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论文提出利用3G网络实现手机与计算机之间的实时交互的构想,并利用短距离蓝牙技术来模拟实现它们的交互作用。具体是利用蓝牙手机模拟计算机键盘和鼠标来控制电脑,同时手机屏幕实时显示计算机界面。通过对手机的操作来监控计算机完成任务。  相似文献   

程序对键盘的输入做出响应是很多程序具有的功能,GoodTank的具体对象要在键盘方向键的控制下,8方向移动也必须通过键盘响应来实现.在建立GoodTank类的过程中详细讨论了如何获取键盘响应的方法.  相似文献   

蓝牙技术在行车无线通信中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍蓝牙技术的基本概念和一些技术特征,讨论了利用蓝牙手机和电脑的蓝牙无线连线功能实现行车无线通信的方法。  相似文献   

王彦博 《电脑迷》2013,(3):46-47
电脑间远程控制技术的出现,让我们很多操作变得更方便了。随着手机等移动设备功能的增强,是不是也想使用手机或iPad来远程控制不同位置的电脑,轻松做到随时随地在远端电脑上完成一些工作任务呢?现在设想这些完全可以使用Cool Remote、PC远程遥控和TeamViewer这些远控应用轻松实现。由于此类应用的使用方式并无太大差异,所以今天就让我们以Teamviewer为例,为大家展示如何让手机与电脑实现最亲密的"互动"。  相似文献   

引言随着三网融合工程的开展,多频互动逐渐成为嵌入式厂商讨论宣传的热点。所谓多屏互动是指:电视可与电脑、智能手机等设备实现多屏互联互通,即手机可以像遥控器一样控制电视,电视能浏览播放手机,电脑上的图片和音视频文件等。这些嵌入式设备一般都通过无线路由器连接在一个局域网内,通过IP协议通信。DirectFB作  相似文献   

世纪 《电脑迷》2010,(20):77-77
用Android手机的朋友传数据很麻烦,用USB传快,但每用一次得插接一次,很麻烦;如果临时没带线,那就无法直接从电脑传数据,这就更难办了。其实利用无线让Android手机传数据很方便,无线有两种方式,WiFi和蓝牙。蓝牙慢,WiFP陕。但默认情况下Android没有WiFi无线传输数据这个功能,如何才能利用WiFi来实现Android手机与电脑或手机进行无线传输数据呢?  相似文献   

本文介绍蓝牙(Bluetooth)技术的基本概念和一些技术特征,讨论了利用蓝牙手机和电脑的蓝牙无线连接功能实现增设临时售票网点。  相似文献   

本文介绍蓝牙(Bluetooth)技术的基本概念和一些技术特征,讨论了利用蓝牙手机和电脑的蓝牙无线连接功能实现增设临时售票网点。  相似文献   

体验过把你的手机当作游戏手柄来操控电脑游戏吗?体验过把你的手机变为键盘鼠标,方便地控制电脑吗?这些犹如科幻片中的桥段,在现实生活中也能实现,只需要你在电脑与手机中安装一个小小的软件,再通过简单的安装与设置,便能体验到虚拟游戏带来的真实感。  相似文献   

针对手机恶意软件检测问题,提出一种手机恶意软件检测的分布式模型(MPMD-DIM),使手机端和分布式检测服务器以及分布式检测服务器之间协同工作,实现快速准确地检测手机恶意软件。模型利用改进的反向选择算法和动态克隆选择算法优化恶意软件检测过程,及时做出免疫响应;通过分布式检测服务器之间的疫苗提取和接种,产生二次免疫应答,加速检测过程。实验表明,该模型可以提高对已知手机恶意软件的检测率,改善对未知和变化的手机恶意软件的检测准确率,实现手机对恶意软件的群体协防。  相似文献   

名片是一种常用的社交工具。在接到别人的纸质名片后,将名片上的信息逐条存入手机通信录中比较繁琐,不及时存储,纸质名片又容易丢失。为了解决这个问题,在Android开源手机平台的基础上,设计并实现QR Code名片系统,让用户可以方便及时地将纸质QRCode名片上的信息存储到入手机通信录中,方便实用。  相似文献   

Nowadays movement patterns and people’s behavioral models are needed for traffic engineers and city planners. These observations could be used to reason about mobility and its sustainability and to support decision makers with reliable information. The very same knowledge about human diaspora and behavior extracted from these data is also valuable to the urban planner, so as to localize new services, organize logistics systems and to detect changes as they occur in the movement behavior. Moreover, it is interesting to investigate movement in places like a shopping area or a working district either for commercial purposes or for improving the service quality. These kinds of tracking data are made available by wireless and mobile communication technologies. It is now possible to record and collect a large amount of mobile phone calls in a city. Technologies for object tracking have recently become affordable and reliable and hence we were able to collect mobile phone data from a city in China from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008. The large amount of phone call records from mobile operators can be considered as life mates and sensors of persons to inform howmany people are present in any given area and how many are entering or leaving. Each phone call record usually contains the caller and callee IDs, date and time, and the base station where the phone calls are made. As mobile phones are widely used in our daily life, many human behaviors can be revealed by analyzing mobile phone data. Through mobile phones, we can learn the information about locations, communications between mobile phone users during their daily lives. In this work, we propose a comprehensive visual analysis system named as MViewer, Mobile phone spatiotemporal data Viewer, which is the first system to visualize and analyze the population’smobility patterns from millions of phone call records. Our system consists of three major components: 1) visual analysis of user groups in a base station; 2) visual analysis of the mobility patterns on different user groups making phone calls in certain base stations; 3) visual analysis of handoff phone call records. Some well-established visualization techniques such as parallel coordinates and pixelbased representations have been integrated into our system. We also develop a novel visualization schemes, Voronoidiagram-based visual encoding to reveal the unique features of mobile phone data. We have applied our system to real mobile phone datasets that are kindly provided by our project partners and obtained some interesting findings regarding people’s mobility patterns.  相似文献   

基于Android平台的多分辨率解决方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高兰兰 《软件》2011,32(9):70-72
近年来,智能手机的功能越来越强大,移动终端应用程序层出不穷,移动互联网改变人们的生活。Android系统是开放手机联盟推出的一款开源的手机操作系统,正是由于其开放性,没有采用Windows Phone7类似的硬件限定标准,目前基于Android系统的机型越来越多,一些硬件指标出现了混乱的局面,其ee最明显的就是屏幕分辨率的问题。如何使开发者的应用程序尽可能多地适应多种分辨率,正是本文要讲述的问题。文章首先介绍Android的系统架构,然后介绍Android平台中分辨率的相关术语,之后重点讲述在开发过程中如何部署资源以及所应遵循的原则,最后给出测试多分辨率兼容性的方法。  相似文献   

随着网络技术发展及移动运营商之间竞争导致流量资费的下降,手机、平板、itouch等设备成为人们生活中不可或缺的部分。然而,通信技术的发展在方便人们获取知识的同时,也极大的消耗着人们的时间:课堂上,低头把玩手机的学生不在少数。新形势下,教师应该如何应对?该文通过分析移动学习技术、移动学习形式、移动学习特点,高职院校教学困境,提出在高职教学中应用移动学习思想,并给出几中在高职教学中较为可行的移动学习应用方案。  相似文献   

Mental disorders can have a significant, negative impact on sufferers’ lives, as well as on their friends and family, healthcare systems and other parts of society. Approximately 25 % of all people in Europe and the USA experience a mental disorder at least once in their lifetime. Currently, monitoring mental disorders relies on subjective clinical self-reporting rating scales, which were developed more than 50 years ago. In this paper, we discuss how mobile phones can support the treatment of mental disorders by (1) implementing human–computer interfaces to support therapy and (2) collecting relevant data from patients’ daily lives to monitor the current state and development of their mental disorders. Concerning the first point, we review various systems that utilize mobile phones for the treatment of mental disorders. We also evaluate how their core design features and dimensions can be applied in other, similar systems. Concerning the second point, we highlight the feasibility of using mobile phones to collect comprehensive data including voice data, motion and location information. Data mining methods are also reviewed and discussed. Based on the presented studies, we summarize advantages and drawbacks of the most promising mobile phone technologies for detecting mood disorders like depression or bipolar disorder. Finally, we discuss practical implementation details, legal issues and business models for the introduction of mobile phones as medical devices.  相似文献   

The profusion of smartphones allows more people to have access to a telephone, a computer and the Internet, all via one device. Despite this convenience, excessive usage and habitual checking can cause significant stress for smartphone users. A helpful-stressful cycle is beginning to emerge as a pattern. With this in mind, we develop a model that examines the differences between smartphone and traditional mobile phone users with regard to the relationships between four psychological factors: locus of control (LOC), social interaction anxiety (SIA), need for touch (NFT) and materialism. Our examination explores this in the context of the level of stress these two types of users experience when using their chosen phone. The results from our empirical study suggest that user type moderates the aforementioned relationships. The effects of LOC, SIA and NFT on ‘technostress’ are stronger for smartphone users than for traditional mobile phone users. In contrast, materialism is positively related to stress for traditional mobile phone users but not for smartphone users.  相似文献   

名片是一种常用的社交工具。在接到别人的纸质名片后,将名片上的信息逐条存入手机通信录中比较繁琐,不及时存储,纸质名片又容易丢失。为了解决这个问题,在Android开源手机平台的基础上,设计并实现QRCode名片系统,让用户可以方便及时地将纸质QRCode名片上的信息存储到入手机通信录中。方便实用。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the use of mobile phones influences the temporal boundaries that people enact in order to regulate and coordinate their work and non-work activities. We investigate both the structural and interpretive aspects of socio-temporal order, so as to gain a fuller appreciation of the changes induced by the use of mobile phones. With specific reference to professionals working in traditional, physically based and hierarchically structured organizations, we found that mobile phone users are becoming more vulnerable to organizational claims and that as a result ‘the office’ is always present as professionals, because of the use of mobile phones, become available ‘anytime’. This is enabled by the characteristics of the technology itself but also by users’ own behaviour. In the paper, we discuss the properties of the emerging socio-temporal order and show how mobile phones may render the management of the social spheres in which professionals participate more challenging.  相似文献   

Worth-centred mobile phone design for older users   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The twenty-first century society fights against an inherent tendency to over-classify and label people. In the case of the aged, despite all efforts, the perception of the helpless, feeble older person still prevails. The truth of the matter is that people over sixty often do not fit this profile. The aged are a heterogeneous group with varying different skills and abilities in many different areas. This paper challenges prevalent mobile phone design decisions that appear to have been made based on the erroneous pre-conception of the incapable elder. Designers currently produce “senior” mobile phones that are, at best, inadequate and, at worst, insulting to a sector of society that deserves respect and consideration. Age does indeed influence mobile phone usage, and people over sixty often have specific and special needs, quite apart from age-related limitations, that predict their use of mobile phones. Most mobile phones designed for older users simply reduce the number of features: the so-called simplification approach. Apart from reducing the effectiveness of the phone, this approach often incorporates the fatal design flaw of using numbers or letters, on speed-dial buttons, which requires the user to remember the button–person mappings. In fact, this design rationale reduces the value of the phone to the user. This paper argues that mobile phone design for older users should be worth-centred (Cockton G in Designing worth is worth designing. In: Proceedings of the 4th Nordic conference on human–computer interaction: changing roles. Oslo, Norway, pp 165–174, 2006) rather than simplification-driven. The worth-centred approach maximises worth to the user of the phone. This is achieved by maximising effectiveness while accommodating reduced capabilities. To maximise ease of use, and consequent accessibility, features may have to be reduced in an informed way. To facilitate this, a mapping process is proposed whereby user needs are linked to uses of the phone, and then to the features that facilitate these uses. Needs fall into a number of categories, and each category is characterised by a number of different uses, which form a usage space. Features can be linked to one or more usage spaces, and thus be used to support needs. The first step in the conducted research entailed the identification of the needs of the older mobile phone user. Then, it was determined whether these needs were indeed being met by the uses afforded in existing phones. Having concluded that most users’ needs were not being met, the next step was to capture data on the needs, limitations and expectations of people over the age of sixty. This was achieved by conducting a series of one-to-one interviews with a number of older mobile phone users and also supervising a participatory design experiment. Using the findings of the analysis, a usage space model is proposed, which serves to align feature inclusion with user needs. Based on this usage space model (the theoretical contribution), a prototype mobile phone design is presented as the practical contribution of the paper.  相似文献   

在Android移动应用开发中,手机防盗是一项重要的安全技术。基于Android手机平台,提出并设计了一种手机防盗的安全解决方案,利用一种手机云平台的相关技术,实现了防盗追踪、远程控制和即时通信三个功能模块。首先介绍了整个系统的框架结构,然后详细分析了各个模块的具体实现,最后在手机上进行了测试。实现了通过Web网页的形式对被盗手机进行远程控制,为用户找回手机提供重要的线索。  相似文献   

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