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Insulin analogues labelled with stable isotopes (e.g. deuterium,18O, 15N, etc.) are authentic (the native structure is rigorouslymaintained), non-radioactive (preferred for injection into man)and can easily be distinguished from endogenous insulin by massspectrometry by virtue of their molecular masses. Appropriatecombinations of amino-protecting groups (methylsulphonylethyloxycarbonyland t-butoxy carbonyl), Edman degradation and chemical couplingwere used to produce [octadeutero-PheB1]-porcine insulin and[octadeutero-PheB1-octadeutero-ValB2]-porcine insulin. The analogueswere characterized by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.Standard mixtures of labelled and unlabelled insulins were successfullystudied by mass spectrometry. Isotope dilution mass spectrometrycould therefore provide a useful direct measure of insulin undertrue physiological conditions, without many of the drawbacksof existing methods. In this regard, the analogue with 16 deuteriumswas more suitable than the octadeuterated analogue, since thegreater mass difference between the labelled and unlabelledforms enabled a lower mass spectrometric resolution to be used,resulting in higher sensitivity  相似文献   

The production of semisynthetic human insulin for therapeuticpurposes is of considerable importance. During trypsin-catalysedtransformation of pig insulin into an ester of insulin of humansequence, the alanyl residue at position B30 is removed andreplaced with an esterified residue of threonine. We have carriedout this transformation in a medium enriched in 18OH2 and studiedthe product by MS. In contrast to a previous report, we findthat incorporation of label into the B29–B30 peptide bondoccurs during the transformation with threonine methyl esterin aqueous N, N-dimethylacetamide. Quantitative data are presentedand the implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The feasibility of stabilizing proteins towards proteolyticdegradation was explored by engineering the primary proteolyticcleavage site(s). This novel approach does not require informationon the 3-D structure of the native enzyme. As a model system,the extracellular lipase of Pseudomonas glumae was chosen, whichis sensitive towards degradation by subtilisin-tvpe proteases.The primary proteolytic cleavage in the lipase appeared to belocated between amino acids serine 153 and histidine 154. SincesubtUisins are known to show a preference towards amino acidresidues surrounding the scissile bond, non-preferred aminoadds were introduced in this area. Two concepts were tested:the introduction of arginine or glutainate residues (chargeconcept) and the introduction of proline residues (proUne concept).Although the mutant Upases produced according to either of theseconcepts were still cleaved in the same area, they showed aconsiderably increased stability towards proteolytic degradation.  相似文献   

Consensus engineering has been used to increase the stability of a number of different proteins, either by creating consensus proteins from scratch or by modifying existing proteins so that their sequences more closely match a consensus sequence. In this paper we describe the first application of consensus engineering to the ab initio creation of a novel fluorescent protein. This was based on the alignment of 31 fluorescent proteins with >62% homology to monomeric Azami green (mAG) protein, and used the sequence of mAG to guide amino acid selection at positions of ambiguity. This consensus green protein is extremely well expressed, monomeric and fluorescent with red shifted absorption and emission characteristics compared to mAG. Although slightly less stable than mAG, it is better expressed and brighter under the excitation conditions typically used in single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy or confocal microscopy. This study illustrates the power of consensus engineering to create stable proteins using the subtle information embedded in the alignment of similar proteins and shows that the benefits of this approach may extend beyond stability.  相似文献   

Introduction of the extension region of beta-conglycinin alpha' subunit at the C-terminus of proglycinin A1aB1b results in the improvement of its emulsifying properties. To understand the basic for such improvement, we introduced the alpha' and alpha extension regions to the A2B1a C-terminus, and the alpha extension and A5A4B3 hypervariable regions, and an oligopeptide composed of 20 negatively or positively charged residues to the A1aB1b C-terminus, creating A2B1aalpha', A2B1aalpha, and A1aB1balpha, A1aB1bA4IV, A1aB1bNeg and A1aB1bPos, respectively. All the modified versions were produced in Escherichia coli. Their molecular size, thermal stability, surface hydrophobicity, solubility and emulsifying ability were studied. Analyses of molecular size and thermal stability suggested that all the modified versions formed the proper conformation similar to that of the wild type (WT). Solubility was intrinsic to each mutant. At ionic strength 0.5, the emulsifying abilities of all mutants were better than that of the WT except A1aB1bPos and A1aB1bNeg, and at ionic strength 0.08, all mutants especially A1aB1bPos exhibited better emulsifying ability than did the WT. The order of stability of the emulsion at both ionic strengths (0.08 and 0.5) was A1aB1balpha >or= A2B1aalpha > A1aB1balpha' >or= A2B1aalpha' > A1aB1bPos > A1aB1bA4IV >or= A1aB1bNeg > A1aB1b, A2B1a. These results indicate that the emulsion stability of proglycinin mutants depends on length and hydropathy profile of the polypeptides added to the C-terminus of proglycinin.  相似文献   

Recently some heat-shock proteins have been linked to functionsof ‘chaperoning’ protein folding in vivo. Here currentexperimental evidence is reviewed and possible requirementsfor such an activity are discussed. It is proposed that onemode of chaperone action is to actively unfold misfolded orbadly aggregated proteins to a conformation from whkh they couldrefold spontaneously; that improperly folded proteins are recognizedby excessive stretches of solvent-exposed backbone, rather thanby exposed hydrophobic patches; and that the molecular mechanismfor unfolding is either repeated binding and dissociation (‘plucking’)or translocation of the protein backbone through a binding cleft(‘threading’), allowing the threaded chain to refoldspontaneously. The observed hydrolysis of ATP would providethe energy for active unfolding. These hypotheses can be appliedto both monomeric folding and oligomeric assembly and are sufficientlydetailed to be open to directed experimental verification.  相似文献   

The extracellular lipase from Penicillium camembertii has uniquesubstrate specificity restricted to mono- and diglycerides.The enzyme is a member of a homologous family of lipases fromfilamentous fungi. Four of these proteins, from the fungi Rhizomucormiehei, Humicola lanuginosa, Rhizopus delemar and P.camembertii,have had their structures elucidated by X-ray crystallography.In spite of pronounced sequence similarities the enzymes exhibitsignificant differences. For example, the thermo-stability ofthe P.camembertii lipase is considerably lower than that ofthe H.lanuginosa enzyme. Since only the P.camembertii enzymelacks the characteristic long disulfide bridge, correspondingto Cys22–Cys268 in the H.lanuginosa lipase, we have engineeredthis disulfide into the former enzyme in the hope of obtaininga significantly more stable fold. The properties of the doublemutant (Y22C and G269C) were assessed by a variety of biophysicaltechniques. The extra disulfide link was found to increase themelting temperature of the protein from 51 to 63°C. However,no difference is observed under reducing conditions, indicatingan intrinsic instability of the new disulfide. The optimal temperaturefor catalytic activity decreased by 10°C and the optimumpH was shifted by 0.7 units to more acidic.  相似文献   

Successful approaches to protein engineering required that thedesired analogs be easily and rapidly obtained in sufficientquantities and purities for unambiguous structural and functionalcharacterizations. Chemical synthesis is the method of choicefor engineering small peptides. We now demonstrate that withimproved methodologies and instrumentation, total chemical synthesiscan be used to produce a small protein in a form suitable forengineering studies. Active human transforming growth factor-alpha(TGF-), a 50 amino acid long protein with three disulfide bonds,has been synthesized and purified in multiple tens of mg amountsin <7 days. The purified human TGF- migrated as a singleband on SDS–polyacrylamide gels, ran as a single sharpmajor band at pI = 6.2 on isoelectric focusing gels, displayedan MW = 5546.2 (Th.5546.3) by mass spectrometry, contained threedisulfide bonds and had EGF receptor binding, mitogenic andsoft agar colony formation activities. The locations of disulfidebonds were found to be analogous to those found in epidermalgrowth factor (EGF) and in human TGF- expressed in bacteria.  相似文献   

Synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides with single methyl phosphonate(mp) substitutions were used for an analysis of the contributionof phosphate contacts to the recognition of the cleavage siteby the restriction endonuclease EcoRV. Only in the last positionwithin the recognition sequence, is the methyl phosphonate substitutiontolerated by the enzyme. The wild-type enzyme cleaves the SPdiastereomer of the oligodeoxynucleotide GACGATATmpCGTC andthe unmodified sequence with equal rates, whereas the RP diastereomeris cleaved much more slowly. Inspection of the crystal structureof an EcoRV–DNA complex revealed that the non-bridgingoxygen atoms of the phosphodiester bond between the T and Cbases are in hydrogen bonding distance of the hydroxyl groupof the amino acid Thr94. We therefore tried to engineer a variantof EcoRV that would prefer a methyl phosphonate linkage overa normal phosphodiester bond and produced mutants with aminoacid exchanges at position 94. One of them, Thr94Val, showsa dramatically reduced activity towards the unmodified DNA anddoes not accept the Rp diastereomer, but cleaves the SP diastereomerwith the same rate as wild-type EcoRV. Its selectivity, i.e.the ratio of cleavage rates determined for the unmodified andmodified substrates, differs by three orders of magnitude fromthat of the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

Genetic algorithms are very efficient search mechanisms whichmutate, recombine and select amongst tentative solutions toa problem until a near optimal one is achieved. We introducethem as a new tool to study proteins. The identification andmotivation for different fitness functions is discussed. Theevolution of the zinc finger sequence motif from a random startis modelled. User specified changes of the repressor structurewere simulated and critical sites and exchanges for mutagenesisidentified. Vast conformational spaces are efficiently searchedas illustrated by the ab initio folding of a model protein ofa four ß strand bundle. The genetic algorithm simulationwhich mimicked important folding constraints as overall hydrophobicpackaging and a propensity of the betaphilic residues for transpositions achieved a unique fold. Cooperativity in the ßstrand regions and a length of 3–5 for the interconnectingloops was critical. Specific interaction sites were considerablyless effective in driving the fold.  相似文献   

Antigen-binding fragments (Fab') of antibodies can be site specifically PEGylated at thiols using cysteine reactive PEG-maleimide conjugates. For therapeutic Fab'-PEG, conjugation with 40 kDa of PEG at a single hinge cysteine has been found to confer appropriate pharmacokinetic properties to enable infrequent dosing. Previous methods have activated the hinge cysteine using mildly reducing conditions in order to retain an intact interchain disulphide. We demonstrate that the final Fab-PEG product does not need to retain the interchain disulphide and also therefore that strongly reducing conditions can be used. This alternative approach results in PEGylation efficiencies of 88 and 94% for human and murine Fab, respectively. It also enables accurate and efficient site-specific multi-PEGylation. The use of the non-thiol reductant tris(2-carboxyethyl) phosphine combined with protein engineering enables us to demonstrate the mono-, di- and tri-PEGylation of Fab fragments with a range of PEG size. We present evidence that PEGylated and unPEGylated Fab' molecules that lack an interchain disulphide bond retain very high levels of chemical and thermal stability and normal performance in PK and efficacy models.  相似文献   

In the -complementation of -galactosidase, a defective ß-galactosidaseprotein interacts with an autologous peptide fragment (-peptide)to restore enzymatic activity. Within a specific site of a defective-peptide we have previously isolated a large number of mutations,many of which suppress the functional defect. The -peptide wasoriginally defective due to both insertional and substitutionalsequence alteration near its N-terminus, which provided an increasein the sensitivity of detection of (suppressor) secondary mutationswhich conferred improved function. We have now studied the effectsof the suppressor mutations when the primary deleterious mutationsare sequentially reversed. This was done in intact ß-galactosidase,as we have shown that mutations in the -peptide have relatedfunctional effects in the whole protein. Evidence was obtainedshowing that the effects of at least some suppressor mutationswere not simply additive when the mutations are placed intothe original wild-type protein environment. One suppressor appearedto function less effectively in the normal environment, whileanother when tested in the same manner functioned at a relativelyincreased level. This failure to show simple additivity maybe attributable to the physical proximity of the original defectivemutations and the introduced suppressors. Nevertheless, evenin such cases it may be feasible to use a defective proteinas a sensitive starting point for the identification of mutationswhich improve the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

Grafting of discontinuous sites: a protein modeling strategy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A strategy for modeling continuous as well as discontinuoussites in protein structures has been developed. Central to thismodeling strategy is the search algorithm of FITSITE, a programto search a given target structure for suitable combinationsof backbone positions mirroring as closely as possible the geometricrelationships of a source structural motif of interest. Alltarget sites detected by FITSITE are further refined to mimicthe source geometry. The side-chain rotamer library conceptfails to precisely describe side chains involved in coordinativebonding (e.g. metal binding sites). Therefore an algorithm usingdetailed database bonding parameter information was appliedfor the side-chain construction. The FITSITE program and thesubsequent processing of the program output are presented ina test case. The Rop protein, a four-helix bundle structure,served as the target protein. It was searched for candidatesites to model a variety of metal binding sites, with structuresextracted from Brookhaven Protein Database entries. The preliminaryprotein models were investigated for structural overlaps withneighboring residues by interactive computer graphics; if required,additional changes were performed. A set of parameters for energyminimization with AMBER (including metal ions) was developed,and the completed Rop variants were energy minimized. Finally,12 potentially metal binding Rop variants were selected forproduction via genetic engineering.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of a four residue insertion intothe FR3 loop of the heavy chain variable region from the anti-NPantibody Bl-8. The insertion mutant is obtained as secretedantibody without major defects in biosynthesis, indicating thatantibody variable domains can accommodate length variation notonly in complementarity determining regions (CDRs), but alsoin framework region (FR) loops. The Bl-8 antigen binding siteis not affected by the change in a neighbouring loop. FR3 insertionsrepresent a new method of antibody engineering with a potentialto obtain strong antigen binding by designing additional antigencontacting residues.  相似文献   

Although the conformational states of protein side chains canbe described using a library of rotamers, the determinationof the global minimum energy conformation (GMEC) of a largecollection of side chains, given fixed backbone coordinates,represents a challenging combinatorial problem with importantapplications in the field of homology modelling. Recently, wehave developed a theoretical framework, called the dead-endelimination method, which allows us to identify efficientlyrotamers that cannot be members of the GMEC. Such dead-endingrotamers can be iteratively removed from the system under studythereby tracking down the size of the combinatorial problem.Here we present new developments to the dead-end eliminationmethod that allow us to handle larger proteins and more extensiverotamer libraries. These developments encompass (i) a procedureto determine weight factors in the generalized dead-end eliminationtheorem thereby enhancing the elimination of dead-ending rotamersand (ii) a novel strategy, mainly based on logical argumentsderived from the logic pairs theorem, to use dead-ending rotamerpairs in the efficient elimination of single rotamers. Thesedevelopments are illustrated for proteins of various sizes andthe flow of the current method is discussed in detail. The effectivenessof dead-end elimination is increased by two orders of magnitudeas compared with previous work. In addition, it now becomesfeasible to use extremely detailed libraries. We also providean appendix in which the validity of the generalized dead-endcriterion is shown. Finally, perspectives for further applicationswhich may now become within reach are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to achieve a stable and functional immobilization ofantibodies, we investigated the possibility of adding hydrophobicmembrane anchors to antibody fragments expressed in Escherichiacoli. The DNA sequence encoding the signal peptide and the nineN-terminal amino add residues of the major lipoprotein of E.coliwas fused to the sequence of an anti-2-phenyloxazolone single-chainFv antibody fragment [Takkinen et al. (1991) Protein Engng,4, 837–841]. The expression of the fusion construct inE.coli resulted in specific accumulation of an immunoreactive28 kDa polypeptide. Unlike the unmodified single-chain Fv fragment,the fusion protein was cell-associated, labelled by [3H]palmitatewhich is indicative of the presence of N-terminal lipid modification,partitioned into the detergent phase upon Triton X-114 phaseseparation and was localized predominantly in the bacterialouter membrane. The fusion antibody displayed specific 2-phenyloxazolone-bindingactivity in the membranebound form and after solubilizationwith non-ionic detergents. Furthermore, upon removal of detergentthe fusion antibody was incorporated into proteoliposomes whichdisplayed specific hapten-binding activity. Our results showthat antibodies can be converted to membrane-bound proteinswith retention of antigen-binding properties by introductionof lipid anchors during biosynthesis. This approach may proveuseful in the design of immunoliposomes and immunosensors.  相似文献   

A new phosphoglycerate kinase over-expression vector, pYE-PGK,has been constructed which greatly facilitates the insertionand removal of mutant enzyme genes by cleavage at newly introducedBamtHI sites. This vector has been used to prepare mutant proteinin appreciable (100 mg) quantities for use in kinetic, crystaUographicand NMR experiments. Aspartate 372 is an invariant amino acidresidue in genes known to code for a functionally active PGK.The function of this acidic residue appears to be to help desolvatethe magnesium ion compfexed with either ADP or ATP when thissubstrate binds to the enzyme. Both crystallographk and nuclearmagnetic resonance experiments show that the replacement ofthe residue with asparagine has only minimal effects on theoverall structure. The substitution of the charged carboxylgroup with that of the neutral amide affects the binding ofthe nucleotide substrate as predicted but not, as might havebeen expected, the binding of 3-phospho-glycerate. The overallvelocity of the enzymic reaction (Vmax) is reduced 10-fold bythe substitution of aspartic acid 372 by an asparagine residue(D372N). This reduction in Vmax is considerably less than onewould expect from its known position within the structure ofthe enzyme. This result therefore poses questions about ourunderstanding of charged groups at the active centres of enzymesand of the reason for their apparent conservation.  相似文献   

The prediction and characterization of metal binding sites in proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rational engineering of novel functions into proteins canonly be attempted when the underlying structural scaffold onwhich the new function is displayed and the structure of thetarget protein are both well understood. To introduce functionsmediated by metals it is therefore necessary to identify theprincipal liganding residues for the chosen metal, the requiredarchitecture of the metal-ligand complex and sites within thetarget protein that could accommodate such sites. Here we presenta method that applies structural information from the proteindata bank to the ab initio design and characterization of novelmetal binding sites. The prediction method has been tested on28 metalloprotein structures from the Brookhaven Protein DataBank. It successfully identified >90% of the metal bindingsites. In addition, we have used the method to design and characterizezinc binding sites in two antibody structures. Metal bindingstudies on one of these putative metalloantibodies showed metalbinding, confirming the predictive power of the method.  相似文献   

A number of mutations have been shown previously to stabilizeT4 lysozyme. By combining up to seven such mutations in thesame protein, the melting temperature was incrementally increasedby up to 83°C at pH 5.4 (G = 3.6 kcal/mol). This shows thatit is possible to engineer a protein of enhanced thermostabilityby combining a series of rationally designed point mutations.It is also shown that this stabilization is achieved with onlyminor, localized changes in the structure of the protein. Thisis consistent with the observation that the change in stabilityof each of the multiple mutants is, in each case, additive,i.e. equal to the sum of the stability changes associated withthe constituent single mutants. One of the seven substitutions,Asn116 Asp, changes a residue that participates in substratebinding; not surprisingly, it causes a significant loss in activity.Ignoring this mutation, there is a gradual reduction in activityas successively more mutations are combined.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulins bind antigens and express individual antigenicspecificities mainly through residues located in hypervariableloops of their N-terminal domains. Hyper-variable loops arekept in place by a molecular scaffold organized in a sandwich-likestructure with two ß-sheets stabilized by a disulfidebridge (the immunoglobulin fold). This structural feature, togetherwith the possibility of obtaining high level expression, extracellularsecretion, easy purification and stability of the protein product,render immunoglobulin an ideal ‘molecular vehicle’for the expression of exogenous peptides. Here we report onthe engineering of an immunoglobulin expressing an exogenousepitope, the repetitive tetrapeptide Asn-Ala-Asn-Pro (NANP)3.By recombinant DNA techniques, we inserted three copies of thetetrapeptide (NANP)3 in the third hypervariable loop (D region)of an immunoglobulin heavy chain variable domain. We show thatthe engineered antibody was properly assembled and secreted.A panel of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, including anti-syntheticpeptides and anti-(NANP)n antibodies, were used to study themolecular configuration of the engineered domain's surface.The results indicate that (i) the exogenous sequence did notappreciably alter the overall fold of the variable domain; and(ii) the inserted epitope folded with a configuration immuno-logicallysimilar to the one assumed in the native protein, suggestingthat short- and medium- rather than long-range interactionsstabilized the structure of the (NANP)3 peptide in the foldedprotein. We propose this system for the expression of peptidicsequences, and their structural and functional analysis.  相似文献   

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