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Pattern Analysis and Applications - Detection of video objects under bad weather and poor illumination condition is a challenging task. We address this issue using the notion of background... 相似文献
针对基于统计模型的前景检测方法进行改进:一方面,背景模型中记录特征向量属于背景的历史最大概率,在当前帧像素点特征向量与背景模型中已有特征向量匹配时,利用历史最大概率提高其更新速度,使其尽快融入背景;另一方面,对利用贝叶斯决策规则检测的前景目标,剔除其轮廓信息后与背景的空间特征进行匹配,减少阴影对前景检测的影响。实验结果表明,与MoG方法和Li的统计模型方法的前景检测相比,该方法在阴影剔除以及大目标物体遮挡背景恢复等方面都有明显改进。 相似文献
Ding Mingjun Xu Xu Zhang Fang Xiao Zhitao Liu Yanbei Geng Lei Wu Jun Wen Jia Wang Meng 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(21-22):14849-14870
Multimedia Tools and Applications - As an image pre-processing technology, saliency detection (DS) can be used in a wide variety of visual tasks. A bottom-up method of DS via background prior and... 相似文献
This paper focuses on the detection of small objects—more precisely on vehicles in aerial images—on complex backgrounds such as natural backgrounds. A key contribution of the paper is to show that, in such situations, learning a target model and a background model separately is better than training a unique discriminative model. This contrasts with standard object detection approaches for which objects vs. background classifiers use the same model as well as the same types of visual features for both. The second contribution lies in the manifold learning approach introduced to build these models. The proposed detection algorithm is validated on the publicly available OIRDS dataset, on which we obtain state-of-the-art results. 相似文献
针对基于图和流形排序(Manifold Ranking)的显著性检测算法(MR算法)过度依赖边界节点的背景特征的问题,提出一种改进的结合前景背景特征的显著性检测算法。首先,对图像进行超像素分割,建立闭环图模型;然后利用流形排序算法根据图像前景特征和背景特征分别得出前景种子和背景种子;再通过亮度和颜色特征对两类种子进行结合,筛选出更为准确的查询节点;最后再利用流形排序算法进行显著值计算,得到最终的显著图。实验表明,改进方法与MR算法相比在精确率、召回率、F值等多个评价指标上均有明显提升,得到的显著图更接近真值。 相似文献
A fuzzy spatial coherence-based approach to background/foreground separation for moving object detection 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The detection of moving objects from stationary cameras is usually approached by background subtraction, i.e. by constructing and maintaining an up-to-date model of the background and detecting moving objects as those that deviate from such a model. We adopt a previously proposed approach to background subtraction based on self-organization through artificial neural networks, that has been shown to well cope with several of the well known issues for background maintenance. Here, we propose a spatial coherence variant to such approach to enhance robustness against false detections and formulate a fuzzy model to deal with decision problems typically arising when crisp settings are involved. We show through experimental results and comparisons that higher accuracy values can be reached for color video sequences that represent typical situations critical for moving object detection. 相似文献
Massimo Camplani Carlos Roberto del Blanco Luis Salgado Fernando Jaureguizar Narciso García 《Machine Vision and Applications》2014,25(5):1197-1210
An innovative background modeling technique that is able to accurately segment foreground regions in RGB-D imagery (RGB plus depth) has been presented in this paper. The technique is based on a Bayesian framework that efficiently fuses different sources of information to segment the foreground. In particular, the final segmentation is obtained by considering a prediction of the foreground regions, carried out by a novel Bayesian Network with a depth-based dynamic model, and, by considering two independent depth and color-based mixture of Gaussians background models. The efficient Bayesian combination of all these data reduces the noise and uncertainties introduced by the color and depth features and the corresponding models. As a result, more compact segmentations, and refined foreground object silhouettes are obtained. Experimental results with different databases suggest that the proposed technique outperforms existing state-of-the-art algorithms. 相似文献
A novel model for the determination of precise region of support of a point useful for corner detection is proposed in this paper. The proposed model, unlike other existing models is non-parametric and determines adaptive region of support dynamically. The experimental results reveal that the proposed method outperforms the existing corner detection methods and is invariant to image transformations too. 相似文献
Dmitry Chetverikov S��ndor Fazekas Michal Haindl 《Machine Vision and Applications》2011,22(5):741-750
Depending on application, temporal texture can be viewed as either foreground or background. We address two related problems: finding regions of dynamic texture in a video and detecting moving targets in a dynamic texture. We propose efficient and fast methods for both cases. The methods can be potentially used in real-time applications of machine vision. First, we show how the optical flow residual can be used to find dynamic texture in video. The algorithm is a practical, real-time simplification of the sophisticated and powerful but time-consuming method (Fazekas et?al. in Int J Comput Vis 82:48?C63, 2009). We give numerous examples of detecting and segmenting fire, smoke, water and other dynamic textures in real-world videos acquired by static and moving cameras. Then we apply the singular value decomposition (SVD) to a temporal data window in a video to detect targets in dynamic texture via the residual of the largest singular value. For a dynamic background of low-temporal periodicity, such as water, no temporal periodicity analysis is needed. For a highly periodic background such as an escalator, we show that periodicity analysis can improve detection results. Applying the method proposed in Chetverikov and Fazekas (Proceedings of British machine vision conference, vol 1, pp 167?C176, 2006), we find the temporal period and use the resonant SVD to detect moving targets against a time-periodic background. 相似文献
Zheng Aihua Zhang Lei Zhang Wei Li Chenglong Tang Jin Luo Bin 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2017,76(8):11003-11019
Multimedia Tools and Applications - This paper investigates efficient and robust moving object detection from non-static cameras. To tackle the motion of background caused by moving cameras and to... 相似文献
Jie Yang Jinqiao Wang Hanqing Lu 《International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems》2010,8(5):940-947
In this paper, we propose a hierarchical approach for background modeling and moving objects detections in the intelligent visual surveillance system. The proposed approach models the background in block level and pixel level hierarchically, and the background is represented by texture information in block level and by color information in pixel level respectively. Meanwhile the variable parameters learning rate is proposed to speed up the convergence of the model parameters in the pixel model. The proposed approach provides us with many advantages compared to the state-of-the-art. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach. 相似文献
Answering to the growing demand of machine vision applications for the latest generation of electronic devices endowed with camera platforms, several moving object detection strategies have been proposed in recent years. Among them, spatio-temporal based non-parametric methods have recently drawn the attention of many researchers. These methods, by combining a background model and a foreground model, achieve high-quality detections in sequences recorded with non-completely static cameras and in scenarios containing complex backgrounds. However, since they have very high memory and computational associated costs, they apply some simplifications in the background modeling process, therefore decreasing the quality of the modeling. 相似文献
Atsushi Shimada Yosuke Nonaka Hajime Nagahara Rin-ichiro Taniguchi 《Machine Vision and Applications》2014,25(5):1121-1131
Background modeling and subtraction is an essential task in video surveillance applications. Many researchers have discussed about an improvement of performance of a background model, and a reduction of memory usage or computational cost. To adapt to background changes, a background model has been enhanced by introducing various information including a spatial consistency, a temporal tendency, etc. with a large memory allocation. Meanwhile, an approach to reduce a memory cost cannot provide better accuracy of a background subtraction. To tackle the trade-off problem, this paper proposes a novel framework named “case-based background modeling”. The characteristics of the proposed method are (1) a background model is created, or removed when necessary, (2) case-by-case model sharing by some of the pixels, (3) pixel features are divided into two groups, one for model selection and the other for modeling. These approaches realize a low-cost and high accurate background model. The memory usage and the computational cost could be reduced by half of a traditional method and the accuracy was superior to the method. 相似文献
In this paper we propose a system that involves a Background Subtraction, BS, model implemented in a neural Self Organized Map with a Fuzzy Automatic Threshold Update that is robust to illumination changes and slight shadow problems. The system incorporates a scene analysis scheme to automatically update the Learning Rates values of the BS model considering three possible scene situations. In order to improve the identification of dynamic objects, an Optical Flow algorithm analyzes the dynamic regions detected by the BS model, whose identification was not complete because of camouflage issues, and it defines the complete object based on similar velocities and direction probabilities. These regions are then used as the input needed by a Matte algorithm that will improve the definition of the dynamic object by minimizing a cost function. Among the original contributions of this work are; an adapting fuzzy-neural segmentation model whose thresholds and learning rates are adapted automatically according to the changes in the video sequence and the automatic improvement on the segmentation results based on the Matte algorithm and Optical flow analysis. Findings demonstrate that the proposed system produces a competitive performance compared with state-of-the-art reported models by using BMC and Li databases. 相似文献
针对视频序列,Codebook背景建模算法能检测出其中的运动物体,但却无法识别行人.而大部分基于支持向量机(SVM)训练的行人分类器,需要通过滑动窗口遍历图像检测行人.为加快行人检测的速度,提出将传统的行人分类器融入到Codebook背景建模算法中,通过背景建模算法为行人检测提供候选区域,减少搜索范围,降低了行人误检率;并根据行人的特点,构建临时块模型定期将满足条件的前景区域更新到背景模型中,解决了Codebook背景建模算法不能应对光照突变的问题.实验结果表明:所提算法能应对光照突变所带来的干扰,实现视频行人实时检测. 相似文献
为克服目前动态背景建模方法中计算量和存储量大的问题,提出了一种基于聚类的动态背景建模与运动目标分割方法。由于动态背景下每个像素的取值在时间轴上呈多峰分布形式,因此将每个峰看成一个子类,用聚类技术快速实现了动态背景的建模与更新,然后利用建立的背景模型快速、准确地实现运动目标的分割。实验结果表明:提出的背景建模方法能有效捕获并适应背景的动态变化,可显著降低目前动态背景建模方法的计算量和内存需求量,易于在基于DSP 或 FPGA等硬件系统上实时实现。 相似文献