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在试验任务中引入XML文档数据接口,一方面提高了远程数据查询分析的效率,另一方面也产生了XML物化视图的维护带来的高系统开销的问题.针对该问题,采用XML物化视图远程增量维护的方法,通过系统原型设计、系统部署、同步机制,可有效地实现试验任务数据接口同步.结果表明,在不影响试验任务数据处理与传输的实时性及可靠性的条件下,XML物化视图远程增量维护有效地实现了指挥显示系统数据接口的一致性.  相似文献   

在Web应用中,以XML为格式的信息查询通常会受到网络传输速度有限等因素的影响。为了减少XML的物化视图与其数据源之间的一致性维护中所需的网络数据传输开销,提出了一种面向远程的XML物化视图增量维护方法和系统框架。这种方法根据多用户的查询请求和数据源更新信息,生成视图维护程序代码,以程序代码的网络迁移代替XML视图的重复查询,有效地减少了网络数据传输量。介绍了物化视图增量维护的基本原理、系统框架以及设计实现思路。最后通过性能测试,说明这种增量维护系统能够有效地减少传输开销。  相似文献   

针对含聚集物化视图的增量维护问题,提出了一种基于逐步更新思想的增量维护模型和方法.该方法建立了聚集函数计算前查询结果与基表记录之间的映射关系表,并根据映射关系表的增量变化更新物化视图的聚集函数.针对之前方法对于MAX/MIN聚集函数增量更新的不足,在仅利用增量数据不能更新聚集函数值时,采用仅重新计算映射关系表中相关行的MAX/MIN函数值的方法,极大地减小了更新MAX/MIN聚集函数的计算量.在OSCAR数据库的应用表明了该方法的有效性和高效性.  相似文献   

区块链具有去中心化、不可篡改和可追溯等特性,可应用于金融、物流等诸多行业.由于所有交易数据按照交易时间顺序存储在各个区块,相同类型的交易数据通常会散布在诸多区块之中,降低了面向历史区块的追溯查询的处理效率.索引构建和物化视图是提升查询性能的两种典型方法,但当待处理数据分布于多个区块时,使用索引无法改善I/O访问效率,而物化视图可有效应对这个问题.然而,由于区块链系统的特点明显区别于关系数据库,传统的面向关系数据库的物化视图技术无法被直接应用到区块链之中.鉴于此,首次提出一种面向区块链的高效物化视图机制,具有如下特征:(1)将视图维护操作与共识过程同时执行,降低该操作对系统性能的影响;(2)使用字典树加快以区块为单位的多物化视图维护进程;(3)以默克尔验证的方式确保物化结果不被恶意篡改,进而确保查询结果可信.所提出的物化视图维护机制已经被集成到一个区块链系统中,并通过实验来验证该机制的高效性.  相似文献   

针对已有的混合负载(HTAP)下物化视图异步增量维护任务生成算法主要面向多记录,无法面向单记录生成HTAP物化视图异步增量维护任务,导致磁盘IO开销的增加,进而降低HTAP物化视图异步增量维护性能的问题,提出面向单记录的HTAP物化视图异步增量维护任务的生成方法。首先,建立面向单记录的HTAP物化视图异步增量维护任务生成的效益模型;然后,基于Q-learning设计面向单记录的HTAP物化视图异步增量维护任务的生成算法。实验结果表明,所提算法在实现面向单记录生成HTAP物化视图异步增量维护任务的基础上,将平均每秒读写操作次数(IOPS)、平均CPU利用率(2核)和平均CPU利用率(4核)至少分别降低了8.49次、1.85个百分点和0.97个百分点。  相似文献   

对于定义在若干基本表上的物化视图,当基本表发生变化时,物化视图也需要相应地更新,如何有效地进行物化视图的增量保持是一个非常重要的问题。文章提出了一种在O(nlogn)时间内构造最优Delta传播树的二分贪心算法,并给出了算法正确性证明。  相似文献   

为了加快对大量数据的查询处理速度,通常在数据仓库以实视图方式存储数据,当基础数据发生变化时,这些实视图也必须随着更新,因而视图自维护和一致性维护成为数据仓库的重要问题。本文提出利用视图计算的中间结果创建辅助视图,在数据仓库中进行实体化,采用有效的增量维护算法计算实视图的精确变化,实现数据仓库视图自维护。  相似文献   

数据仓库在线条件下,物化视图的维护是一项非常具有挑战性的工作.从减少不必要的更新和选择适当的更新时机入手进行较为深入的研究,提出机会更新的维护方法OUMV,并将它与延迟更新进行结合,而获得一种更为有效的在线维护算法ODUA,以克服延迟更新算法存在的不足,实现在线条件下物化视图的高效维护.  相似文献   

提出了一个实现OODB中连接视图物化和增量保持的算法,基本思想是扩充了文献[1]中的OODB模型,使其便利于连接视图的物化和增量保持,为每个类中的对象增加一个视图标识,用来标记该对象是否在相应视图中,以减少连接运算,最后,开发出一系列算法来实现由两个类做连接运算生成一视图的物化及保持工作。  相似文献   

数据仓库中物化视图维护算法的分析和比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着数据源的更新,数据仓库中的物化视图必须得到及时的更新维护.而如何对物化视图进行高效的更新,以满足用户对查询响应速度和查询结果一致性、时新性的要求,这是数据仓库技术中非常复杂和重要的工作,也是一个迫切需要解决的关键性技术问题.以物化视图更新维护问题为主要研究对象,通过对现有各种维护算法深入的研究和分析,系统地进行了比较和总结,最后指出了谊问题深入研究的方向.  相似文献   

The query rewriting plan generation over XML views has received wide attention recently. However, little work has been done on efficient evaluation of the query rewriting plans, which is not trivial since the plan may contain an exponential size of sub-plans. This paper investigates the reason for the potentially exponential number of sub-plans, and then proposes a new space-efficient form called ABCPlan (Plan with Automata Based Combinations) to equivalently represent the original query rewriting plan. ABCPlan contains a set of buckets containing suffix paths in the query tree and an automata to indicate the combination of the suffix paths from different buckets as valid query rewriting sub-plans. We also design an evaluation method called ABCScan, which constructs a unified evaluation tree for the ABCPlan and handles the evaluation tree in one scan of the XML view. In the evaluation, we introduce node existence automata to encode the structure of the sub-tree and convert the satisfaction of the ABCPlan into the intersection problem of deterministic finite automata. The experiments show that ABCPlan based method outperforms existing methods significantly in terms of scalability and efficiency.  相似文献   

在传统的实化视图维护时,数据源把增量数据以XML文档的方式报送给数据仓库,数据仓库从此文档中解析出数据,利用JDBC完成对实化视图的更新。文中提出在数据源把增量数据封装成序列化对象存储于文件中再报送给数据仓库,而数据仓库从文件中读出对象,利用Hibernate直接把对象更新到实化视图。通过两种方案性能的比较,表明后一种方案是可行并且更加高效的。  相似文献   

Web-based databases are gaining increased popularity. This has positively influenced the availability of structured and semi-structured databases for access by a variety of users ranging from professionals to naive users. The number of users accessing online databases will continue to increase if the visual tools connected to web-based databases are flexible and user-friendly enough to meet the expectations of naive users and professionals. Further, XML is accepted as the standard for platform independent data exchange. This motivated for the development of the conversion tools between structured databases and XML. Realizing that such a need has not been well handled by the available tools, including Clio from IBM, we developed VIREX as a visual tool for converting relational databases into XML, and since then has been empowered with further capabilities to manipulate the produced XML schema including the maintenance of materialized views and schema evolution functions. VIREX provides an interactive approach for querying and integrating relational databases to produce XML documents and the corresponding XML schema(s). VIREX supports VRXQuery as a visual naive users-oriented query language that allows users to specify queries and define views directly on the interactive diagram as a sequence of mouse clicks with minimum keyboard input. As the query result, VIREX displays on the screen the XML schema that satisfies the specified characteristics and generates colored (easy to read) XML document(s). The main contribution described in this paper is the novel approach for turning query results into materialized views which are maintained to remain consistent with the underlying database. VIREX supports deferred update of XML views by keeping an ordered summary of the necessary and sufficient information required for the process. Each view has a corresponding marker in the ordered summary to indicate the start of the information to be reflected onto the view when it is accessed. When a view is accessed, its marker moves to the head of the list to mark for the next update. In addition, VIREX supports some basic schema evolution functions include renaming, adding and dropping of elements and attributes, among others. The supported schema evolution functions add flexibility to the view maintenance and materialization process.  相似文献   

The security of published XML data receives exceptional attention due to its sensitive nature in many applications. This paper proposes an XML view publishing method called XFlat. Compared with other methods, XFlat focuses on query performance over the published XML view while simultaneously protecting the sensitive data via encryption techniques. XFlat decomposes an XML tree into a set of sub-trees, in each of which multiple users have the same accessibility to all nodes, and may encrypt and store each sub-tree in a flat, sequential manner. This storage strategy can avoid the nested encryption cost in view construction and the nested decryption cost in query evaluation. In addition, we discuss how to generate a user-specific schema and how to minimize the total space cost of the published XML view when considering the overhead of the relationships among the sub-trees. We also propose an XML schema index to enhance query performance over the final XML view. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed XFlat method.  相似文献   

Optimizing queries using materialized views has not been addressed adequately in the context of XML due to the many limitations associated with the definition and usability of materialized views in traditional XML query evaluation models.  相似文献   

XML加密   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
XML作为传输和交换的数据格式标准,保证它在传输和交换过程中的安全性是非常重要的。本文首先分析了XML的加密规范,并在此基础上给出了生成XML加密文档的具体实现。  相似文献   

XML作为传输和交换的数据格式标准,保证它在传输和交换过程中的数据完整性是非常重要的。文章首先分析了XML的数字签名规范,并在此基础上给出了生成XML签名文档的具体实现。  相似文献   

李明  刘青宝  陆昌辉 《计算机应用》2009,29(6):1605-1611
针对现有物化视图选择算法无法很好解决OLAP随机查询的问题,提出了一种新型的两阶段物化视图选择算法(2-PMVS),将传统的静态选择算法与动态选择算法相结合,使其可以动态矫正用户随机查询与预估查询之间的偏差。经实验证明,该算法切实有效。  相似文献   

建立高效的索引来快速定位满足要求的节点是提高XML数据查询效率的一个必要手段.文中以降低复杂度和提高查询效率为目标,以基于路径的XML索引原理为基础,提出了一种新型的基于Dewey编码的索引结构RTL-Index.RTL-Index通过对文档节点编码来表示结构信息,利用前缀路径匹配操作完成结构查询,支持含通配符" 和后代轴"//"的查询以及兄弟节点无序的模式树的查询.仿真实验结果表明RTL-Index索引具有较低的时间和空间复杂度,解决了XML文档分支路径查找问题,是一种较为有效的XML索引结构.  相似文献   

在多媒体数据库管理系统中采用视图技术是一个新的课题。文章分析了逻辑视图和实视图在应用于MMDBMS时的不足,给出了一个多媒体数据库视图的时间成本和空间成本模型,并基于这些分析,提出了一种新的视图模式,较好地解决了该类应用中时间成本与空间成本的矛盾。  相似文献   

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