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We have used a novel, quantitative approach to study the effect of gamma-radiation and topoisomerase-II inhibitors on the initiation of DNA synthesis in eukaryotic cells. We found out that mild gamma-irradiation caused an almost immediate decrease in the rate of initiation of genomic DNA replication and stimulated DNA repair. This held true for two different cell lines. Ehrlich ascites tumor cells and Friend transformed erythroid cells, although the effect of gamma-radiation on Friend cells was more pronounced. At the same time, the synthesis of mitochondrial DNA was not affected by the irradiation. The effect of topoisomerase-II inhibitors on DNA initiation closely paralleled that of gamma irradiation, but did not stimulate repair. The fact that gamma-radiation and topoisomerase-II inhibitors, two types of agents that differ so profoundly, have practically the same effect on DNA synthesis speaks strongly in favour of the idea that eukaryotic cells have a general mechanism for coping with any disturbances in DNA integrity and chromatin structure. This mechanism is probably similar to the SOS-mechanism of prokaryotic cells and includes, as an early step, a slowdown of the initiation of replicative DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Catalytic inhibitors of mammalian DNA topoisomerase II have been found recently in natural and synthetic compounds. These compounds target the enzyme within the cell and inhibit various genetic processes involving the enzyme, such as DNA replication and chromosome dynamics, and thus proved to be good probes for the functional analyses of the enzyme in a variety of eukaryotes from yeast to mammals. Catalytic inhibitors were shown to be antagonists against topoisomerase II poisons. Thus bis(2,6-dioxopiperazines) have a potential to overcome cardiac toxicity caused by potent antitumor anthracycline antibiotics such as doxorubicin and daunorubicin. ICRF-187, a (+)-enantiomer of racemic ICRF-159, has been used in clinics in European countries as cardioprotector. Furthermore, bis(2,6-dioxopiperazines) enhance the efficacy of topoisomerase II poisons by reducing their side effects in preclinical and clinical settings. Bis(2,6-dioxopiperazines) per se among others have antitumor activity, and one of their derivatives, MST-16 or Sobuzoxane, bis(N1-isobutyloxycarbonyloxymethyl-2, 6-dioxopiperazine), has been developed in Japan as an anticancer drug used for malignant lymphomas and adult T-cell leukemia in clinics.  相似文献   

Alterations in the amino acid composition, phosphorylation pattern, or intracellular levels of topoisomerase II have been associated with resistance to antineoplastic agents whose effects are mediated through interactions with this enzyme. To develop a model system with which to investigate the determinants of topoisomerase II sensitivity or resistance to antineoplastic agents that target this enzyme, a cDNA encoding the wild-type Drosophila melanogaster topoisomerase II was ligated into a mammalian expression vector containing a glucocorticoid-inducible mouse mammary tumor virus promoter and transfected into an epipodophyllotoxin-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cell line (VPM(r)-5). In two transfectants carrying an intact, full-length Drosophila topoisomerase II cDNA, exposure to the inducing agent, dexamethasone (10 microM), resulted in complementation of the endogenous mutant topoisomerase II and phenotypic reversion to etoposide sensitivity. In the presence of glucocorticoid, etoposide-induced cytotoxicity increased 20-fold, despite the fact that Drosophila topoisomerase II mRNA expression was only 0.1% of that of the endogenous mammalian topoisomerase II. Induced cells demonstrated a marked increase in DNA single strand breaks compared with uninduced resistant cells, thereby providing biochemical evidence supporting increased DNA strand cleavage due to activation of the Drosophila enzyme. These observations demonstrate the ability of a wild-type Drosophila topoisomerase II to complement a mutant mammalian enzyme and suggest that transfectants capable of conditional topoisomerase II expression represent a useful model for studies of the biochemical pharmacology and structure-function relationships of normal and mutant enzymes.  相似文献   

1. The pharmacological properties of four synthetic analogues of the wasp neurotoxin, Vespulakinin 1, were studied using a cascade of mammalian smooth muscle preparations and the synaptic transmission from the cockroach cercal nerves to a giant interneuron. 2. All analogues have an extremely slow bradykinin-like effect on the smooth muscles. The carbohydrate-free and the two mono-glycosylated analogues are about equally active with bradykinin. 3. The double glycosylated derivative is about 5 times more potent than bradykinin. 4. All analogues have two different effects on synaptic transmission in the insect CNS--at first a direct and reversible block of excitatory nicotinic transmission with a concurrent activation of the inhibitory GABA-ergic system and, secondly, a delayed irreversible block of the transmission, comparable to the block described earlier for bradykinin and Thr6-bradykinin. 5. For the synaptic transmission in the insect CNS the double glycosylated kinin is about 5 times more potent than bradykinin.  相似文献   

Bulgarein, a fungal metabolite, induced mammalian topoisomerase I-mediated DNA cleavage in vitro. The cleavage activity of bulgarein was comparable to that of camptothecin at a drug concentration range of 0.025-approximately 5 microM. The DNA cleavage induced by bulgarein was suppressed at concentrations above 12.5 microM. Treatment of a reaction mixture containing bulgarein and topoisomerase I with elevated temperature (65 degrees C) resulted in a substantial reduction in DNA cleavage, suggesting that the topoisomerase I-mediated DNA cleavage induced by bulgarein is through the mechanism of stabilizing the reversible enzyme-DNA "cleavable complex." Intensity of cleaved DNA fragments induced by bulgarein with topoisomerase I was different from that induced by camptothecin. Bulgarein inhibited catalytic activities of both topoisomerase I and topoisomerase II. The changes in absorption spectra of bulgarein in the visible region observed upon addition of increasing amounts of calf thymus DNA indicate that bulgarein interacts with DNA. DNA (un)winding assay by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that bulgarein induced the winding of DNA in the opposite direction to that of an intercalator so that positively supercoiled molecules are produced. Thus, bulgarein represents a new class of drugs which stabilizes the cleavable complex of topoisomerase I and alters the structure of DNA in a manner leading to a tightening of the helical twist.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerases are nuclear enzymes responsible for modifying the topological state of DNA. The development of agents capable of poisoning topoisomerases has proved to be an attractive approach in the search for novel cancer chemotherapeutics. Coralyne, an antileukemic alkaloid, has appreciable structural similarity to the potent topoisomerase I and II poison, nitidine. Analogues of coralyne were synthesized and evaluated for their activity as topoisomerase I and topoisomerase II poisons. These analogues were also evaluated for cytotoxicity in the human lymphoblast cell line, RPMI 8402, and its camptothecin-resistant variant, CPT-K5. The pharmacological activity of these analogues exhibited a strong dependence on the substitution pattern and the nature of substituents. Several 1-benzylisoquinolines and 3-phenylisoquinolines were also synthesized. These compounds, which incorporate only a portion of the ring structure of coralyne, were evaluated as topoisomerase poisons and for cytotoxicity. These structure-activity studies indicate that the structural rigidity associated with the coralyne ring system may be critical for pharmacological activity. The presence of a 3,4-methylenedioxy substituent on these coralyne analogues was generally associated with enhanced activity as a topoisomerase poison. 5,6-Dihydro-3,4-methylenedioxy-10,11-dimethoxydibenzo[a,g]quinoliz inium chloride was the most potent topoisomerase I poison among the coralyne analogues evaluated, having similar activity to camptothecin. This analogue also possessed exceptional potency as a topoisomerase II poison. Despite the pronounced activity of several of these coralyne derivatives as topoisomerase I poisons, none of these compounds had cytotoxic activity similar to camptothecin. Possible differences in cellular absorption between these coralyne analogs, which possess a quaternary ammonium group, and camptothecin may be responsible for the differences observed in their relative cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Ferric nitrilotriacetate (Fe-NTA) and ferric citrate (Fe-citrate) were compared with respect to their potential to induce oxidative DNA damage in V79 Chinese hamster cells. DNA base modifications, including 8-hydroxyguanine (7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine), were quantified by the frequency of lesions recognized by the bacterial Fpg protein (formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase) in combination with the alkaline unwinding assay. Fe-NTA induced oxidative DNA damage in a time- and dose-dependent manner, yielding significant increases in Fpg-sensitive sites above background after incubation for 24 or 48 h with 500 and 250 microM respectively. At both time points the frequency of DNA base modifications exceeded the number of DNA strand breaks. In contrast, neither DNA strand breaks nor Fpg-sensitive sites were detected after treatment with Fe-citrate at concentrations up to 2 microM for 24 or 48 h; this inactivity of Fe-citrate was independent of the molar ratio of iron to ligand (1:1, 1:2, 1:10 or 1:20). The results indicate that the cellular damage induced by ferric iron depends strongly on the actual complex applied, possibly due to differences in the intracellular distribution, which in turn may affect the availability of iron for redox reactions at or in close proximity to the DNA.  相似文献   

The induction of apoptosis by topoisomerase I inhibitors, camptothecin and SN38, was evaluated in drug-sensitive HL60 and multidrug-resistant (MDR) HL60-Vinc leukemic cells. MDR cells displayed a partial resistance to these apoptotic stimuli and this phenomenon was not modulated by verapamil. Basal free calcium concentrations were similar in both cell sublines and were not modified during treatment. Cytoplasmic pH was more acidic in sensitive cells than in MDR cells. Moreover, a significant acidification was obtained during the early stage of apoptosis in sensitive HL60 cells only. Basal Bcl-2 protein expression was found to be greater in MDR than in sensitive cells and was not modulated by apoptosis inducers. This increase of Bcl-2 in MDR cells could be due to the selection process as vincristine enhances Bcl-2 phosphorylation and expression in HL60 sensitive cells. MDR HL60-Vincristine cells therefore display a resistance to apoptosis induced by non-MDR drugs, possibly by Bcl-2 overexpression and inability of these drugs to mediate intracellular pH changes in these drug-resistant cells.  相似文献   

Telomerase activity has been demonstrated in human immortal cell lines and in tumors, whereas it is generally absent from normal tissues, with the exception of germ cells. Low levels have also been detected in blood and skin cells. In this report we describe up-regulation of telomerase activity in normal human blood lymphocytes by mitogen stimulation. After 24 h of mitogen treatment a strong induction was detectable using the PCR-based telomeric repeat amplification protocol. The level of activity remained almost constant when the cultivation lasted 72 h. By contrast, topoisomerase II alpha was induced later with a maximum expression after 48-72 h. Our data show that telomerase can be induced in normal peripheral lymphocytes prior to expression of the S-phase typical protein topoisomerase II alpha indicating that telomere elongation might be initiated before DNA replication.  相似文献   

A new class of pyridobenzophenoxazine compounds has been developed as topoisomerase II inhibitors for anticancer chemotherapy. These compounds were designed based on a proposed model of a quinobenzoxazine self-assembly complex on DNA. They showed excellent inhibitory effects on several tumor cell lines with nanomolar IC50 values. Their cytotoxic potency correlates with their ability to unwind DNA and inhibit topoisomerase II.  相似文献   

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been useful in establishing the phenotypic effects of specific mutations on the enzymatic activity and camptothecin sensitivity of yeast and human DNA topoisomerase I. To determine whether these phenotypes were faithfully reiterated in higher eukaryotic cells, wild-type and mutant yeast Top1 proteins were epitope-tagged at the amino terminus and transiently overexpressed in mammalian COS cells. Camptothecin preferentially induced apoptosis in cells expressing wild-type eScTop1p yet did not appreciably increase the cytotoxic response of cells expressing a catalytically inactive (eSctop1Y727F) or a catalytically active, camptothecin-resistant eSctop1vac mutant. Using an epitope-specific antibody, immobilized precipitates of eScTop1p were active in DNA relaxation assays, whereas immunoprecipitates of eScTop1Y727Fp were not. Thus, the enzyme retained catalytic activity while tethered to a support. Interestingly, the mutant eSctop1T722A, which mimics camptothecin-induced cytotoxicity in yeast through stabilization of the covalent enzyme-DNA intermediate, induced apoptosis in COS cells in the absence of camptothecin. This correlated with increased DNA cleavage in immunoprecipitates of eScTop1T722Ap, in the absence of the drug. The observation that the phenotypic consequences of expressing wild-type and mutant yeast enzymes were reiterated in mammalian cells suggests that the mechanisms underlying cellular responses to DNA topoisomerase I-mediated DNA damage are conserved between yeast and mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Pretreatment by hypothermic (25 degrees C) cycling (PHC) of attached exponential-phase V79 Chinese hamster cells by Method 4 (24 hr at 25 degrees C + 1.5 hr at 37 degrees C + 24 hr at 25 degrees C + trypsin + 3 hr at 37 degrees C) or by Method 3 (48 hr at 25 degrees C + trypsin + 3 hr at 37 degrees C) make mammalian V79 cells significantly more resistant to 43 degrees C hyperthermia. There is no significant difference in the 43 degrees C curves whether Method 3 or 4 is used for pre-exposure. If pre-exposure at 15 or 10 degrees C, the resistance to hyperthermia is significantly reduced. PHC by Method 4 significantly increases survival of cells exposed to 5 degrees C and, to a lesser extent, to 10 degrees C. The increase in hyper- and hypothermic survival after PHC cannot be accounted for by changes in cell cycle distribution. Heat-shock protein synthesis is not induced by PHC; hence, protection does not result from newly synthesized proteins. When cells are made tolerant to hyperthermia by a pretreatment in 2% DMSO for 24 hr at 37 degrees C (Method 8), the cells are not more resistant to subsequent exposures to hypothermia, either at 5 or 10 degrees C. The results imply that there may be two mechanisms of inducing resistance to hyperthermia, only one of which also confers resistance to hypothermia.  相似文献   

Gaucher disease is the most common lysosomal storage disease with a high prevalence in the Ashkenazi Jewish population but it is also present in other populations. The presence of eight mutations (1226G, 1448C, IVS2+1. 84GG, 1504T, 1604T, 1342C and 1297T) and the complete deletion of the beta-glucocerebrosidase gene was investigated in 25 unrelated non-Jewish patients with Gaucher's disease in Germany. In the Jewish population, three of these mutations account for more than 90% of all mutated alleles. In addition, relatives of two patients were included in our study. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and sequencing of PCR products obtained from DNA of peripheral blood leukocytes was performed for mutation analysis. Gene deletion was detected by comparison of radioactively labelled PCR fragments of both the functional beta-glucocerebrosidase gene and the pseudogene. Among the unrelated patients, 50 alleles were investigated and the mutations identified in 35 alleles (70%), whereas 15 alleles (30%) remained unidentified. The most prevalent mutation in our group of patients was the 1226G (370Asn-->Ser) mutation, accounting for 18 alleles (36%), followed by the 1448C (444Lcu-->Pro) mutation, that was found in 12 alleles (24%). A complete gene deletion was present in two alleles (4%). The IVS1+2 (splicing mutation), the 1504T (463Arg-->Cys) as well as the 1342C (409Asp-->His) mutations were each present in one allele (2%). None of the alleles carried the 84GG (frame-shift), 1604A (496Arg-->His) or the 1297T (394Val-->Leu) mutation. This distribution is different from the Ashkenazi Jewish population but is similar to other Caucasian groups like the Spanish and Portuguese populations. Our results confirm the variability of mutation patterns in Gaucher patients of different ethnic origin. All patients were divided into nine groups according to their genotype and their clinical status was related to the individual genotype. Genotype/phenotype characteristics of the 1226G, 1448C, and 1342C mutations of previous studies were confirmed by our results.  相似文献   

Observed normal preschool children from 2 through 5.9 years of age and their mothers using 2 established measurements of child compliance: the Compliance Test and the Clinic Task Analog. The diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., American Psychiatric Association, 1994) currently requires subjective integration of interview, questionnaire, and behavioral data. Knowledge of normal child behavior within a parent-controlled task context is needed. Normal 4- and 5-year olds were found to be more compliant than were normal 2- and 3-year olds; no sex effects were detected. The Compliance Test yielded stronger age associations, better observer reliability, and more individual differences than the Clinic Task Analog. Clinic Task Analog data masked child compliance, probably as a result of maternal instruction-giving style. The Compliance Test is recommended for diagnostic purposes over the Clinic Task Analog.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase I-directed agents are now in Phase I and II clinical trials and show great promise as potentially important agents for cancer chemotherapy. Because of their mechanism of action they may also be potential mutagens; however, their mutagenicity and oncogenicity still remain to be elucidated. We have previously shown that VP-16, a topoisomerase II-directed agent, induces sister chromatid exchanges and gene deletions and/or rearrangements in vitro. These observations may account for both the cytotoxic effects of topoisomerase II-directed agents as well as their recently reported leukemonogenic potential. To evaluate the potential mutagenicity of topoisomerase I-directed drugs, we measured mutant frequencies at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase locus of the V79 Chinese hamster fibroblast cell line treated with the topoisomerase I-directed drugs camptothecin and topotecan, and compared these results with mutant frequency obtained with the topoisomerase II-directed drug VP-16 and an alkylating agent, N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). All of these drugs showed a dose-dependent increase in mutant frequency at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase locus. At a dose producing approximately 30% survival, VP-16, camptothecin, and topotecan induced mutant frequencies of 11.3 x 10(-6), 4.9 x 10(-6), and 2.7 x 10(-6), respectively, whereas the spontaneous mutant frequency at this locus was 0.3 x 10(-6). In contrast, the alkylating agent MNNG produced a mutant frequency of 562 x 10(-6) at 26% survival dose. The molar mutagenic potencies, expressed as mutant frequency/mol-h exposure, for VP-16, camptothecin, topotecan, and MNNG at approximately 30% survival dose were 0.9, 8.2, 2.3, and 56.8, respectively. On Southern blot analysis after EcoRI, PstI, or HindIII digestion, 6 of 12 independent thioguanine-resistant mutants induced by topotecan showed gene deletions or rearrangements. In contrast, five of five independent spontaneous mutants and six of six independent mutants induced by MNNG demonstrated the same restriction pattern as the parental V79 cells. These results indicate that the mutant frequency and the mutagenic potential of topoisomerase I and II active agents are quantitatively similar. The results further demonstrate that topoisomerase I and II active agents introduce mutations characterized by gene deletions and rearrangements, whereas spontaneous mutations and those induced by alkylating agents appeared to be more characteristically associated with point mutations. Thus, clinical use of the topoisomerase I and II active agents is expected to cause similar mutagenic effects that could potentially lead to secondary malignancies.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, DNA topoisomerase II is the product of two distinct genes encoding the alpha and beta isoforms of the enzyme. Besides homodimeric topoisomerase IIalpha and IIbeta, we have recently shown that alpha/beta heterodimers constitute a third population of topoisomerase II in HeLa cells. We found that topoisomerase II heterodimers are not restricted to HeLa cells but exist in different mammalian cell types, and up to 25% of the total topoisomerase IIbeta population is involved in heterodimer formation. Studies of topoisomerase II phosphorylation in HeLa cells show that heterodimers are phosphorylated in vivo to a significantly lower level compared to homodimeric alpha enzymes, but in contrast to the latter neither heterodimers nor topoisomerase IIbeta homodimers coprecipitate together with a kinase activity that is able to mediate their phosphorylation. However, both enzymes can still be phosphorylated by exogenously added casein kinase II. The differential phosphorylation of topoisomerase II heterodimers suggests an alternative regulation of this topoisomerase II subclass compared to the homodimeric topoisomerase IIalpha counterparts.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase II catalyzes the passage of one DNA helix through another via a transient double-stranded break. The essential nature of this enzyme in cell proliferation and its mechanism of action make it an ideal target for cytotoxic agents. Saccharomyces cerevisiae topoisomerase II has been frequently used as a model for testing potential inhibitors of eukaryotic topoisomerase II as antitumor agents. The standard in vivo method of estimating the sensitivity of S. cerevisiae to the antitopoisomerase drugs is via inhibition or kill curves which rely on viable-cell counts and is labor intensive. We present an alternative to this, a high-throughput in vivo screen. This method makes use of a drug-permeable S. cerevisiae strain lacking endogenous topoisomerase II, which is modified to express either human topoisomerase IIalpha or IIbeta or S. cerevisiae topoisomerase II carried on plasmids. Each modified strain expresses a full-length topoisomerase II enzyme, as opposed to the more commonly used temperature-sensitive S. cerevisiae mutant expressing yeast or yeast/human hybrid enzymes. A comparison of this new method with a plating-and-counting method gave similar drug sensitivity results, with increased accuracy and reduced manual input for the new method. The information generated has highlighted the sensitivities of different topoisomerase II enzymes and isoenzymes to several different classes of topoisomerase II inhibitor.  相似文献   

In this review the clinical pharmacokinetics of camptothecin topoisomerase I inhibitors, an important new class of anticancer drugs, is discussed. Two prototypes, topotecan and irinotecan, are currently marketed in many European countries and the USA for the treatment of patients with ovarian and colorectal cancer, respectively. Other camptothecin derivatives, including lurtotecan, 9-aminocamptothecin (9-AC) and 9-nitrocamptothecin (9-NC), are at different stages of clinical development. The common property of camptothecin analogues is their action against DNA topoisomerase I, but beyond this similarity the compounds differ widely in terms of antitumour efficacy, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and metabolism. We review chemistry, mechanism of action, stability and bioanalysis of the camptothecins. Dosage and administration, status of clinical application, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and drug interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase II is the cytotoxic target for a number of clinically relevant antitumor drugs. Berberrubine, a protoberberine alkaloid which exhibits antitumor activity in animal models, has been identified as a specific poison of topoisomerase II in vitro. Topoisomerase II-mediated DNA cleavage assays showed that berberrubine poisons the enzyme by stabilizing topoisomerase II-DNA cleavable complexes. Subsequent proteinase K treatments revealed that berberrubine-induced DNA cleavage was generated solely by topoisomerase II. Topoisomerase II-mediated DNA religation with elevated temperature revealed a substantial reduction in DNA cleavage induced by berberrubine, to the extent comparable to that of other prototypical topoisomerase II poison, etoposide, suggesting that DNA cleavage involves stabilization of the reversible enzyme-DNA cleavable complex. However, the step at which berberrubine induces cleavable complex may differ from that of etoposide as revealed by the difference in the formation of the intermediate product, nicked DNA. This suggests that berberrubine's primary mode of linear formation may involve trapping nicked molecules, formed at transition from linear to covalently closed circular DNA. Unwinding of the duplex DNA by berberrubine is consistent with an intercalative binding mode for this compound. In addition to the ability to induce the cleavable complex mediated with topoisomerase II, berberrubine at high concentrations was shown to specifically inhibit topoisomerase II catalytic activity. Berberrubine, however, did not inhibit topoisomerase I at concentrations up to 240 microM. Cleavage sites induced by topoisomerase II in the presence of berberrubine and etoposide were mapped in DNA. Berberrubine induces DNA cleavage in a site-specific and concentration-dependent manner. Comparison of the cleavage pattern of berberrubine with that of etoposide revealed that they share many common sites of cleavage. Taken together, these results indicate that berberrubine represents a new class of antitumor agent which exhibits the topoisomerase II poison activity as well as catalytic inhibition activity and may have a potential clinical value in cancer treatment.  相似文献   

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