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随着信息技术的飞速发展,网上教学已经成为教育领域广泛研究的教学方式。并随之出现了很多基于网络教学的教学模式,其中Big6教学模式的出现,使教师能更方便地对网上资源进行评估、筛选和综合,并可根据课程的教学目标进行丰富多彩的活动设计。目前网络教学平台也层出不穷,利用这些平台,教师无需太多网络编程知识,就可以有效地编写并管理属于自己的课程在网上开展教学。  相似文献   

富可视In74最吸引人的地方是其跑车般的黑色外观,采用了号称“黑绸缎”工艺的高光彩加白色点缀机壳以及圆滑的外形设计与跑车的流线型机身,并且还拥有一个独特的旋转倾斜底座,这一切都使这款投影机极为吸引眼球。特别值得一提的是,这个拥有专利的机座可以把所有连接线收藏于其内,使整机看起来更加美观而不凌乱。  相似文献   

陈莉 《中外电器》2012,(12):127-128
Big6不仅是一种解决信息问题过程模式,还是学习和教授信息与技术技能的途径,本文通过教学案例介绍它在信息技术教学中的具体应用。  相似文献   

Concerns over global climate change have prompted proposals for more stringent control of carbon dioxide emissions from the electric industry. Phase II of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 will raise costs of competitive coal-fired electric generators and could strand more costs than restructuring did. Whether ratepayers, taxpayers, or stockholders should pay stranded costs is a political issue.  相似文献   

Big6模式是一种已经得到普遍应用的网络主题探究模式,能够有效发展学生的信息搜索、表达、整合等能力,带动学生信息素养的整体提高。高中阶段的学生知识储备、信息技术能力达到了一定的程度。因此,以学生作为学习的主体,充分发挥学生的自主学习、探究问题的能力,更适宜采用Big6模式进行教学。本论文就Big6在高中信息技术教学中的应用进行理论和实践层面的探讨与分析。  相似文献   

白色 《电器评介》2006,(7):47-49
众所周知.目前投影机市场由3LCD和DLP所把持.这两种技术相互竞争,各不相让。DLP是目前正在高速发展的反射式投影技术,它能使投影图像灰度等级、图像信号噪声比大幅度提高.画面质量更加细腻稳定.尤其在播放动态影像时图像流畅.形象自然.数字图像还原真实精确.因此得到了众多影音玩家的喜爱。本期笔者将向读者介绍的就是一款具备HDMI高清一线通接口的经济型DLP投影机——富可视Play Big In72。  相似文献   

众所周知,目前投影机市场由3LCD和DLP所把持,这两种技术相互竞争,各不相让。DLP是目前正在高速发展的反射式投影技术,它能使投影图像灰度等级、图像信号噪声比大幅度提高,画面质量更加细腻稳定,尤其在播放动态影像时图像流畅,形象自然,数字图像还原真实精确,因此得到了众多影音玩家的喜爱。本期笔者将向读者介绍的就是一款具备HDMI高清一线通接口的经济型DLP投影机——富可视Play Big In72。  相似文献   

Pang Bo Wang Ben 《电气》2006,17(3):22-24
By 2020, the nuclear power installed capacity in China will go up from 8700 MW in 2005 to 40,000 MW. It signifies that 30 generating units with a capacity of 1000 MW each will have been built. In fact, the development of nuclear power wants not merely enthusiasm. "The national policy maintains that we should take a road of localized development. This is of great benefit to the expansion of nuclear power in China. However, many people still doubt whether the manufacturing capability and level can meet the requirements of nuclear safety, and multiple introductions are not good for digestion and assimilation, so that there exist potential risks in operation, maintenance and technical support," said Zeng Qingxiong, manager of financing section, Daya Bay Financial Company, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Co. Ltd (CGNPC).  相似文献   

By 2020, the nuclear power installed capacity in China will go up from 8700 MW in 2005 to 40,000 MW. It signifies that 30 generating units with a capacity of 1000 MW each will have been built. In fact, the development of nuclear power wants not merely enthusiasm. "The national policy maintains that we should take a road of localized development. This is of great benefit to the expansion of nuclear power in China. However, many people still doubt whether the manufacturing capability and level can meet the requirements of nuclear safety, and multiple introductions are not good for digestion and assimilation, so that there exist potential risks in operation, maintenance and technical support," said Zeng Qingxiong, manager of financing section, Daya Bay Financial Company, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Co. Ltd (CGNPC).  相似文献   

<正>2017年初,戴森在北京的首家概念店开门迎客。戴森北京概念店特别设置了家居清洁吸尘体验区、电风扇体验区和电吹风体验区,为消费者提供与戴森产品近距离接触的机会。谈及设立概念店的原因,戴森中国总经理Michaela Tod说:"亲身体验戴森的技术非常重要,这样消费者才能真正了解它是如何运作以及如何提升生活质量的。单纯地把戴森产品摆在货架上只能欣赏出色的外形设计,但想要  相似文献   

General overview of 2011: the power sector and the five big power generators Before the 2012 Spring Festival, China’s f ive big power generation groups, i.e.China Huaneng Group, China Datang Corporation, China Guodian Corporation, China Huadian Corporation and China Power Investment Corporation separately held their annual  相似文献   

In part because of conflicting goals underlying the design of transition programs, few mass market customers are switching commodity suppliers. The design of default service will have a critical effect on the evolution of competition at the retail level, and on the ultimate cost of electricity to small users.  相似文献   

新闻发布‐2016年9月9日‐N I (美国国家仪器公司, National Instruments ,简称 NI )和 Hewlett Packard Enterprise (简称 HPE )宣布,两家公司将使用 NI DataFinder服务器版软件和 HPE Moonshot 系统共同开发经预测试的Big A nalog Data?解决方案。当今工程师需要采集和管理的传感器数据与传统大数据解决方案处理的数据截然不同。HPE是计算和数据处理领域的全球领导者,而NI则是数据采集和分析解决方案的领先供应商,此次两家公司的合作有望提供一个一流的预测试软硬件组合来更高效地解决工程数据管理问题以及基于传感器数据做出决策。  相似文献   

Among the author’s recommendations: remedies should be focused first on market structure, and only then on market conduct. Also, regional electricity markets must be identified, and changes in market structure carefully tracked.  相似文献   

正NI和HPE宣布推出一个经过预测试的时间序列传感器数据分析解决方案NI(美国国家仪器公司,National Instruments,简称NI)和Hewlett Packard Enterprise(简称HPE)日前宣布,两家公司将使用NI Data Finder服务器版软件和HPE Moonshot系统共同开发经预测试的Big Analog DataTM解决方案。当今工程师需要采集和管理的传感器数据与传统大数据解决方案处理的数据截然不同。HPE是计算和数据处理领域的全球领导者,而NI则是数据采集和分析解决方案的领先供应商,此次两家公司的合作  相似文献   

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