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The term "peri-implantitis" is used to describe the formation of deep mucosal pockets around dental implants, inflammation of the peri-implant mucosa, and increased resorption of peri-implant bone. It has been speculated that when left untreated, peri-implantitis can result in implant failure. This retrospective study examines a possible correlation between smoking and the appearance of peri-implantitis. The clinical and radiographic observations of 366 implants in 107 patients who smoke were compared with those of a group of 1000 implants in 314 nonsmoking patients. Despite the retrospective nature of this study, a comparison between the two groups was possible. The mean follow-up period, mean patient age, implant locations, and percentages of fixed partial dentures and overdentures were consistent in both groups. There was no significant difference in the mean maxillary and mandibular hygienic indices between the group of smokers and that of nonsmokers. However, the group of smokers showed a higher score in the bleeding index, the mean peri-implant pocket depth, the degree of peri-implant mucosal inflammation, and radiographically discernible bone resorption mesial and distal to the implant. In the maxilla of the smoking group, these observations were significantly higher than both the mandibular observations for smokers and the maxillary observations of the group of nonsmokers (p < 0.01). No differences between the two groups were observed in the mandible. Aside from the systemic effects of tobacco smoking on the human organism, local cofactors seem to be responsible for the higher incidence of peri-implantitis in smokers and have a particularly negative effect on the maxilla. These findings confirm that smokers treated with dental implants have a greater risk of development of peri-implantitis.  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 64(1) of Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (see record 2010-03552-001). The authors would like to acknowledge that the age 41 longitudinal data used in their study were collected by David McClelland, Carol Franz, Joel Weinberger, Richard Koestner, and Joseph Healy. This data collection was supported by a grant from the Seaver Institute. The data are currently being archived at the Henry Murray Research Center of Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts.] Used a prospective longitudinal design to investigate the long-term developmental implications of gender-related interests and traits. Archival data were available for Ss in the R. R. Sears et al (1957) study. Men, who at age 12 yrs endorsed interests and undesirable traits more typically associated with women, had poorer social–personal adjustment at ages 31 and 41 yrs. No effects were found for women. Feminine expressive traits at age 31 yrs did not impact on 41-yr-old adjustment for either men or women, whereas masculine instrumental traits were positively related for both. These findings support a multidimensional view of gender and indicate that harsher consequences follow when adolescent boys endorse nontraditional gender-related interests and undesirable traits than when girls do so. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested the hypothesis that the procedures used by leaders to allocate outcomes have an impact on leadership evaluations that is independent of outcome level or outcome fairness. Two studies tested this hypothesis within the context of 132 college students' evaluations of teachers, and two tested it within the context of citizen evaluations of political leaders; Ss in the latter 2 studies were 50 residents of a university town and 156 undergraduates. The procedural justice hypothesis was strongly supported by all 4 studies. In each, strong procedural influences on evaluation were found, influences that were independent of outcome level or outcome fairness. In addition, in both surveys of naturally occurring evaluations, variations in procedural fairness had a much greater impact on leadership endorsement than did variations in outcome level, outcome satisfaction, or outcome fairness. Findings suggest that in experimental settings, Ss can be sensitive to both outcomes and procedures. In natural settings, however, individuals focus on procedures rather than outcomes in forming their evaluations of leaders. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An emerging body of research illustrates the connections between fathers and their children's development. This topic is particularly relevant in Québec, a demographically and culturally unique province in which female lone parenthood is relatively common; this pattern is related to socioeconomic disadvantages that predict negative cognitive and behavioural outcomes in youth. Using data from the Concordia Longitudinal Risk Project, an intergenerational longitudinal data set collected in inner city areas of Montreal, the current study investigated the prospective relations between fathers' presence and parenting, and children's subsequent cognitive and behavioural functioning. The current sample included 138 families from lower to middle income backgrounds who participated in two waves of data collection: when children were in middle childhood and subsequently three to five years later in preadolescence. The results indicated that for girls only, fathers' presence in middle childhood predicted fewer internalizing problems in preadolescence. For both boys and girls, fathers' positive parental control predicted higher Performance IQ and fewer internalizing problems over six years later. These findings add to the increasing body of literature suggesting that fathers make important contributions to their children's cognitive and behavioural functioning, and point to the benefits of developing policies that encourage fathers to spend time with their children (i.e., parental leave for men) and promote positive fathering and involvement through parenting courses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Bacterial adhesion to intra-oral, hard surfaces is firmly influenced by the surface roughness to these structures. Previous studies showed a remarkable higher subgingival bacterial load on rough surfaces when compared to smooth sites. More recently, the additional effect of a further smoothening of intra-oral hard surfaces on clinical and microbiological parameters was examined in a short-term experiment. The results indicated that a reduction in surface roughness below R(a) = 0.2 microns, the so-called "thresholds R(a)", had no further effect on the quantitative/qualitative microbiological adhesion or colonisation, neither supra- nor subgingivally. This study aims to examine the long-term effects of smoothening intra-oral hard transgingival surfaces. In 6 patients expecting an overdenture in the lower jaw, supported by endosseus titanium implants, 2 different abutments (transmucosal part of the implant): a standard machined titanium (R(a) = 0.2 microns) and one highly polished and made of a ceramic material (R(a) = 0.06 microns) were randomly installed. After 3 months of intra-oral exposure, supra- and subgingival plaque samples from both abutments were compared with each other by means of differential phase-contrast microscopy (DPCM). Clinical periodontal parameters (probing depth, gingival recession, bleeding upon probing and Periotest-value) were recorded around each abutment. After 12 months, the supra- and subgingival samples were additionally cultured in aerobic, CO2-enriched and anaerobic conditions. The same clinical parameters as at the 3-month interval were recorded after 12 months. At 3 months, spirochetes and motile organisms were only detected subgingivally around the titanium abutments. After 12 months, however, both abutment-types harboured equal proportions of spirochetes and motile organisms, both supra- and subgingivally. The microbial culturing (month 12) failed to detect large inter-abutment differences. The differences in number of colony- forming units (aerobic and anaerobic) were within one division of a logarithmic scale. The aerobic culture data showed a higher proportion of Gram-negative organisms in the subgingival flora of the rougher abutments. From the group of potentially "pathogenic" bacteria, only Prevotella intermedia and Fusobacterium nucleatum were detected for anaerobic culturing and again the inter-abutment differences were negligible. Clinically, the smoothest abutment showed a slightly higher increase in probing depth between months 3 and 12, and more bleeding on probing. The present results confirm the findings of our previous short-term study, indicating that a further reduction of the surface roughness, below a certain "threshold R(a)" (0.2 microns), has no major impact on the supra- and subgingival microbial composition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate longitudinal relationships between (a) organizational characteristics and work characteristics and (b) organizational characteristics and psychologic work reactions. To get insight into patterns of relationships, self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 596 nurses at time 1 and 379 at time 2. A two-wave full crosslagged structural panel model was used to analyze the data. With regard to the relationships between organizational characteristics and work characteristics, the crosslagged analyses showed stronger support for a pattern of reversed "causation." Considering relationships between organizational characteristics and psychologic work reactions, no reversed crosslagged relationships were found, although hypothesized cross-sectional relationships were supported. This lack of relationships over time was explained by methodological as well as theoretical arguments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper investigates the longitudinal causal relationship between stressors and well-being within work, nonwork, and general life domains within university staff, trainee nurses, and part-time employees. Nested structural equation model comparison analysis tested whether nonwork stressors significantly contribute in predicting work, nonwork, and general well-being alongside work-related stressors. Findings showed that a complex spillover model is best fitting where work and nonwork stressors (T1) significantly influence work, nonwork, and general well-being (T2) across domains. Multigroup analysis revealed that this acceptable fitting model was also consistent simultaneously across two groups of data. The current study contributes to the literature by examining the causal relationships between stressors and well-being across life domains while incorporating a strong methodological design and statistical procedure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Academic self-concept, academic locus of control, and achievement expectations were investigated over a 2-year period for 78 children identified as learning disabled (LD) and 71 non learning disabled, normally achieving children (NLD). The LD children had no remedial program for their learning problems and had not been classified by the schools as LD. The data were collected while the sample was in junior high school. Five schools participated in the project. The results indicated that in comparison with NLD students, the LD children had lower self-perceptions of ability, showed signs of learned helplessness, and reported lower achievement expectations. These differences were well established at the start of Year 1 of the project and remained consistent through to the end of Year 2. The hypothesis that LD children not receiving remedial help would develop increasingly negative affective characteristics was therefore not supported. Correlation and regression data show that academic self-concept scores were the single best predictor of achievement levels. I suggest that negative school-related attitudes develop early in the school lives of LD children and remain negative but consistent through high school. Some consequences for future learning and remedial programming are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the 1st 6 mo that 166 newly hired employees and their immediate supervisors worked together. Expectations, perceived similarity, liking, demographic similarity, and performance were examined as determinants of leader–member exchanges (LMXs). Leader and member expectations of each other assessed in the 1st 5 days in the life of the dyad predicted LMXs at 2 wks and at 6 wks following the 1st day of the dyads' existence. Member expectations of leaders also predicted LMXs at 6 mo. Following nearly the same pattern, perceived similarity and liking from both the leaders' and members' perspectives predicted LMXs at most time periods. Demographic similarity between leaders and members had no significant effects on LMX development, and subordinate performance ratings were relatively less important in predicting LMX than were affective variables. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated the influence of goal orientation on sales performance in a longitudinal field study with salespeople. As hypothesized, a teaming goal orientation had a positive relationship with sales performance. This relationship was fully mediated by 3 self-regulation tactics: goal setting, effort, and planning. In contrast, a performance goal orientation was unrelated to sales performance. These results suggest that a focus on skill development, even for a veteran workforce, is likely to be associated with higher performance. Management should seek evidence of a teaming goal orientation when selecting new employees, while avoiding an excessive focus on performance goal orientation without a comparable skill-development focus. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous studies have used cross-sectional designs to demonstrate the beneficial effect of acquaintanceship on the validity of personality impressions. To counter critiques of those studies, a longitudinal design was used. Participants were randomly assigned to 16 groups of 5–7 members who met once a week for 7 wks. None of the participants in any group were previously acquainted. Before the 1st meeting, they completed a battery of self-report measures, including the NEO Five Factor Inventory and the revised Interpersonal Adjective Scales. After Weeks 1, 4, and 7, group members rated each other on single-item measures related to each of the Big Five. All correlations between self-reports and corresponding peer ratings (i.e., validities) were significant by Week 7. The mean Big Five validity increased significantly from .21 to .26 to .30 at Weeks 1, 4, and 7, respectively. Extraversion showed the highest validity and consensus. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the present study, the activity of 3 functionally related enzymes, creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels in the rest and flow gingival crevicular fluid (rGCF, fGCF) from patients with rapidly progressive periodontitis (RPP) and adult periodontitis (AP) were determined before and after periodontal treatment, including maintenance. When rGCF and fGCF mean enzyme levels were compared, rGCF was found to contain approximately twice as much enzyme levels than fGCF throughout the study. The findings of the present study revealed that both the rGCF and fGCF samples also contained higher CK, LDH, and AST levels than serum samples. Baseline clinical parameters and GCF enzyme levels presented a significant decline throughout the non-surgical and surgical treatment phases in both patient groups, with surgical treatment being more effective. Despite clinical stability, in the AP group levels of LDH and AST showed a tendency to increase in the third month, while enzyme levels still continued to decrease in the RPP group, who received additional antibiotics during the surgical phase. These findings suggest that GCF intracytoplasmic enzyme profile is related with periodontal status and successful periodontal treatment, in addition to clinical improvement, has a significant effect on this profile. Analysis of biochemical events, more specifically intracytoplasmic enzyme levels in GCF, are likely to offer a sensitive measure of periodontal pathology which may help in overcoming the existing limitations of clinical parameters. For this purpose, analysis of rGCF intracytoplasmic enzymes seems to be more beneficial.  相似文献   

Response to intervention (RTI) models for identifying learning disabilities rely on the accurate identification of children who, without Tier 2 tutoring, would develop reading disability (RD). This study examined 2 questions concerning the use of 1st-grade data to predict future RD: (a) Does adding initial word identification fluency (WIF) and 5 weeks of WIF progress-monitoring data (WIF-Level and WIF-Slope) to a typical 1st-grade prediction battery improve RD prediction? and (b) Can classification tree analysis improve the prediction accuracy compared to logistic regression? Four classification models based on 206 1st-grade children followed through the end of 2nd grade were evaluated. A combination of initial WIF, WIF-Level, and WIF-Slope and classification tree analysis improved prediction sufficiently to recommend their use with RTI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

采用倒扭摆测试仪、SEM、TEM等方法研究了添加Si对FeMn阻尼合金组织和性能的影响.结果表明,Si的加入增加了FeMn合金的层错和ε马氏体片层的数量,但由于马氏体片的交叉及Si引起的晶格畸变都阻碍了合金阻尼源界面的移动,使得合金阻尼性能降低;预变形后Fe-19Mn合金阻尼性能呈现先增加后降低的趋势,而Fe-19Mn...  相似文献   

The effects of undergraduate training in the natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences on inductive reasoning requiring the use of statistical and methodological principles and on reasoning about problems in conditional logic were examined. Social science training produced large effects on statistical and methodological reasoning, whereas natural sciences and humanities training produced smaller, but still marginally significant, effects. Natural science and humanities training produced large effects on ability to reason about problems in conditional logic, whereas social science training did not. The improvement in conditional reasoning among natural science students appears to be due, in large part, to knowledge gained in mathematics courses. The results indicate that inferential rule systems, as taught by various fields, can affect reasoning about a wide range of problems. The findings lend support to a version of the premodern formal discipline hypothesis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Former college students (n?=?36) identified by high scores on the Hypomanic Personality Scale (HYP; Eckblad & Chapman, 1986) were compared with control participants (n?=?31) at a 13-year follow-up assessment. As hypothesized, the HYP group reported more bipolar disorders and major depressive episodes than the control group. The HYP group also exceeded the control group on the severity of psychotic-like experiences, symptoms of borderline personality disorder, and rates of substance use disorders. HYP group members with elevated scores on the Impulsive–Nonconformity Scale (Chapman et al., 1984) experienced greater rates of bipolar mood disorders, poorer overall adjustment, and higher rates of arrest than the remaining HYP or control participants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined over time the relationship between characteristics of the family caregiving system for older persons with Alzheimer's disease and the health of 136 adult offspring who were involved in care. The goal was to determine if family and offspring health relationships found at point of initial patient evaluation (Tl) remained consistent over a 12-month period (T2) and if qualities of the family environment assessed at Tl predicted a change in offspring health and well-being as the demands for care increased over time. Offspring carehours, gender, education, distress, and patient severity (Step 1); measures of family functioning (Step II); and family by distress interaction terms (Step III) were used to predict offspring health and well-being at T2. Findings indicated that (a) family characteristics associated with offspring health at Tl displayed consistent predictions of health over time and (b) family emotion management variables predicted a reduction in offspring health scores by T2. These data document the ongoing effects of the family context of care and suggest the family setting as a target for intervention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Folk beliefs such as "there's a silver lining in every cloud" reflect a positive approach to life that maps onto the notion of interpretive secondary control, and may have consequences for well being. The authors assessed older individuals' agreement with folk beliefs, and examined gender differences in their adaptive implications for well being and positive and negative emotion, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally over 7 years. Following previous research on interpretive secondary control, the authors anticipated that folk beliefs would be (a) more strongly endorsed by or (b) more beneficial to older women than to older men, particularly among those with serious health problems. Although women and men endorsed folk beliefs equally, women benefited more reliably from these beliefs, and women with serious health problems benefited the most. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The objective was to determine whether discrepancies between husbands' and wives' past-year heavy drinking predicted decreased marital satisfaction over time. Participants (N = 634) were recruited at the time they applied for their marriage licenses. Couples completed questionnaires about their alcohol use and marital satisfaction at the time of marriage and again at their 1st and 2nd anniversaries. Generalized estimating equation models were used to evaluate the association between discrepancies in husbands' and wives' heavy drinking in the year prior to marriage and marital satisfaction at the 1st wedding anniversary and the association between discrepancies in heavy alcohol use in the 1st year of marriage and marital satisfaction at the 2nd wedding anniversary. In these prospective time-lagged analyses, discrepancies in husbands' and wives' heavy drinking predicted decreased marital satisfaction over time while controlling for heavy drinking. Over time, these couples may be at greater risk for decreased marital functioning that may lead to relationship dissolution. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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