of interfacial adhesion between untreated filler and the cyanate ester matrix. There was strong interfacial adhesion between matrix and untreated filler. The level of silica content most affected composite modulus and fracture toughness. Filler surface treatment most affected composite strength and fracture toughness/energy. Composite fracture was found to occur via crack pinning and/or crack blunting depending on the strength of adhesion. The composites evaluated were found to possess suitable mechanical properties for potential use as electronic encapsulants.


The nature and formulation of two synthetic sulfur-vulcanized styrene-butadiene rubbers affected the extent, but not the nature, of the surface modification produced by halogenation with different amounts (1-7 wt%) of trichloroisocyanuric acid (TCI) solutions in ethyl acetate. R1 rubber had a low oil and plasticizer content, whereas R2 rubber contained a smaller amount of styrene than R1, and a relatively significant amount of oil and plasticizer. Chlorination of the rubbers decreased their tensile strength (more markedly in R2) without noticeable changes in elongation at break, and heterogeneities and cracks were created on the rubber surface (mainly in R2). The surface modifications were not influenced by the manner in which the post-chlorination agent was removed (air or vacuum). Chlorination with TCI created C-Cl, C-O, and COO- moieties on the rubber surface which were responsible for its enhanced acid-base contribution to the surface energy. The extent of chlorination was more extensive in R1 (the rubber with a smaller butadiene content). The surface modification was less effective for R2, due to its noticeable amount of oil and plasticizer. On the other hand, when the chlorination was carried out with 7 wt% TCI, removal of the excess of the post-chlorination agent in vacuum prevented the formation of weak boundary layers (due to isocyanuric acid + mechanically damaged surface) in the treated surfaces. The nature and formulation of the rubber determined the thickness of the weak boundary layer (thinner in R1). On the other hand, a relatively deep penetration (at least 10 nm) of the chlorination agent into the rubber bulk was produced.  相似文献   

以四乙氧基硅烷(TEOS)作为主要前驱体,通过改变溶胶-凝胶工艺参数制得了结构和形态各异的丙烯酸酯聚氨酯/SiO2纳米复合涂层,利用TEM、SAXS等手段表征涂层的结构与形态,由洗刷前后涂层的失光率来表征耐刮伤性,详细探讨了纳米复合涂层耐刮伤性与SiO2相特征、有机无机相作用力及SiO2质量分数之间的关系。研究表明:丙烯酸酯聚氨酯涂层中引入纳米SiO2相后,耐刮伤性明显提高。有机相与SiO2相之间的作用力是影响涂层耐刮伤性的最重要因素,作用力越强,耐刮伤性越好。网络状纳米SiO2与颗粒状纳米SiO2相比,更有利于耐刮伤性的提高,且网络状纳米SiO2质量分数越大,耐刮伤性越佳,但SiO2相的致密度和尺寸对耐刮伤性影响较小。对于颗粒状胶体SiO2,在15~160 nm范围内,粒径对耐刮伤性没有明显影响;随着胶体SiO2粒子的质量分数增加,耐刮伤性先增大后减小。  相似文献   

Two hydrophilic and two hydrophobic fumed silicas of different characteristics were added to solvent-based polyurethane adhesives (PU). IR spectroscopy, contact angle measurements and rheology (viscosity measurements, determination of viscoelastic properties) were used to monitor the variation of properties of PU adhesives produced by addition of silica. Immediate (green) adhesion was determined by T-peel testing of halogenated synthetic rubber/PU adhesive/halogenated synthetic rubber joints. Silica addition produced a noticeable increase in the PU adhesive viscosity which can be related to the variation of viscoelastic properties. Viscosity of PU adhesives containing hydrophilic silica slightly increased with time after preparation; the increase was less significant in PU adhesives with hydrophilic silica. In the rheological studies, silica imparted shear thinning and negative thixotropy to PU adhesives due to a better dispersion of the silica in the polyurethane during shearing. The addition of silica produces an increase in the storage modulus (G') of PU adhesives, the values obtained being independent of the hydrophilic or hydrophobic nature of the fumed silica. The increase of G' and the changes in tan δ of PU adhesives containing silica corresponded to an improvement in the green adhesion properties of chlorinated rubber/PU adhesive/chlorinated rubber joints. In general, in disagreement with previous results,1 the presence of silica did affect the properties of solvent-based PU adhesives, but these properties were not dependent on the type of silica (hydrophobic or hydrophilic) used in this study.  相似文献   

以聚醚(N -210)、异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯(IPDI)为基本单体,一缩二乙二醇(EX)为扩链剂,二羟甲基丙酸( DMPA)为亲水扩链剂,制备出固含量为30%的水性聚氨酯(WPU)乳液.采用机械分散的方式将纳米硅溶胶按计量加入到WPU乳液中,得到一系列硅溶胶改性的WPU乳液.研究表明,硅溶胶在WPU中分散得比较均匀,硅溶...  相似文献   

聚乙二醇对碳酸化法白炭黑的表面改性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以石灰窑气和水玻璃碳酸化法制备白炭黑为研究体系,用表面活性剂聚乙二醇(PEG)原位有机湿法改性,以提高白炭黑同聚合物胶料的亲和性。在85℃,原料配比(水玻璃与水体积比)1∶5,二氧化碳浓度40%,通气速率60 mL/min和搅拌速率180 r/min的实验条件下反应2 h,考察了不同相对分子量的PEG对改性后白炭黑产率和性能的影响,改性效果顺序是聚乙二醇PEG(6 000)>PEG(10 000)>PEG(20 000)。还考察了PEG相对添加量对改性后的白炭黑的产率以及性能的影响,PEG(6 000)相对添加量30%较为适宜。  相似文献   

The sorption behavior of acid dyes onto cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)-modified silica as a function of pH in the aqueous medium was studied. Single-and multi-solute sorption equilibria of orange Ⅱ(OR), phenol red (PR) and Eriochrome Black T (EBT) were studied at pH 3, unbuffered water pH and pH 11. Sorption behavior of EBT could not be conducted at pH3 due to its aggregation in acidic medium. All the reaction conditions, experimental protocols and techniques remained the same throughout the sorption process. Sorption isotherms for single-solute system were fitted by the Langmuir model, while Langmuir competitive model (LCM) and the ideal adsorbed solution theory (IAST) coupled with Langmuir model (IAST/Langmuir) were used for the prediction of multisolute competitive sorption. Sorption affinities influenced by the factors like physical interactive forces between the molecules of CTA on silica and sorbate, structural limitations of the dyes based on their geometrical arrangement were investigated. Sorption affinity of OR was found to be higher than that of EBT and PR at all the pH values investigated. Magnitude of the sorption capacities was observed to be higher in acidic medium but lower in alkaline medium. Trends of the sorption affinities in multisolute system were simlar to those in single-solute system but magnitude of the sorption capacities was significantly reduced due to the prevailing competition among the sorbates.  相似文献   

The sorption behavior of acid dyes onto cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)- modified silica as a function of pH in the aqueous medium was studied. Single- and multi-solute sorption equilibria of orange Ⅱ(OR), phenol red (PR) and Eriochrome Black T (EBT) were studied at pH 3, unbuffered water pH and pH 11. Sorption behavior of EBT could not be conducted at pH 3 due to its aggregation in acidic medium. All the reaction conditions, experimental protocols and techniques remained the same throughout the sorption process. Sorption isotherms for single-solute system were fitted by the Langmuir model, while Langmuir competitive model (LCM) and the ideal adsorbed solution theory (IAST) coupled with Langmuir model (IAST/Langmuir) were used for the prediction of multisolute competitive sorption. Sorption affinities influenced by the factors like physical interactive forces between the molecules of CTA on silica and sorbate, structural limitations of the dyes based on their geometrical arrangement were investiga  相似文献   

磺化硅胶催化水杨酸O-酰化反应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了以磺化硅胶为固体酸催化剂,催化水杨酸与乙酸酐合成乙酰水杨酸的O-酰化反应条件。实验结果表明,磺化硅胶对O-酰化反应表现出良好的催化活性,水杨酸与乙酸酐摩尔比1∶2,磺化硅胶0.4g,水浴温度70°C,反应时间35min,乙酰水杨酸平均收率可达81.8%。  相似文献   

任建林 《广州化工》2014,(19):34-36
磺化硅胶是一种以化学键键合而成,性能稳定的固体酸催化剂。实验以磺化硅胶为催化剂,乙酸和正丙醇为原料合成了乙酸正丙酯。以单因素法分别考察了酸醇摩尔比、反应时间、催化剂用量以及催化剂的重复使用次数对酯化率的影响。最佳合成条件为:n(乙酸)∶n(正丙醇)=1∶1,回流时间为60 min,催化剂用量为反应物总质量的1.2%,反应的酯化率可达93.4%,催化剂重复使用10次后的酯化率仍达81.1%。研究结果表明:磺化硅胶对乙酸正丙酯的合成具有良好的催化活性。  相似文献   

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