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国际高等教育私有改革及其借鉴意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
各国经济困难造成公共经费短缺,社会对教育需求猛增,以及就业市场的变化,促使各国政府自80年代以来开始尝试教育的私有改革.私立高等教育的发展主要体现在发展中国家,教育私有改革经过10-20年的探索,其重要作用和成就在国际上得到了普遍认可.国际高等教育私有改革给我们以启示我国民办高等教育在整个高等教育系统中至少应当承担补充普通高校容量不足、进行高等教育改革创新、探索提高高等教育效益、构建新的高等教育体系等四个方面的历史使命. 相似文献
云锡公司是一个具有百年历史的有色金属采、选、冶、加工特大型联合企业。进入90年代后,由于地面资源急剧消失,社会负担日渐沉重,产业结构不适应形势要求,管理滞后,资金短缺等原因,从1991—1993年均出现巨额亏损。面临严峻形势,云锡在1993年7月第七次党代会上果断作出了以“艰苦奋斗,同舟共济,把云锡逐步建设成为锡铜铅锌等有色金属综合发展,多种产业协调推进,适应社会主义市场经济的社会主义现代化企业”为总体目标的第二次创业决策,同 相似文献
党的十一届三中全会以来,我国政府机构的改革伴随着经济体制的改革而渐进着,这无疑为我国经济体制的改革起到了积极的促进作用。但是随着市场经济建设的不断深入,特别是目前国有企业改革已进入到攻坚阶段,政府机构也就愈来愈难以适应改革发展的需要,尤其在党的十五大召开之后,我国国有企业改革将迈进一个具有突破性进展的新时期,政府机构改革必然成为改革国有企业的当务之急。 相似文献
解放思想、实事求是是邓小平理论的精髓,也是贯穿于江泽民同志十五大报告的一条主线。党的十五大的一个显著标志,就是从历史发展的高度出发,紧紧围绕社会主义初级阶段这个当代中国的最大国情,号召全党进一步投身第三次思想大解放,高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,把建设有中国特色社会主义事业全面推向二十一世纪。 相似文献
冶金工业作为我国的支柱产业,规模庞大,是企业改革的重点,也是改革的难点。从1994年以来,冶金行业一直比较低迷,生产能耗大、成本高、产量大、质量差、技术含量低,出口能力弱,因此国内竞争激烈,大多数冶金企业面临困境。尽管近几年国家放宽了基建,推行了现代企业制度,实现了国企脱困,但冶金企业在经 相似文献
阐述了设计企业必须以建立现代企业制度为目标的现实意义,并从转换企业经营机制,促进生产要素配置的合理化,实现资源的重组和优化等方面进行了探讨。 相似文献
建立现代企业制度是发展社会化大生产和市场经济的必然要求,是我国国有企业改革的方向,是总公司管理体制改革和经营方式改革的主要任务,也是总公司改造成国家控股公司的一项基础工作。这是一项工作量大、涉及面广,政策性强的工作,又是一项制度创新、管理创新的国有企业改造的系统工程。要进行这样一项伟大的具有历史意义 相似文献
分别在空气和循环水冷条件下对2024-T4铝合金板进行搅拌摩擦焊接(friction stir welding,FSW),研究了水冷介质对FSW接头组织性能的影响.结果表明:循环水冷介质具有明显的瞬时快冷作用,水冷介质下FSW可以显著细化晶粒,并抑制焊核区析出相的生长,焊核区的平均晶粒尺寸达到700 nm,析出相尺寸达到30~200 nm.水冷介质减弱了FSW接头的热软化效应,改善了接头的组织和性能,使焊核区HV显微硬度值提高了234 MPa,接头抗拉强度提高了52.2 MPa,但试样延伸率有所下降. 相似文献
根据弹塑性理论和接触理论,建立了锥台形电极条件下铝合金电阻点焊预压接触分析的轴对称有限元模型,模型考虑了相变潜热等影响因素。模拟结果表明:锥台形电极条件下,熔核首先在工件接触面靠近轴心部位形成。在历时30ms时熔核径向尺寸已接近其实际尺寸,在随后的焊接过程中,径向尺寸扩展缓慢,主要扩展熔核的轴向尺寸。 相似文献
提出具有节能高效特征的粉末铝热剂介入型电阻点焊新技术,通过添加ZnO+Al粉末铝热剂介入2024铝合金电阻点焊,研究了铝热剂介入对电阻点焊熔核成形、显微组织、力学性能等质量因素的影响。结果表明,在ZnO+Al粉末铝热剂冶金反应热的辅助作用下,可以有效增大2024铝合金的电阻点焊溶核尺寸以及熔核内部树枝晶区尺寸。粉末铝热剂的添加,使熔核中心区域拥有更多的异质形核晶核,促使凝固进程中的固-液界面前沿出现大范围成分过冷,更有利于等轴晶的形核,使等轴晶的分布更为均匀,细化熔核中心等轴树枝晶束。同时,也强化熔核胞状晶区,使熔核强韧性得到提高。最终在试验焊接电流范围内提高焊点强度28%~200%。 相似文献
K. Nishchitha M. K. Deepa B. G. Prakashaiah J. N. Balaraju B. E. Amitha rani 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》2018,27(11):5778-5787
Bio-corrosion is one of the major problems faced in any engineering/aerospace industry. The present study focuses on understanding the effect of surface treatment on AA2024-T3 on bio-corrosion in aircraft fuel tanks. The microbial attack on aluminum alloy (2024-T3) in aircraft fuel tanks by Pseudomonas aeruginosa was studied. Substrates with (1) chromate-free surface treatment (anodization; 2) Ormosil coatings doped with inhibitors/derivatives known for antimicrobial properties were evaluated for their bio-corrosion protection efficiency as compared to bare coupons. The coupons were immersed in aviation fuel spiked with the test culture. The changes in chemical parameters of test solution like pH were monitored periodically. A probable relationship between number of organisms, changes in pH and the extracellular protein (hypothesized to be produced by organisms) were evaluated. Our studies indicated that pH did not appear to play a crucial role in biofilm formation. Surface morphology of bare and anodized AA2024-T3 coupons before and after electrochemical impedance studies (EIS) was analyzed using FE-SEM. Anodized samples with least icorr value of (0.075?×?10?6 A cm?2) and corrosion rate of (0.12?×?10?2 mm/y) after 60 days showed distinct corrosion protection than bare and the coated samples. Additional evidence in support of corrosion protection efficiency of anodized was obtained by the biofilm barrier efficiency of 98.94%. 相似文献
E. Zasimchuk L. Markashova O. Baskova T. Turchak N. Chausov V. Hutsaylyuk V. Berezin 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》2013,22(11):3421-3429
The article gives results of the experimental study of mechanical properties and structure of the fractured specimens of multiphase aluminum-base alloy 2024-T3, which were deformed under the dynamic tension conditions. The study shows that the impact in an elastic region leads to an insignificant non-stationary deformation (i.e., deformation in the impact application process) and an insignificant weakening of the material, whereas in the presence of the appreciable plastic deformation before the impact the non-stationary deformation increases more than by an order of magnitude, and a marked weakening takes place. The effects observed are related to the synergy of structure under non-stationary loading. It was concluded that self-organization of the crystalline structure defects in the form of hydrodynamic flow channels, leading to increase in ductility and weakening, may occur only under the nonlinear (plastic) deformation conditions. In the elastic region, the synergic structure formation is limited only to a change of phase composition of the alloy, which may lead to premature fracture of the material under subsequent static deformation. This makes it impossible to predict durability of the material at a probability of uncontrollable load surges. Statistical examination of structure of the fractured specimens revealed the presence of the relaxation structure in the form of recrystallized grains of different sizes, characterized by the presence of scale invariance (scaling). As shown by the grain size analysis, the process of coarsening of the recrystallized grains under dynamic loading and fracture is controlled by some cooperative process related to the atomic and probably electronic structure of the deformed material. 相似文献
针对宇航零件防晃板的焊接,提出了用三相次充电阻焊的方法替代手工钨极氩弧焊的方法,这不仅可以提高焊接效率,更主要的是消除对操作人员技艺的要求,保证产品的质量。通过对电阻焊各种工艺参数和、工艺上焊点组织和力学性能的测试分析,了解了影响焊点质量的主要因素,实验表明电阻焊接头完合条例有关标准的要求,可以替代弧焊用于防晃板的焊接。 相似文献