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为了简化深冲钢的生产工艺,降低成本,本文对大厚度冷轧薄板的“以热代冷”进行了尝试,通过对IF钢进行铁素体区(α区)轧制,找到了一条生产具有较高塑性应比(r值)的热轧深冲板的方法;实现了热轧板由无取向到有择优取向的转变,使其r值达到了1.309。  相似文献   

研究了热镀锌连续退火工艺对高强IF钢性能、组织及第二相粒子析出的影响。利用EU AV型热浸镀工艺模拟实验机对热镀锌高强IF钢进行了不同连续退火温度以及在同一温度下分别保温不同时间的连续退火工艺模拟实验。用万能试验机、光学显微镜、透射电子显微镜对样品的性能、组织和第二相粒子进行了检测分析。结果表明:热镀锌连续退火工艺直接影响产品的力学性能、微观组织和第二相粒子的析出,并得出了退火工艺对产品性能、组织和第二相粒子的影响规律。  相似文献   

具有高r↑—值的热轧IF钢的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了简化深冲钢的生产工艺,降低成本,本文对大厚度冷轧薄板的“以热代冷”进行了尝试,通过对IF钢进行铁素体区(α区)轧制,找到一条生产具有较高塑性应变比(r↑-值)的热轧深冲板的方法;实现了热轧板由无取向到有择优取向的转变,使其γ↑-值达到了1.309。  相似文献   

研究了不同润滑条件下钢板FLD和LDH的变化规律.研究结果表明:润滑影响了钢板冲压成形过程中的应变路径,但对FLD0没有影响;润滑对LDH0影响显著.  相似文献   

在实验室模拟不同退火温度下分别加Nb、加Ti成分处理的冷轧超深冲IF钢的力学性能及金相组织变化。利用强度示差分析法确定加Nb、加Ti处理的冷轧超深冲IF钢再结晶温度,并经大生产实践验证确认;在此基础上,进一步确定了冷轧超深冲IF钢最优退火温度。  相似文献   

对连铸坯热送轧制工艺进行了探索,同时对冷、热送坯所轧制钢材的组织和性能进行了对比试验。提出了较为合适的轧制工艺,在此工艺条件下,热送坯所轧制的钢材比冷送坯所轧制的钢材力学性能略好。  相似文献   

采用浸蚀法和电解抛光法对IF钢(DC06钢和CR5钢)进行制样,对比了2种方法的制样效果,并分析了浸蚀剂种类及浸蚀时间对制样效果的影响.结果表明:浸蚀法制样较电解抛光法简单,但浸蚀法需要通过多次试验才能确定最佳浸蚀时间;电解抛光法的制样过程复杂,但制样效果较好,可获得晶界清晰的试样;使用体积分数为4%的硝酸酒精溶液浸蚀...  相似文献   

通过组织观察以及TEM与XRD技术研究了低碳Cr-Mo系深冲双相钢组织与织构演变规律。结果表明:奥氏体未再结晶区终轧有利于形成{112}〈111〉织构,冷轧过程中{001}〈110〉,{112}〈110〉与{223}〈110〉织构稳定增加,退火过程中形成有利于深冲性能的〈111〉//ND以及{554}〈225〉与{332}〈113〉织构;820℃与860℃临界区退火后γ纤维织构密度差异较小,但是高温退火增大{111}〈110〉与{111}〈112〉织构的取向密度差值,归因于贝氏体中的固溶碳以及贝氏体相变时的变体选择;高温卷取能诱发热轧板中Mo基碳化物粒子析出,并在退火保温过程中回溶,既能发展再结晶织构,又能促进第二相形成。  相似文献   

为了研究冷轧工艺对IF钢显微组织的影响.本文借助电子背散射衍射技术,研究了20%到75%冷轧压下率的IF钢退火后的微观结构、晶界特征分布和晶界连通性.结果表明:随着冷轧压下率的增加,冷轧态晶粒逐渐由等轴状变为纤维状,退火态晶粒逐渐细化并变得均匀,小角晶界的出现频率呈下降趋势;随机晶界的出现频率呈明显上升趋势,且随机晶界占绝对优势;而CSL晶界在冷轧压下率40%以下时,变化较小,40%以上时,含量明显增加.大变形量轧制后的IF钢CSL晶界主要由Σ3晶界组成,而小变形量轧制后主要是Σ3和Σ13b晶界.对于75%压下率,还含有较多的Σ7,Σ9和Σ11等CSL晶界.通过增加冷轧压下率,0-CSL三叉晶界的含量减少,1-CSL三叉晶界的含量增加.因此,通过改变冷轧工艺,可以优化IF钢板的晶界特征分布及连通性.  相似文献   

研究了冷加工变形对IF钢位错密度的影响。结果表明:IF钢经冷加工变形后,晶体内产生大量位错,随着变形量逐渐增高,位错密度增大,位错开始相互缠结在一起,当变形量达到20%以上时,晶体内出现纤维组织,并进一步转变成胞状亚晶粒。在一定变形量范围内,平均位错密度ρ与变形量A符合线性关系:ρ=2.205 17×1014+1.049 5×1016 A。  相似文献   

Effect of aluminum on microstructure, mechanical properties and pitting corrosion resistance of ultra-pure 429 ferritic stainless steels has been investigated. Aluminum can significantly increase the ratio of equiaxed crystal grains, but the promotion effect has great relation with aluminum content. Aluminum can stabilize ferrite phase and significantly reduce recrystallization temperature. Increased aluminum content can also lead to the precipitate of AlN and Al2O3 at higher temperature. The increased amount of AlN may partly contribute to the reduced nitrogen element to form austenite at high temperature, hence the high temperature phase transformation of α + γ  α occurs. The fine and large number of Al2O3 particles can refine grain size and then promote recrystallization. The highest intensity of γ-fiber texture {1 1 1}〈1 1 2〉 is observed in the steel with 0.19 wt.% aluminum, which can improve the formability of steels. With the increase of aluminum content, the tensile strength increases linearly but the elongation and plastic strain ratio first increase then decrease, the working hardening index varies slightly among the steels. Appearance of Al2O3 inclusions with small size and decreased content of MnS benefit pitting corrosion resistance. However, the large dimension Al2O3 inclusions have significantly negative influence on pitting corrosion resistance.  相似文献   

为研究贝氏体相变温度对中碳热轧TRIP钢组织与性能的影响,采用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)与高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)对含Ti与Mo的中碳热轧TRIP钢进行了显微组织观察、残余奥氏体含量测定以及析出相的表征与分析.结果表明:在400℃贝氏体相变温度下,试验钢的残奥含量与强塑积均达到最大值,分别为28.2%和31.14 GPa·%;同时在钢中发现了呈块状、无规则形状以及片层状形貌分布的残余奥氏体,对衍射斑标定后显示,片层状残余奥氏体与铁素体基体同时满足kurdjumov-Sachs(K-S)与Nishiyama-Wasserman(N-W)位向关系;HRTEM分析显示,Mo可以溶入TiC而生成(Ti,Mo)C粒子,而纳米级的(Ti,Mo)C粒子可以显著提高钢的沉淀析出强化效果.  相似文献   

研究了一种Ti—IF(Interstitial—free)钢在铁素体区热轧和退火过程中织构的变化.由于轧制过程摩擦的影响,热轧织构和退火织构在厚度方向上都有很大的差异.在钢板的表层,热轧织构的主要组分是{110}(001),退火后表层的铁素体晶粒没有发生再结晶,该组分转变为(001)(110);在试样的中心和1/4面,热轧织构组分主要是较弱的(111)//ND(板法向)织构和部分(110)//RD且在{001}(110)处最强;退火后中心面上的晶粒发生了完全再结晶,{001}组分转变为(111)//ND组分使(111)//ND织构成为唯一织构组分且在{111}(112)处最强.  相似文献   

The microstructure and nanometric precipitates present in advanced structured steel have been studied by high resolution transmission electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersion X-ray microanalysis, in order to relate the nanometric precipitates and grain size with the improvement of the yield strength value of the API steel. The microstructure and nanometric precipitates of the advanced steel were obtained by a combination of thermo-mechanical controlled hot rolling and accelerated cooling procedures. The API steel composition consisted of hot rolled Nb-Ti microalloyed with: 0.07C, 1.40Mn, 0.24Si, 0.020Al, 0.009P, 0.001S, 0.05Mo, 0.5Cr, 0.05Nb, 0.25Ni, 0.10Cu, 0.012Ti, 0.05N in wt%. As a result, this hot rolled steel tested at a strain rate of 5 × 10−3 s−1 showed an improved yield strength from 798 MPa to 878 MPa due to the micrometric grain size of 2.2 μm and to the nanometric precipitates with a size of around 5 nm in the microstructure of the steel studied.  相似文献   

基于高强度耐火Al-Mg合金开发需求,设计并制备了6种Mo含量(质量分数)的Al-Mg合金,经变形热处理获得H3xx态轧板,结合光学显微镜、X射线衍射仪、拉伸试验机、带有能谱仪(EDS)的蔡司扫描电镜(SEM)等表征设备对各合金轧板微观组织和短时高温力学性能进行检测分析,揭示了微量Mo对Al-Mg合金的强韧化机理。结果表明:Mo合金化H3xx态Al-Mg合金具有较高的力学性能,这主要归功于与铝基体呈半共格关系的Al12Mo弥散相起到的弥散强化效果和抑制再结晶作用,但过量的Mo易使Al-Mg合金形成较高Mg固溶度的难熔Al12Mo结晶相,不利于合金性能提升。Al12Mo弥散相具有一定的高温稳定性,高温状态下显著阻碍再结晶晶粒长大,进而提高Al-Mg合金高温性能。Mo含量为0.08%时的高温性能最佳,高温强度最大提升22.5%。随着Mo含量的增加,Al-Mg合金常温力学性能和短时高温力学性能都有所提高。  相似文献   

通过低成本成分设计,在控制轧制的基础上,应用直接淬火+回火工艺制得抗拉强度1 500 MPa级经济型低合金高强高韧钢,测定了该合金成分体系的连续冷却转变曲线,研究了不同回火温度对直接淬火钢组织与力学性能的影响.结果表明:随着回火温度的升高,试验钢抗拉强度逐渐下降,屈服强度先升高后降低,-40℃冲击功则呈现出先升高、后降低、再升高的趋势.回火温度为200℃时,试验钢获得了最优的综合力学性能,抗拉强度达到1 730 MPa,屈服强度为1 400 MPa,-40℃冲击功为43 J.  相似文献   

In this study,the microstructures and mechanical properties of 9%Cr reduced activation ferritic/martensitic(RAFM) steel friction stir welded joints were investigated.When a W-Re tool is used,the recommended welding parameters are 300 rpm rotational speed,60 mm/min welding speed and10 kn axial force.In stir zone(SZ),austenite dynamic recrystallization induced by plastic deformation and the high cooling rates lead to an obvious refinement of prior austenite grains and martensite laths.The microstructure in SZ contains lath martensite with high dislocation density,a lot of nano-sized MX and M_3C phase particles,but almost no M_(23)C_6 precipitates.In thermal mechanically affect zone(TMAZ)and heat affect zone(HAZ),refinement of prior austenite and martensitic laths and partial dissolution of M_(23)C_6 precipitates are obtained at relatively low rotational speed.However,with the increase of heat input,coarsening of martensitic laths,prior austenite grains,and complete dissolution of M_(23)C_6 precipitates are achieved.Impact toughness of SZ at-20?C is slightly lower than that of base material(BM),and exhibits a decreasing trend with the increase of rotational speed.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties, including tensile and impact properties at different testing temperatures of alumina-forming austenitic steels (25 % nickel, 20 % chromium) with different aluminum contents (0, 2.5 %, 5 % and 8 %) were investigated. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy together with tensile and impact properties tests were conducted. The results showed that the tensile strength of steels at 298 K increased obviously along with aluminum contents increasing, while plasticity decreased at the same, which attributed to the higher volume fraction and number density of spherical NiAl precipitation together with main ferrite in matrix. In addition, spherical NiAl particles dispersed easily in ferrite. In particular, the ultimate tensile strength of the sample with 8 % aluminum could reach 1398 MPa, with the elongation of 14 % at 298 K. However, NiAl precipitations would lose strengthening effects at high temperatures, but the plasticity could be improved. In addition, the sample with 5 % aluminum showed better comprehensive properties by comparison to other samples, and the ultimate tensile strength was 1018 MPa and 491 MPa at 298 K and 973 K with the elongation of 26 % and 43 %, respectively, enabling it to be promising material for industrial application in advanced nuclear systems.  相似文献   

采用异步轧制、多向异步轧制、高温异步轧制、高温多向异步轧制四种不同的方式轧制双相镁锂合金板材。通过光学显微镜、MTS E43拉伸试验机和X射线衍射仪观察不同工艺轧制后合金的显微组织、力学性能以及织构特征,综合分析温度和轧制方向条件耦合对镁锂合金组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:四种轧制工艺可以使α-Mg相沿轧制方向伸长,同时沿着轧制方向法向细化。高温多向异步轧制后α相厚度最低为2.6μm。多向异步轧制后材料的屈服强度、抗拉强度、伸长率分别为149,167 MPa,14.5%,其综合力学性能最优。多向轧制使双峰织构沿ND方向45°偏转,高温轧制使双峰织构由基极向RD方向偏转的角度降低。轧制后样品R-cube织构组分最强,高温多向异步轧制使β-Li相轧制织构转变成为{001}〈100〉织构,有利于{011}〈111〉滑移系发生多滑移。  相似文献   

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