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This paper presents a Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization based Genetic Algorithm and Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization based Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm for solving long-term generation maintenance scheduling problem. In power system, maintenance scheduling is being done upon the technical requirements of power plants and preserving the grid reliability. The objective function is to sell electricity as much as possible according to the market clearing price forecast. While in power system, technical viewpoints and system reliability are taken into consideration in maintenance scheduling with respect to the economical viewpoint. It will consider security constrained model for preventive Maintenance scheduling such as generation capacity, duration of maintenance, maintenance continuity, spinning reserve and reliability index are being taken into account. The proposed hybrid methods are applied to an IEEE test system consist of 24 buses with 32 thermal generating units. 相似文献
This paper deals with an optimal hybrid fuzzy-Proportional Integral Derivative (fuzzy-PID) controller optimized by hybrid differential evolution–Grey Wolf optimization algorithm for automatic generation control of an interconnected multi-source power system. Here a two area system is considered; each area is provided with three types of sources namely a thermal unit with reheat turbine, a hydro unit and a gas unit. The dynamic performance of the system is analyzed under two cases: with AC tie-line and with AC-DC tie-line. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed controller is substantiated equally in the two cases. The sturdiness of the system is proved by varying the values of the system parameters. The supremacy of the recommended work is additionally ascertained by comparison with the recently published results like differential evolution optimized PID Controller and hybrid Local Unimodal Sampling-Teaching Learning based Optimization (LUS-TLBO) optimized fuzzy-PID controller. The dynamic performance of the system is observed in terms of settling time, peak overshoot and peak undershoot. Finally the analysis is extended by applying the proposed control technique in two different models namely (i) A three area unequal thermal system considering proper generation rate constraints (GRC) and (ii) A three area hydro-thermal system with mechanical hydro governor. These test results reveal the adaptability of the proposed method in multi-area interconnected power system. 相似文献
Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz Yasser G. Hegazy Walid El-Khattam Mahmoud M. Othman 《电力部件与系统》2015,43(1):105-117
Abstract—This article presents an efficient multi-objective optimization approach based on the supervised big bang–big crunch method for optimal planning of dispatchable distributed generator. The proposed approach aims to enhance the system performance indices by optimal sizing and placement of distributed generators connected to balanced/unbalanced distribution networks. The distributed generation units in the proposed algorithms are modeled as a voltage-controlled node with the flexibility to be converted to a constant power node in the case of reactive power limit violation. The proposed algorithm is implemented in the MATLAB (The MathWorks, Natick, Massachusetts, USA) environment, and the simulation studies are performed on IEEE 69-bus and IEEE 123-node distribution test systems. Validation of the proposed method is done by comparing the results with published results obtained from other competing methods, and the consequent discussions prove the effectiveness of the proposed approach. 相似文献
Murat Alcin Ismail Koyuncu Murat Tuna Metin Varan Ihsan Pehlivan 《International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications》2019,47(3):365-378
It is well observed that cryptographic applications have great challenges in guaranteeing high security as well as high throughput. Artificial neural network (ANN)–based chaotic true random number generator (TRNG) structure has not been unprecedented in current literature. This paper provides a novel type of high-speed TRNG based on chaos and ANN implemented in a Xilinx field-programmable gate array (FPGA) chip. The paper consists of two main parts. In the first part, chaos analyses of Pehlivan-Uyaroglu_2010 chaotic system (PUCS) have been accomplished to prove that PUCS operates in chaotic regime. So PUCS can be an efficient alternative to the entropy source for classical TRNGs. In the second part, the hardware design of the proposed TRNG has been created using VHDL in Xilinx platform. As a result, the implemented TRNG offers throughput up to 115.794 Mbps. Besides, the generated random numbers have been tested with the FIPS 140-1 and NIST 800.22 test suites. The high quality of generated true random numbers have been confirmed by passing all randomness tests. The results have shown that the proposed system can provide not only high throughput but also high quality random bit sequences for a wide variety of embedded cryptographic applications. 相似文献