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The current Internet can only provide the best-effort services. By growing the Internet and its applications, new services with different requirements are developed. The differentiated services (Diffserv) [S. Blake, M. Carlson, E. Davies, Z. Wang, W. Weiss, An Architecture for Differentiated Services, IETF RFC 2475, 1998; K. Nichols, V. Jacobson, L. Zhang, A Two-bit Differentiated Services Architecture for the Internet, IETF RFC 2638, July 1999; T. Li, Y. Rekhter, A Provider Architecture for Differentiated Services and Traffic Engineering (PASTE), IETF RFC 2430, October 1998] is a scalable model for providing end-to-end quality of services. A Diffserv router consists of different components including classifier, meter, marker, dropper, shaper and scheduler. In this paper, we use the benefits of the fuzzy logic controller to design a fuzzy based traffic conditioner for Internet differentiated services. Our proposed model consists of three major parts: a fuzzy meter/marker (FM), a fuzzy active queue management (FAQM) algorithm and a fuzzy scheduler (FS). The proposed FM used to measure and mark the input traffic is based on the single rate three colors meter (srTCM) mechanism [J. Heinane, et al., A Single Rate Three Color Marker, RFC 2697, September 1999]. The FM meters an IP packet stream and marks its packets GREEN, YELLOW, or RED. The proposed FAQM is a fuzzy implementation of the well-known BLUE active queue management (AQM) algorithm [W. Feng, D. Kandlur, D. Saha, K. Shin, BLUE: A New Class of Active Queue Management Algorithms U. Michigan CSE-TR-387-99, April 1999]. To achieve a good throughput and reasonable packet loss ratio, the proposed FAQM mechanism employs a fuzzy logic controller. The third part of the proposed fuzzy traffic conditioner is FS. It is based on the traditional weighted fair queue (WFQ) mechanism [A. Demers, S. Keshav, S. Shenker, Analysis and simulation of a fair queueing algorithm, in: SIGCOMM Symposium on Communications Architectures and Protocols, Austin, Texas, September 1989, pp. 1–12] that tunes the weight of each queue by a fuzzy logic controller. To evaluate the performance of the proposed model, we developed a software in C++ environment to simulate it. Different network topologies with different traffic parameters were performed. The simulation results easily helped us to judge the merit of the proposed FM, FAQM and FS because of their remarkable performance over the traditional non-fuzzy mechanisms.  相似文献   

One of the important issues in the design of future generation of high-speed networks is to provide differentiated service to different types of traffic with various time constraints. In this paper, we study the problem of providing real-time service to either hard or soft real-time messages and normal transmission service to variable-length messages without time constraints in WDM optical networks. We propose an adaptive scheduling algorithm for scheduling message transmissions in order to improve the network performance when both real-time and non real-time messages are transmitted in one topology. We have analyzed the complexity of the algorithm to show its feasibility. We have conducted extensive discrete-event simulations to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The study suggests that when scheduling message transmission in WDM networks differentiated services should be considered in order to meet time constraints of real-time messages while non real-time messages are being served so that the overall performance of the network could be improved.  相似文献   

We investigate the trade-off between performance and power consumption in servers hosting virtual machines running IT services. The performance behavior of such servers is modeled through Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) queues enhanced with a green speed-scaling mechanism that controls the processing capacity to use depending on the number of active virtual machines. When the number of virtual machines grows large, we show that the stochastic evolution of our model converges to a system of ordinary differential equations for which we derive a closed-form formula for its unique stationary point. This point is a function of the capacity and the shares that characterize the GPS mechanism. It allows us to show that speed-scaling mechanisms can provide large reduction in power consumption having only small performance degradation in terms of the delays experienced in the virtual machines. In addition, we derive the optimal choice for the shares of the GPS discipline, which turns out to be non-trivial. Finally, we show how our asymptotic analysis can be applied to the dimensioning and service partitioning in data-centers. Experimental results show that our asymptotic formulas are accurate even when the number of virtual machines is small.  相似文献   

网络演算是一种用来求解网络性能确定性边界问题的定量分析新工具。该文归纳网络演算基本理论,给出了基于漏桶调节器的通用处理器共享系统框架。基于网络演算推导并建立了该系统框架下的队列长度、延迟/延迟抖动以及有效带宽等性能边界模型。对它们进行了实例分析,结果表明,利用网络演算理论分析提供保证服务的网络性能边界问题时,具有较好的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   

Contemporary communication networks are expected to support multimedia applications which require diversified Quality-of-Services (QoS). An integrated scheduling discipline of Priority Queueing (PQ) and Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS), referred to as P-G, has recently emerged as a promising scheme for cost-effective QoS differentiation. In this paper, we develop a new analytical model for the integrated P-G system subject to bursty traffic. The Markov-Modulated Poisson Process (MMPP) is adopted to capture traffic burstiness because it can qualitatively model time-varying arrival rate and important correlation between inter-arrival times. To derive the desired performance metrics for individual sessions, the integrated P-G system is decomposed into a set of Single-Server Single-Queue (SSSQ) systems. Specifically, the integrated system is first divided into an SSSQ system and a GPS system. Next, a bounding approach is adopted to decompose the GPS system into individual SSSQ systems. Extensive comparisons between analytical and simulation results validate the accuracy of the analytical model. To demonstrate its merits, the model is used to investigate the configuration of the GPS weights under the QoS constraints of different traffic flows.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a mechanism named modified backoff (MB) mechanism to decrease the channel idle time in IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF). In the noisy channel, when signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is low, applying this mechanism in DCF greatly improves the throughput and lowers the channel idle time. This paper presents an analytical model for the performance study of IEEE 802.11 MB-DCF for nonsaturated heterogeneous traffic in the presence of transmission errors. First, we introduce the MB-DCF and compare its performance to IEEE 802.11 DCF with binary exponential backoff (BEB). The IEEE 802.11 DCF with BEB mechanism suffers from more channel idle time under low SNR. The MB-DCF ensures high throughput and low packet delay by reducing the channel idle time under the low traffic in the network. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, there are no previous works that enhance the performance of the DCF under imperfect wireless channel. We show through analysis that the proposed mechanism greatly outperforms the original IEEE 802.11 DCF in the imperfect channel condition. The effectiveness of physical and link layer parameters on throughput performance is explored. We also present a throughput investigation of the heterogeneous traffic for different radio conditions.  相似文献   

We consider a two-class Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) queueing system, in which each class has its specific traffic characteristics and quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. Traffic of both classes is assumed to be Gaussian (a versatile family of models that covers both long-range dependent and short-range dependent traffic). In this paper we address the question how to select the GPS weight values. To do so, we first characterize the admissible region of the system for fixed weights. Then we obtain the realizable region by taking the union of the admissible regions over all possible weight values. The results indicate that, under a broad variety of traffic characteristics and QoS requirements, nearly the entire realizable region can be obtained by strict priority scheduling disciplines. In addition, we indicate how the buffer thresholds, QoS requirements and the traffic characteristics of the two classes determine which class should get high priority.  相似文献   

本文介绍了BOC信号的基本结构,仿真了GPS和Galileo信号中采用的两种BOC信号的自相关函数以及鉴别器曲线。根据它们鉴别器曲线多个过零点的问题,用2N相关器法进行了分析和仿真。  相似文献   

Teamwork, a central component of team research, is not readily observable and must be inferred from the manner in which teams operate. Of particular interest is the measurement and evaluation of teamwork. The goal of this paper is to explore the assessment of team data using a temporal accuracy measure called the Relative Accuracy Index (RAI). For the statistical analysis, the generalized mixed model was applied. This model is applicable for binomial data and takes into account the correlation structure within team members. We describe the statistical procedure in detail, aiming to guide researchers who encounter similar problems. Using our statistical analysis, we found that participants whose training focused on coordination activities outperformed those whose training did not. Moreover, we found that workload stress accentuates the difference.  相似文献   

IP网络QoS体系性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MPLS流量工程通过优化IP网络资源的使用以提高网络性能,同时结合约束路由和面向连接的标记交换路径提供了端到端的QoS保障。在网络上层,DiffServ和MPLS相结合,DiffServ将业务分类、整形、聚合,MPLS再将处理过的数据转换成不同的标签进行转发。在网络底层,MPLS与WDM光网络技术相结合,从而实现更快、更智能的数据传送。  相似文献   

邵忻 《计算机应用研究》2012,29(5):1901-1903
研究网络流量预测精度问题,网络流量受多种因素的综合影响,其变化具有周期性、非线性和随机性等特点,将ARIMA模型和SVM模型相结合建立一种网络流量预测模型。采用ARIMA预测网络流量周期性和线性变化趋势;然后采用SVM对网络流量非线性和随机性趋势进行拟合;最后将两者结果再次输入SVM进行融合,得到网络流量最终预测结果。采用具体网络流量数据对模型性能进行测试,仿真结果表明,ARIMA-SVM提高了网络流量预测精度,降低了预测误差,能更全面刻画网络流量变化规律。  相似文献   

An area traffic control network system is considered in this paper. Optimal signal settings can be determined while trip rates and network flow are in equilibrium. This problem can be formulated as a nonlinear mathematical program with equilibrium constraints. For the objective function, the system performance can be defined as a function of signal setting variables. For the constraint set, a user equilibrium traffic assignment with elastic demand obeying Wardrop’s first principle is formulated as a variational inequality problem. Due to the nonlinearity and non-differentiability of the perturbed solutions in equilibrium constraints, a non-smooth approach is investigated in this paper. Numerical tests are performed using a variety of example road networks to quantify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

DSP芯片核内高性能移位器设计与验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚军  陈杰  林兆军 《计算机工程与设计》2005,26(8):1988-1990,2002
移位类指令对于实现FIR、IIR等数字信号处理算法非常重要,为了快速的实现此类算法,介绍了一款16位嵌入式定点DSP芯片中核内移位器单元的设计。电路由一个移位阵列和指数提取单元、以及控制信号单元组成,采用改进的树形(Tree-Mux)结构,大大提高了其速度。使用0.18CMOS工艺,使得(16位输入40位输出)整个移位器得以实现;综合结果表明,最长时延为1.89ns。  相似文献   

交通环境有毒气体的检测技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对交通环境中毒害较大的CO、NO2和CH4三种气体,优选金属氧化物半导体气体传感器构成阵列,并对BP网络进行改进,采用有弹回的BP算法,构造了电子鼻系统。实验结果表明,系统能够以较高的精度检测出交通环境中三种有毒气体的浓度。  相似文献   

针对车联网(IoV)环境下消息传输效率低下、网络资源开销较大等诸多问题,提出一种适用于城市交通场景下基于车辆节点认知交互的路由算法。首先,依据信任理论提出节点认知交互度的概念,并在此基础上对车联网中的车辆节点进行分类,赋予它们不同的认知交互度初值;同时还引入车辆节点交互时间、交互频率、车辆节点物理间隔距离、间隔跳数以及消息生存时间等影响因子,进而构建了车辆节点认知交互评估模型。基于该模型计算并更新节点的认知交互度,并通过比较对应车辆节点间的认知交互度值来选取认知交互度相对较高的邻居节点作为中继节点进行消息转发。仿真实验结果表明,与Epidemic和Prophet路由算法相比,所提路由算法有效提高了消息投递率并降低了消息投递时延,同时显著降低了网络资源的开销,有助于提升车联网环境的消息传输质量。  相似文献   

This paper has two complementary focuses. The first is the system design and algorithmic development for air traffic control (ATC) using an associative SIMD processor (AP). The second is the comparison of this implementation with a multiprocessor implementation and the implications of these comparisons. This paper demonstrates how one application, ATC, can more easily, more simply, and more efficiently be implemented on an AP than is generally possible on other types of traditional hardware. The AP implementation of ATC will take advantage of its deterministic hardware to use static scheduling. The software will be dramatically smaller and cheaper to create and maintain. Likewise, a large AP system will be considerably simpler and cheaper than the MIMD hardware currently used. While APs were used for ATC-type applications earlier, these are no longer available. We use a ClearSpeed CSX600 accelerator to emulate the AP solutions of ATC on an ATC prototype consisting of eight data-intensive ATC real-time tasks. Its performance is compared with an 8-core multiprocessor (MP) using OpenMP. Our extensive experiments show that the AP implementation meets all deadlines while the MP will regularly miss a large number of deadlines. The AP code will be similar in size to sequential code for the same tasks and will avoid all of the additional support software needed with an MP to handle dynamic scheduling, load balancing, shared resource management, race conditions, false sharing, etc. At this point, essentially only MIMD systems are built. Many of the advantages of using an AP to solve an ATC problem would carry over to other applications. AP solutions for a wide variety of applications will be cited in this paper. Applications that involve a high degree of data parallelism such as database management, text processing, image processing, graph processing, bioinformatics, weather modeling, managing UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems or drones) etc., are good candidates for AP solutions. This raises the issue of whether we should routinely consider using non-multiprocessor hardware like the AP for applications where substantially simpler software solutions will normally exist. It also raises the question of whether the use of both AP and MIMD hardware in a single hetergeneous system could provide more versatility and efficiency. Either the AP or MIMD could serve as the primary system, but could hand off jobs it could not handle efficiently to the other system.  相似文献   

在搭建交通隧道无线传感器网络( WSNs)模型的基础上,分析交通隧道无线信号的传输特性。运用经典的Ad-Hoc路由协议构造仿真场景,从描述图像质量的平均峰值信噪比( PSNR)值和描述网络质量的平均时延两个方面分析交通隧道中无线传感器网络传输视频图像的性能。研究表明:使用基于Ad-Hoc路由协议的传感器网络传输视频图像可以满足交通隧道监控的要求,按需距离矢量路由( AODV)协议传输的视频图像质量优于目的序列距离矢量路由( DSDV)协议。  相似文献   

针对WDM网状网络中的动态流量疏导问题,基于分层辅助图网络模型,提出了一个自适应动态流量疏导算法,根据不同的业务请求和网络疏导能力,启动相应的流量疏导策略,达到合理地分配网络资源,从而降低网络平均阻塞概率的目的。仿真结果表明,提出的算法可以有效地改善网络性能。  相似文献   

为克服传统刚性负载均衡机制不能适应多变的网络环境的缺陷,解决云环境下已有负载均衡机制存在不能充分利用弹性机制,且服务质量(QoS)不稳定的问题,提出一种基于绿色计算资源池策略的云环境弹性负载均衡机制,根据系统资源利用率对负载进行量化,量化结果决定资源池虚拟机的分配,最后结合虚拟机的使用情况,回收资源,提高资源的利用率。实验结果显示在该负载均衡机制下,响应时间稳定在2.5s左右,整体服务质量有明显提高,降低了电能消耗,验证了该机制的有效性。  相似文献   

一种网络流量预测的小波神经网络模型   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
雷霆  余镇危 《计算机应用》2006,26(3):526-0528
结合小波变换和人工神经网络的优势,建立一种网络流量预测的小波神经网络模型。首先对流量时间序列进行小波分解,得到小波变换尺度系数序列和小波系数序列,以系数序列和原来的流量时间序列分别作为模型的输入和输出,构造人工神经网络并且加以训练。用实际网络流量对该模型进行验证,结果表明,该模型具有较高的预测效果。  相似文献   

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