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This paper examines the symbolic characterization of urban space in the publicity and marketing of New Songdo City – a new city under construction in South Korea. Competing with other places, the real estate sector and government actors construct the symbolic characterization of Songdo using various themes and cultural appeals. Songdo has been promoted as a node in the multicentered metropolitan region, a gateway to Northeast Asia and a living space of U-life since the groundbreaking ceremony in 2004. The real estate sector and government actors attach idealized connotations to these representations to mobilize support for their endeavor. In the process of mobilizing support, moreover, they modify these representations to adapt to the changing economic, political and social conditions. Since the wake of the global economic crisis in 2007, Songdo has been branded as a sustainable, green or eco-friendly city in publicity and marketing campaigns. This paper demonstrates that the political economy of urban development intertwines with the social construction of urban meaning and legitimacy.  相似文献   

The Korean government, like many in Asia, is actively building green cities from scratch—the most famous being Sejong, Songdo, and Cheongna. All these are considered models of green cities and are characterized by similar networked smart technological systems. This research builds on recent scholarly discourse by Anthony Townsend on smart technologies and urban planning, and Sofia T. Shwayri and Simon Joss on the “ubiquitous-eco-city” phenomena in Korea. In particular, it aims to extend Shwayri's hypothesis that the model is developed for export by uncovering the goals of the green city model actors. By tracing the national government's economic growth ICT strategy—“IT839”—and its key industry stakeholders, KT Telecommunications, this paper illuminates how Korea's green city model is being driven by an agenda of horizontal technology transfer in which the government has aimed to extend its traditional markets, and create a new paradigm for economic growth.  相似文献   

低碳城市规划是城市规划新的视角和实现低碳城市发展目标的重要途径。作为上海市首批8个低碳发展实践区之一,临港新城将打造绿色、智慧、健康理念引领的未来之城。结合临港新城规划建设实际,通过低碳城市规划寻求城市发展的低碳化方向,探索总体规划、详细规划2个层面的临港新城低碳城市形态和土地利用空间规划策略,并研究提出低碳城市能源和产业规划设想。  相似文献   

从建设实践的角度,阐述了,恪港新城七年来规划研究、细化的过程与成果,并归纳了规划编制在工作平台、专项课题方面的创新之处,最后总结了其中的经验与教训,探索出了一条符合,临港新城实际的建设思路,以期对上海的新城规划与建设有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

边缘城市是美国郊区化的产物,产业园区是我国拉动经济和拓展城市空间最重要的载体,两者都是新形势下城市发展演进过程中最引人注目的现象。通过对美国边缘城市的现象观察及其与我国产业园区的比较研究,从城市、区域、网络三视角,提出产城融合化、功能复合化、环境品质化、城镇体系化、数字智慧化等基于边缘城市理论的产业园区规划策略,并以中国-泰国崇左产业园规划进行了实证研究,将边缘城市理论运用于城乡规划实践。同时,立足"边缘城市=边缘+城市"解构,提出边缘城市的核心在于"城市"——立足职住平衡的城市功能中心化;活力在于"边缘"——立足网络协同的多中心城市区域形态格局建构,并指出边缘城市依托规模互借协同效应,促进城市形态沿单中心-多中心-城市群演替、空间结构沿等级化-(扁平化)网络化-一体化演化,已成为城市区域走向多中心网络一体化协同发展的新兴生长点或战略性支点。  相似文献   

通过对良渚遗址近年考古资料的分析解读,从城乡规划学科的研究视角,以相关古城资料进行纵、横向比照分析为手段,研究分析良渚古城的营建特色及其反映在城市营建过程中的理念和技术手段。提出良渚古城是我国目前已知的最早经过系统规划的城市,对后世江南城市发展和我国都城规划结构的形成具有重要影响,在研究我国城市起源、研究传统规划理念形成和江南水乡人居环境等方面具有重要价值和地位。  相似文献   

"公园城市"是生态文明思想在城市建设领域的体现,为中国新时代城市发展指出了方向。"公园城市"理念是继承中国古代城市建设思想,吸取国外城市建设经验,针对新时代社会发展的需求而提出的。山水城市是中国古代城市的主要特征,在近代吸收花园城市等国外城市理论而发展,20世纪90年代钱学森院士提出"山水城市"理念。梳理山水城市的历史流变,认为公园城市与山水城市存在内在关联性,是山水城市在新时代的发展范式。  相似文献   

Four underground resources have been seen as having a long-term potential to support sustainable urban development: underground space, groundwater, geomaterials and geothermal energy. Utilization of these resources proposes a new paradigm of economic development: underground urbanism. The new management approach named “Deep City Method” is put forward to aid decision-makers to integrate global potential of the urban underground into city-scale strategic planning. The research output will be presented in form of two papers each with a different focus. Part 1 aims to introduce the concept, process and initial application in Switzerland; Part 2 is devoted to show methodological insight for a new zoning policy in China and investment scenarios for project cost viability.This Part 1 paper will begin by presenting the fundamental concept of the Deep City Method, followed by a proposition for a trans-institutional planning process. The application is firstly based on a rating system to identify cities having a potential for underground development. The city of Geneva is selected for conceptual application and strategic level study. Further operational steps are required in order to generalize the concept to other cities around the world.  相似文献   

本文从城市转型的背景出发,将转型城市分为全球城市和工业城市两类。通过梳理作为全球城市代表案例的东京、伦敦和纽约,作为工业城市代表案例的曼彻斯特、匹兹堡、多特蒙德和埃森,文章剖析了两类城市经济结构、社会结构和空间结构的转型特点。文章进而分析了案例城市在转型中的功能定位、空间规划和实施策略,并总结了规划在城市转型中的作用。  相似文献   

通过对临港新城建筑风貌的研究,分析风貌界定的症结所在,尝试通过比较、分类控制等城市设计方法,对临港新城建筑风貌起到控制和引导的作用。  相似文献   

以规划实施初显成效的上海临港新城为例,分析研究新城的规划实施模式在新的历史时期具有的特殊意义。由此出发,对我国大都市区域的新城规划建设和管理提供一定的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

山水城市理念源于人类对其赖以生存、生活的环境的思考,其主旨是追求人、自然与城市的和谐。"山水城市"根植于中国古典传统文化和历史,同时融合了当今的"可持续发展观、生态学"等理念,具有深刻的规划内涵和时代性。以浙江省江山市城南新城发展战略规划为例,思考山水城市理念在城市战略规划层面的研究应用,积极探讨"山水城市"的空间模式。  相似文献   

韩国首都圈的过度集聚引起了生活成本增加、城市秩序混乱,环境恶化等严重的城市问题,严重制约未来国家发展竞争力的提升。为此,韩国政府提出在首都圈外建设世宗新行政中心,起到分散首都职能,缓解城市问题的作用。本文对世宗新城建设背景及选址、规划过程、空间结构及土地利用、新技术的应用、建设成果等方面进行介绍,提出韩国世宗新城建设对于中国正在推进中的新城或经济开发区建设有着一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

贾倍思 《新建筑》1999,(1):15-17
在社会和经济发展的许多方面,保护环境和实现可持续发展已成为中国城市发展的目标,在城市零星 建筑设计中,与保护环境有关的具体措施,包括增加绿地面积,已开始逐步实施,然而对于城市在可持续发展中的地位和推进城市可持续发展战略的认识依然有限,对于21世纪新的城市概念,新的城市形态和模式的研究还刚刚开始。已有百年历史的“花园城市”理论仍在毒化人的心灵和全球环境,因为这种城市模式在发达国家和部分发展中国家中实  相似文献   

Building cities from scratch has continued unabated since the latter half of the twentieth century despite some of these planned cities achieving global infamy for their failures. These endeavors are, in part, due to a persistent belief by governments that newly constructed cities can set their nations on a fast path to the future. Today, challenges posed both by global climate change and increased urbanization have widened this platform from projects almost exclusively of developing nations to include those in the developed world. Today we talk of the eco-city, a local solution to a global crisis. If completion is successfully fast-tracked, the resultant eco-city will position its respective nation at the forefront of innovation in what is effectively a global race: the resultant city can be exported as a model both locally and globally. In this regard, the envisioning and building of Songdo in South Korea may not be unique. Songdo is a city underway on flat land created from wetland reclamation. As part of the Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ), Songdo's development has benefited from opportunistic circumstances that has led to its pursuit of becoming a “Ubiquitous Eco-City.” The green infrastructure of the new city is to be enhanced by the provision of extra services that combine information and communication technologies as well as digital networks to ideally create harmony among the environment, society, and technology. Songdo, as planned, will position South Korea among a group of leading nations, and possibly at the forefront of new city development, potentially producing a model for export.  相似文献   

全球化背景下,以全球城市为核心的城市区域成为代表国家参与世界竞争的功能承载地.以建设“卓越的全球城市”为目标的上海,需要从区域视角重新认识空间与功能组织.从宏观视角分析上海大都市圈核心、近域、郊区、外围圈层的功能布局与演化特征;从微观企业关联视角,考察大都市圈分价值区段的功能网络组织模式.在此基础上,对大都市圈的空间与功能组织模式进行探讨,以功能网络与基础设施网络完善为重点,提出都市圈圈层与功能网络优化对策,以促进区域大中小城市的合理分工与协调发展.  相似文献   

在论述新疆生产建设兵团城镇建设概况和兵团城市师市合一管理模式的基础上,探讨了兵团城市师域、市域双重腹地的城市与区域关系、城市与区域之间的空间联系特征及其对城市发展的影响。以五家渠市为例,分析了兵团城市的城-乡作用关系和城市发展动力特征,提出了基于兵团城市特殊城乡关系的城市发展和规划思路。  相似文献   

杨梦阳 《山西建筑》2011,37(10):250-251
阐述了"低碳城市"的概念及发展要求,分析了中国城市发展模式的现状,并以"低碳城市"为核心理念,从能源、交通、建筑及环保四个方面探索了新的城市规划发展模式,从而为我国低碳城市发展提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

This study investigates the knowledge capacity and the competitive relationship between cities in contemporary globalization. Drawing upon the global city thesis regarding advanced producer services and the city network model, this study measures the concentration and mobility of knowledge workers between three Australian global cities: Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. It argues that knowledge workers are important agents in the making of urban knowledge space and intercity knowledge flow. It finds that Sydney's dominance in the Australian urban system has been strengthened despite challenges from Melbourne and Brisbane in certain knowledge sectors. The findings ascertain the linkage between the ranking of a global city and its knowledge capacity. They provide new insights into the current debates on Australian global cities and suggest possible new directions for global city aspirations, in the cases of Melbourne and Brisbane, in particular. Conceptually and methodologically, this study is an effort to bridge the global-city and the knowledge-city discourses, whose cross-fertilization suggests a potential need for new policy thinking.  相似文献   

重庆大学城各校区受到山地、城市规划等的多重制约,通过重庆城市管理职业学院新校区的规划设计,探索在地域条件限制下,构建富有山地特色的生态化新校园,使其既是校园的城市又是城市的校园。  相似文献   

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