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《Building and Environment》2005,40(7):949-963
A rapidly growing number of older people wish to remain in their existing homes for as long as possible, in many cases leading to the need for adaptations. The extent of the adaptations required is influenced by the nature of the individual's impairments and by the design of their property. An approach to understanding the impact of the needs of older people on adaptation requirements based on the development of standard User Profiles and Mobility Profiles is presented together with an analysis of a varied set of 82 properties selected from across the UK.  相似文献   

通过分析当今国际上以英国等国为例的城市规划应对气候变化的适应发展方法与策略,论述城市规划作为发展战略的重要专业工具,需要在规划的政策管理体系、规划编制的内容与方法、场地规划的基础设施适应设计三个方面进一步深化研究适应发展战略,以提高城市系统的恢复能力。  相似文献   

It is recognized that there is often a discrepancy between the measured fabric thermal performance of dwellings as built and the predicted performance of the same dwellings and that the magnitude of this difference in performance can be quite large. This paper presents the results of a number of in-depth building fabric thermal performance tests undertaken on three case study dwellings located on two separate Passivhaus developments in the UK: one masonry cavity and the other two timber-frame. The results from the tests revealed that all the case study dwellings performed very close to that predicted. This is in contrast with other work that has been undertaken regarding the performance of the building fabric, which indicates that a very wide range of performance exists in new-build dwellings in the UK, and that the difference between the measured and predicted fabric performance can be greater than 100%. Despite the small non-random size of the sample, the results suggest that careful design coupled with the implementation of appropriate quality control systems, such as those required to attain Passivhaus Certification, may be conducive to delivering dwellings that begin to ‘bridge the gap’ between measured and predicted fabric performance.  相似文献   

In an earlier work, a stochastic model for the number of deaths resulting from a fire was put forward. A general structure was described and the particular case of flaming ignition on a bed in a hospital ward was considered. The type of ward looked at was of ‘Nightingale’ design and it was regarded as housing thirty patients. It was stressed that the ideas were put forward in a tentative sense and that many of the assumptions made were not firmly based.In the present work, similar assumptions have been made but the ward is considered to be composed of five bays, each containing six beds. The intention has been to compare the results for the two arrangements, given that similar assumptions have been made in the calculations. It was found that for the bay arrangement, the likelihood of multiple fatalities resulting from an ignition is more than double that for the Nightingale arrangement. However, for 500 simulated sequences, the mean number of fatalities for the bay case is approximately half that for the Nightingale case. These conclusions are based on particular conceptual and numerical assumptions and this must not be forgotten. The output from mathematical models will reflect the input. In general, models of all kinds must be regarded with circumspection. A technique such as that described here should only be used as part of an overall systemic approach; it should not be used to replace such an approach itself.  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(3):222-240
This paper uses two diverging interpretations of resilience to review and assess current UK policies and guidelines for urban resilience, a term generally associated with the strength of key systems and cities and their capability to maintain functionality in the face of external shocks. Both developed in scientific studies, the first interpretation (engineering resilience) is based on a mechanistic model of systems that can recover their original state aftershocks, and the second (ecological resilience) is based on an evolutionary model enabling adaptation to disturbances. Through a literature review, practical applications to planning are discussed for each model in terms of long-term efficacy. The contribution of this paper to an understanding of urban resilience is therefore twofold. First, an identification of the long-term consequences on the built environment of the policies associated with each model is provided, with the mechanical model ultimately hindering, and the ecological model favouring, adaptation. Second, some approaches to generate effective responses to environmental and societal change are identified, together with enabling tools. Ultimately, this paper emphasizes that the idea of a resilient city is fit for this age characterized by uncertainty, although it requires the recognition within planning practice that urban adaptation cannot be attained with current methodologies, and that much can be learned from theories on the resilience of ecosystems.  相似文献   


Research in UK and elsewhere has highlighted that older people are particularly vulnerable to negative health effects of overheating. This paper examines the magnitude, causes, preparedness and remedies for addressing the risk of summertime overheating in four case study residential care and extra-care settings across the UK, spanning different building types, construction and age. An interdisciplinary approach is adopted, drawing from building science and social science methods, including temperature monitoring, building surveys, and interviews with design and management teams. The findings suggest that overheating is a current and prevalent risk in the case study schemes, yet currently little awareness or preparedness exists to implement suitable and long-term adaptation strategies (e.g., external shading). There was a perception from designers to managers, that cold represents a bigger threat to older occupants’ health than excessive heat. A lack of effective heat management was found across the case studies that included unwanted heat gains from the heating system, confusion in terms of responsibilities to manage indoor temperatures, and conflicts between window opening and occupant safety. Given that care settings should provide protection against risks from cold and hot weather, design, management and care practices need to become better focused towards this goal.  相似文献   

Maintaining biodiversity and natural habitat are essential to achieving sustainable development. The UK’s Planning Policy Statement on ‘Biodiversity and Geological Conservation’ (known as PPS 9) and the ‘South East Plan’ emphasise the need to avoid a net loss in biodiversity, with Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) enjoined to pursue ecologically sensitive options. Our research revealed serious problems hampering the local planning authorities’ efforts to incorporate whole‐landscape scale planning into Local Development Frameworks (LDFs). These are required under the new ‘Spatial Planning’ framework, enacted in the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, and the Planning Act 2008.  相似文献   

In this paper, we critically explore the combination of a dynamic, multilayered understanding of community with an open-ended, ‘emergent’ understanding of resilience, and highlight the relevance for planners. We argue prevailing planning policies and practices on community resilience tend to work with rather simplistic, one-dimensional understandings of both ‘community’ and ‘resilience’. The multiple layers of meaning that are embedded in the word community are ignored when it is treated as an add-on intended to give underlying ideas about resilience planning greater public appeal. Apart and together the concepts of community and resilience bring into play a host of tensions between, for example, continuity and change, resistance and adaptation, inclusion and exclusion. This paper offers a framework for ensuring that these important considerations are openly negotiated within transparent normative frameworks of planning policy and practice.  相似文献   

Lack of internal space is a problem in UK homes, and is often linked to a lack of space standards for housing in the UK. Although previous studies have examined new-build housing, this paper uses a new method to study 16 000 dwellings in the English Housing Survey (EHS) 2010 to examine existing housing and compare them with a modern space standard in an attempt to quantify the extent and magnitude of the problem. Dwellings in the survey were compared against a slightly modified version of the London Housing Design Guide 2010 internal space standard. It was found that between 21% and 55% of dwellings failed to meet the standard; and that flats and small terraced houses were most commonly below the standard. Dwellings were also frequently found to be under-occupied in comparison with the number of bedrooms. This research hypothesized that this was a result of the lack of space. To illustrate the use of this new analysis method, a recent change to the Housing Benefit system (colloquially known as the ‘Bedroom Tax’) has been considered. Households receiving Housing Benefit were more likely to be undersized, suggesting that the policy to withdraw housing benefits from these households may be misguided.  相似文献   

Uncertainties affecting health organizations inevitably influence real estate decisions since real estate is required to facilitate the primary process in cure and care. Decisions have to be taken when there is little knowledge about the future. Therefore, flexibility is needed in the process of designing, constructing and operating real estate. Real options provide an approach to gain greater insight into flexibility. The aim is to analyse whether real options can be recognized in the real estate strategies of health organizations and what real options are provided by various forms of project coalition. Two case studies reveal that real options thinking can indeed be recognized in specific real estate strategies. The choice of certain real options is partly a result of the type of project coalition applied. Further development of real options thinking in real estate management in cure and care creates opportunities to deal with future uncertainties.  相似文献   


There is growing awareness of the overheating risks in new-build properties in the UK. However, this tends to be considered a problem principally for the southern regions in the UK, only becoming a serious issue in the north of England in the medium-term and in the long-term for Scotland. This notion tends to be largely predicated upon climate change predictions, differences in latitude and summer air temperatures. This paper describes the results from Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) studies over a two-year period from 26 occupied new-build homes across Scotland which demonstrated incidences of overheating. Results suggest that low-energy buildings are susceptible to overheating despite northerly latitudes, with 54% of houses studied overheating for more than six months annually, and 27% of homes overheating for less than 10% of the year. Evidence indicated that commonly used prediction tools do not appear to anticipate overheating adequately. This paper maps common overheating causes due to design and the role of occupants, identifying the risks due to the regulatory system, prediction and procurement processes, and design and construction. A common finding was that design and occupancy factors appear to have a greater impact on overheating more than location and climatic factors.  相似文献   

New UK regulations from June 1989 will enforce the provisions of an EC Directive on the use of sewage sludge in agriculture. Among the requirements is one that sludge should be treated before surface application to farmland. Treatment is needed to reduce 'significantly' both the fermentability of sludge and the health hazards resulting from its use on farms. In the UK, the health risks associated with sludge are principally beef tapeworm ( Taenia saginata and cysticercosis) and Salmonellosis. Research on the effects of various treatment processes on pathogens has shown the conditions required to produce a 90% reduction of T. saginata and Salmonellae. This information has been used as a basis for describing a list of 'effective' treatment processes and process conditions - as given in a new UK National Code of Practice on the use of sludge in agriculture. The uprating of existing treatment plant, or provision of new plant, to meet the Code of Practice recommendations could involve significant costs. A comparison of the economics of each of the 'effective' treatment processes for different population sizes shows a fairly wide range of net present costs. In general, increased sludge quality means increased costs.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(5):392-404
Today's modern cities' ‘big-pipes in, big-pipes out’ potable water supply approach does not offer society the resilience for adaptation to future climate challenges. One approach towards building resilience would involve cities adopting diverse, alternative water supplies; such as recycled wastewater, greywater and stormwater, within a fit-for-purpose philosophy, incorporating a mix of centralised and decentralised technologies. Globally, modern cities have limited on-ground experience with such complex approaches, despite ad-hoc policy rhetoric to the contrary and multiple technological options. Through considering the implicit and technocratic hydrosocial contract underpinning the current ‘big pipes’ approach, it appears the judgement and advice of ‘water experts’ is a significant determinant regarding opportunities for realising more resilient water supplies. Contrasting primary and secondary survey data from water experts and communities across Australian cities in relation to their receptivity to alternative water supplies; it is evident that community members are far more receptive than water experts expect. Thus, this difference in perception is potentially a significant barrier to realising a resilient approach. Path-dependant decision-making and practice is pervasive throughout the urban water field, and while the physical artefact of the traditional water supply system remains largely invisible and disconnected from communities, it is the implicit hydrosocial contract that keeps water experts disconnected from communities. Based on evidence presented in this paper, shifting the current hydrosocial contract to a more resilient approach is vulnerable to business as usual. Recommendations are offered for fundamentally reshaping this contract through deliberative processes that work towards enabling co-governance, co-design and co-management of this alternative and complex water supply approach into the future.  相似文献   

Theories of household decision making stress the importance of access to information in informing residential choice. The difficulties in gathering and processing information on housing options, however, are compounded in later stages of life, with push factors to expensive forms of residential care assuming greater significance as individuals reach a crisis through deteriorating health and restricted physical ability. The purpose of this paper is to examine the ways in which the provision of a UK government-backed advice and support service, named FirstStop, altered the housing outcomes of a sample of vulnerable elderly individuals on the verge of a crisis and living in inappropriate housing for their needs. The paper concludes that not only can such a publicly-funded service facilitate independent living for longer; it may also delay or prevent the need for more expensive institutional care which is costly to both individuals and public finances. As this initiative is the first of its kind internationally, evaluating its benefits not only informs UK policy makers but also those in other countries considering replicating such a service.  相似文献   

Upper room (UR)-ultraviolet germicidal (UVGI) systems, one of several disinfection applications of UV, target airborne infectious diseases in rooms of buildings such as healthcare facilities. Previous studies have introduced many experiments showing the germicidal effect of UR-UVGI systems. In this study, a novel numerical method of estimating the germicidal effect of UR-UVGI systems for air exhaled by ward patients was introduced. The method adopts and modifies the concept of ventilation efficiency because the germicidal effect depends upon how the air containing airborne infectious particles flows and stays within UV-radiated area. A case study based on a four-patient ward showed that UV doses were correlated with the age of the air exhaled by a source patient, as expected. Moreover, the UV doses were considerably affected by the position of the UR-UVGI system. Inactivation rates of the influenza virus estimated using the UV doses, were in the range of 48–74%, and those of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were 68–90% in the breathing area of a neighboring patient. The results indicate not directly the decreased concentration of airborne infectious particles, but the possibility of inactivation caused by the UR-UVGI system, which is useful for system optimization.  相似文献   

Meeting the demand for independent living from the increasing number of older people presents a major challenge for society, government and the building industry. Older people's experience of disabling conditions can be affected by the design and layout of their accommodation. Adaptations and assistive technology (AT) are a major way of addressing this gap between functional capacity and the built environment. The degree of adaptability and the differences in the average cost of adaptation of different types of property are large and there is major variation within property type. Based on a series of user profiles, it was found that a comprehensive package of adaptations and AT is likely to result in significant economies arising from a reduction in the need for formal care services. This finding is sensitive to assumptions about how long an individual would use the adaptations and AT, as well as to the input of informal care and the nature of their accommodation. The present study, which focused on social housing, has implications for how practitioners specify ways of meeting individual needs as well as providing a case to support the substantial increase in demand for specialist adaptation work.  相似文献   

Hospital and healthcare facilities have diverse indoor environment due to the different comfort and health needs of its occupants. Currently, most ventilation studies revolve around specialised areas such as operating rooms and isolation rooms. This paper focuses on the ventilation of multiple-bed hospital wards in the tropical climate, taking into account the design, indoor conditions and engineering controls. General ward layouts are described briefly. The required indoor conditions such as temperature, humidity, air movements and indoor air quality in the ward spaces are summarized based on the current guidelines and practices. Also, recent studies and engineering practices in the hospital indoor environment are elaborated. Usage of computational fluid dynamics tools for the ventilation studies is discussed as well. As identified during the review, there is an apparent knowledge gap for ventilation studies in the tropics compared with temperate climates, as fact studies have only been published for hospital wards in countries with a temperate climate. Therefore, it is highlighted that specific tropical studies along with novel engineering controls are required in addressing the ventilation requirements for the tropics.  相似文献   

近年来,极端天气导致的自然灾害频发,江心洲由于其特殊的地理位置,受自然灾害影响很大。为了构建良好的江心洲绿色基础设施系统,提出将韧性规划与江心洲的绿色基础设施相结合,以水系网络及其水岸空间为研究对象,通过韧性规划特有的"抵御""适应"与"恢复"作用过程,在面对干扰时保证绿色基础设施的正常运作。  相似文献   

To benefit and protect the populace, government policies often promise aspirational changes to current practice. Different kinds of narratives are important in the framing, explanation, motivation, and understanding of policies and strategies. For example, the UK government's 2008 Climate Change Act proclaimed that all new homes will be zero carbon by 2016. This ‘hero story’, where society is ‘saved’ by clever technologies, is inspiring, positive and familiar. An alternative is the ‘learning story’, where things are not quite as simple as they first seemed. In a learning story, protagonists are normal people who need to overcome a challenge. In energy policy, the learning story could address the gap between the technical potential and what is achieved in practice. Three real-world examples from retrofit and new-build projects are used to show how implicit narratives can create conflict when the tellers (e.g. researchers) have to tell one kind of story but have data for the other. Recommendations are provided for a balanced approach to the deployment of different kinds of tales by policy-makers, researchers, implementers and users. Harnessing the learning story and developing a ‘caring story’ could motivate policy-makers and the public to invest effort in building performance.  相似文献   

Various studies indicate that the elderly are unwilling to move, while health issues are one of the important factors influencing decisions to move. In our study, we tested the willingness of the elderly to accept various housing options based on a large quantitative survey of persons aged 50 and above conducted in 2015 in Slovenia. Our focus was on the respondents’ attitudes to different housing options, especially less-well-known options such as senior cohousing, household groups, family caregiving for elderly people and multigenerational residential buildings. This is relevant for the future development of housing and care policies because in a majority of countries housing markets will need to adapt to the growing elderly populations and their diversified needs. We employ cluster analysis to analyze which housing options are acceptable, how people can be grouped regarding the acceptability of moving house, and the characteristics of these groups.  相似文献   

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