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咖啡伴侣(coffee-mate)是指在冲饮咖啡时,加入的一种代替牛奶的乳油粉末(po-wdered cream),目前市售的咖啡伴侣是以植物脂肪为主的白色粉末,又称植脂末(Non-Dairy Cream)。其主要成分有植物脂肪、玉米糖浆和植物蛋白等。咖啡伴侣的分散性也大大优于“牛奶咖啡”,达到了“牛奶咖啡”使咖啡增白的效果,又保持并超过了“牛奶咖啡”所具有的色、香、味,因而受到广大消费者的青睐,尤其是中老年人的喜爱。  相似文献   

<正>英国Honesty Foods公司日前表示,添加了可溶性豌豆纤维的新型茶和咖啡即将登陆欧洲,填补市场空白。该产品的特点是在茶和咖啡中添加了可溶性的豌豆纤维,可通过增强使用者的饱胀感而达到减肥目的。目前,豌豆纤维茶已经推出,而豌豆纤维咖啡则将在今年下半年推出。Honesty Foods公司创始人Johnathan Middlemiss表示,在此前的市场上,增强人们的饱腹感、减少食欲的产品大多是补充剂或药丸,还没有通过饮用一杯茶或咖啡即可获得纤维的产品。  相似文献   

思雨 《中国食品》2021,(4):21-21
1月25日,山东省市场监督管理局发布关于20批次食品不合格情况的通告,其中老白干酒旗下公司产品曲阜孔府家酒因为违规添加甜蜜素被点名通报. 什么是甜蜜素?添加到食品中有何作用 甜蜜素,学名环乙基氨基磺酸钠,又称为浓缩糖或甜素,是一种常用的食品添加剂,在食品中作为甜味剂使用.甜蜜素为白色结晶或结晶性粉末,无臭、味甜,属于非...  相似文献   

正2018年7月17日,国务院食品安全办在全国食品安全宣传周主会场公布了7起食品保健食品欺诈和虚假宣传整治案件:一、广东广州钟某、林某等制售非法添加药品的食品案2017年10月,广东省广州市公安机关联合食品药品监管部门破获钟某、林某等制售非法添加药品的食品案,涉案货值逾亿元。查获非法添加西药成分的咖啡1万多盒、半成品及原料粉末3吨。林某等在咖啡、蜂蜜、减肥茶等食品中非法添加他达拉非、西布曲明等西药成分,并假冒其他品牌  相似文献   

<正>据外媒报道,一项最新研究发现,人们在饮用咖啡时所用咖啡杯的颜色会影响对苦味的感受,白色咖啡杯可加深人体对苦味的感受,增加咖啡的苦涩感。报道称,在这项研究中,研究人员让受试者分别使用白色、透明以及蓝色咖啡杯喝咖啡,然后记录下他们对咖啡苦味的感受。研究人员发现,比起使用透明和蓝色咖啡杯的人,  相似文献   

<正>据外媒报道,一项最新研究发现,人们在饮用咖啡时,所用咖啡杯的颜色会影响对苦味的感受,白色咖啡杯可加深人体对苦味的感受,增加咖啡的苦涩感。据报道,在这项研究中,研究人员让受试者分别使用白色、透明以及蓝色咖啡杯喝咖啡,然后记录下他们对咖啡苦味的感受。研究人员发现,比起使用透明和蓝色咖啡杯的人,使用白色咖啡杯的受试者感受到了"更强烈的"苦味以及更低的甜度。心理学者认为,人们一般会把颜色和味觉联系起来,比如白  相似文献   

丹麦查理堡实验室研制出一种粉末啤酒。加工时,只要将粉末啤酒溶在冷水中,经过过滤后,加入碳酸气装入罐或瓶,灭菌即成。15公斤粉末啤酒可制一千瓶啤酒。这种酒特点不含酒精,热量低只有四十卡、而普通啤酒有135卡热量,  相似文献   

二氧化钛的特性及在食品中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二氧化钛,又称钛白,无臭、无味,是一种白色粉末。它的化学式为TiO2,分子量为79.9。二氧化钛是应用最广泛的白色素之一,如在食品、化妆品、油漆、橡胶、涂料、塑料、纸张、墨水和纤维等行业中的应用。一般来说,市场上的大多数二氧化钛是从锐钛矿或者金红石中提炼出来的。锐钛矿中的二氧化钛是一种白色粉末;然而金红石中的二氧化钛是灰白色甚至略带颜色的.这取决于影响其反光率的物质结构。商业用二氧化钛一般是采用硫酸盐方法或氯化物方法进行生产主要原料包括钛铁矿(FeO/TiO2).天然金红石或者钛矿渣。  相似文献   

剩咖啡用途多冰箱除臭。如果冰箱有异味,可以在里面放一些咖啡粉末1—2天,咖啡会吸收掉那些臭味。此外,如果手上沾了蒜味、鱼腥味等,可以在手上擦咖啡粉,然后用热水冲洗,即可除掉。按摩减脂。把咖啡和精油混合涂在皮肤上,然后画圆圈按摩,数分钟后清洗即可。光泽头发。清洗头发后,将冷却的浓咖啡涂抹在干的头发上,等待20分钟后清洗。每周一次即可获得乌黑亮丽的头发。驱赶虫蚁。在屋里或者院子中撒些咖  相似文献   

安部司 《烹调知识》2009,(12):40-40
今天我要给各位讲讲食品添加剂的问题。讲之前,先给大家做碗排骨汤。我面前的这排瓶子装了一些白色粉末,我要把这几十个瓶子里的粉末都混在一起,然后再把开水倒进去,搅拌一下,好了!排骨汤完成!谁愿意尝一尝?别害怕呀!就有请这位勇敢的男士吧。“啊,真的是排骨汤。真的很好喝呀!”怎么样?这就是你平常吃拉面的那个汤吧,大家都看到了,我做排骨汤时根本连一根排骨、一滴真正的排骨汤也没用到,仅仅用了这些瓶子里装的白色粉末,而且尝过的人都觉得味道不错。这些白色粉末就是我下面要讲的食品添加剂。  相似文献   

<正> RYOTO蔗糖酯是三菱化学食品株式会社的产品,也是食用乳化剂的顶级品牌品。它是由蔗糖和天然植物脂肪酸通过酯化合成的具有安全性的非离子表面活性剂。  相似文献   

<正> RYOTO蔗糖酯是由蔗糖和天然植物脂肪酸通过酯化合成的具有安全性的非离子表面活性剂。RYOTO蔗糖酯是在蔗糖的羟基上由脂肪酸进行酯化结合的产品:1个蔗糖的分子,总共有8个羟基。理论上,其结合范围可以从1个蔗糖分子与1个脂肪酸结合的单酯产品到1个蔗糖分  相似文献   

<正> 蔗糖酯是以从天然的砂糖及植物油脂中提取的脂肪酸作为原料,是具有高安全性的食用乳化剂。三菱化学食品有限公司开发的RYOTO蔗糖酯的纯度,达到95%以上。基本上,蔗糖分子有8个羟基,故能结合到的脂肪酸数目为1~8个。同一个脂肪酸结合的蔗糖单酯,具有高度的亲水性,而在抑菌力、乳化力、分散力、可溶化力、渗透性和面粉制品的改良等各方面,均能发挥优良的效果。至于与多个脂肪酸结合的蔗糖酯,其亲油性高,在乳化力和改善油脂方面效果甚佳。  相似文献   

Over the last decade, conscious food consumption has been revolutionizing the food industry. The search for additives that meet concepts of naturalness, healthiness and sustainability represents one of the major challenges in food industry. The development of emulsifiers in the ionic liquid (IL) form using compounds that can be obtained from natural sources to replace conventional ones is a promising approach. In this work, we have reported the application of bio-based ILs derived from fatty acids (FAs) and choline (Ch) as novel emulsifiers to produce potential food-grade oil-in-water emulsions by pre-mixing (PM) or PM followed by high-intensity ultrasound (HIUS)-assisted process (PM + U). The effects of the type of IL, considering molecular structures of FAs (C18OOH or C18:1OOH) and vegetable oil concentration (30:70 or 70:30, oil:water ratio) to form and stabilize emulsions were evaluated. The study was focused on the following aspects: synthesis and characterization of ILs, and kinetic stability, droplet size and size distribution, optical microscopy, viscosity profile and rheological behavior of the emulsions. ILs presented high emulsifier ability, since some emulsions were stable after storage time of at least 30 days, being such stability related to the type of IL, oil concentration and emulsifying process. The observed behavior was associated to lower droplet size and/or emulsion viscosity. [Ch][C18OO] presented higher emulsifier ability than [Ch][C18:1OO], and this behavior was more evident at higher oil concentration. Emulsions obtained by PM presented phase separation after their preparation, whereas most of those prepared by PM + U were visually stable, being those containing higher oil concentration the formulations that presented higher viscoelasticity, with a gel like behavior. Therefore, bio-based ILs have promising application potential as emulsifiers, and their use to obtain high stable emulsions can be enhanced by using the HIUS technique.  相似文献   

An analytical method using GC/MS for the detection of 4 kinds of dietary emulsifiers, glycerin, sucrose, sorbitan and propylene glycol monoesters of fatty acids (GE, SuE, SE, PGE), in beverages was developed. The emulsifiers were extracted from beverages with tetrahydrofuranethyl acetate (6:4) by homogenizing. The extract was cleaned up on a silica gel column and subsequently a C8 cartridge column, followed by acetylation. The derivatives were then detected by GC/MS. Our newly established method enabled to characterize 4 kinds of emulsifiers and also to identify their fatty acids without hydrolysis or de-esterification. When this method was applied to various beverages on the market, many GE and SuE with different fatty acids were detected. These results suggested that several dietary emulsifiers are used as food additives at the same time in beverages on the market.  相似文献   

本文以粒径、稳定性和流变为考察指标,利用激光粒度仪、食品稳定性分析仪、流变仪等研究不同种类和添加量的食品乳化剂(阿拉伯胶、酪蛋白酸钠、吐温20)对不饱和脂肪酸(油酸和亚油酸)乳状液的制备及其稳定性的影响。结果表明,三种乳化剂均可制备出稳定性较好的乳状液,不同乳化剂的质量分数不同得到乳状液的稳定性不同。较高质量分数的阿拉伯胶(4%,w/v)乳状液,具有最低的澄清指数并且具有最大粘度(0.30~0.40 Pa·s)。当酪蛋白酸钠的质量分数为2%时,制备出的乳状液较稳定,但粒径较大,贮藏稳定性较差。较低质量分数的吐温20(1%,w/v)的乳状液具有最小粒径(0.20~0.21 μm),经过贮藏后变化程度也最小。本文研究了不同食品乳化剂制备的不饱和脂肪酸乳状液及其稳定性,可为不饱和脂肪酸乳状液的制备和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

In recent years, substantial consideration within the food industry has been aimed at the development of food‐grade nanoemulsions (NE) as promising systems for encapsulating, stabilizing, and delivering bioactive compounds. Although numerous studies have revealed the critical potential of NE, there are still several challenges to overcome them. These include the extensive amounts of synthetic emulsifiers needed for NE formulation, which can potentially be toxic for human health. The interest in safety, and natural emulsifiers have stimulated food manufacturers to develop "label‐friendly" formulations by replacing synthetic emulsifiers with natural alternatives. This review represents a critical and comprehensive summary of the application of natural emulsifiers as potential substitutes for synthetic emulsifiers in NE production, with particular emphasis on the newly identified natural emulsifiers. Some recent reports showed the excellent emulsifying properties of various natural emulsifier extracted from natural resources, to produce NE, and therefore, might be generalized for further industrial applications. Future trends are encouraged to identify novel natural emulsifiers from industrial food by‐products that may demonstrate highly effective emulsifiers.  相似文献   

The effects of addition of an oil-soluble emulsifier on cream solidification after the thermal treatment, in which the cream was temporarily heated and then cooled, were investigated. Thirteen oil-soluble emulsifiers were tested for the ability to retard the cream solidification. Two emulsifiers, namely the sucrose esters of fatty acids that have low hydrophilic–lipophilic balance (HLB) values (SE-L) and the citric acid esters of monoglyceride (CMG), showed an inhibitory effect on the cream solidification. The increase in solid fat content (SFC) in cream was delayed by SE-L addition during the recooling process in the thermal treatment. SE-L inhibited the cream solidification presumably by modifying the fat crystallisation behaviour in oil droplets. On the other hand, the SFC changing pattern of the cream containing CMG during the recooling process was not different from that of solidified cream, suggesting that a mechanism other than fat crystallisation was involved in the inhibition of the cream solidification by this emulsifier.  相似文献   

部分变性植物油作苎麻油剂应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将植物油磺化变性取代部分乳化剂,则解决自乳化油剂的成本问题.研究了植物油种类、硫酸变性工艺、辅助乳化剂等因素对油剂性能的影响,结果表明:渍(浓硫酸)为2%(对植物油体积),2%体积的浓硫酸以约0.5滴/秒的速度滴加到植物油中进行部分变性、再加入辅助复合乳化剂可得到自乳化油剂.该油剂克服了传统油剂所存在的问题,生产成本低,稳定性好,可在较低温度下实现给油,具有良好的推广应用前景.  相似文献   

Teftoon, a flat bread made of whole wheat flour, is prepared by hand sheeting of dough, followed by baking. Different emulsifiers, like lecithin, E471 (distilled monoglyceride) and E472 (diacetylated tartaric acid esters of mono- and digelycerid of fatty acids), were added to the flour at various levels ranging between 0.25 and 1.0% w/w, and it was observed that they improved the dough characteristics. Improvement in bread quality parameters, such as force to tear and sensory acceptability, were monitored. Fungal α -amylase was also incorporated into the flour at 5–20 g/100 kg flour basis alone and in combination with the emulsifier. The force required to tear the fresh bread was decreased with emulsifier and enzyme addition; however, E472 addition at 0.75% w/w of whole wheat flour gave the softest bread. The tear force of stored bread significantly increased with storage; however, bread containing E472 showed a less increase in tear force up to a period of 3 days. The sensory acceptability was found to be higher than that of the control bread for emulsifiers, and lower for enzyme at a concentration higher than 10 g/kg flour.


Flat bread is normally consumed fresh, but the staling phenomenon starts immediately after baking this kind of bread. Today, large-scale production and increased consumer demands for high-quality bread with long shelf life have created the need for functional food additives such as emulsifiers and α -amylase enzyme. Incorporation of emulsifiers and enzyme decreased the hardness of Taftoon bread. Emulsifiers and α -amylase enzyme enhanced the flat bread dough quality. The sensory acceptability also improved with the addition of emulsifiers. Optimizing the amount of emulsifiers and enzyme required for reduction of bread hardness is vital because the quality and price of the final product depend on this parameter.  相似文献   

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