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The structures of the cyclic hexapeptide cyclo(-Gly-Tyr-Val-Pro-Met-Leu-) (1) and its phosphotyrosyl (pTyr) derivative cyclo[-Gly-Tyr(PO3H2)-Val-Pro-Met-Leu-] (2), designed as constrained models of a sequence that interacts with the src homology 2 (SH2) region of the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase (PI-3 kinase), were studied in methanol/water solutions by 500 MHz nmr spectroscopy. Compound 1 was found to exist as a 2:1 mixture of isomers about the Val-Pro bond (trans and cis prolyl) between 292-330 K in 75% CD3O(D,H)/(D,H)2O solutions. A third species of undetermined structure (ca. 5%) was also observed. Compound 2, a model of phosphorylated peptide ligand that binds to the PI-3 kinase SH2 domain, exhibited similar conformational isomerism. When either compound was dissolved in pure solvent [i.e., 100% CD3O(H,D) or (H,D)2O] the ratio of cis to trans isomers was ca 1:1. A battery of one- and two-dimensional nmr experiments at different temperatures and solvent compositions allowed a complete assignment of both the cis and trans forms of 1 and indicated the trans compound to be the major isomer. The spectral properties of the phophorylated derivative 2 paralleled those of 1, indicating like conformations for the two compounds. Analysis of rotating frame Overhauser spectroscopy data, coupling constants, amide proton temperature dependence, and amide proton exchange rates generated a set of constraints that were employed in energy minimization and molecular dynamics calculations using the CHARMM force field. The trans isomer exists with the tyrosine and C-terminal Tyr(+3) (Met) residues at opposite corners of the 18-membered ring separated by a distance of 16-18 A, in contrast with the cis isomer where the side chains of these residues are much closer in space (7-14 A). It was previously shown that the pTyr and the third amino acid C-terminal to this residue are the critical recognition elements for pTyr-peptide binding to the PI-3 kinase SH2 domain. Such cyclic structures may offer appropriate scaffolding for positioning important amino acid side chains of pTyr-containing peptides as a means of increasing their binding affinities to SH2 domains, and in turn provide a conceptual approach toward the design of SH2 domain directed peptidomimetics.  相似文献   

Solution conformation of cyclo(Gly1-His2-Phe3-Arg4-Trp5-Gly6) and its D-Phe analog corresponding to the message sequence [Gly-alpha-MSH5-10] of alpha-MSH has been studied by 1D and 2D proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)-d6 solution and in a DMSO-d6/H2O cryoprotective mixture. The NMR data for both the analogs in solution at 300 K cannot be interpreted based on a single ordered conformation, as evidenced by the broadening of only -NH resonances as well as the temperature coefficients of the amide protons. An analysis of the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) cross-peaks in conjunction with temperature coefficient data indicates an equilibrium of multiple conformers with a substantial population of particular conformational states at least in the D-analog. The molecular dynamics simulations without and with NOE constraints also reveal numerous low-energy conformers with two gamma-turns, a gamma-turn and a beta-turn, two beta-turns, etc. for both the analogs. The observed NMR spectra can be rationalized by a dynamic equilibrium of conformers characterized by a gamma-bend at Gly6, two gamma-bends at Phe3 and Gly6 and a conformer with a single beta-turn and a gamma-bend for the L-Phe analog. On the other hand, a conformation with two fused beta-turns around the two tetrads His2-D-Phe3-Arg4-Trp5 and Trp5-Gly6-Gly1-His2 dominates the equilibrium mixture for the D-Phe analog. For the D-Phe analog, the experimentally observed average conformation is corroborated by molecular dynamics simulations as well as by studies in cryoprotective solvent.  相似文献   

Synthesis and conformational analysis of three cyclic hexapeptides cyclo(-Gly1-Pro2-Phe3-Val4-Xaa5-Phe6), Xaa = Phe (I), D-Phe (II) and D-Pro (III), were carried out to examine the influence of proline on the formation of reverse turns and the dynamics of hydrophobic peptide regions. Assignment of all 1H and 13C resonances was achieved by homo- and heteronuclear 2D-NMR techniques (TOCSY, ROESY, HMQC, HMQC-TOCSY and HMBCS-270). The conformational analysis is based on interproton distances derived from ROESY spectra and homo- and heteronuclear coupling constants (E.COSY, HETLOC and HMBCS-270). For structural refinements restrained molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in vacuo and in DMSO were performed. Each peptide exhibits two conformations in DMSO solution due to cis-trans isomerism about the Gly-Pro peptide bond. Surprisingly the cis-Gly-Pro segment in the minor isomers is not involved in a beta VI-turn, but forms a turn structure with cis-Gly-Pro in the i and i + 1 positions. Although no stabilizing hydrogen bond is found in this turn, the phi- and psi-angles closely correspond to a beta I-turn [Pro2: phi(i + 1) -60 degrees, psi(i + 1) -30 degrees; Phe3: phi(i + 2) -100 degrees, psi(i + 2) -50 degrees]. Hence we call this structural element a pseudo-beta I-turn. As expected, in the dominating all-trans isomers proline occupies the i + 1 position of a standard beta I-turn. Therefore, cis-trans isomerization of the Gly1-Pro2 amide bond only induces a local conformational rearrangement, with minor structural changes in other parts of the molecule. However, the geometry of the other regions is affected by the chirality of the i + 1 amino acid for both isomers (beta I for Phe5, beta II' for D-Phe5 or D-Pro5).  相似文献   

We report the synthesis, bioactivity, and structure-activity relationship studies of compounds related to the Merck cyclic hexapeptide c[Pro6-Phe7-d-Trp8-Lys9-Thr10-Phe11], L-363,301 (the numbering in the sequence refers to the position of the residues in native somatostatin). The Pro residue in this compound is replaced with arylalkyl peptoid residues. We present a novel approach utilizing beta-methyl chiral substitutions to constrain the peptoid side-chain conformation. Our studies led to molecules which show potent binding and increased selectivity to the hsst2 receptor (weaker binding to the hsst3 and hsst5 receptors compared to L-363, 301). In vivo, these peptoid analogues selectively inhibit the release of growth hormone but have no effect on the inhibition of insulin. The biological assays which include binding to five recombinant human somatostatin receptors carried out in two independent laboratories and in vivo inhibition of growth hormone and insulin provide insight into the relationship between structure and biological activity of somatostatin analogues. Our results have important implications for the study of other peptide hormones and neurotransmitters.  相似文献   

CD spectroscopy and PAGE were used to cooperatively analyze melting conformers of DNA strands containing GA and TA dinucleotide repeats. The 20mer (GA)10 formed a homoduplex in neutral solutions containing physiological concentrations of salts and this homoduplex was not destabilized even in the terminal (GA)3 hexamers of (GA)3(TA)4(GA)3, although the central (TA)4 portion of this oligonucleotide preserved the conformation adopted by (TA)10. This observation demonstrates that homoduplexes of alternating GA and TA sequences can co-exist in a single DNA molecule. Another 20mer, (GATA)5, adopted as a whole either the AT duplex, like (TA)10, or the GA duplex, like (GA)10, and switched between them reversibly. The concentration of salt controlled the conformational switching. Hence, guanine and thymine share significant properties regarding complementarity to adenine, while the TA and GA sequences can stack in at least two mutually compatible ways within the DNA duplexes analyzed here. These properties extend our knowledge of non-canonical structures of DNA.  相似文献   

We studied DNA dodecamers (CAG)4, (CCG)4, (CGG)4 and (CTG)4by CD spectroscopy and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Each dodecamer adopted several ordered conformers which denatured in a cooperative way. Stability of the conformers depended on the dodecamer concentration, ionic strength, temperature and pH. The dodecamers, having a pyrimidine base in the triplet center, generated foldbacks at low ionic strength whose stem conformations were governed by the GC pairs. At high salt, (CCG)4 isomerized into a peculiar association of two strands. The association was also promoted by high oligonucleotide concentrations. No similar behavior was exhibited by (CTG)4. At low salt, (CGG)4 coexisted in two bimolecular conformers whose populations were strongly dependent on the ionic strength. In addition, (CGG)4 associated into a tetraplex at acidic pH. A tetraplex was even observed at neutral pH if the (CGG)4 concentration was sufficiently high. (CAG)4 was very stable in a monomolecular conformer similar to the known extremely stable foldback of the (GCGAAGC) heptamer. Nevertheless, even this very stable conformer disappeared if (CTG)4 was added to the solution of (CAG)4. Association of the complementary strands was also strongly preferred to the particular strand conformations by the other couple, (CCG)4 and (CGG)4.  相似文献   

Conformations of two cyclic analogs of angiotensin (Asp1-Arg2-Val3-Tyr4-Val/Ile5-His6-Pro7-Phe8, AT), cyclo[Sar1, Cys3, Mpt5]-AT and cyclo[Sar1, HCys3, Mpt5]-AT, were studied, independently employing two complementary techniques, energy calculations and NMR measurements in DMSO solution. NMR data were indicative of well-defined solution conformations for the cyclic moieties of cyclo[Sar1, Cys3, Mpt5]-AT and cyclo[Sar1, HCys3, Mpt5]-AT, including the phi values for the Cys3/HCys3 and Tyr4 residues, as well as the chi 1 value for the Tyr4 residue. Solution conformations for the exocyclic linear parts of both molecules cannot be described by the NMR data with the same precision. At the same time, independent energy calculations revealed the same conformations of cyclic moieties of cyclo[Sar1, Cys3, Mpt5]-AT and cyclo[Sar1, HCys3, Mpt5]-AT among low-energy conformers for both peptides. Moreover, the same conformations are compatible with the model of AT receptor-bound conformation (Nikiforovich & Marshall, 1993), which assumes the particular spatial arrangement of aromatic moieties of Tyr4, His6, and Phe8 residues and the C-terminal carboxyl. These conformers of cyclo[Sar1, Cys3, Mpt5]-AT and cyclo[Sar1, HCys3, Mpt5]-AT contain "an open turn" in the backbone of the Tyr4-Val5 residues, instead of the earlier proposed beta-like reversal, thus confirming the suggestion that the conformation(s) ensuring binding of AT analogs with specific receptors should not be described in terms of a unique backbone conformer.  相似文献   

Molecular modeling and 1H-NMR were employed to study the structure and stability of collagen-like triple helices composed of Gly-Nleu-Pro repeats. The compounds studied include the acetyl analogs Ac-(Gly-Nleu-Pro)n-NH2 (where n = 1, 3, 6, and 10) and the KTA conjugates KTA-[Gly-(Gly-Nleu-Pro)n-NH2]3 (where n = 3 and 6 and KTA denotes the Kemp triacid). The presence of collagen-like assembled structures is supported by a consistent set of experimental observations, which include the appearance of a distinct set of resonances, low hydrogen-exchange rates for Gly NH, cooperative melting transition, and observation of several interchain NOEs. Using 1H-NMR, the triple helicity was monitored as a function of chain length, template, and temperature. These studies show that (Gly-Nleu-Pro)n sequences have a somewhat higher triple-helical propensity than (Gly-Pro-Nleu)n sequences. In addition, our investigations have shown that unlike the triple helices composed of Gly-Pro-Nleu repeats those composed of Gly-Nleu-Pro repeats can access conformations in which the Nleu side chains are arrayed between Pro residues belonging to different triple-helix cross sections. These structural features may serve as a basis for free energy computations and for the study of higher-order structures such as collagen-like fibrils containing peptoid moities.  相似文献   

A study of the low cycle fatigue behavior of the unidirectionally solidified eutectic alloy Ni3Al(γ′)-molybdenum has been carried out. A difference in thermal contraction characteristics of fiber and matrix led to the development of residual stresses on the composite which influenced the initial flow processes as well as the shape of hysteresis loops. The fatigue tests were carried out under reversed strain-control conditions, and for lives less than 104 cycles fiber buckling led to a curvature of the log strain-log life plot. Dislocation arrays in both matrix and fibers were examined by TEM. Of particular interest was a unique dislocation arrangement in the fibers which consisted of a dense tangle of dislocation debris in the core of the fiber and a relatively dislocation-free region between the core and outer surface of the fiber. The development of this core structure was attributed to the operation of multiple dislocation sources and the annihilation of trailing screw segments of dislocation loops within the fibers. formerly Post-doctoral Research Associate, Department of Metallurgy, University of Connecticut  相似文献   

Acidic peptides have been studied by negative ion postsource decay (PSD) matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. The peptides contained from 5 to 16 residues and were chosen on the basis of their patterns of the acidic residues. Using typical MALDI sample preparation techniques employing an acidic matrix, gastrin I (1-14), and epidermal mitosis inhibiting pentapeptide yielded much larger deprotonated ion signals, [M - H]-, than protonated ions, [M + H]+. This may be due to their absence of basic residues, coupled with their arrays of acidic residues. The PSD fragmentation of the peptide negative ions showed that an array of acidic residues, as in gastrin I (1-14), yielded simple spectra containing mainly backbone cleavage ions from the C-terminus. Hirudin (54-65), which contains two sets of two consecutive Glu residues, and fibrinopeptide A and fibrinopeptide B, with isolated acidic residues, also showed backbone cleavages as common fragment ions. In addition, the two sets of isolated consecutive amino acid residues in Cys(Bzl)84-CD4 (81-92) and hirudin (54-56) yielded internal ions from the cleavages at the (O=C)-NH bond between the acidic residues. Also observed were ions with unique side chain losses, such as the loss of C6H4O from a tyrosine residue and SCH2C6H5 and CH2C6H5 from a benzylated cysteine residue. Compared to the positive mode, the negative-ion PSD yielded fewer fragments which usually involved only one type of backbone cleavage (e.g., [Yn - H2O]-). These simple spectra aided interpretation. Overall, the acidic peptides studied yielded negative ion PSD spectra that were useful for peptide sequencing.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structures in DMSO-d0 of segetalins G [cyclo(-Gly-Val-Lys-Tyr-Ala-)] and H [cyclo(-Gly-Tyr-Arg-Phe-Ser-)], cyclic pentapeptides from seeds of Vaccaria segetalis, showing estrogen-like activity, were determined by the distance geometry calculation and restrained energy minimization from NMR data. The backbone structure of segetalin G contains one beta-turn: a beta II-like turn at Tyr4-Ala5, and that of segetalin H one beta-turn: a beta II' turn at Gly1-Tyr2 and one gamma-turn at Arg3-Phe4-Ser5 sequence. The results of distance comparison analysis proposed a pharmacophore model of estrogen-like cyclic peptides, segetalins.  相似文献   

Although cyclic AMP has been considered to regulate cell proliferation, the mechanism of this function is largely unknown. Recent studies suggest that cyclic AMP promotes the proliferation of skin cells in a dose-dependent manner. An ointment containing dibutyryl cyclic AMP has been used in the treatment of skin ulcers and found to be effective in promoting tissue repair. To search more efficacious wound management, the authors developed a new wound dressing composed of a spongy atelo-collagen sheet containing dibutyryl cyclic AMP. This wound dressing was evaluated in two types of animal tests. One is the application of the wound dressing to a full-thickness skin defect in order to evaluate the granulation tissue formation and the wound size reduction. The wound dressing was found to promote the granulation tissue formation and naturally reduce the wound size. The other test was the application of the wound dressing to the full-thickness skin defect, leaving behind a skin island in a central portion, in order to evaluate the epithelialization. This skin island left in a full-thickness skin defect was extremely enlarged. The enlargement of the skin island seems to be related to the epithelialization from the margin of the skin island as well as by the expansion of a skin island induced by contraction of the developed granulation tissue in the surrounding wound area. These results suggest that an atelo-collagen spongy sheet containing dibutyryl cyclic AMP is effective in promoting the granulation tissue formation and epithelialization.  相似文献   

Resistance-modifying agents (RMAs) such as Verapamil have been proved to be effective in reversing multi-drug resistance (MDR) in many in vitro assays. In this study we have investigated the efficacy of Dex-Verapamil, the R-isomer of Verapamil, as a chemosensitizer in a murine leukemia cell line (P388) and in its resistant counterpart (P388/Dx) expressing a typical MDR phenotype. We have examined in vivo the effect of the co-administration of Dex-Verapamil and Doxorubicin in mice transplanted with P388 or P388/Dx cells. Mice treated with the combination of Doxorubicin plus RMA had a significant increase in survival rate as compared to controls; however, the effect was modest. On the contrary, in vitro Dex-Verapamil can enhance Doxorubicin cytotoxicity in P388/Dx cells with a much greater effect depending on the treatment scheme used, by increasing the intracellular content of drug. Taken together our data indicate that Dex-Verapamil can indeed increase the sensitivity to Doxorubicin in resistant cells, but the limited efficacy shown in vivo demonstrates that this phenomenon is strongly dependent on the treatment scheme used and on the maintenance of constantly elevated serum levels.  相似文献   

DNA-protein cross-linkages were performed in intact undifferentiated and differentiated-HL60 cells by the action of cis-diammine dichloroplatinum. Total nuclear matrix proteins and DNA cross-linked nuclear matrix proteins were resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The comparison of the electrophoretic patterns allowed the identification of a set of differentiation-induced nuclear matrix proteins cross-linked to DNA. One of these proteins binds cloned histone SAR sequences. Our results outline an experimental strategy for isolating and characterizing nuclear matrix components that may play a fundamental role in the overall control and coordination of gene expression during differentiation.  相似文献   

Amyloidosis is characterized by deposition of protein fibrils in various tissues. The wide variety of sequences of both amyloidogenic and non-amyloidogenic immunoglobulin light chains makes them a unique tool for addressing the importance of primary structure in the formation of insoluble fibrils. In this study, we have determined the primary structure of the kappa I immunoglobulin light chain from both the urinary Bence Jones protein and the deposited amyloid fibrils of a patient (MH) with primary amyloidosis. The sequence identity of urinary-excreted and tissue-deposited light chains excluded biclonality and somatic mutations and confirmed that the light chain existed in both a soluble and an insoluble form. Several residues have been previously reported to be significantly associated with amyloidogenic kappa chains. Many of these were found in the MH sequence, including Asp31, Asn45, Phe49, Gln55, His70, Asn/Gly93 and ProN/Val96, thereby supporting their potential role in fibrillogenesis. In addition, Asn20 and Pro60 of protein MH replaced the normally conserved Thr20 and Ser60. Asn20 was glycosylated in both the Bence Jones and the amyloid fibril protein MH. Cumulative effects of amyloid-associated residues and glycosylation might have rendered the immunoglobulin light chain MH prone to fibril formation.  相似文献   

Two diastereomeric analogues of ring C of nisin incorporating a novel norlanthionine residue have been synthesized via a triply orthogonal protecting group strategy. A full structural study was carried out by NMR, which elucidated the conformational properties of the two peptides and enabled the identity of each diastereoisomer to be proposed.  相似文献   

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