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This paper examines the existence of gender differences in computer mediated (CM) negotiations where “gender differences” refers to the differential patterns of behavior of males and females proposed by Rubin and Brown (Rubin, J. Z., & Brown, B. R. (1975). Bargainers as individuals. In The social psychology of bargaining and negotiation (pp. 157–196). New York: Academic Press). Namely, males are more profit oriented and females are more relationship oriented. External manipulations encouraging cooperativeness with other negotiators either by profitable or social incentives were inserted in the negotiations performed within the Colored Trails (CT) game framework. The negotiators included 27 females and 33 males who negotiated in foursomes via computers. In the first study we focused on independent negotiators whose success was not crucially dependent on the other party. In the second study negotiators were dependent upon one another, encouraging integrative solutions. The findings reveal that the social incentive (team factor) positively affected the females’ cooperativeness in contrast to males who were slightly less cooperative. On the other hand, profitable incentive influenced the males’ cooperativeness level, while no change was shown by females, which is consistent with Rubin and Brown’s distinction. These tendencies were reduced when playing with a non-reciprocal simulated agent. The causes for gender differences in CM as well as in face-to-face (FTF) negotiations are discussed.  相似文献   

This study, an investigation of the persuasive effect of presentation graphics, provides a conceptual and empirical link between persuasive effect and computer-generated graphics as a form of computer-mediated communication. Testing of four hypotheses that examine differences in persuasive effect among three treatments (written text, static graphics, and dynamic graphics) provides the empirical link between graphics as a decision support tool and persuasive effect. Implications of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Survey data were collected on a military sample to test two main hypotheses about the impact of face-to-face and computer-mediated social support following disruptive life events. We tested two main hypotheses: first, as previous research indicates, the impact of a disruptive life event is partially dependent upon the amount of social support one receives during the time of the event (H1). Second, the type of communication used will further impact the effectiveness of social support in comforting individuals following a negative life event. Results support both hypotheses, indicating that the buffering role of social support following a disruptive life event is not only dependent upon the amount of social support one receives, but is further affected by the type of communication that participants used to receive support. These findings provide support for the buffering hypothesis’ utility in the realm of computer-mediated communication, as well as the application of the cues-filtered-out approach in the mediated social support domain.  相似文献   

The present research investigated whether computer-mediated communication enhances users' private self-awareness, while lowering their public self-awareness. Self-report measures of acute private and public self-awareness were administered to 55 subjects following either face-to-face or computer-mediated discussions of two choice-dilemma problems. It was found that, relative to the face-to-face comparison group, subjects using computer-mediation reported significantly higher levels of acute private self-awareness, and marginally lower levels of public self-awareness. Although computer users did not evaluate the social context differently from subjects communicating face-to-face, their evaluations were associated with the degree of acute public self-awareness they were experiencing. Low public self-aware computer users were more likely to evaluate the social context negatively. The social evaluations of face-to-face subjects were not related to their levels of self-awareness. The implications of these findings for future research examining the social psychological impact of computers and their use in different contexts are discussed.  相似文献   

One advantage of groups is that they have access to a larger pool of expertise and knowledge than individual group members. However, groups are sometimes inefficient at sharing information and tend to focus on only a portion of the available information. This tendency has been called biased discussion. The present study examines the effects of communication mode (face-to-face vs. remote), information load, and distribution of information on biased discussion. Biased discussion was found to occur to a greater degree when (1) communication mode was remote (i.e., computer mediated), (2) information load was high, and (3) the majority of the available information was known by all group members. The difference in the size of information pool accommodated by the types of communication media was found to affect the extent of information sharing in the groups.  相似文献   

This paper explores the unintended consequences of computer-mediated communications by adopting a typology suggested by the sociologist Robert Merton. The typology is used to present a thematic analysis drawn from the literature on computer-mediated communications and two new studies. The first study considered the impact of computer-mediated technology on communicative behaviour in general, and involved 22 managers working in locations in the UK and USA. The second study focused on electronic mail and drew upon the responses of 70 managers. The paper suggests that Merton's analysis of unintended consequences provides a framework which expands our ability to explain issues associated with the implementation of computer-mediated communications and discusses intervention and laissez-faire as two implicit responses evident in the recent literature.  相似文献   

The present paper introduces a transactional framework for studying the temporal aspects of computer-mediated interaction. The transactional world view is an approach to understanding phenomena which proposes that events are best viewed as holistic unities. From this perspective, persons, environments, and temporal qualities are inseparable and mutually defining aspects of phenomena. Computers provide a wholly new medium of communication and the transactional perspective provides a particularly useful approach for examining how social interaction operates as part of this environmental context. This paper focuses on temporal aspects of social interaction as it occurs in various computer-related settings. Aspects of temporal scale, sequencing, pace, and salience are applied to computer interaction at the level of the individual, the dyad, and the group. Recommendations are given for using the framework to guide research, intervention, and further theory development.  相似文献   

A study assessing the effects of synchronous and asynchronous computer-mediated communication on subsequent face-to-face discussions was conducted. Participants were asked to read a short article about internet censorship. Then they were randomly assigned to one of three groups: a synchronous (internet chat) group, an asynchronous (internet discussion board) group and a control group. Both the internet chat group and the internet discussion board group engaged in an on-line dialog about the article they read. They then followed the on-line dialog with a face-to face discussion. The control group had no on-line discussion but instead immediately began a face-to-face discussion. Finally, all completed a questionnaire about their experience. The results showed that face-to-face discussions preceded by either synchronous or asynchronous computer-mediated communication were perceived to be more enjoyable and include a greater diversity of perspectives than face-to-face discussions not preceded by computer-mediated communication.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to establish a methodological foundation for human–computer interaction (HCI) researchers aiming to assess trust between people interacting via computer-mediated communication (CMC) technology. The most popular experimental paradigm currently employed by HCI researchers are social dilemma games based on the Prisoners Dilemma (PD), a technique originating from economics. HCI researchers employing this experimental paradigm currently interpret the rate of cooperation—measured in the form of collective pay-off—as the level of trust the technology allows its users to develop. We argue that this interpretation is problematic, since the game's synchronous nature models only very specific trust situations. Furthermore, experiments that are based on PD games cannot model the complexity of how trust is formed in the real world, since they neglect factors such as ability and benevolence. In conclusion, we recommend (a) means of improving social dilemma experiments by using asynchronous Trust Games, (b) collecting a broader range of data (in particular qualitative) and (c) increased use of longitudinal studies.  相似文献   

What role can computers play in the study of strategic interpersonal behaviours, and research on affective influences on social behaviour in particular? Despite intense recent interest in affective phenomena, the role of affect in social interaction has rarely been studied. This paper reviews past work on affective influences on interpersonal behaviour, with special emphasis on Michael Argyle’s pioneering studies in this field. We then discuss historical and contemporary theories of affective influences on social behaviour. A series of experiments using computer-mediated interaction tasks are described, investigating affective influences on interpersonal behaviours such as self-disclosure strategies and the production of persuasive arguments. It is suggested that computer-mediated interaction offers a reliable and valid technique for studying the cognitive, information processing variables that facilitate or inhibit affective influences on interpersonal behaviour. These studies show that mild affective states produce significant differences in the way people perform in interpersonal situations, and can accentuate or attenuate (through affective priming) self-disclosure intimacy or persuasive argument quality. The implications of these studies for recent theories and affect-cognition models, and for our understanding of people’s everyday interpersonal strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

While there is much research regarding audio, video and text based communication, there has been little work concerning how users communicate via avatars—that is graphical embodiments of remote users. The aim of this study was to explore the effects of different forms of representation, by examining how users communicate via high quality video images and basic graphical representations in different communicative contexts. Communication analysis revealed that video images facilitate turn-taking, although they are not necessarily perceived very differently from basic avatars in terms of questionnaire responses. Using eye-tracking techniques, we found that while participants generally gaze more often at video images, this is dependent on the communicative context and is not necessarily an advantage in a problem-solving situation. This study has demonstrated the value of employing various measures and tasks in order to evaluate computer-mediated interactions. The results have implications for the use of video and graphical representations in computer mediated communication and suggest that the benefits of video must be considered in relation to the user's requirements (e.g. communication process versus outcome) and context in which the system is to be applied (e.g. problem-solving or social).  相似文献   

The current paper sought to advance the literature on computer-mediated emotional support by outlining a candidate theory of online comforting communication. We present a model that explicates the discursive, cognitive, and affective processes that function to reduce emotional distress and help improve one’s psychosocial well-being. We identify unique attributes of online social interaction, as compared to face-to-face (FtF) interaction, that may be especially useful for facilitating empathic and adaptive comforting communication. Additionally, we explain how unique features of computer-mediated comforting communication may work to facilitate the cognitive and affective processes that result in alleviation of emotional distress. Final sections of the paper advance research questions and hypotheses to guide future empirical research examining the efficacy of online emotional support.  相似文献   

New communication technologies are offering organizations options that were not previously available. These new opportunities have the potential to impact many aspects of the organization, including coordination and control efforts. Despite a growing literature concerning computer-mediated communication, the basic question of whether the simple switch from written to computer-mediated communication changes behavior still remains unanswered. We argue that advanced information technology has created a frame with enabling and limiting impacts that exists even when the major characteristics are not present.This paper reports the results of a laboratory experiment concerning the effects of communication medium on the process and outcomes of negotiations in a transfer pricing situation. An organizational coordination mechanism and its interactions with communication medium were also examined. Structured negotiations were communicated through written exchanges and through computerized networks where the media richness and technical system capabilities were the same in both media. The negotiation process and outcomes were both measured. The results show that communication medium does effect both the process and outcomes of negotiations, even when media richness and system capabilities are the same in both media. Computer-mediated communication took fewer rounds of negotiation to reach an agreement, leading to an improved process, but had lower outcomes with lower firm profit and lower perceived autonomy. Thus, these results support our argument that medium provides a frame that affects behavior even when the major characteristics of the medium are absent. Further, medium interacts with arbitration, demonstrating the importance of considering other coordination and control mechanisms when examining the impact of medium.  相似文献   

This experimental study examined the effects of pictographs (typographic symbols typically used to express emotion) and quoting (responding to a message by including full or partial quotes from that message) on the perception of flaming (hostile verbal behavior) in electronic mail. It was hypothesized that (a) the presence of pictographs would reduce perceptions of flaming and (b) the use of quoting would increase perceptions of flaming. The results were generally supportive of the first hypothesis. A significant moderating effect on perceptions of flaming was observed in messages with pictographs, although that effect diminished as the intensity of hostility increased. Limited support was found for the second hypothesis; results suggest quoting may increase perceptions of flaming only when messages are overtly hostile. In addition to these findings, the study advances a clearer understanding of when a message becomes a flame, as the results suggest flaming is most clearly associated with the expression of antagonism.  相似文献   

It has been argued that the communication of emotions is more difficult in computer-mediated communication (CMC) than in face-to-face (F2F) communication. The aim of this paper is to review the empirical evidence in order to gain insight in whether emotions are communicated differently in these different modes of communication. We review two types of studies: (1) studies that explicitly examine discrete emotions and emotion expressions, and (2) studies that examine emotions more implicitly, namely as self-disclosure or emotional styles. Our conclusion is that there is no indication that CMC is a less emotional or less personally involving medium than F2F. On the contrary, emotional communication online and offline is surprisingly similar, and if differences are found they show more frequent and explicit emotion communication in CMC than in F2F.  相似文献   


There is a growing literature of experiments whose purpose is to compare different configurations for computer-mediated communication. If the results of these experiments are to be useful they must: ( i ) use the right experimental tasks; and ( ii ) measure the right dependent variables. This paper is concerned with the latter problem which is illustrated using data collected in experimental comparisons of three configurations of a text-based conferencing system. No significant differences were found using a measure of task outcome. This accords with numerous previous findings. However, a numberof process-related dependent variables were devised that did show significant effects. These included common ground, as measured by shared recall, and references to the topic of one message in the next available turn. Another, the use of first and second person pronouns in conversation approached significance. Finally, an approach to the selection of measures for use in studies of computer-mediated communication is commended.  相似文献   

There is a growing literature of experiments whose purpose is to compare different configurations for computer-mediated communication. If the results of these experiments are to be useful they must: ( i ) use the right experimental tasks; and ( ii ) measure the right dependent variables. This paper is concerned with the latter problem which is illustrated using data collected in experimental comparisons of three configurations of a text-based conferencing system. No significant differences were found using a measure of task outcome. This accords with numerous previous findings. However, a numberof process-related dependent variables were devised that did show significant effects. These included common ground, as measured by shared recall, and references to the topic of one message in the next available turn. Another, the use of first and second person pronouns in conversation approached significance. Finally, an approach to the selection of measures for use in studies of computer-mediated communication is commended.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing questions studied recently in the field of computer-mediated communication (CMC) has been how communicators establish a `social presence' in the absence of non-verbal cues which are relied upon heavily in face to face communication. One important area of social presence is the understanding of the gender of each of the participants in a conversation. Herring has speculated that, because of differential language cues, men and women can be identified in text-based messages (Herring, S.C. [1993]. Gender and democracy in computer-mediated communication. Electronic Journal of Communication [On-line], 3(2). Available: http://www.cios.org/getfile/Herring_v3n293). The present study investigated the ability of readers of CMC messages to identify the gender of the author when messages were selected for language characteristics identified in previous studies (Savicki, V., Kelley, M. & Lingenfelter, D. [1996]. Gender, group composition and task type in small task groups using computer mediated-communication. Computers in Human Behavior, 12, 549–565.) as being associated with both group development and gender. Twenty messages from previous research were sorted into gender groups and into high and low communication style categories. Participants were asked their perception of the probable gender of the message author and their certainty of that judgment. Accuracy and certainty of judgments of gender showed significant differences between gender-communication style conditions. However, overall accuracy and certainty of judgments were not related. Neither was there a difference in accuracy or certainty of judgments between male and female judges. Finally, judges' accuracy followed gender stereotypes for messages sent by men, but were opposed to the stereotype for messages sent by women.  相似文献   

Research examining de-individuation via computer-mediated communication (CMC) suggests that group pressure is more pronounced in CMC-using groups than in groups meeting face to face, because CMC strips away non-verbal cues and makes individuals feel more similar to the others in their group. Similarly, electronic voting research suggests that group influence is more pronounced via group support systems when the opinions of others are communicated in real time. However, recent research involving complete anonymity suggests that group influence is mitigated via anonymous CMC because of a lack of awareness of others. Thus, we propose that increased group influence is facilitated when others’ opinions are communicated, and is heightened with the common identity created through the use of nominal labels. This paper reports the results of a laboratory experiment involving groups making an organization decision via a text-based chat room. The results show that a simple electronic voting interface element increased the amount of group influence on individual members, and led to decreased participation and higher dispensability.  相似文献   

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