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1. INTRODUCTION The interaction of jets with crossflow generates complex flow fields which exist in a variety of industrial applications, e.g. internal film cooling of turbine blades, dilution air jets in combustion chambers, jet from V/STOL aircraft in transition flight. Systematic experimental, theoretical and numerical investigations of the flow fields began several decades ago, where the parameters studied include the jet injection angel, the jet-to-crossflow velocity ratio, the jet …  相似文献   

Density stratified flow with both the vertical temperature gradient and the verti-cal salinity gradient is simulated numerically, in which turbulent terms are calculated by a sim-plified turbulence stress/flux algebraic model. The feature of stratification and turbulence is de-scribed correctly by the model. The computational results agree well with the experimental data.However, the k-e turbulence model is not so successful.  相似文献   

Under the interval uncertainties, by incorporating the discretization form of finite volume method and interval algebra theory, an Interval Finite Volume Method (IFVM) was developed to solve water quality simulation issues for two-dimensional river when lacking effective data of flow velocity and flow quantity. The IFVM was practically applied to a segment of the Xiangiiang River because the Project of Hunan Inland Waterway Multipurpose must be started working after the environmental impact assessment for it. The simulation results suggest that there exist rather apparent pollution zones of BODs downstream the Dongqiaogang discharger and that of COD downstream Xiaoxiangjie discharger, but the pollution sources have no impact on the safety of the three water plants located in this river segment. Although the developed IFVM is to be perfected, it is still a powerful tool under interval uncertainties for water environmental impact assessment, risk analysis, and water quality planning, etc. besides water quality simulation studied in this paper.  相似文献   

The problem of two-dimensional steady flow of an incompressible second-order viscoelastic fluid coupled with heat transfer between parallel plates was considered. A viscous dissipation function was included in the energy equation.When the elastic property of the fluid is weaker, the zerothorder and first-order approximate governing equations were obtained by means of the perturbation method. To understand the behavior of flow near the tube wall, the half-domain was divided into two sub-domains, in which one is a thin layer near the wall called the inner domain and the remainder is called the outer domain. The governing equations in the inner domain and in the outer domain were discretized respectively by using the Differential Quadrature Method (DQM). The matching conditions at the interface between the inner and outer domains were presented. An iterative method for solving these discretized equations was given in this paper. The numerical results obtained agree with existing results.  相似文献   

Most natural rivers are curved channels, where the turbulent flows have a complex helical pattern, as has been extensively studied both numerically and experimentally. The helical flow structure in curved channels has an important bearing on sediment transport, riverbed evolution, and pollutant transport study. In this article, different turbulence closure schemes i.e., the mixing-length model and the k – ? model with different pressure solution techniques i. e., hydrostatic assumptions and dynamic pressure treatments are applied to study the helical secondary flows in an experiment curved channel. The agreements of vertically-averaged velocities between the simulated results obtained by using different turbulence models with different pressure solution techniques and the measured data are satisfactory. Their discrepancies with respect to surface elevations, superelevations and secondary flow patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Air entrainment is known to be one of efficient and inexpensive methods to prevent cavitation damages in hydropower projects.The shape of sudden expansion-fall is used as a common device for mitigating cavitation erosions.The complex flow patterns with cavitation are numerically simulated by using the realizable k-εturbulence model and the air-water mixture model.The calculated results are compared well with the experimental results as well as those obtained with the k-εturbulence model with the Volume Of Fluid(VOF)Model.The calculated results agree well with the experimental data for the aeration cavity and wall pressure.Moreover,the air concentration near sidewall is simulated by a mixture model.It is found that the mixture turbulence model is superior to the VOF turbulence model.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONTheapplicationofthesteppedspillwayhashadalonghistory .The physicalmodelteststudyofthesteppedspillwayhasbeen perform  相似文献   

In this paper, the κ-ε two-equation turbulence model was used to simulate the three-dimensional turbulent flow of the stepped spillway at the Yubeishan reservoir. In order to solve the curved free water surface and to handle the complex boundary conditions, the fractional Volume Of Fluid (VOF) model that is applicable to the solution of the stratified two-phase flow was intorduced to the κ-ε turbulence model and the unstructured grid was used for the discretization of the irregular simulation domain. By these methods, the turbulent flow field of the stepped spillway was simulated successfully.The location of the free surface along the spillway, the magnitude and distribution of the velocity, the pressure distribution on the step surface, the turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence dissipation rate were obtained by simulation. The changes and distributions of these characteristics along the width of the spillway were also obtained. The energy dissipation ratio of the stepped spillway was calculated according to the upstream and downstream water depth and velocities.  相似文献   

A numerical study on the characteristics of developing turbulent flow in a curved pipe with a baffle was carried out in body-fitted coordinates with the k-ε model turbulence. A curved duct of square cross-section was examined first, and the results agree very well with the experimental data. Then two kinds of pipes, a normal curved pipe and that with a baffle were studied. The computational results are presented and compared with each other to illustrate the changes of the flow after adding the baffle. The longitudinal velocity in the pipe with a baffle was characterized by outer velocity bigger than the inner one. The secondary flow was characterized by four-vortex structure with the intensity reduced, which results in the equability of the flow field of the cross-section compared with that without a baffle, and has much more significant meaning in engineering.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONThesteppedspillwayhadbeenusedatthebeginningoftwentycentury[1 ] .In 1 971 ,Esseryetal.[2 ] conductedamodeltestforthedesignof  相似文献   

A 3-D numerical model for simulating the complicated turbulent flows was developed and the code was made. A numerical calculation of the plunge pool of Laxiwa project in China was carried on. Those 3-D distributions of velocity,pressure on bottom wall,turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence energy dissipation rate are revealed in detail and the detailed flow patterns of plunge pool were shown. By studying on the characteristics of turbulent diffusion and energy dissipation,the calculated results show that the major turbulence and energy dissipation are taken place near the axis of water jet. The calculated results also indicated that the calculated maximum impact pressures on the bottom wall of the plunge pool have a good agreement with those obtained by physical hydraulic model test.  相似文献   

The horizontal migration of proppant was numerically investigated with a two-fluid model, in which the interaction between fracturing fluid and proppant, along with that among proppants was taken into account through interphase forces. The migration process and the volumetric concentration of the proppant were examined under various conditions, and the averaged volumetric concentration of the proppant was obtained. The present research might be useful in the process design of the hydraulic fracturing in the oilfields.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation on 2-D open channel turbulence using the two-equationturbulent model(k-e model) is made.The diseretization equations of depth-averaged 2-D differ-ential equation are obtained by the control-volume formulation.Some examples including theflows in straight open channel,symmetry sudden expansion and one-side sudden expansion arecalculated by using the SIMPLE algorithm.The distributions of the flow velocity u,the kineticturbulent energy k,and the turbulent viscosity μ,etc.are obtained.The numerical calculationsindicate a good agreement with experimental data and other turbulent models calulations.  相似文献   

The discrete version of solute transport equation for porous matrix depicted with the continuum model and the discrete fractured-network model are derived for fractured rocks with the Finite Volume Method(FVM).The two models are coupled according to the continuity condition of hydraulic head and concentration and the conservation of flow flux and mass flux in the contact plane between porous matrix and fractures.Numerical results show that the simulated concentration of the coupling model based on the FVM a...  相似文献   

Jet characteristics of air supply opening in a ventilating or an air-conditioning system is primarily decided by the folw state in the duct connected to the opening. It is valuable to study the opening jet characteristics and the flow state in a duct. In this study, the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique combined with the Tarlor-Galerkin Finite Element Method ( FEM) in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was applied to the problem. The 3-D flow fields in ducts around air supply opening under typical conditions were investigated by numerical simulation as well as experimental measurements. Numerical results agree well with the available experimental data. It indicates that the LES method is available under the conditions with complicated boundaries and inner accompanied by anisotropic large-scale eddies, and it is credible to predict the jet deflection characteristics around an opening.  相似文献   

A new turbulence enhancement model was incorporated into the second-order moment two-phase turbulence model and was used to simulate gas-particle flows in swirling chambers and channels with different wall roughness. The results show that compared with the turbulence modification model not accounting for the wake effect,this model,together with the conventional particle source term,gives simulation results in better agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Levee or dam failure can cause a significant disaster in most cases. A good prediction of the flood process especially in a real complex terrain is necessary for working out emergency plans for levee or dam breaches. Numerical simulations of levee or dam breach flow were carried out often with constant flow parameters and in relatively simple channels rather than in natural rivers with complex boundaries. This article presents our dedicated studies on the 2-D numerical model of levee or dam breach hydraulics with finite difference schemes. The good performance of the model is demonstrated by comparisons with the theoretical solution of an idealized dam-break flow over a frictionless flat rectangular channel. The model is also validated through its stability and conservation properties. The model is applied to simulate the flood propagation under complex boundary conditions, and the unsteady flood process in a river and in the dry floodplain with a complex bed terrain simultaneously. Furthermore, with respect to engineering practice, the numerical solutions can give special guidance to the effects of parameters such as the flood depth at different sites and the inundated area at different time periods after the levee breach and the travel time of the flood waves, which may be very important for practicing engineers in an efficient flood management.  相似文献   

Bubble flow interaction can be important in many practical engineering applications. For instance, cavitation is a problem of interaction between nuclei and local pressure field variations including turbulent oscillations and large scale pressure variations. Various types of behaviours fundamentally depend on the relative sizes of the nuclei and the length scales of the pressure variations as well as the relative importance of bubble natural periods of oscillation and the characteristic time of the field pressure variations. Similarly, bubbles can significantly affect the performance of lifting devices or propulsors. We present here some fundamental numerical studies of bubble dynamics and deformation, then a practical method using a multi-bubble Surface Averaged Pressure (DF-Multi-SAP©) to simulate cavitation inception and scaling, and connect this with more precise 3-D simulations. This same method is then extended to the study of two-way coupling between a viscous compressible flow and a bubble population in the flow field.  相似文献   

A Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique was applied to solve the turbulent channel flow for Rer = 150.Three types of turbulence models are employed, such as the Smagorinsky model, the Dynamic Sub-Grid Scale(SGS) model and the Generalized Normal Stress (GNS) model. The simulated data in time series for the LES were averaged in both time and space to carry out the statistical analysis. Results of LES were compared with that of a DNS. As an application, a LES technique was used for 2D body in order to check the validation by investigating the turbulent vortical motion around the afterbody with a slant angle.  相似文献   

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