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The variations of ultrasonic pulse velocity, peak amplitude of transmitted pulse and heat evolution rate were measured during the hydration process of ordinary Portland cement with water/cement ratio (W/C ratio) ranging from 0.4 to 0.6 at environmental temperatures between 20 and 40° C. The change of heat evolution rate reflected the kinetics of hydration and was sensitively affected by the W/C ratio and environmental temperature. The velocity and peak amplitude were compared with the heat evolution rate to investigate the correlation of elastic properties and structural development with the kinetics of hydration. The dependence of the velocity and the peak amplitude on W/C ratio and environmental temperature are discussed in terms of the concentration of solid phase in the cement paste varying with W/C ratio and the extent of hydration.  相似文献   

Two different methods of evaluating cement hydration kinetics, namely chemical shrinkage and isothermal calorimetry tests, are used to investigate the early stage hydration of different classes of oilwell cement at various temperatures. For a given cement paste, the hydration kinetics curves measured by the two methods are proportional to each other at the same curing temperature. The ratio of heat of hydration to chemical shrinkage for different cements used in this study ranges from 7500 J/mL to 8000 J/mL at 25 °C and increases almost linearly with increasing curing temperature at a rate that varies only slightly with cement composition (approximately 58 J/mL per °C). A previously proposed scale factor model for simulating the effect of curing temperature and pressure on cement hydration kinetics is further validated in this study for its temperature aspect. The model is shown to be particularly helpful in correcting for slight temperature errors in the experiments.  相似文献   

Nucleation seeding is a new approach to control the kinetics of cement hydration. It is known that nano-silica has an accelerating effect on cement hydration. It is assumed that the surface of these particles act as a nucleation site for C–S–H-seeds which then accelerate the cement hydration. In this case the acceleration should depend on the particles surface area. To verify this, nano-silica particles of different sizes and specific surface areas were synthesised. The acceleration of cement hydration clearly correlates with the total surface size of the added particles, which was varied by either using smaller particles or higher concentration of particles in the cement lime. Additional in situ-XRD experiments show that the consumption of C3S and the formation of portlandite are accelerated by the addition of nano-silica. In both cases the surface size is the major factor for the hydration kinetics.  相似文献   

Metakaolinite was prepared from kaolinite by thermal treatment. Subsequent reaction of the metakaolinite with calcium hydroxide and water resulted in a cementitious material whose reaction kinetics were followed at a molecular level at both ambient and elevated temperatures using trimethylsilylation. Metakaolinite as a mineral admixture to ordinary Portland cement was also investigated.  相似文献   

During the early stages of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) hydration, ettringite, calcium hydroxide and C–S–H form on the OPC surface while nanoscale pits are formed in the exposed surface areas. In order to study these features using high resolution electron microscopy, samples must be appropriately dried to remove unbound water. The work reported here compares the effects of freeze-drying to drying by solvent exchange using four different solvents on the surface features of OPC after four hours of hydration in order to determine whether the solvent exchange process produces nanoscale changes in the surface features that can be detected using high resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A quantitative image analysis of secondary electron SEM images was performed and the results analyzed using small sample statistics. They suggest that all of the solvent exchange methods damage the OPC surface and produce surface structures not seen in the freeze-dried samples. Caution is therefore warranted in the use of solvent exchange in the preparation of samples for the study of the dissolution of OPC surfaces.  相似文献   

Six phosphonates, comprising the three acids aminotri(methylenephosphonic acid) (ATMP), 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP) and diethylenetriaminepenta-(methylenephosphonic acid) (DTPMP) and their corresponding sodium salts Na5ATMP, Na4HEDP and Na6DTPMP, were added to Portland cement in dosages ranging from 0.03 to 0.09%, at a constant water/cement ratio of 0.35 and their conduction calorimetric behaviour was investigated up to 72 h. The induction period, the time to attain the maximum heat effect and the integral heat developed at different times were determined. All phosphonates increased the induction period, from about 3 h to greater than 72 h, with respect to the reference cement with an induction period of 2 h. The acid phosphonates were more effective retarders than their corresponding salts. At a concentration of 0.05% the induction period extended from 10.1 to 21.1 h with the acids and only from 4.1 to 16.2 h with the salts. DTPMP was the most effective retarder among all the phosphonates, a concentration of 0.05% producing an induction period of 21.1 h and an exothermic inflection at 42.4 h compared with values of 2.2 and 7.9 h, respectively, for the reference. The corresponding salt (Na6DTPMP) was the most efficient of all the salt retarders. At a concentration of 0.05%, the induction period was extended to 16.2 h and the exothermal inflection to 31.4 h. In most instances the degree of extension of the induction period increased with the dosage of retarder. Phosphonates appear to be much more efficient retarders than many other retarders used in concrete practice.
Resume On a ajouté au ciment Portland six phosphonates, comprenant les trois acides aminotri (acid méthylènephosphonique) (ATMP), 1-acide hydroxyéthylidène-1,1-acide diphosphonique (HEDP) et diéthylènetriaminepenta(acide méthylènophosphonique) (DTPMP) et les sels de sodium correspondants Na5ATMP, Na4HEDP et Na6DTPMP, à des dosages allant de 0,03 à 0,09%, avec un rapport eau/ciment constant de 0,35. On a étudié leur comportement sous conduction calorimétrique pendant une durée de 72 h. On a déterminé la période d’induction, le temps nécessaire pour atteindre l`effet de chaleur maximal et la chaleur intégrale produite à certains moments. Tous les phosphonates ont augmenté la période d’induction de 3 h à plus de 72 h, par rapport au ciment de référence qui présente une période d’induction de 2 h. Les phosphonates sont des retardateurs plus efficaces que les sels qui leur correspondent. Pour une concentration de 0,05%, la période d’induction est passée de 10 à 21,1 h avec les acides, et seulement de 4,1 à 16,2 h avec les sels. Le DTPMP a été le retardateur le plus efficace parmi les phosphonates: une concentration de 0,05% a déterminé une période d’induction de 21,1 h et une manifestation exothermique à 42,4 h, par rapport à des valeurs respectivement de 2,2 et 7,9 h pour le ciment de référence. Le sel correspondant (Na6DTPMP) a été le plus efficace de tous les sels retardateurs. Pour une concentration de 0,05, la période d’induction a atteint 16,2 h et la manifestation exothermique 31,4 h. Dans la plupart des cas, le degré d’allongement de la période d’induction était en relation avec le dosage de retardateurs. Les phosphonates semblent être bien plus efficaces que beaucoup d’autres retardateurs utilisés dans la pratique du béton.

We have studied the effect of a barium hydrosilicate-based modifier on the phase composition of Portland cement hydration products. The results demonstrate that the addition of a modifier containing barium hydrosilicates, silicic acid, and calcium carbonate makes it possible to reduce the nucleation rate of crystals of new phases during the induction period of the hydration process, increase alite (3СaO · SiO2) hydration, and reduce the rate of aluminate phase (3CaO · Al2O3) hydration. The use of such a modifier increases the degree of cement hydration and the amount of calcium hydrosilicates and reduces the amount of forming portlandite and ettringite, thereby improving the mechanical properties and durability of the set cement.  相似文献   

Aspects of the mechanisms of hydration and microstructural evolution in Portland cement are still not fully understood. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is in many ways a powerful tool for investigating changes in surface structure that accompany the hydration of Portland cement, especially because surfaces can be imaged under aqueous solutions at normal temperature, pressure and high magnification. We have investigated changes in the surface characteristics of sections of Portland cement clinker immersed initially in saturated calcium hydroxide solution which was then replaced by water, and in sucrose solution. In the case of the former, the observations are consistent with the early formation of a protective membrane and the subsequent growth of calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) structures by an osmotic process. The dissolution of the clinker in sucrose solution has also been directly observed. It is concluded that the use of AFM will help to resolve many questions relating to cement hydration.Sadly deceased.Editors note: I am very saddened by the sudden loss of Derek Birchall and acknowledge his outstanding contribution to the subject and this journal over many years.  相似文献   

The electrical resistivity method was used for measuring the electrical resistivity of cement paste incorporating with fly ash. The study found that the bulk electrical resistivity ρ(t) was a function of the solution electrical resistivity ρ0(t) and porosity Φ. A two-component model was proposed, in which ρ(t) was dominated by ρ0(t) at the early period of hydration and dominated by Φ at a later period. The porosity formation curve was derived from the 2-point method. A logarithmic equation ρ(t)=K*In(t/t0) was proposed to express the electrical resistivity development with time after hardening, where K represents the rate of hydration, and the pastes with fly ash had a lower K. The setting times and compressive strengths were tested and the results were compared with the electrical properties.  相似文献   

The strength, hydration products, microstructure and heat of early hydration were investigated on alternative hydraulic green cements based on calcium sulphate anhydrite partially blended with Portland cement and pozzolans. Four pozzolans of different physical and chemical nature, namely a geothermal waste, silica fume, metakaolin and pulverized fuel ash were characterized. The composite binders showed hydraulic behavior. The use of Portland cement favoured the strength, which was also higher with the incorporation of siliceous nanometric pozzolans compared to the micrometric silicoaluminate pozzolans. The nanoparticles enhanced the early hydration and changed the gypsum morphology promoting denser matrices of hydration products. The geothermal waste pozzolan was the most effective, while one of the composites with metakaolin showed formation of ettringite and strength losses. The heat of hydration of the composites was considerably lower than that of the neat Portland cement.  相似文献   

梁晓杰  叶正茂  常钧 《功能材料》2012,43(12):1540-1544
通过对钢渣碳酸化前后的硅酸盐相提取及水化放热性能和将碳酸化钢渣和矿渣作为混合材的硅酸盐水泥的胶砂强度和水化产物种类的测定,以及对它们微观形貌的观察,研究了碳酸化钢渣对胶凝体系水化性能的影响.结果表明,碳酸化使钢渣中硅酸盐相的含量由47.06%下降至14.38%;碳酸化促进了钢渣的早期水化,抑制其后期水化;在配比相同的条件下,碳酸化钢渣-矿渣-硅酸盐熟料体系试样的3、28d抗压强度较未碳酸化钢渣-矿渣-硅酸盐熟料体系试样的高;碳酸化生成的CaCO3促进了熟料的水化;碳酸化钢渣促进了胶凝体系中AFt的生成,且生成水合碳铝酸钙.  相似文献   

The dielectric constant and electrical conductivity of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) with water-cement ratios (w/c) of 0.30, 0.35 and 0.40 were measured for the first 30 h hydration, using a microwave technique in the frequency range 8.2–12.4 GHz. It was found that both the dielectric constant and electrical conductivity of the cement paste are sensitive to the water-cement ratio, the higher the w/c value, the greater the dielectric constant and electrical conductivity, and the longer the hydration time. We also found that the higher the frequency the greater the electrical conductivity but the smaller the dielectric constant. The dielectric constant and electrical conductivity of high- and low-slag cement with water-solid ratio (w/s) of 0.40 were measured in the first 30 h after mixing. The changes in dielectric constant and electrical conductivity of low-slag cement with time are similar to that of OPC, but the high-slag cement shows very different dielectric and electrical properties compared with OPC and low-slag cement. The relationship between the dielectric and electrical properties of cement paste and cement hydration was also discussed.  相似文献   

CEMHYD3D is an advanced, three-dimensional computer model for simulating the hydration processes of cement, in which the microstructure of the hydrating cement paste is represented by digitized particles in a cubic domain. However, the system resolution (which is determined by the voxel size) has a prominent influence on the simulation results and, thus, is difficult to choose a priori. In this paper, it is shown that the effects of system resolution on the simulation results are mainly due to the lack of considerations of the diffusion-controlled reactions in the model. A new concept “hydration layer” is proposed for mitigating the effects of system resolution on the model predictions. By performing simulations with different system resolutions, the robustness of the improved model is demonstrated. Comparisons of model predictions with experimental measurements further demonstrate that the use of hydration layer can successfully mitigate the bias brought by the system resolution.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of curing temperature on the hydration of calcium aluminate cement (CAC) dominated ternary binders (studied CAC: Portland cement: calcium sulfate mass ratio were 22.5: 51.7: 25.8) were estimated at 0, 10, 20 and 40 °C, respectively. Both α-hemihydrate and natural anhydrite were employed as the main source of sulfate. The impacts of temperature on the phase assemblages, morphology and pore structure of pastes hydrated up to 3 days were determined by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), backscattered electron imaging (BEI) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). Results reveal that the main hydration products are firmly related to calcium sulphoaluminate based phases. Increasing temperature would result in a faster conversion from ettringite to plate-like monosulfate for both calcium sulfate doped systems. When the temperature increases to 40 °C, an extraordinary formation of strätlingite (C2ASH8) and aluminium hydroxide is observed in anhydrite doped pastes. Additionally, increased temperature exerts different effects on the pore structure, i.e. the critical pore diameter shifts to finer one for pastes prepared with α-hemihydrate, but changes to coarser one for those made with anhydrite. From the mechanical point of view, increased temperature accelerates the 1-day strength development prominently, while exerts marginal influence on the development of 3-day strength.  相似文献   

Conduction calorimetry was applied to an investigation of the early hydration of ordinary Portland cement (OPC)/high alumina cement (HAC) pastes. Three different rate of heat-evolution profiles were observed, depending on the HAC/OPC ratio. Relevant processes affecting heat development include ettringite formation, HAC and OPC hydration. Results from SEM examination and X-ray diffraction studies are also presented. An acceleration of OPC hydration was observed in pastes containing less than 12.5% HAC. A similar acceleration effect on HAC hydration was also obtained with the addition of OPC. A large amount of ettringite was formed and OPC hydration delayed in the pastes containing 15%–30% HAC. The latter could be one of the factors attributed to poor strength development in these HAC/OPC systems. Early hydration mechanisms of OPC/HAC systems are also discussed. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The characteristics and quantities of hollow shells (Hadley grains) in the microstructure of Portland cement paste have been studied. It is shown that at relatively early hydration stages, the hydration largely occurs in a manner resulting in hollow shells. At later ages, the “hollow-shell hydration” mode becomes much less prominent as “inner products” are increasingly formed. The intrinsic porosity associated with hollow shells can be significant at later ages, between about 1% and 9% depending on the mix composition and curing regime. The presence of silica fume increases the amount of hollow-shell porosity considerably, while the hollow-shell porosity appears to decrease with decreasing water/binder ratio. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of low temperature scanning electron microscopy to the materials science of Portland cement. The details of low-temperature scanning electron microscopy are described, along with a number of specimen preparation techniques. There are three main research topics presented in this paper: (1) ice morphology in entrained air voids, (2) development of air voids during early hydration and (3) progression of hydration in Portland cement. The first research focus examines ice in air voids at freezing temperatures, and various cement paste ages. The second research focus tracks the development of the air voids during the first hour of hydration. In the third research focus, the progression of hydration with and without accelerating and retarding admixtures is described. Each of these research programs demonstrates how low-temperature scanning electron microscopy can be an effective tool in Portland cement research.  相似文献   

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