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Inthis paper we introduce a new class of search problem which wecall `alternating search'. Two searchers starting at given pointsin different search regions, who can move alternately with speedone, or (as a limiting case) simultaneously with combined speedone, seek to find (reach) an object in least expected time. Thehidden object is stationary and its location is given by a knowndistribution over the union of the two search regions. An importantspecial case is the `Double Linear Search Problem' in which bothsearch regions are infinite lines, and which has been shown tobe equivalent to the `Asymmetric Rendezvous Search Problem onthe Line' (ARSPL). The general results proved here are appliedin a concurrent paper of Alpern and Beck to prove that the strategyconjectured by Baston and Gal to be optimal for the convex ARSPLis indeed optimal. Our general results are concerned with determiningthe method of interleaving two given distributions so as to minimizethe first moment of the resulting distribution.  相似文献   

Libraries endeavor to provide the same services to distance learners as they do on campus to students but they are challenged by not being able to show students how to maneuver in the virtual environment. Indiana State University used Adobe Connect software for three years to provide synchronous, virtual reference services that included screen-sharing capability to demonstrate search techniques. Assessments included analysis of attendance, types of questions, and student comments. Reminder e-mails sent directly to students positively affected attendance. Feedback was positive but technical problems were sometimes significant.  相似文献   

因为通用的商业软件很难满足用户的特殊需求,所以有时需要对这些软件进行扩充,即需要将所开发的工具无缝嵌入到应用程序中。该文在对Windows消息机制、应用程序资源动态连接库等进行分析的基础上,以扩充Rose为例,给出了将用户所开发的应用程序无缝嵌入到应用程序中的几种方法。  相似文献   


To assess satisfaction of the Internet Public Library's Ask-A-Question service, we conducted a three month user survey between February 12 and May 11, 2004. Most respondents were highly satisfied with the answers they received. Although only a few respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the service, we conducted failure analysis on those transactions. The conclusion includes suggestions for improving the IPL digital reference service.  相似文献   

ITC反编译系统应用了基于动态链接信息的库函数快速识别技术,对于绝大部分待翻译IA-64二进制可执行程序中的库函数它都能正确识别,但是当二进制可执行程序包含有与库函数同名的用户函数时,就可能会出现问题.作者在深入分析基于动态链接信息的库函数快速识别技术所导致的问题原因的基础上,充分研究了ELF64格式二进制文件的具体组...  相似文献   

为了提供更具可信度的搜索结果以及更高的用户满意度,一个可行的方案是在现行的搜索引擎的架构上引入用户评价系统。经过改良后的搜索引擎在对搜索结果进行排序时应该不仅仅考虑网址指向因素,同时应该考虑用户评价因素。采用的用户评价系统应该对所有使用者开放,界面应该尽量简单,同时应该对不同的评价给予不同的权重。  相似文献   

为了提供更具可信度的搜索结果以及更高的用户满意度,一个可行的方案是在现行的搜索;引擎的架构上引入用户评价系统。经过改良后的搜索引擎在对搜索结果进行排序时应该不仅仅考虑网址指向因素。同时应该考虑用户评价因素。采用的用户评价系统应该对所有使用者开放,界面应该尽量简单,同时应该对不同的评价给予不同的权重。  相似文献   

学术社区和学术搜索引擎在科研活动中日趋重要。给出了一个基于学术社区的学术搜索引擎的设计方案,指出了它应具备的功能,提出了应着重解决的关键问题,并对部分问题提出了实现思路。给出了系统的架构设计,并讨论了文献资料的整合算法,将分散在不同位置、提供不同内容的学术信息组合为一个整体,有效地解决了文献提取问题。针对普通中文分词组件在对姓名进行分词时准确率较低的问题,设计了一个专门针对姓名进行分词的高效的算法。在开源框架Nutch和HBase的基础上,实现了一个学术搜索引擎,并在实验中验证了设计的有效性。  相似文献   

搜索引擎已经成为人们生活和工作中不可或缺的信息获取工具,对于互联网信息的合理、充分利用发挥着至关重要的作用。用户行为分析一直是搜索引擎提升性能的重要途径,但当前的搜索用户行为分析技术多局限在较短时间段,缺乏对长期时间内用户行为的演化分析研究。基于商业搜索引擎提供的海量规模日志数据,对2006年到2011年间中文搜索引擎用户行为的演化规律进行了分析挖掘,从中得到的结论对于进行搜索技术未来发展方向的讨论具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

研究目的是挖掘搜索引擎中用户兴趣偏好,实现个性化搜索引擎技术.研究方法采用识别用户输入查询串,通过查询进行挖掘用户兴趣类别,但有时用户输入查询串短,或者出现查询词歧义等.由于查询会返回一系列文档,将相关文档分类处理,能够更清晰识别用户兴趣偏好.结果显示通过文档关系矩阵,将用户查询映射到对应类别,发现用户兴趣爱好.对于兼类查询等问题可以通过扩展查询解决.结论是该模型通过查询串和相关文档之间关系,进而实现用户偏好的辨别.该技术为搜索引擎信息推荐等技术打下良好基础.  相似文献   

The current article examines user satisfaction with instant messaging in building and maintaining social relationships with friends, family members, and others. The research model integrates motivation theory with media capacity theories to explain how the attributes of media capacity (e.g., social presence and media richness) and users' intrinsic and extrinsic motivations toward using instant messaging influence user satisfaction. Data were collected from a sample of 247 Chinese university students via an online survey. The results suggest that perceived enjoyment, perceived social presence, and perceived usefulness are key to user satisfaction. Perceived social presence and perceived media richness are positively associated with perceived enjoyment. It was also found that perceived enjoyment, perceived social presence, and perceived media richness have significant effects on perceived usefulness. Of interest, perceived enjoyment and perceived social presence have stronger effects on user satisfaction than perceived usefulness.  相似文献   

网络搜索引擎的用户查询分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
杨文峰  李星 《计算机工程》2001,27(6):20-21,97
利用教科网搜索引擎“网络指南针”的查询记录,就其中102439个用户的810396次查询,在用户查询方式、查询表达表达以及查询词3个层次上,对用户查询行为进行了分析,得到了搜索引擎用户查询的一般规律。根据上述结论对搜索引擎的进一步发展进行了讨论。  相似文献   

在介绍了搜索引擎基本原理和构架的基础上,提出了一种整合Larbin、Lucene、ICATLAS等多种开源工具快速构建小型搜索引擎的实验方案。实验表明,该引擎能有效完成网页的采集、处理、索引和检索等工作。  相似文献   

国际知识发现与数据发掘工具评述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
数据库中的知识发现是一个正在迅速局长的新兴领域,受到了学术研究界和企事业单位的广泛重视。在过去几年间,知识发现工具主要用于研究环境;而现在,复杂的工具产品正不断出现。在本文中,我们概述常见知识发现任务及其解决方法,并按照知识发现与数据发掘工具的一般特征、数据库连接性和数据发掘特征这三大项指标分析研究43种具有代表性的软件产品,这些产品有的是研究原型,有的是商品化的。最后,我们指出为了有效地满足用户需求,以及为了解决那些尚未解决或未充分解决的问题,知识发现软件所应该具有的重要特性。  相似文献   

As one of the fastest growing social networking sites, Facebook presents librarians with a prime opportunity to engage academic library patrons. A survey of 136 users at Western Michigan University (WMU) measured the effectiveness of Facebook as a marketing, reference, and instruction tool. It also measured user comfort and satisfaction with a library's presence on Facebook. The majority of respondents found Facebook to be a useful and engaging medium to learn about library resources and services. The results of this study indicate that an effective library Facebook page must maintain a balance between providing pertinent and useful information and preserving patron privacy. In a second study also included in this article, data from a survey of 14 peer institutions of Western Michigan University positions WMU's local survey within the context of their peer's use of Facebook. The survey of peer institutions concludes that most libraries use Facebook for marketing and outreach purposes.  相似文献   

用户级多任务的两种实现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析了系统级多任务需要哪些硬件支持的基础上。提出了进程扩展型虚拟机和指令解释器型虚拟机的概念,给出这两种虚拟机如何模拟支持多任务的硬件机制的方法,以及在虚拟机上建立和切换多个任务的方法,该技术可以用于在上述两类虚拟机上构建自己的支持多任务的操作系统内核.  相似文献   

The Web is a huge network composed of Web pages and hyperlinks. It is often reported that related Web pages are densely linked with each other. Finding groups of such related pages, which are called Web communities, is important for information retrieval from the Web. Several attempts have been made for the discovery of Web communities such as Kumar’s trawling and Flake’s method. In addition to the communities of related Web pages, there are communities of users sharing common interests. Finding the latter communities, which we called user communities in this paper, is also important for clarifying the behaviors of Web users. It is expected that the characteristics of user communities in the Web correspond to those in real human communities. A method for discovering user communities is described in this paper. Client-level log data (Web audience measurement data) is used as the data of users’ Web watching behaviors. Maximal complete bipartite graphs are searched from term-user graph obtained from the log data without analyzing the contents of Web pages. Experimental results show that our method succeeds in discovering many interesting user communities with labels that characterize the communities.  相似文献   

数字图书馆的智能检索技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信息检索是数字图书馆建设的关键技术之一,将人工智能新技术与信息检索技术相结合,设计一种基于本体论的智能检索工具,它可更准确、全面地满足用户检索信息的目的。  相似文献   

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