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This paper is concerned with the robust adaptive fault‐tolerant compensation control problem via sliding‐mode output feedback for uncertain linear systems with actuator faults and exogenous disturbances. Mismatched disturbance attenuation is performed via H norm minimization. By incorporating the matrix full‐rank factorization technique with sliding surface design successfully, the total failure of certain actuators can be coped with, under the assumption that redundancy is available in the system. Without the need for a fault detection and isolation mechanism, an adaptive sliding mode controller, where the gain of the nonlinear unit vector term is updated automatically to compensate the effects of actuator faults, is designed to guarantee the asymptotic stability and adaptive H performance of closed‐loop systems. The effectiveness of the proposed design method is illustrated via a B747‐100/200 aircraft model. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated robust fault estimation and fault‐tolerant control technique for stochastic systems subjected to Brownian parameter perturbations. The augmented system approach, unknown input observer method, and optimization technique are integrated to achieve robust simultaneous estimates of the system states and the means of faults concerned. Meanwhile, a robust fault‐tolerant control strategy is developed by using actuator and sensor signal compensation techniques. Stochastic linear time‐invariant systems, stochastic systems with Lipschitz nonlinear constraint, and stochastic systems with quadratic inner‐bounded nonlinear constraint are respectively investigated, and the corresponding fault‐tolerant control algorithms are addressed. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed fault‐tolerant control techniques is demonstrated via the drivetrain system of a 4.8 MW benchmark wind turbine, a 3‐tank system, and a numerical nonlinear model.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the fault‐tolerant control (FTC) problem for a class of hybrid nonlinear impulsive systems. Two kinds of faults are considered: continuous faults that affect each mode and discrete faults that affect the impulsive switching. The FTC strategy is based on the trade‐off between the frequency of switching and the decreasing rate of Lyapunov functions along the solution of the system, which maintains the stability of overall hybrid impulsive systems in spite of these two kinds of faults. A switched reluctance motor example is taken to illustrate the applicability of the proposed method. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an integrated fault estimation and fault‐tolerant control (FTC) design for Lipschitz non‐linear systems subject to uncertainty, disturbance, and actuator/sensor faults. A non‐linear unknown input observer without rank requirement is developed to estimate the system state and fault simultaneously, and based on these estimates an adaptive sliding mode FTC system is constructed. The observer and controller gains are obtained together via H optimization with a single‐step linear matrix inequality (LMI) formulation so as to achieve overall optimal FTC system design. A single‐link manipulator example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article investigates the fault estimation and fault tolerant control (FTC) problems for linear stochastic uncertain systems. By introducing the fictitious noise, the fault is augmented as part of the systems state, and then a robust estimator is proposed to simultaneously obtain the state and fault estimation. Based on the estimated information, the active FTC is presented to eliminate the impact of the fault. Finally, a simulation example is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of our main method.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of robust adaptive fault‐tolerant tracking control with time‐varying performance bounds is investigated for a class of linear systems subject to parameter uncertainties, external disturbances and actuator failures. In order to ensure the norm of the tracking error less than the user‐defined time‐varying performance bounds, we propose a new control strategy which is predicated on the generalized restricted potential function. Compared with the existing result, a novel method which provides two design freedoms is developed to reduce the tracking error. According to the online estimation information provided by adaptive mechanism, a fault‐tolerant tracking control method guaranteeing time‐varying performance bounds is developed for robust tracking of reference model. It is shown that the closed‐loop signals are bounded and the tracking error within an a priori given, time‐varying performance bounds. A simulation result is provided to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed fault‐tolerant tracking control method.  相似文献   

In this article, the elegant antidisturbance fault‐tolerant control (EADFTC) problem is studied for a class of stochastic systems in the simultaneous presence of multiple heterogeneous disturbances and time‐varying faults. The multiple heterogeneous disturbances include white noise, norm bounded uncertain disturbances and uncertain modeled disturbances with multiple nonlinearities and unknown amplitudes, frequencies, and phases. The time‐varying fault signals are caused by lose efficacy of actuator. To online estimate uncertain modeled disturbances and time‐varying faults, a novel composite observer structure consisting of the adaptive nonlinear disturbance observer and the fault diagnosis observer is constructed. The novel EADFTC strategy is proposed by integrating composite observer structure with adaptive disturbance observer‐based control theory and H technology. It is proved that all the signals of closed‐loop system are asymptotically bounded in mean square under the circumstances of multiple heterogeneous disturbances and time‐varying faults occur simultaneously. Finally, the effectiveness and availability of proposed strategy are demonstrated by means of the numerical simulation and a doubly fed induction generators system simulation, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of fault‐tolerant control (FTC) for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems against actuator faults using adaptive logic‐based switching control method. The uncertainties under consideration are assumed to be dominated by a bounding system which is linear in growth in the unmeasurable states but can be a continuous function of the system output, with unknown growth rates. Several types of common actuator faults, e.g., bias, loss‐of‐effectiveness, stuck and hard‐over faults are integrated by a unified fault model. By utilizing a novel adaptive logic‐based switching control scheme, the actuator faults can be detected and automatically accommodated by switching from the stuck actuator to the healthy or even partly losing‐effectiveness one with bias, in the presence of large parametric uncertainty. In particular, two switching logics for updating the gain in the output feedback controllers are designed to ensure the global stability of the nominal (fault‐free) system and the boundedness of all closed‐loop signals of the faulty system, respectively. Two simulation examples of an aircraft wing model and a single‐link flexible‐joint robot are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed FTC controller. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main contribution of this paper is to present a novel robust observer-based controller design method for discrete-time piecewise affine systems with norm-bounded uncertainties.The key ideas are to ...  相似文献   

This paper presents a distributed integrated fault diagnosis and accommodation scheme for leader‐following formation control of a class of nonlinear uncertain second‐order multi‐agent systems. The fault model under consideration includes both process and actuator faults, which may evolve abruptly or incipiently. The time‐varying leader communicates with a small subset of follower agents, and each follower agent communicates to its directly connected neighbors through a bidirectional network with possibly asymmetric weights. A local fault diagnosis and accommodation component are designed for each agent in the distributed system, which consists of a fault detection and isolation module and a reconfigurable controller module comprised of a baseline controller and two adaptive fault‐tolerant controllers, activated after fault detection and after fault isolation, respectively. By using appropriately the designed Lyapunov functions, the closed‐loop stability and asymptotic convergence properties of the leader‐follower formation are rigorously established under different modes of the fault‐tolerant control system.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to develop performance‐based fault detection (FD) and fault‐tolerant control (FTC) schemes for a class of nonlinear systems. To this end, the representation forms of nonlinear systems with faults and the controller parameterization forms are studied first with the aid of the nonlinear factorization technique. Then, based on the stable kernel representation and the stable image representation of the faulty nonlinear system, the stability performance of the closed‐loop system is addressed, respectively. The so‐called fault‐tolerant margin is defined to evaluate the system fault‐tolerant ability. On this basis, two performance‐based FD schemes are developed aiming at detecting the system performance degradation caused by system faults. Furthermore, to recover the system stability performance, two performance‐based FTC strategies are proposed based on the information provided by the FD unit. In the end, a numerical example and a case study on the three‐tank system are given to demonstrate the proposed results.  相似文献   

多指标约束条件下广义系统的容错控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从更接近于工程应用的角度出发,提出一种多指标约束条件下的广义系统容错控制方案.当系统在某些传感器或执行器故障的条件下,设计一鲁棒容错控制器,利用线性矩阵不等式方法分析了与区域极点指标相容的H∞指标和方差上界指标的取值范围,建立了容错控制中3类指标的相容性理论,并在相容指标约束下给出了有效的控制器设计方法.仿真算例说明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the design of a unique scheme that simultaneously performs fault isolation and fault tolerant control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with faults ranging over a finite cover. The proposed framework relies on a supervisory switching among a family of pre-computed candidate controllers without any additional model or filter. The states are ensured to be bounded during the switching delay, which ends when the correct stabilizing controller has been selected. Simulation results about a flexible joint robotic example illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the sliding mode control of uncertain nonlinear systems against actuator faults and external disturbances based on delta operator approach. The nonlinearity, actuator fault, and external disturbance are considered in this study, and the bounds of Euclidean norms of the nonlinearity and the specific lower and upper bounds of the actuator faults and the disturbances are unknown knowledge. Our attention is mainly focused on designing a sliding mode fault‐tolerant controller to compensate the effects from the nonlinearity, unknown actuator fault, and external disturbance. Based on Lyapunov stability theory, a novel‐adaptive fault‐tolerant sliding mode control law is deigned such that the resulting closed loop delta operator system is finite‐time convergence and the actuator faults can be tolerated, simultaneously. Finally, simulation results are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control design scheme. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a robust actuator fault‐tolerant control strategy for constrained linear systems in the presence of bounded state and input disturbances. The scheme is based on a bank of state estimators that match different fault situations that can occur in the system. A fault detection and isolation unit verifies that suitable residual variables lie inside pre‐computed sets and selects the estimate that matches the current plant behaviour. A bank of robustly stabilizing tube‐based model predictive control laws is designed, each associated to a fault scenario, and the appropriate controller is selected among them by using the information provided by the fault detection and isolation module. By means of ‘tubes’ of trajectories, we ensure robust closed‐loop exponential stability of the constrained system and good performance in the fault‐free case and under the occurrence of abrupt actuator faults, including actuator outage and loss of effectiveness by an unknown amount. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of H fuzzy controller synthesis for a class of discrete‐time nonlinear active fault‐tolerant control systems (AFTCSs) in a stochastic setting. The Takagi and Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy model is employed to exactly represent a nonlinear AFTCS. For this AFTCS, two random processes with Markovian transition characteristics are introduced to model the failure process of system components and the fault detection and isolation (FDI) decision process used to reconfigure the control law, respectively. The random behavior of the FDI process is conditioned on the state of the failure process. A non‐parallel distributed compensation (non‐PDC) scheme is adopted for the design of the fault‐tolerant control laws. The resulting closed‐loop fuzzy system is the one with two Markovian jump parameters. Based on a stochastic fuzzy Lyapunov function (FLF), sufficient conditions for the stochastic stability and H disturbance attenuation of the closed‐loop fuzzy system are first derived. A linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach to the fuzzy control design is then developed. Moreover, a suboptimal fault‐tolerant H fuzzy controller is given in the sense of minimizing the level of disturbance attenuation. Finally, a simulation example is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a fault tolerant control (FTC) strategy using virtual actuators and sensors for linear parameter varying (LPV) systems is proposed. The main idea of this FTC method, initially developed for LTI systems, is to reconfigure the control loop such that the nominal controller could still be used without need of retuning it. The plant with the faulty actuator/sensor is modified adding the virtual actuator/sensor block that masks the actuator/sensor fault. The suggested technique is an active FTC strategy that reconfigures the virtual actuator/sensor on-line taking into account faults and operating point changes. The stability of the reconfigured control loop is guaranteed if the faulty plant is stabilizable/detectable. The LPV virtual actuator/sensor is designed using polytopic LPV techniques and linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). A two-tank system simulator is used to assess the performance of the proposed method. In particular, it is shown that the application of the proposed technique results in an improvement, in terms of performance, with respect to the LTI counterpart.  相似文献   

The problems of fault diagnosis and fault‐tolerant control are considered for systems with measurement delays. In contrast to the present fault diagnosis and fault‐tolerant control approaches, which consider only the input delay and/or state delay, the main contribution of this paper consists of proposing a new observer‐based reduced‐order fault diagnoser construction approach and a design approach to dynamic self‐restore fault‐tolerant control law for systems with measurement delays. First, the time‐delay system is transformed into a delay‐free system in form by a special functional‐based delay‐free transformation approach for measurement delays. Then, the fault diagnosis is realized online via the proposed reduced‐order fault diagnoser. Using the results of fault diagnosis, two dynamic self‐restore control laws are designed to make the system isolated from faults. A numerical example demonstrates the feasibility and validity of the proposed scheme. © 2012 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

This article synthesizes a recursive filtering adaptive fault‐tolerant tracking control method for uncertain switched multivariable nonlinear systems. The multivariable nonlinear systems under consideration have both matched and mismatched uncertainties, which satisfy the semiglobal Lipschitz condition. A piecewise constant adaptive law generates adaptive parameters by solving the error dynamics with the neglection of unknowns, and the recursive least squares is employed to minimize the residual error by categorizing the total uncertainty estimates into matched and mismatched components. A filtering control law is designed to compensate the actuator faults and nonlinear uncertainties such that a good tracking performance is delivered with guaranteed robustness. The matched component is canceled directly by adopting their opposite in the control signal, whereas a dynamic inversion of the system is performed to eliminate the effect of the mismatched component on the output. By exploiting the average dwell time principle, the error bounds are derived for the states and control inputs compared with the virtual reference system which defines the best performance that can be achieved by the closed‐loop system. Both numerical and practical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed switching recursive filtering adaptive fault‐tolerant tracking control architecture, comparisons with model reference adaptive control are also carried out.  相似文献   

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