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A solution is proposed to the problem of interactive visualization and rendering of volume data. Designed for parallel distributed memory MIMD architectures, the volume rendering system is based on the ray tracing (RT) visualization technique, the Sticks representation scheme (a data structure exploiting data coherence for the compression of classified data sets), the use of a slice-partitioning technique for the distribution of the data between the processing nodes and the consequent ray-data-flow parallelizing strategy. The system has been implemented on two different architectures: an inmos Transputer network and a hypercube nCUBE 6400 architecture. The high number of processors of this latter machine has allowed us to exploit a second level of parallelism (parallelism on image space, or parallelism on pixels) in order to arrive at a higher degree of scalability. In both proposals, the similarities between the chosen data-partitioning strategy, the communications pattern of the visualization processes and the topology of the physical system architecture represent the key points and provide improved software design and efficiency. Moreover, the partitioning strategy used and the network interconnection topology reduce the communications overhead and allow for an efficient implementation of a static load-balancing technique based on the prerendering of a low resolution image. Details of the practical issues involved in the parallelization process of volumetric RT, commonly encountered problems (i.e. termination and deadlock prevention) and the sw migration process between different architectures are discussed.  相似文献   

Haptic rendering: introductory concepts   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Haptic rendering allows users to "feel" virtual objects in a simulated environment. We survey current haptic systems and discuss some basic haptic-rendering algorithms. In the past decade we've seen an enormous increase in interest in the science of haptics. Haptics broadly refers to touch interactions (physical contact) that occur for the purpose of perception or manipulation of objects. These interactions can be between a human hand and a real object; a robot end-effector and a real object; a human hand and a simulated object (via haptic interface devices); or a variety of combinations of human and machine interactions with real, remote, or virtual objects. Rendering refers to the process by which desired sensory stimuli are imposed on the user to convey information about a virtual haptic object.  相似文献   

Immersion and interaction are two key features of virtual reality systems, which are especially important for medical applications. Based on the requirement of motor skill training in dental surgery, haptic rendering method based on triangle model is investigated in this paper. Multi-rate haptic rendering architecture is proposed to solve the contradiction between fidelity and efficiency requirements. Realtime collision detection algorithm based on spatial partition and time coherence is utilized to enable fast contact determination. Proxy-based collision response algorithm is proposed to compute surface contact point. Cutting force model based on piecewise contact transition model is proposed for dental drilling simulation during tooth preparation. Velocity-driven levels of detail haptic rendering algorithm is proposed to maintain high update rate for complex scenes with a large number of triangles. Hapticvisual collocated dental training prototype is established using half-mirror solution. Typical dental operations have been realized including dental caries exploration, detection of boundary within dental cross-section plane, and dental drilling during tooth preparation. The haptic rendering method is a fundamental technology to improve immersion and interaction of virtual reality training systems, which is useful not only in dental training, but also in other surgical training systems. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60605027, 50575011), National High-Tech Research & Development Program of China (Grant No. 2007AA01Z310)  相似文献   

In this paper, an extendable volumetric representation based on run-lengths called spatial run-length encoding (S-RLE) is presented. The S-RLE representation is developed for a haptic shape modeling system that is based on simulated machining processes. In the system, shape modeling is simulated as virtual material removal processes similar to machining processes with volume-based haptic rendering. The object and the tools are represented by S-RLE. The data structure of S-RLE consists of two cross-referenced databases: one is a stack of lists in geometrical domain, recording the runs describing the space occupation of the object; the other is a table in physical domain, describing the physical properties of each element. The latter is extendable to include more diverse physical properties such as parts composed of heterogeneous materials. Algorithms for geometric operations and haptic rendering based on S-RLE are developed. The proposed S-RLE data structure has the features of efficient memory usage, quick collision detection, inherent representation for heterogeneous objects, and fast visual rendering.  相似文献   

Visualization and exploration of time-varying volumetric medical data help clinicians for better diagnosis and treatment. However, it is a challenge to render these data in an interactive manner because of their complexity and large size. We propose an efficient clustering method for fast compression and rendering of these large dynamic data. We divide the volumes into a set of blocks and use a BIRCH (Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies) based algorithm to cluster them, which can usually find a high quality clustering with a single scan of the blocks. In addition, the granularity of clusters can be adaptively adjusted by dynamically configuring threshold values. In each cluster of blocks, a KeyBlock is generated to represent the cluster, and therefore the storage space of the volumes is reduced greatly. In addition, we assign a lifetime to every KeyBlock and implement a dynamic memory management scheme to further reduce the storage space. During the rendering, each KeyBlock is rendered as a KeyImage, which can be reused if the view transformation and transfer function are not changed. This reuse can help to increase the rendering speed significantly. Experimental results showed that the proposed method can achieve good performance in terms of both speed optimization and space reduction.  相似文献   

Interactive stereoscopic rendering of volumetric environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present an efficient stereoscopic rendering algorithm supporting interactive navigation through large-scale 3D voxel-based environments. In this algorithm, most of the pixel values of the right image are derived from the left image by a fast 3D warping based on a specific stereoscopic projection geometry. An accelerated volumetric ray casting then fills the remaining gaps in the warped right image. Our algorithm has been parallelized on a multiprocessor by employing effective task partitioning schemes and achieved a high cache coherency and load balancing. We also extend our stereoscopic rendering to include view-dependent shading and transparency effects. We have applied our algorithm in two virtual navigation systems, flythrough over terrain and virtual colonoscopy, and reached interactive stereoscopic rendering rates of more than 10 frames per second on a 16-processor SGI challenge.  相似文献   

Haptic rendering of rigid contacts using impulsive and penalty forces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new simulation approach is proposed to improve the stability and the perceived rigidity of contacts during haptic interaction with multirigid body virtual environments. The approach computes impulsive forces upon contact and penalty and friction forces during contact. The impulsive forces are derived using a new multiple collision resolution method that never increases the kinetic energy of the system. When new contacts arise, the impulsive forces generate large hand accelerations without requiring increased contact stiffness and damping. Virtual objects and linkages are regarded as points in the configuration space, and no distinction is made between them in the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Fluid simulations typically produce complex three-dimensional (3D) isosurfaces whose geometry and topology change over time. The standard way of representing such "dynamic geometry" is by a set of isosurfaces that are extracted individually at certain time steps. An alternative strategy is to represent the whole sequence as a four-dimensional (4D) tetrahedral mesh. The iso-surface at a specific time step can then be computed by intersecting the tetrahedral mesh with a 3D hyperplane. This not only allows the animation of the surface continuously over time without having to worry about the topological changes, but also enables simplification algorithms to exploit temporal coherence. We show how to interactively render such 4D tetrahedral meshes by improving previous GPU-accelerated techniques and building an out-of-core multi-resolution structure based on quadric error simplification. As a second application, we apply our framework to time-varying surfaces that result from morphing one triangle mesh into another.  相似文献   

Ray tracing a volume scene graph composed of multiple point-based volume objects (PBVO) can produce high quality images with effects such as shadows and constructive operations. A naive approach, however, would demand an overwhelming amount of memory to accommodate all point datasets and their associated control structures such as octrees. This paper describes an out-of-core approach for rendering such a scene graph in a scalable manner. In order to address the difficulty in pre-determining the order of data caching, we introduce a technique based on a dynamic, in-core working set. We present a ray-driven algorithm for predicting the working set automatically. This allows both the data and the control structures required for ray tracing to be dynamically pre-fetched according to access patterns determined based on captured knowledge of ray-data intersection. We have conducted a series of experiments on the scalability of the technique using working sets and datasets of different sizes. With the aid of both qualitative and quantitative analysis, we demonstrate that this approach allows the rendering of multiple large PBVOs in a volume scene graph to be performed on desktop computers.  相似文献   

In a pool fire, an ignited puddle or pool of liquid fuel burns in the atmosphere. Understanding pool fires is important to devising methods to control the hazards resulting from spilled fuels. In this case study, we consider techniques for visualizing the data measured in pool fires and for computing the radiative transfer from pool fires. We used basic tools to image fire data and to compute irradiation-efficient ray casting and radiometrically accurate line integrations. Visualization techniques help answer a number of questions about pool fires  相似文献   

Nonphotorealistic rendering of medical volume data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article introduces volumetric hatching, a novel technique that produces pen-and-ink-style images from medical volume data. Unlike previous approaches that generate full-surface models, our technique uses characteristics of the volume near the stroke being produced to generate a local intermediate surface. Because global isosurfaces can't exactly model many medical subjects, our volume-based method has considerable advantages. Our method is largely insensitive to surface artifacts. We focus on hatching with line strokes to portray muscles, intestines, brains, and so on. Hatching with line strokes requires determining not just the position of the line strokes, but also their orientation. Thus, the strokes not only illustrate the subject's shape, but also describe its character in some way - for example, by displaying fiber orientations for muscles.  相似文献   

Hair is typically modeled and rendered using either explicitly defined hair strand geometry or a volume texture of hair densities. Taken each on their own, these two hair representations have difficulties in the case of animal fur as it consists of very dense and thin undercoat hairs in combination with coarse guard hairs. Explicit hair strand geometry is not well-suited for the undercoat hairs, while volume textures are not well-suited for the guard hairs. To efficiently model and render both guard hairs and undercoat hairs, we present a hybrid technique that combines rasterization of explicitly defined guard hairs with ray marching of a prismatic shell volume with dynamic resolution. The latter is the key to practical combination of the two techniques, and it also enables a high degree of detail in the undercoat. We demonstrate that our hybrid technique creates a more detailed and soft fur appearance as compared with renderings that only use explicitly defined hair strands. Finally, our rasterization approach is based on order-independent transparency and renders high-quality fur images in seconds.  相似文献   

Convex contouring of volumetric data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we present a fast, table-driven isosurface extraction technique on volumetric data. Unlike Marching Cubes or other cell-based algorithms, the proposed polygonization generates convex negative space inside individual cells, enabling fast collision detection on the triangulated isosurface. In our implementation, we are able to perform over 2 million point classifications per second. The algorithm is driven by an automatically constructed lookup table that stores compact decision trees by sign configurations. The decision trees determine triangulations dynamically by values at cell corners. Using the same technique, we can perform fast, crack-free multiresolution contouring on nested grids of volumetric data. The method can also be extended to extract isosurfaces on arbitrary convex, space-filling polyhedra.  相似文献   

We focus on the realism/transparency aspect of haptic rendering. We introduce a novel approach that enables physically correct and accurate simulation of contact wrench W/sub c/ for general rigid objects in real time, taking into account not only friction and gravity but also dynamic effects. Our method for contact force and moment simulation builds on the real-time identification of geometrically valid contact states despite digital errors. Our approach applies to general rigid bodies including both polyhedral and nonpolyhedral objects. For nonpolyhedral, curved objects, we build our contact state representation and contact force/moment model directly on the smooth and accurate representation of the object surfaces. Our approach's key idea is to solve for the contact force and moment analytically based on not only the contact configuration, but also the real-time identification of the exact type of the corresponding contact state, the type of instantaneous motion of the held object prior to reaching the contact configuration.  相似文献   

Ranjan  V. Fournier  A. 《Computer》1994,27(7):28-36
Given a set of points on the boundary of an object derived from volumetric data, how can one represent the object and, in particular visualize it from these points? This problem is addressed by our research on the representation of points at the boundary of an object as a union of simple boundary primitives. We use volumetric data in the customary sense, but an additional feature for our purpose is the availability of an inside-outside test for any point within the volume. Our problem is, therefore, a restricted form of the general problem of visualizing an arbitrary cloud of points. Representing and visualizing can be vague concepts. As an intuitive example of the kind of representation we are looking for, assume we have data somehow representing a human head. In the first approximation, the head can be represented by a sphere. The surface area and the volume of the sphere give us rough, but useful, estimates of the corresponding properties for the head. At the same time, the position and radius of the sphere give us an idea of the translation and scaling to apply to get the head in some canonical position. If, instead, we fit an ellipsoid, the additional degrees of freedom might let us obtain the parameters of the rotations to apply. Of course, we cannot independently obtain estimates for the scaling, volume, or area. The obtainable estimates depend on the context. Whereas human perception deals very well with these ambiguities, computer visualization tends to fall short. The new representation of volumetric data based on union of spheres shows promise in achieving stability  相似文献   

Computational simulations frequently generate solutions defined over very large tetrahedral volume meshes containing many millions of elements. Furthermore, such solutions may often be expressed using non-linear basis functions. Certain solution techniques, such as discontinuous Galerkin methods, may even produce non-conforming meshes. Such data is difficult to visualize interactively, as it is far too large to fit in memory and many common data reduction techniques, such as mesh simplification, cannot be applied to non-conforming meshes. We introduce a point-based visualization system for interactive rendering of large, potentially non-conforming, tetrahedral meshes. We propose methods for adaptively sampling points from non-linear solution data and for decimating points at run time to fit GPU memory limits. Because these are streaming processes, memory consumption is independent of the input size. We also present an order-independent point rendering method that can efficiently render volumes on the order of 20 million tetrahedra at interactive rates.  相似文献   

Efficient high-quality volume rendering of SPH data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High quality volume rendering of SPH data requires a complex order-dependent resampling of particle quantities along the view rays. In this paper we present an efficient approach to perform this task using a novel view-space discretization of the simulation domain. Our method draws upon recent work on GPU-based particle voxelization for the efficient resampling of particles into uniform grids. We propose a new technique that leverages a perspective grid to adaptively discretize the view-volume, giving rise to a continuous level-of-detail sampling structure and reducing memory requirements compared to a uniform grid. In combination with a level-of-detail representation of the particle set, the perspective grid allows effectively reducing the amount of primitives to be processed at run-time. We demonstrate the quality and performance of our method for the rendering of fluid and gas dynamics SPH simulations consisting of many millions of particles.  相似文献   

三维真实感地形的生成一直是计算机图形学领域中的焦点课题,研究了基于层次细节的实时优化自适应网格动态地形渲染算法,采用了基于地形块包围盒的可见性投影剔除技术的实时优化策略,提出了嵌套包围球方法和屏幕空间误差法相结合的优化算法来改进误差判据,以提高地形绘制的快速性,给出了该层次细节模型在地形渲染中的实现方法。实验证明,通过对实时优化自适应网格算法的实现和优化,在保证一定的地形渲染效果的前提下,减少了开销同时提高了实时渲染速度。  相似文献   

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