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The performance of photovoltaic modules with planar booster reflectors with variable length and tilts for Swedish conditions is analysed. It is shown that a stationary flat booster reflector can increase the annual output of the module in the order of 20–25%, provided that the influence of short lateral length of the reflector and temperature rise can be limited. The principal difference between using modules with crystalline silicon cells or thin film modules is discussed and numerical examples together with experimental results are given. The electrical coupling of rows in a PV module and/or the electrical coupling of modules in a PV installation are important when booster reflectors are used. If horizontal rows of cells in a module are parallel coupled, the module better utilises radiation reflected from a booster reflector in front than if the rows are coupled in series. Low serial resistance, low module temperature and small edge effects, i.e. not too short lateral length of the booster reflector, are important to achieve good performance of modules with booster reflectors. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对光伏组件机械载荷测试相关标准和现状,文中主要研究了动态机械载荷测试方法和测试设备。提出了一种气囊法进行动态机械载荷测试的方法,可有效评估光伏组件的可靠性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new characterisation method for the spectral influence of solar irradiation on photovoltaic (PV) modules, based on a proposed analytical model for the effective responsivity of PV modules. This mathematical tool needs only easily measurable atmospheric parameters and is applicable to different technologies. It allows the calculation of the spectral influence on PV modules under field conditions. It has been observed that this influence depends strongly on sky conditions and also on the PV module tilt angle, its technology, and the time of the year. Opposite effects are observed between cloudy and clear sky conditions, concluding that the former especially favours PV conversion in amorphous silicon modules. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The conversion efficiency of photovoltaic modules varies with irradiance and temperature in a predictable fashion, and hence the effective efficiency averaged over a year under field conditions can be reliably assessed. The suggested procedure is to define the efficiency versus irradiance and temperature for a specific module, collect the local irradiance and temperature data, and combine the two mathematically, resulting in effective efficiency. Reasonable approximations simplify the process. The module performance ratio is defined to be the ratio of effective efficiency to that under standard test conditions. Variations of the order of 10% in this factor among manufacturers, primarily the result of the differences in effective series resistance and leakage conductance, are not unusual. A focus on these parameters that control the effective efficiency should provide a path to PV modules with improved field performance. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fires in residential and commercial properties are not uncommon. If such fires involve the roof, photovoltaic arrays mounted on the roof will be exposed to the flames. The amount of cadmium that can be released in fires involving CdTe PV and the magnitude of associated health risks has been debated. The current study aims in delineating this issue. Previous thermogravimetric studies of CdTe, involved pure CdTe and single‐glass PV modules. The current study is based on glass–glass CdTe PV modules which are the only ones in the market. Pieces of commercial CdTe photovoltaic (PV) modules, sizes 25×3 cm, were heated to temperatures up to 1100°C to simulate exposure to residential and commercial building fires. The temperature rate and duration in these experiments were defined according to standard protocols. Four different types of analysis were performed to investigate emissions and redistribution of elements in the matrix of heated CdTe PV modules: (1) measurements of sample weight loss as a function of temperature; (2) analyses of Cd and Te in the gaseous emissions; (3) Cd distribution in the heated glass using synchrotron X‐ray fluorescence microprobe analysis; and (4) chemical analysis for Cd and Te in the acid‐digested glass. These experiments showed that almost all (i.e., 99·5%) of the cadmium content of CdTe PV modules was encapsulated in the molten glass matrix; a small amount of Cd escaped from the perimeter of the samples before the two sheets of glass melted together. Adjusting for this loss in full‐size modules, results in 99·96% retention of Cd. Multiplying this with the probability of occurrence for residential fires in wood‐frame houses in the US (e.g., 10−4), results in emissions of 0·06 mg/GWh; the probability of sustained fires and subsequent emissions in adequately designed and maintained utility systems appears to be zero. Published in 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The module temperatures of free‐standing modules were compared with identical modules with thermally insulated back side simulating roof integration for 45° south orientation in Freiburg, Germany, at 1000 W/m2 solar irradiation. The thickness of the thermal insulation was varied in order to find a minimum thickness sufficient for suppressing the heat losses and for the simulation of roof integration. The module‐dependent coefficients for the Faiman model for the module temperature depend on the back‐side heat losses. A correction for roof integration is proposed. This model allows the calculation of the maximum temperatures reached for given climatic situations (irradiation in plane of array, ambient temperature, and wind speed). Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The presented paper reports the results of the experimental work performed at the European Solar Test Installation, using an array of 70 polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) modules by the same manufacturer. After almost 20 years of continuous outdoor exposure, the modules were subjected to a comprehensive indoor test plan; in particular, electrical performance measurements were performed, together with a detailed visual analysis. It was also possible to perform a comparison between final and initial data (in particular IV characteristics): module average performance decay is 4.42% for the whole period. Degradation mechanisms, together with their effect on module lifetime, were also analyzed. Results of such a measurement exercise clearly show how PV device reliability over decades can guarantee safe investments, for the benefit of all PV users and stakeholders. The authors are currently installing the modules for further 20 years of outdoor exposure. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Intelligent PV Module for Grid-Connected PV Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most issues carried out about building integrated photovoltaic (PV) system performance show average losses of about 20%–25% in electricity production. The causes are varied, e.g., mismatching losses, partial shadows, variations in current–voltage$(I$$V)$characteristics of PV modules due to manufacturing processes, differences in the orientations and inclinations of solar surfaces, and temperature effects. These losses can be decreased by means of suitable electronics. This paper presents the intelligent PV module concept, a low-cost high-efficiency dc–dc converter with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) functions, control, and power line communications (PLC). In addition, this paper analyses the alternatives for the architecture of grid-connected PV systems: centralized, string, and modular topologies. The proposed system, i.e., the intelligent PV module, fits within this last group. Its principles of operation, as well as the topology of boost dc–dc converter, are analyzed. Besides, a comparison of MPPT methods is performed, which shows the best results for the incremental conductance method. Regarding communications, PLC in every PV module and its feasibility for grid-connected PV plants are considered and analyzed in this paper. After developing an intelligent PV module (with dc–dc converter) prototype, its optimal performance has been experimentally confirmed by means of the PV system test platform. This paper describes this powerful tool especially designed to evaluate all kinds of PV systems.  相似文献   

Under the auspices of the New Sunshine Program and continuous R&D programs by the New Energy Development and Industrial Technology Organization (NEDO), the authors have been implementing a measurement and evaluation program for photovoltaic (PV) systems since the fiscal year 1997. In this program, a total of 100 residential PV systems, equipped with special data acquisition systems, have been set up over seven years. The purpose of this study was to clarify the operating performance of the grid‐connected PV systems on the rooftops of residential houses in Japan and to develop a simulation methodology in order to estimate the electricity generation and costs in the actual housing environment. The validity of the simulation methodology was assessed by using the actually monitored data from some hundreds residential PV systems. Simulation results were also used to optimize the PV system design as well as to diagnose their operating conditions. The mean value of the final annual yield was around 1000 h; 975 h in 2000, 982 h in 2001 and 975 h in 2002, and the mean value of the performance ratio was over 70%; 73·3% in 2000, 71·8% in 2001 and 72·5% in 2001. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a methodology and the developed system for measuring, capturing, and displaying I–V and P–V characteristic curves of photovoltaic (PV) modules or arrays based on single‐ended primary inductance converters (SEPIC) in parallel connection, operating in interleaved mode. The proposed methodology and the developed system allow the real time capture and displaying of the I–V and P–V curves of a PV panel or array, and show several advantages with regard to classical methods: simple structure, scalability, fast response, versatility, direct display, and low cost. The measuring of the characteristic curves of PV modules includes high speed of response and high fidelity, with low ripple. An experimental prototype based on four SEPIC converters in parallel connection has been implemented to validate the proposed methodology. This new methodology and experimental system has been registered in the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office with the number P200930198. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of long‐term outdoor performance of a‐Si and hybrid modules mounted in the same location over several years. The modules were also characterized indoors using standard measurement methods employing pulsed solar simulators at the European Solar Test Installation (ESTI). The present study is intended to contribute to future standards on energy rating by presenting a common procedure for correcting the outdoor performance measurements to standard test conditions and comparing the resulting module performance at real and laboratory conditions. A seasonal variation in output, higher in the summer and lower in the winter, suggests that the module performance improves due to annealing when the module temperature is higher. The total output energy per month for these two technologies and a reference c‐Si technology is also presented. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

World‐wide the number of grid‐connected PV systems is growing fast, especially in the built environment. In order to assure the quality and energy output of these systems, a number of electrotechnical requirements need to be fulfilled, at both component and system levels. In addition requirements with respect to electrical safety need to be met. Part of these requirements are covered by international standards, especially with respect to the PV modules. A number of standards is still under development. In the area of systems and utility interfacing local codes are still in use. These local codes differ significantly from country to country. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The performance of photovoltaic modules is influenced by solar spectrum even under the same solar irradiance conditions. Spectral factor (SF) is a useful index indicating the ratio of available solar irradiance between actual solar spectrums and the standard AM1·5‐G spectrum. In this study, the influence of solar spectrum on photovoltaic performance in cloudy weather as well as in fine weather is quantitatively evaluated as the reciprocal of SF (SF−1). In the cases of fine weather, the SF−1 suggests that solar spectrum has little influence (within a few %) on the performance of pc‐Si, a‐Si:H/sc‐Si, and copper indium gallium (di)selenide modules, because of the “offset effect”. The performance of a‐Si:H modules and the top layers of a‐Si:H/µc‐Si:H modules can vary by more than ± 10% under the extreme conditions in Japan. The seasonal and locational variations in the SF−1 of the bottom layers are about ± several %. A negative correlation is shown between the top and bottom layers, indicating that the performance of a‐Si:H/µc‐Si:H modules does not exceed the performance, at which the currents of the top and bottom layers are balanced, by the influence of solar spectrum. In the cases of cloudy weather, the SF−1 of the pc‐Si, a‐Si:H/sc‐Si, and copper indium gallium (di)selenide modules is generally higher, suggesting favorable for performance than that in fine weather. Much higher SF−1 than that in fine weather is shown by the a‐Si:H module and the top layer of the a‐Si:H/µc‐Si:H module. The SF−1 of the bottom layer neither simply depend on season nor on location. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The photovoltaic (PV) market is experiencing vigorous growth, whereas prices are dropping rapidly. This growth has in large part been possible through public support, deserved for its promise to produce electricity at a low cost to the environment. It is therefore important to monitor and minimize environmental impacts associated with PV technologies. In this work, we forecast the environmental performance of crystalline silicon technologies in 2020, the year in which electricity from PV is anticipated to be competitive with wholesale electricity costs all across Europe. Our forecasts are based on technological scenario development and a prospective life cycle assessment with a thorough uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. We estimate that the energy payback time at an in‐plane irradiation of 1700 kWh/(m2 year) of crystalline silicon modules can be reduced to below 0.5 years by 2020, which is less than half of the current energy payback time. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reports important developments achieved with CdTe thin‐film photovoltaic devices produced using metalorganic chemical vapour deposition at atmospheric pressure. In particular, attention was paid to understand the enhancements in solar cell conversion efficiency, to develop the cell design, and assess scalability towards modules. Improvements in the device performance were achieved by optimising the high‐transparency window layer (Cd0.3Zn0.7S) and a device‐activation anneal. These increased the fill factor and open‐circuit voltage to 77 ± 1% and 785 ± 7 mV, respectively, compared with 69 ± 3% and 710 ± 10 mV for previous baseline devices with no anneal and thicker Cd0.3Zn0.7S. The enhancement in these parameters is associated with the two fold to three fold increase in the net acceptor density of CdTe upon air annealing and a decrease in the back contact barrier height from 0.24 ± 0.01 to 0.16 ± 0.02 eV. The optimum thickness of the window layer for maximum photocurrent was 150 nm. The cell size was scaled from 0.25 to 2 cm2 in order to assess its impact on the device series resistance and fill factor. Finally, micro‐module devices utilising series‐connected 2‐cm2 sub‐cells were fabricated using a combination of laser and mechanical scribing techniques. An initial module‐to‐cell efficiency ratio of 0.9 was demonstrated for a six‐cell module with the use of the improved device structure and processing. Prospects for CdTe photovoltaic modules grown by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition are commented on. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The photoluminescence of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) in aged photovoltaic modules shows specific spatial patterns on the scale of the cells in the module that depend on the aging conditions. It is the aim of this work to investigate the correlation of these photoluminescence patterns to the viscoelastic mechanical properties of the encapsulating EVA. For this, the degradation under various conditions of two specimen sets of polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic mini‐modules, comprising EVA as encapsulating polymer, is investigated using spatially resolved, ultraviolet‐excited photoluminescence. Samples of the encapsulation EVA are systematically extracted from the modules for spatially resolved dynamic mechanical characterization. A correlation between the spatial distribution of the photoluminescence intensity and the values of storage modulus and loss factor of the EVA is found. An increase in the values for storage modulus and a decrease of the loss factor of the EVA from the edge of the cell towards the center are observed for all samples. We conclude that diffusion‐limited oxidation must be considered for aging studies of the encapsulation EVA and that photoluminescence detection can reveal the scale on which such diffusion processes occur. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Because of recent advances in the production and installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems, the international conformity of PV module performance measurement has become increasingly important. The increase in PV production sites is particularly significant in the Asian region. The present paper summarizes and discusses the results of a round‐robin intercomparison of crystalline silicon modules among national laboratories and certified testing laboratories in the Asian region conducted from 2009 to 2011. Most of the values of Pmax measured at the different laboratories were within a ±2% range, although some Pmax results showed differences of up to about 3%. This result is comparable to that obtained in the recent intercomparison among international laboratories. Possible sources of difference in the measured values of Isc, Voc, FF, and Pmax are discussed, for further improvement of international conformity in PV measurement technologies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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