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The result of prompt squatting is an increase of the venous return and of the arterial resistance. Consequences are increasing of the end-diastolic and systolic chamber pressure, stroke volume, average arterial blood pressure as well as decreasing of the frequency of the pulse controlled by baro-receptors. The regulatory mechanism both change the intensity of heart murmurs of various cardiopathies and of functional heart murmurs in children. Only the systolic murmur of muscular subvalvular aortic stenosis softens. The experiment is most valuable for the recognition of mild insufficiency of semilunar valves.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the beta-glucuronidase activity during the life phases and the phase of the cycle of a woman has been studied in 51 human ovaries after the Dohrmann method. The study clearly indicates a dependency on age, that is demonstrated by a rise in beta-glucuronidase activity from 536 microgram Ph/h/g ovarial tissue during full functioning to 705 microgram Ph/h/g ovarial tissue in the premenopause and by dropping to 529 microgram Ph/h/g ovarial tissue in the menopause and the senium. The premenopause values are significantly higher compared to that of the other two functional phases. The activity of the beta-glucuronidase is significantly higher in the secretory phase than in the proliferation phase. Existing relations between the beta-glucuronidase of the ovary and the gonadotropic hormones of the hypophysis and the oestrogen metabolism are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the persistence of the cavum septi pellucidi beyond the neonatal period is a marker of cerebral dysgenesis. It has been suggested that the finding of a persistent cavum vergae is also a marker of disturbed brain development. In order to investigate this hypothesis we reviewed 161 brain magnetic resonance imaging scans from normal individuals for the presence of cavum septi pellucidi or cavum vergae, or both. In the 34 prospectively obtained normal adults, there were no individuals with either a cavum septi pellucidi or cavum vergae. In the "defined" normal subjects 3 of 127 individuals (2.4%) had a cavum septi pellucidi whereas a cavum vergae was noted in 26 of 127 (20.5%). We next reviewed the neuroimaging studies of 249 children and adults evaluated for mental retardation or developmental delay. A cavum septi pellucidi was found in 38 of 249 (15.3%) and a cavum vergae in 48 of 249 (19.3%) of these patients. A cavum septi pellucidi and cavum vergae were found together in 19 of 249 (7.6%). We interpret these data as showing that the cavum septi pellucidi is rarely seen in normal individuals although the cavum vergae is seen with the same frequency in normal and retarded populations. Thus we conclude that the cavum septi pellucidi serves as a significant marker of cerebral dysfunction manifested by neurodevelopmental abnormalities while the cavum vergae alone does not identify individuals at risk for cognitive delays.  相似文献   

Osteopenia is common in preterm babies, but its pathogenesis is uncertain. In this study bone density in babies was quantitated, postnatal bone mineralization compared to expected intrauterine bone mineralization and the pathogenesis of osteopenia investigated. Healthy babies (103 term, 76 preterm) were examined clinically, biochemically and radiologically the day after birth and at a time corresponding to expected full term gestation. Appendicular bone density was quantitated by magnification radiogrammetry, using the humeral cortical index (CI). The CI of preterm and term babies was similar the day after birth. In preterm babies elevated serum alkaline phosphatase and high urinary hydroxyproline indicated increased bone turnover. The CI of preterm babies at expected full term gestation was lower (p = 0.0001) than that of term babies at birth, implying that postnatal bone mineralization lagged behind expected intrauterine bone mineralization. Radiologic data suggested increased endosteal resorption rather than decreased bone formation. At expected full term gestation the preterm babies had higher serum alkaline phosphatase and urinary calcium, phosphate, c-AMP and hydroxyproline (p = 0.0001) than term babies at birth, and 15% had periosteal reactions. The biochemical as well as the radiologic data therefore indicated high turnover osteopenia in preterm babies. We conclude that postnatal bone mineralization in preterm babies lagged significantly behind expected intrauterine bone mineralization and that the osteopenia observed in preterm babies is caused by increased bone resorption and not by decreased bone formation. The cause(s) of this high turnover osteopenia, however, remains to be ascertained.  相似文献   

Weaning is the cause of much concern among first-time mothers. A milk-only diet is advised until 3-4 months of age. Health professionals should ensure the baby receives a sufficient and balanced diet during the weaning period, to meet the needs for energy and growth. Breast milk or infant formula should continue up to the age of at least one year. The weaning period is a good time to educate parents in good nutrition. A wide variety of foods should be the aim in child nutrition, but each different type needs to be started separately during weaning. Care is needed to ensure vegetarian babies receive enough proteins, vitamins and minerals (especially iron). Failure to thrive has a multitude of causes, and treatment must be that of the cause. Strictly vegan children who eat no dairy products will need added synthetic vitamin B12. Failure to thrive may be due to physical problems (eg choanal atresia), infection, vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia, parental ignorance or poverty. Other causes include coeliac disease, cow's milk protein allergy, cystic fibrosis, severe eczema or asthma, or diabetes.  相似文献   

With our methods IgM, 7Sgamma1 and C3 were detected in the egg-induced liver granulomata of 8-week infections of CF1 mice by Schistosoma mansoni. It is speculated that, in addition to sequestration of antigens within these lesions by these antibodies, 7Sgamma1 may be associated with the Hoeppli phenomenon, and IgM in combination with C3 may be responsible for the ultimate death of the embryo or miracidium within the egg shell.  相似文献   

B Greatrex 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,6(9):486, 488, 490-486, 488, 493
The incidence of beta-haemolytic group B streptococcal infection in babies at or shortly after birth appears to have risen during the last 20 years. About 30% of women could be colonized at any one time, and because of the transient nature of this organism research has failed to find a way of identifying women who will be colonized at the end of pregnancy. The baby is at risk of early-onset disease from mother-to-baby transmission during the birth process. If identified early enough, those mothers who present a risk can be treated in time to protect the baby during the birth. Late-onset disease can be the result of cross-infection from carers, and the education of midwives, nurses and mothers could reduce the risk. Education could also aid identification of the early signs of disease, and therefore increase the likelihood of a successful outcome of treatment.  相似文献   

Newborns and babies weakened in their resistance will mainly be affected with necrotizing enterocolitis. A conservative therapy is principally applied. It is only by increasing signs of peritonitis or caused by perforation of the intestine that laparotomy is required. A report is presented on 11 babies with surgical therapy and the kind of operative procedure applied. 6 of these babies were cured.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of allergy to hymenoptera venom must be precise and depends on indisputable bio-clinical criteria, because of specific immunotherapy for indications such as systemic and/or anaphylactic reactions. Until nowadays, diagnosis was by specific IgE, histamine release and skin tests, most often done for the venoms of wasp, honey bee and hornet at the same time since, in 7-8 cases in 10 the patients had not identified the responsible insect. Basophil activation test (TAB) by Flux cytometry and measurement of leukotriene C4 (LTC4) are new techniques of great reliability. The work shows the correlations between the different immunobiological parameters by reference to TAB by CAF and measurement of LTC4. When the overall results for mixed venoms or those for single venoms are considered, the correlations between TAB, LTC4 and the other parameters are highly significant. It can now be considered objectively that TAB by CTF and measurement of LCT4 are the two highest-performing techniques for diagnosis of hymenoptera venom allergy and so validates them.  相似文献   

Umbilical cord blood collected during labor of 100 Indian women was analyzed for organochlorine pesticides by gas-liquid chromatography with electron-capture detection. Significant levels of p,p'-DDT and its metabolites, p,p'-TDE and p,p'-DDE, as well as alpha-, beta-, and gamma-isomers of BHC were estimated. Residues in the neonatal blood were related to age, dietetic habits, and area of residence of the mothers. The study highlights the extent of placental transfer of the body burden of toxic chemicals from the mother to the fetus.  相似文献   

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