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This paper describes a qualitative study of practitioner perspectives on regulated water resources planning practice in England and Wales. The study focuses on strengths and weaknesses of existing practice and the case for change towards a risk‐based approach informed by stochastic modelling assessments. In‐depth, structured interviews were conducted to capture the views of planners, regulators and consultants closely involved in the planning process. We found broad agreement that the existing water availability assessment methods are fallible; they lack transparency, are often highly subjective and may fail to adequately expose problems of resilience. While most practitioners believe these issues warrant a more detailed examination of risk in the planning process, few believe there is a strong case for a fundamental shift towards risk‐based planning informed by stochastic modelling assessments. The study identifies perceived business risks associated with change and exposes widespread scepticism of stochastic methods.  相似文献   

李成喜 《山西建筑》2012,(31):142-143
针对山西省城镇供水现状进行了分析,分别阐述了全社会供水、公共供水及自建供水设施三方面的数据统计结果,探讨了山西省用水、用水需求及今后发展趋势,提出今后城镇供水工作重点,为山西省合理开发利用水资源提供了科学建议。  相似文献   

对X市供水现状及存在的问题进行分析,介绍了X市供水系统规划的主要内容,并对规划中存在的水资源分析、供水设施设置、水源置换、节水潜能分析、污水回用、水价等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

J. Carnell  MSc  BSc  MBA  CEng  MICE  FSS  J. D. Lawson  MA  CEng  FICE  P. H. von  Lany  MA  MSc  CEng  MICE  MORS R. M. J. Scarrott  MSc  BEng 《Water and Environment Journal》1999,13(6):413-419
This paper reports on research into the development of a standard procedure for calculating headroom. Headroom is a legitimate planning allowance to account for uncertainties in the supply/demand balance in a water-resource plan. Prior to this research, the UK water industry did not have an agreed method for calculating headroom, which resulted in inconsistencies in regulatory submissions. The research built on previous studies to define an approach that would be practical and easy to apply. A pragmatic methodology using a series of forms with clear guidelines was developed. The methodology has been applied in the 1998 supply/demand balance submissions to the regulatory authorities as part of the Asset Management Plan 3 periodic review.  相似文献   

The Jordan River Basin is under great hydric stress. Increases in population and agricultural demand are contributing to the closure of the basin. This paper analyses the results of integrated water resources planning model (WEAP) by studying the vulnerability of water resources in the lower Jordan River under a changing climate pattern and growing water demands. Water balance models show that all aquifers supplying the city of Amman will be depleted within the next few decades. Mitigation measures should include the introduction of additional water into the basin through the Red Sea–Dead Sea canal, in addition to demand management measures such as water conservation and increase in irrigation efficiency. The findings of this study would provide a useful guide to the co‐riparians for policy formulation, decision making and dispute resolution. Cooperation among the five riparian countries may be improved by building a Geographic Information System (GIS) database that provides access to accurate data for hydrological analysis.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(6):449-455
This paper presents evidence of the potential for institutional water conservation in a developing country using a university campus in Kumasi, Ghana, as a case study and suggests measures for reducing water demand in institutions. A water end-use survey was conducted using a sample of 144 students from six halls of residence to determine lavatory faucet (tap), showerhead and water closet water-use. The average per capita water use was 115.12 ± 5.33 litres per day at 95% confidence level. Results of the water end-use analysis showed that students use high quantities of water for bathing (61.90 ± 4.06 litres per capita per day at 95% confidence level). There is a potential for reducing the annual water demand by 30.85% through water conservation measures such as retrofitting with water-efficient showerheads and water closets. The payback period for the cost of retrofitting in the current study was found to be 6.5 years.  相似文献   

G. P. Clarke  BA  PhD  A. Kashti  BA  MSc  PhD  A. McDonald  BSc  PhD    P. Williamson  BA  PhD 《Water and Environment Journal》1997,11(3):186-192
The estimation of water demand is fundamental to effective water resource management. Water supply is measured at district level but true demand is not, and therefore studies of water-pricing relations are limited and mass-balance based assessment of leakage, illegal use, meter inaccuracies etc., are compromised. This paper describes the value and limitations of existing geodemographic methods, and an alternative technique widely used in other fields, microsimulation, is proposed. It is shown that geographic stability in demand relations is not found in all consumer commodities and cannot be assumed for water. Sampled data for Leeds, West Yorkshire, are used to construct a microsimulation model, and the results of that model are applied to the city of Leeds at ward level. Applicability is also demonstrated at enumeration district level.  相似文献   

为实现供水管网经济、可靠、科学的优化调配用水量,给出一种基于改进单指数平滑预测方法,该预测方法引进"追踪信号"来反应时间序列的变化,通过重新修正平滑常数a以建立改进单指数预测模型。以东北某城市日用水量为原始数据进行了实际预测,模型精度检验的结果满足Y市用水量要求,该预测模型应用于Y市的日用水量预测,为Y市供水优化调配提供有效依据。  相似文献   

Resilient water supplies in England need to be secured in the face of challenges of population growth, climate change and environmental sustainability. We propose a blueprint for water resources planning that uses system simulation modelling to estimate the frequency, duration and severity of water shortages at present and in the context of future plans and scenarios. We use multiobjective optimisation tools to explore trade‐offs between these risk metrics and cost of alternative plans, and we use sensitivity analysis to identify plans that robustly achieve targets for tolerable risk, alongside other performance objectives. The results of a case study in the Thames basin demonstrate that the proposed methodology is feasible given commonly available data sets and models. The proposed method provides evidence with which to develop water resource management plans that demonstrably balance the risks of water shortages, costs to water users and environmental constraints in an uncertain future.  相似文献   

美国现存供水管网系统的管径是按照消防用水最大流量确定的.由于现在火灾频率已变得很低,使得管网流速变缓,导致供水被输送到用户端时水质下降、甚至恶化.为此,美国已开始倡导并应用分用途供水的双管道供水系统,以小管径的不锈钢管输送直饮水,并保留传统管道作为消防等非饮用水之用.这样不仅可以达到供应直饮水的目的,而且可大大降低非饮用水的处理成本.另外,中水也可纳入传统管道系统,使分用途供水第二条管道铺设成本有所降低.  相似文献   

Domestic drinking water supply systems (DDWSs) are the final step in the delivery of drinking water to consumers. Temperature is one of the rate-controlling parameters for many chemical and microbiological processes and is, therefore, considered as a surrogate parameter for water quality processes. In this study, a mathematical model is presented that predicts temperature dynamics of the drinking water in DDWSs. A full-scale DDWS resembling a conventional system was built and run according to one year of stochastic demands with a time step of 10 s. The drinking water temperature was measured at each point-of-use in the systems and the data-set was used for model validation. The temperature model adequately reproduced the temperature profiles, both in cold and hot water lines, in the full-scale DDWS. The model showed that inlet water temperature and ambient temperature have a large effect on the water temperature in the DDWSs.  相似文献   

Since their first serious introduction in the early 1 960s, systems analysis methods have held out a promise of providing information that can help improve decision making. This paper surveys a number of actual applications of optimization and simulation modelling that illustrate the variety of problems studied, the variety of approaches used to study them, and the variety of outcomes or results of such studies. Some studies have been very successful, some have not. Given the varying but generally beneficial results of such studies, it seems clear that research on, together with application of, systems analysis techniques to water resources and environmental problems should continue. The paper concludes with some suggestions for facilitating the development and effective application of this methodology.  相似文献   

城市供水系统的水质化学稳定性变化规律研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了适合我国城市供水系统的水质化学稳定性评价体系,重点研究了水处理及输配过程中水质化学稳定性的变化规律。研究发现,混凝沉淀、过滤、消毒等工艺均会增加水的腐蚀倾向,而投加臭氧则可缓解其腐蚀倾向;在输配过程中,管网水的化学稳定性变化不大,因而改善管网水水质化学稳定性的关键是提高出厂水的化学稳定性。  相似文献   

超高层建筑给水和热水系统应安全可靠、经济合理、高效节能。论文结合某工程实例,对给水和热水系统的设计进行了分析讨论,并介绍了采用的节水和节能措施。  相似文献   

城市化进程中水资源供需趋势分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在阐述我国城市化发展特点及现状的基础上,从总用水量、用水结构及用水设施的变化几个方面,探讨了我国总体水资源供需变化趋势及城市用水量总体变化趋势,为进一步制定城市水资源规划及管理政策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of water supply reliability is often hindered by a paucity of historic streamflow data and the expense of adequate system modelling. A procedure using synthetic streamflow generation and screening models in determining water supply reliability in a cost-effective manner is presented. A series of screening models are developed to evaluate numerous synthetic streamflow data to select from them desired flows for incorporation into an optimization model. Results from the optimization model are used to generate cumulative distribution functions of system reliability. The water supply system serving Seattle, Washington is used as a case study.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(2):163-169

Rainwater harvesting (RWH) technology has been in use for a long time, however its contribution towards urban water supply has been negligible in South Africa. Through a comprehensive literature review and analysis of interviews with key stakeholders, this case study presents implementation challenges and policy gaps in relation to the scale of adoption in the City of Johannesburg (CoJ). Findings show that only 0.1% of CoJ’s population utilises RWH due to various reasons, varying from financial viability, reliability, quality concerns, and system maintenance. This paper attributes these to the scale of adoption and suggests upscaling the system to larger commercial buildings to optimise benefits. However, there is an urgent need to bridge the policy gaps for successful implementation. Three categories of policy reforms are therefore proposed to facilitate innovation uptake, stakeholder engagement and compliance. This knowledge can guide future research towards urban water management, scientists and policymakers nexus.  相似文献   

温州市藤桥水厂取水头部简介   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
唐明启  叶国和 《山西建筑》2008,34(18):185-186
结合某水厂的供水现状及水文地质状况,指出原有取水头部运行采用底栏栅结合干砌石取水,阐述了改扩建工程对原有取水头部不足之处进行改进和创新的设计思路及施工工艺,从而解决了原有运行中存在的问题。  相似文献   

水资源规划的核心是水资源平衡,水资源平衡是需求和供给的平衡,需水量预测包括工业、农业、城镇生活和河道生态需水量四个部分。通过分析用水统计数据,研究用水结构特点,进行需水量预测,提出水资源供需平衡规划及对策。  相似文献   

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