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The DUET database user interface management system aims to help database application programmers to create, modify, and maintain interactive graphical user interfaces for different applications. DUET supports the creation of a complete user interface via direct manipulation techniques. It provides a large set of database widgets which are necessary for database applications. DUET provides facilities to step through the validation of a created user interface. A user interface can be saved as C code which can be integrated into a database backend. In this paper, the features and the architecture of DUET are presented.  相似文献   

Most user interface designers are conversant with graphical user interface (GUI) tools such as Motif1 and Presentation Manager2 which provide ‘widgets’ and other facilities for building user interfaces. Such GUI tools were developed primarily for building interfaces to single-user systems. The purpose of the paper is to present the result of research into the requirements for GUI tools for multi-user systems. Many of the requirements of single and multi-user GUIs are the same, for example, usability and flexibility. A number of new widgets are needed for multi-user GUIs, for example, shared scroll-bars and multi-user telepointers. The requirements are divided into three groups based on three sources of requirements: literature, user survey and widgets.  相似文献   

This article proposes and describes a representational framework and a supporting tool environment for embedding and propagating human factors expertise into high level user interface design and development platforms. The proposed framework allows user interface designers to elicit, accommodate, and articulate user interface guidelines and results of experimental studies into reusable, evolutionary, and "living" design cases. The building blocks of the representational framework are a set of primitive constructs for consolidating the semantics of human factors knowledge into a design representation that characterizes the physical level of interaction. This is achieved through the development of a logical framework based on preference constraints and an initial set of preference and indifference expressions. The preference constraints provide a reasoning engine and a proof strategy for compiling a preference ordering of competing design alternatives and subsequently aggregating them into indifferent classes of design options per interaction element. The article also reports the implications of the proposed technique for user interface designers and the underlying requirements of user interface development platforms. Finally, the representational sufficiency of the proposed approach is discussed in the context of recent case studies aiming to consolidate human factors knowledge into a reusable repository supporting the ergonomic design of user interfaces in two example application domains, namely nonvisual hypermedia accessible to blind people and interpersonal communication aids for speech-motor-impaired and language-cognitive-impaired users.  相似文献   

This paper presents scented widgets, graphical user interface controls enhanced with embedded visualizations that facilitate navigation in information spaces. We describe design guidelines for adding visual cues to common user interface widgets such as radio buttons, sliders, and combo boxes and contribute a general software framework for applying scented widgets within applications with minimal modifications to existing source code. We provide a number of example applications and describe a controlled experiment which finds that users exploring unfamiliar data make up to twice as many unique discoveries using widgets imbued with social navigation data. However, these differences equalize as familiarity with the data increases.  相似文献   

User-interface design lacks expertise in designing nonvisual user interfaces. This is surprising as there are various domains where auditory interfaces have already been proved to be helpful, such as railway information services and reading support for blind persons.

We present a case study concerning the design of a telephone-based interface (TBI). It was realized within the development process of an interaction concept for a modular home automation system. The design was based on requirements gathered in user focus groups and on general guidelines for the design of TBIs. The TBI's evaluation revealed some minor (i.e., easily solved) usability problems. Questionnaires showed a positive ergonomic quality as well as a positive overall appeal. Interestingly, the evaluation indicates a potential to improve hedonic quality (i.e., non-task-related quality aspects). It may be induced by the addition of nonspeech sounds, thereby enriching user experience.  相似文献   

User interface adaptation has been proposed in recent years as a means to achieve personalized accessibility and usability of user interfaces. Related user interface architectures, as well as a variety of related development method and tools, have also been elaborated. Admittedly, however, despite the recognized validity of the approach, which has been proved in practice in a series of prototype systems, the wider adoption and uptake of user interface adaptation approaches are still limited. One of the identified obstacles is the complexity intrinsic in designing such interfaces and the need of radically revising the current user interface design practice to account for (a) the alternative designs required for adaptation, (b) the parameters involved in driving adaptations (i.e., selecting among alternatives at a given point during interaction), and (c) the logic of adaptation at runtime. This article proposes a twofold tool-based support strategy for user interface adaptation development, based on (a) an adaptation development toolkit and related widget library, which directly embeds lexical level adaptations into common interactive widgets, and (b) embedding such a library in a common integrated development environment, thus allowing designers to define and view alternative adaptations at design time and create adaptable user interfaces through traditional prototyping. The aforementioned approach has been implemented in the domain of adaptable applications for older users, producing tools that are currently in use in the development of a large suite of interactive applications in various domains. The approach presented in this article is claimed to be the first and so far unique supporting rapid prototyping of adaptable user interfaces, thus minimizing the divergence between typical development practices and user interface adaptation development.  相似文献   

Opportunistic Controls are a class of user interaction techniques that we have developed for augmented reality (AR) applications to support gesturing on, and receiving feedback from, otherwise unused affordances already present in the domain environment. By leveraging characteristics of these affordances to provide passive haptics that ease gesture input, Opportunistic Controls simplify gesture recognition, and provide tangible feedback to the user. In this approach, 3D widgets are tightly coupled with affordances to provide visual feedback and hints about the functionality of the control. For example, a set of buttons can be mapped to existing tactile features on domain objects. We describe examples of Opportunistic Controls that we have designed and implemented using optical marker tracking, combined with appearance-based gesture recognition. We present the results of two user studies. In the first, participants performed a simulated maintenance inspection of an aircraft engine using a set of virtual buttons implemented both as Opportunistic Controls and using simpler passive haptics. Opportunistic Controls allowed participants to complete their tasks significantly faster and were preferred over the baseline technique. In the second, participants proposed and demonstrated user interfaces incorporating Opportunistic Controls for two domains, allowing us to gain additional insights into how user interfaces featuring Opportunistic Controls might be designed.  相似文献   

Accessibility refers to a quality requirement for web applications. However, current accessibility automatic evaluation tools cannot evaluate dynamic generated content that characterizes Ajax applications and RIAs. In this context, this paper describes an approach for evaluating Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) requirements, by using acceptance tests. The authors implemented a set of disabled user interaction scenarios as acceptance tests in order to verify keyboard accessibility in RIA and automatically evaluate ARIA conformance in widgets. The inclusion of disabled user interaction scenarios in the evaluation process is necessary to analyse ARIA requirements since dynamic changes are accommodated in the DOM structure. Two evaluation tool prototypes were developed and validated in separate case studies. The results show evidence that the proposed evaluation approach is capable of evaluating ARIA conformance in RIA widgets.  相似文献   

We present an interface for 3D object manipulation in which standard transformation tools are replaced with transient 3D widgets invoked by sketching context‐dependent strokes. The widgets are automatically aligned to axes and planes determined by the user's stroke. Sketched pivot‐points further expand the interaction vocabulary. Using gestural commands, these basic elements can be assembled into dynamic, user‐constructed 3D transformation systems. We supplement precise widget interaction with techniques for coarse object positioning and snapping. Our approach, which is implemented within a broader sketch‐based modeling system, also integrates an underlying “widget history” to enable the fluid transfer of widgets between objects. An evaluation indicates that users familiar with 3D manipulation concepts can be taught how to efficiently use our system in under an hour.  相似文献   

In the recent years, there is an intense competition between software development companies to design better interfaces. In this marketing rat race, Ribbon interface came to make software user interface easier. After the introduction of Ribbon by Microsoft, it was widely used by various software development companies. Ribbon is a replacement for menus and toolbars and it tends to organize tools in tabs based on their similarities. Although Ribbon interface has many advantages, previous researches have shown that there are serious usability issues that hinder usage of Ribbon interfaces for users with less computer literacy. In order to solve Ribbon interfaces usability issues, this study tried to introduce Ribbon interface design guidelines by focusing on the issues related to users with less computer literacy. In this study two separate sets of moderated (in-person) usability testing were used. The first set evaluated the usability issues of an experimental Ribbon interface software in terms of both visual and cognitive issues. The second set was used to evaluate the Ribbon interface prototype that was designed based on the discovered usability issues in the first usability test. In order to ensure the validity of the data, the researchers tried to triangulate the data collection process by collecting data from different sources, namely, quantitative measurement of participants' performance, direct observation, and interview. Based on the comparison of the usability tests results which points out the factors that have led to participants' performance improvement in the prototype version, a number of guidelines are extracted for Ribbon interfaces. These guidelines are applicable to Microsoft Office, Microsoft SharePoint and most of the software that can be developed with Ribbon interface. Putting these guidelines into action, self-learning would be promoted and learning issues of users with less computer literacy would be decreased.  相似文献   

Managing the layout of multi-dimensional visualizations is a crucial concern for the development of effective visual analytic interfaces. In these environments, heterogeneous and multi-dimensional information must be structured and combined into data representations that demand low cognitive resources but yield accurate mental models and insights. In this paper, we use Information-Rich Virtual Environments (IRVE) to articulate crucial tradeoffs in the use of Depth and Gestalt cues in text label layouts. We present a design space and evaluation methodology to explore the usability effects of these tradeoffs and collect results from a series of user studies. These lessons are posed as a set of design guidelines to aid developers of new, advantageous interfaces and specifications.  相似文献   

喻纯  史元春 《软件学报》2012,23(9):2522-2532
提高图形用户界面(graphical user interface)的输入效率,是人机交互中的一项重要研究内容.已有的研究包括点击增强技术和自适应界面技术,前者改变光标的控制方式或呈现方式,后者改变界面上控件的位置布局,但两种技术都存在不足.通过分析界面操作,提出了图形用户界面输入效率的评价模型;然后,在此基础上提出一种人机交互效率优化技术:自适应光标.它以自适应的方式,有选择地对界面上用户可能访问的控件通过点击增强技术支持,实现快速访问.该方法既解决了以往的自适应界面技术因频繁调整控件布局而给用户带来额外认知成本的问题,也克服了点击增强技术仅适用于稀疏控件布局的限制.为了检验其可用性,在控件较多的Visual Studio上实现了自适应光标技术.实验结果表明,使用自适应光标技术可以将获取目标的时间缩短27.7%,显著提高了图形用户界面的输入效率.  相似文献   

We describe a system that supports practical, vision-based user interfaces, addressing the issues of a usable interaction paradigm, support for application developers, and support for application deployment in real-world environments. Interfaces are defined as configurations of predefined interactive widgets that can be moved from one surface to another. Complex interfaces can be dynamically reconfigured, changing both form and location on the fly, because the functional definition of the interface is decoupled from the specification of its location in the environment. We illustrate the power of such an architecture in the context of projected interactive displays.Published online: 13 July 2004  相似文献   

Recent legal changes have increased the need for developing accessible user interfaces in computer-based systems. In this sense, previously existing user interfaces are intended to be modified and new user interfaces are intended to be designed taking accessibility guidelines into account. Typically, model-based approaches have been used when developing accessible user interfaces or redefining existing ones. But the use of static models leads to the development of not dynamically adaptable user interfaces. Dynamic adaptation in accessible user interfaces is important due to the fact that interaction difficulties on people with disabilities may change through use. In this paper, we present some contributions that can be obtained from the application of the Dichotomic View of plasticity in the personalization of user interfaces. With the double perspective defined in this approach, it is intended to go further from a mere adaptation to certain user stereotypes, offering also a dynamic support to real limitations or difficulties users can encounter during the use of the UI. This goal is achieved analyzing user logs by an inference engine that dynamically infers modifications in the user interface to adjust it to varying user needs. A case study is presented in order to show how the guidelines and software support defined in the Dichotomic View of plasticity can be applied to develop a component for a particular system aimed at performing dynamic user interface adaptations with accessibility purposes. This approach includes some innovations that make it different from conventional adaptable mechanisms applied to accessibility in some important aspects.  相似文献   

Previous research in software ergonomics has indicated the importance of evaluating the usability of computer user interfaces. This paper presents a quantitative basis for selecting from among multiple alternative interfaces relative to multiple criteria of usability concern. The proposed model consists of two main phases: the prescreening phase and the evaluation phase. The prescreening phase involves expert judgment-based assessment with qualitative criteria. The first phase uses absolute measurement analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to filter possible alternative interfaces to a reasonable subset. The evaluation phase involves user-based assessment such as user testing, with quantitative criteria. The objective of the second phase is to evaluate a subset of alternatives using objective measures and to select the best alternative. A set of criteria and measures for evaluating the usability of computer software designs is presented. The proposed methodology is demonstrated in the interface design of a database system used to analyze trip cases information of nuclear power plant.Relevance to industry

There is currently a focus on the usability of interactive computer software. Software developers, interface designers or human factors engineers often confront the task of comparative evaluation among systems, versions or interface designs. The proposed methodology provides practitioners with a structured approach to select the best interface based on usability criteria and measures.  相似文献   

A task that can be decomposed into subtasks with different technological demands may be a challenge, since it requires multiple interactive environments as well as transitions between them. Some of these transitions may involve changes in hardware devices and interface paradigms at the same time. Some previous works have proposed various setups for hybrid user interfaces, but none of them focused on the design of transition interactions. Our work emphasizes the importance of interaction continuity as a guideline in the design and evaluation of transitional interfaces within a hybrid user interface (HUI). Finally, an exploratory study demonstrates how this design aspect is perceived by users during transitions in an HUI composed by three interactive environments.  相似文献   

In the field of mobile health monitoring the current most important user groups are those aged 50 +. In our project senSAVE® we developed a user interface for monitoring vital personal parameters that is specifically adapted to the needs of this group. The group is said to show less perception and control capability and has less experience in the use of information technology. More realistically, the group of 50 + users shows more diversity in their cognitive, sensory and motor skills than younger people. User interfaces for elderly people should therefore be designed for different capabilities and needs. For a mobile health monitoring system three design types were developed and evaluated in this study: three basic interfaces, two professional interfaces and an interface in between as a compromise of the two former types. Beyond monitoring the vital parameters of the user during mobile phases a stationary module for the inspection of aggregated data was included on a standard TV set together with a remote control device. The paper describes the user interface design and a comparative evaluation of the interfaces during and after the development, i.e. formative and summative evaluation. It also describes first user feedback about the stationary component.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodological approach towards the integration of accessibility guidelines into the user interface development life cycle. The term accessibility guidelines refers to the consolidated design wisdom, as documented in general recommendations, principles of good practice, experience-based heuristics or otherwise ‘blessed’ rules, regarding the construction of interactive computer-based software for people with disabilities. At the core of the proposed method is the use of a design repository and a supporting tool environment capable of encapsulating, customizing and reusing experience-based accessibility wisdom, so as to facilitate the integration of previously generated, tested and agreed, accessibility recommendations into new design cases and user interface implementations. It is argued that the proposed approach eliminates some of the limitations or shortcomings associated with more conventional methods, such as the use of paper-based guidelines, or reviews by experts, while it facilitates more effective communication amongst designers and developers of user interfaces.  相似文献   

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