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This paper presents a comparison between the dynamic behavior of a 250 kW stand-alone proton exchange membrane fuel cell power plant (PEM FCPP) and a 250 kW stand-alone microturbine (MT). Dynamic models for the two are introduced. To control the voltage and the power output of the PEM FCPP, voltage and power control loops are added to the model. For the MT, voltage, speed, and power control are used. Dynamic models are used to determine the response of the PEM FCPP and MT to a load step change. Simulation results indicate that the response of the MT to reach a steady state is about twice as fast as the PEM FCPP. For stand-alone operation of a PEM FCPP, a set of batteries or ultracapacitors is needed in order to satisfy the power mismatch during transient periods. Software simulation results are obtained by using MATLAB®, Simulink®, and SimPowerSystems®.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the dynamic behavior of a 250 kW proton exchange membrane fuel cell power plant (PEM FCPP) and a 250 kW microturbine (MT) when operating in parallel. A load sharing control scheme is used to distribute the load equally between the PEM FCPP and the MT. For stand alone operation of a PEM FCPP, a set of batteries or ultracapacitors are needed in order to satisfy the power mismatch during transient periods. Using MT in parallel with the PEM FCPP helps in eliminating the need for storage devices. Models for the PEM FCPP and the MT with power, voltage and speed controls are used to determine the dynamic response of the system to a step change in the load. Simulation results indicate viability of parallel operation of the PEM FCPP and the MT. These results are obtained using MATLAB®, Simulink®, and SimPowerSystems®.  相似文献   

Molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) have received a great deal of attention in recent years and are now at a pre-commercial stage.  相似文献   

Microturbines offer new perspectives in small-scale heat and power production. Non-continuous heat demand however often leads to a reduced number of yearly running hours. This paper proposes an alternative by introducing water or steam injection without significantly increasing the overall cost. Steam injection (STIG®) has been successful to boost performance and efficiency in industrial gas turbine cycles and similar effects are expected in the case of microturbines. Owing to the different way of controlling microturbines at non-constant shaftspeed, the response to steam or water injection differs from current STIG® cycles. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of steam injection on microturbine behavior by simulating its off-design characteristics in Aspen.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel molten carbonate fuel cell hybrid power generation process with using solar parabolic dish thermal energy is proposed. The process contains MCFC, Oxy-fuel and Rankine power generation cycles. The Rankine power generation cycles utilized various types of working fluid to emphasize taking advantage of the cycles in different thermodynamic conditions. The required hot and cold energies are provided from solar dish parabolic thermal hot and liquefied natural gas (LNG) cold energies, respectively. The carbon dioxide (CO2) from MCFC effluent stream is captured from the process at liquid state. The process total heat integrated and in this regards, no need to any hot and cold external sources with the net electrical power generation. The energy and exergy analysis are conducted to determine the approaches to improve the process performance. This integrated structure consumed 2.30 × 106 kg h−1 of air and 2.67 × 106 kg h−1 of LNG to generate 292597 kW of net power. The products of this integrated structure are 6.25 × 104 kg h−1 of condensates, 183 kg h−1 of water vapor, 2.20 × 106 kg h−1 of MCFC effluent stream, 2.60 × 106 kg h−1 of natural gas and 1.10 × 105 kg h−1 of CO2 in liquid state. The presented new integrated structure has overall thermal efficiency of 73.14% and total exergy efficiency of 63.19%. Also, sensitivity analysis is performed for determination of the process key parameters which affected the process operating performance.  相似文献   

In this work, a new 3 kWe flameless combustor for hydrogen fuel is designed and analyzed using CFD simulation. The strategy of the design is to provide a large volumetric combustion for hydrogen fuel without significant rise of the temperature. The combustor initial dimensions and specification were obtained from practical design procedures, and then optimized using CFD simulations. A three-dimensional model for the designed combustor is constructed to further analysis of flameless hydrogen combustion and consideration that leads to disappearance of flame-front and flameless combustion. The key design parameters including aerodynamic, temperature at walls and flame, NOX, pressure drop, combustion efficiency for the hydrogen flame is analyzed in the designed combustor. To well demonstrate the combustor, the NOX and entropy destruction and finally energy conversion efficiency, and overall operability in the microturbine cycle of hydrogen flameless combustor is compared with a 3 kWe design counterpart for natural gas. The findings demonstrate that hydrogen flameless combustion is superior to derive the microturbines with significantly lower NOX, and improvements in energy efficiency, and cycle overall efficiency with low wall temperatures guaranteeing the long-term operation of combustor and microturbine parts.  相似文献   

Microturbines are promising power sources for small scale combined heat and power (CHP) systems. However, the power output and efficiency of microturbines decreases much as the ambient temperature increases. As a remedy to minimize the performance penalty at hot ambient conditions, the injection of water or steam into a microturbine CHP system was analyzed in this work. An analysis program to simulate the operation of a microturbine CHP system was set up and validated by using measured test data. The injection of hot water, which is generated at the heat recovery unit, at two different locations inside the microturbine was predicted. The generation of steam through the same heat recovery unit and its injection at the two locations was predicted as well. All the four cases provide sufficiently enhanced power output. Injection at the recuperator inlet exhibits a higher efficiency than injection at the combustor in both water and steam injections. Steam injection provides a higher power generation efficiency than water injection on the average. The injection of steam at the recuperator inlet is most promising in terms of power generation efficiency. However, water injection at the recuperator also enhances power generation efficiency while still providing thermal energy to some extent.  相似文献   

In a commercialized 300 kW molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) power plant, a univariate alarm system that has only upper and lower limits is usually employed to identify abnormal conditions in the system. Even though univariate alarms have already been adopted for system monitoring, this simple monitoring system is limited for using in an extended monitoring system for fault diagnosis. Therefore, based on principal component analysis (PCA), a recursive variable grouping method for a multivariate monitoring system in a commercialized MCFC power plant is presented in this paper. In terms of development, since a principal component analysis model that contains all system variables cannot isolate a system fault, heuristic recursive variable selection method using factor analysis is presented here. To verify the performance of the fault detection, real plant operations data are used. Furthermore, comparison between type 1 and type 2 errors for four different variable groups demonstrates that the developed heuristic method works well when system faults occur. These monitoring techniques can reduce the number of false alarms occurring on site at MCFC power plant.  相似文献   

The electrochemical performances of fuel cells using nano-ceria-salt composites electrolyte (NANOCOFC) have been investigated at different temperatures in molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) environment. The maximum output power density increased with the temperature, and reached 140 mW/cm2 at 650 °C. After operating for 200 h, the open circuit voltage (OCV) can keep the same value and the output power density only deceased 0.08%. It demonstrated that the NANOCOFC possessed the perfect stability of electrochemical performance in the MCFC environment. However, it was found that the output power density of the fuel cell in MCFC environment was much lower than that of fuel cell in SOFC environment. It was implied that the carbonate transfer would hinder the conduction of both proton and oxygen ion, which result in the poor output power density of fuel cells.  相似文献   

In this paper a generalized model, based on system-level approach, for predicting the High Temperature Fuel Cells (HTFCs) behavior and performance is presented.The system-level model allows to forecast the HTFC performance under different operating conditions (cell temperature, anode off-gas recirculation, reactants temperatures, fuel and oxidant utilization factors, etc.) and cell design (tubular and planar configurations and with co-flow, counter-flow and cross-flow arrangements).Mass and energy balances are solved by considering both the electrochemical (i.e. electro-oxidation of hydrogen) and thermochemical reactions (i.e. reforming and shifting reactions) which occur in the anode and cathode sides and by applying different equations systems to take into account the type of fuel cell (MCFC or SOFC).The ability of the proposed model in the HTFCs performance prediction is pointed out by the model validation carried out by using experimental data and by analyzing the impact of the model calibration parameters on the cell voltage calculation carried out by means of a sensitivity analysis.Numerical results show that the model allows to characterize the behavior of the HTFCs with a good approximation so, thanks to the simplicity of the simulation procedure and to the small computational time efforts, it can be a useful tool for predicting the performance of hybrid power plants or more complex systems in which the fuel cell is one of the main components.  相似文献   

A system showing great promise is the integration of gasification with a fuel cell. The emerging high-temperature fuel cells produce very high-temperature exhaust gases that can either be used directly in a combined-cycle or to drive a gas turbine. A high-temperature fuel cell–microturbine combination has the potential to achieve up to 60% efficiency and near-zero emissions. Fuel flexibility enables the use of low-cost indigenous fuels, renewables, and waste materials. The characteristics of gas from biomass gasification may vary significantly. Traditional control design approaches consider a fixed operating point in the hope that the resulting controller is robust enough to stabilize the system for different operating conditions. On the other hand, robust control incorporates the uncertain parameters of the model.  相似文献   

100 cm2 molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC) was used for testing the fuel and oxidant composition influence on MCFC performance as a temperature function.  相似文献   

Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) has been emerging as a promising renewable power system. It is still challenging to operate the MCFC to meet its varying demands because of its nonlinearity and complex dynamics. This paper proposes a novel MCFC operation framework based on PID auto-tuning control. A case study is presented to illustrate the applicability of the strategy with some comments.  相似文献   

In a previous study, a new hybrid system of molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) and homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine was developed, where the HCCI engine replaces the catalytic burner and produces additional power by using the left-over heating values from the fuel cell stack. In the present study, to reduce the additional cost and footprint of the engine system in a hybrid configuration, the possibility of engine downsizing is investigated by using two strategies, i.e. the use of a turbocharger and the use of high geometric compression ratio for the engine design, both of which are to increase the density of the intake charge and thus the volumetric efficiency of the engine. Combining these two strategies, we suggest a new engine design with ∼60% of displacement volume of the original engine. In addition, operating strategies are developed to run the new hybrid system under part load conditions. It is successfully demonstrated that the system can operate down to 65% of the power level of the design point, while the system efficiency remains almost unchanged near 63%.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) system integrated with molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC), integrated solar gas-steam combined cycle (ISCC), and double-effect absorption lithium bromide refrigeration (DEALBR) system. According to the principle of energy cascade utilization, part of the high-temperature waste gas discharged by MCFC is led to the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) for further waste heat utilization, and the other part of the high-temperature waste gas is led to the MCFC cathode to produce CO32?, and solar energy is used to replace part of the heating load of a high-pressure economizer in HRSG. Aspen Plus software is used for modeling, and the effects of key factors on the system performances are analyzed and evaluated by using the exergy analysis method. The results show that the new CCHP system can produce 494.1 MW of electric power, 7557.09 kW of cooling load and 57,956.25 kW of heating load. Both the exergy efficiency and the energy efficiency of the new system are 61.69% and 61.64%, respectively. Comparing the research results of new system with similar systems, it is found that the new CCHP system has better ability to do work, lower CO2 emission, and can meet the cooling load, heating load and electric power requirements of the user side at the same time.  相似文献   

In order to protect the MCFC nickel cathode, TiO2 and CeO2 coatings were prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering. These oxides are stable thermodynamically whatever the cathode or anode gaseous conditions. Good quality, dense and homogeneous coatings were obtained at thicknesses lower than 1 μm. The structure of the deposits, as analysed by XRD, was the expected one. In this work only dense nickel substrates were used. After their direct immersion in a Li2CO3–Na2CO3 carbonate eutectic at 650 °C, which can be considered as extremely corrosive conditions with respect to the usual MCFC conditions, the coatings were affected. TiO2 coatings were transformed into Li2TiO3, in agreement with thermodynamic predictions; however, they became progressively unstable, which was probably due to a problem of mechanical adhesion rather than to solubility. The thinner was the deposit, the higher was its conductance and the closer to that of a pure Ni electrode was its electrocatalytic activity. CeO2 coatings were stable in a ceria form and their adhesion was better even though not fully satisfactory. These first preliminary results are promising regarding the direct contact of the coatings with the corrosive carbonate melt, but the improvement of the adhesion is one of the major problems to solve.  相似文献   

熔融碳酸盐燃料电池(MCFC)性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要叙述了MCFC微观工作过程,然后分别详细讨论了压力,温度,反应气体的组分和利用率,电流密度,电解质板结构和电解质的成分,杂质和运动时间对MCFC性能和寿命的曩,并结合文献和实验数据对其机理进行了阐述,最后得出了为提高电池性能和瞎长其寿命的几点结论和建议。  相似文献   

Molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC) used as carbon dioxide separation units in integrated fuel cell and conventional power generation can potentially reduce carbon emission from fossil fuel power production. The MCFC can utilize CO2 in combustion flue gas at the cathode as oxidant and concentrate it at the anode through the cell reaction and thereby simplifying capture and storage. However, combustion flue gas often contains sulfur dioxide which, if entering the cathode, causes performance degradation by corrosion and by poisoning of the fuel cell. The effect of contaminating an MCFC with low concentrations of both SO2 at the cathode and H2S at the anode was studied. The poisoning mechanism of SO2 is believed to be that of sulfur transfer through the electrolyte and formation of H2S at the anode. By using a small button cell setup in which the anode and cathode behavior can be studied separately, the anodic poisoning from SO2 in oxidant gas can be directly compared to that of H2S in fuel gas. Measurements were performed with SO2 added to oxidant gas in concentrations up to 24 ppm, both for short-term (90 min) and for long-term (100 h) contaminant exposure. The poisoning effect of H2S was studied for gas compositions with high- and low concentration of H2 in fuel gas. The H2S was added to the fuel gas stream in concentrations of 1, 2 and 4 ppm. Results show that the effect of SO2 in oxidant gas was significant after 100 h exposure with 8 ppm, and for short-term exposure above 12 ppm. The effect of SO2 was also seen on the anode side, supporting the theory of a sulfur transfer mechanism and H2S poisoning. The effect on anode polarization of H2S in fuel gas was equivalent to that of SO2 in oxidant gas.  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling for the parallel flow Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) 150-cell stack has been made. In the 150-cell stack, all cells are connected in a series.  相似文献   

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