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冯晔 《中国科技博览》2014,(36):201-202
通过对建筑施工行业特点和建筑施工事故原因分析,研究了建立健全建筑施工项目安全质量管理体系,以此强化施工现场安全质量管理工作,提升施工项目安全质量风险控制能力,防范和减少建筑施工事故发生。  相似文献   

电网的特殊运行规律和事故特点决定了电网调度部门必须对电网安全风险加以科学地管理,建立与完善有效的事故防范体系,切实采取有效措施,提升对电网事故的调控能力,更好地应对电网安全风险。  相似文献   

正安全防范,即安防。所谓安全,就是没有危险、不受侵害、不出事故;所谓防范,就是防备、戒备。防备是指作好准备以应付攻击避免受害,戒备是指防备和保护。安全是目的,防范是手段,通过防范的手段达到安全的目的,就是安全防范的基本内涵。在城市每天的安全运行中,各种安防手段的应用只是为了保护人民群众的财产和人身安全。只有逐步完善安防手段、技术,才能使城市安全,百姓安居乐业。  相似文献   

针对高校实验室安全管理中存在的问题,提出了构建高校实验室安全管理体系的思路,在开展安全教育、建立健全安全管理机制、建立安全预警长效机制、建设安全标准化实验室等方面提出了一些相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

为了进一步加强高校实验室安全管理工作,细化学校、二级单位、实验室三级联动的实验室安全管理责任,通过实验室安全管理工作评价,提升二级单位管理积极性,促进实验室安全管理工作。本文结合企业安全生产标准化和高校实验室安全检查项目表,确定安全评价工作的指标,采用模糊层次分析法确定指标权重,形成了实验室安全管理工作量化考核表。结合高校二级单位管理情况进行考核表的验证,结果客观反映了管理情况,为考核提供了标准,同时为进一步做好安全管理工作提供方向。  相似文献   

随着我国经济建设的飞速发展,近年来电气科技不断提高,人们个性化需求越来越高。热衷追求电气化的生活,很明显地突出,在电气设备使用过程中给人们的人身安全带来了极大的隐患。做好各用电企业和用电部门(以下简称用户)的安全用电管理工作。防范和及时处理电气事故的发生是一项重要的基础工作。积极贯彻执行“安全第一、预防为主”的教育方针,以用电户为单位,做好日常的电气专业技术管理工作。加强对突发性电气事故的应急处理能力,防范杜绝发生蘑大电气事故。不断提高操作人员的技术能力,不断提高电气安全运行水平,还需制定电气事故的应急处理和防范方案,为搞好电气管理工作打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

安全防范,即安防。所谓安全,就是没有危险、不受侵害、不出事故;所谓防范,就是防备、戒备。防备是指作好准备以应付攻击避免受害,戒备是指防备和保护。安全是目的,防范是手段,通过防范的手段达到安全的目的,就是安全防范的基本内涵。在城市每天的安全运行中,各种安防手段的应用只是为了保护人民群众的财产和人身安全。只有逐步完善安防手段、技术,才能使城市安全,百姓安居乐业。  相似文献   

本文探讨了石油开采方式有自喷采油和机械采油,在石油开采中主要存在井喷事故、火灾事故、爆炸事故、中毒事故,污染事故,只要掌握其危险特性、事故类型及事故成因,采取相应的安全技术措施,加强对危险化学品的管理,事故是可以防范和控制的。  相似文献   

金颖 《中国科技博览》2014,(21):178-178
在明挖基坑工程施工中,坍塌事故对施工安全的危害程度最为严重,如何防止坍塌事故对工程施工造成人员及财产等损失,也成为目前安全防范工作的重中之重。  相似文献   

“安全第一”是煤矿作业的基本条件,也是最基本的要求,机电事故作为煤矿安全主要事故之一,危害着煤矿自身的发展与人员的生命,这就要求煤矿树立机电安全理念,正确分析事故原因,提升职工素质,加强机电安全管理,全面预防机电事故的发生。本文从煤矿机电事故的原因和防范煤矿机电事故的策略两个方面对煤矿机电事故原因探析及对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   



The overall research objective was to theoretically and empirically develop the ideas around a system of safety management practices (ten practices were elaborated), to test their relationship with objective safety statistics (such as accident rates), and to explore how these practices work to achieve positive safety results (accident prevention) through worker engagement.


Data were collected using safety manager, supervisor and employee surveys designed to assess and link safety management system practices, employee perceptions resulting from existing practices, and safety performance outcomes.


Results indicate the following: there is a significant negative relationship between the presence of ten individual safety management practices, as well as the composite of these practices, with accident rates; there is a significant negative relationship between the level of safety-focused worker emotional and cognitive engagement with accident rates; safety management systems and worker engagement levels can be used individually to predict accident rates; safety management systems can be used to predict worker engagement levels; and worker engagement levels act as mediators between the safety management system and safety performance outcomes (such as accident rates).


Even though the presence of safety management system practices is linked with incident reduction and may represent a necessary first-step in accident prevention, safety performance may also depend on mediation by safety-focused cognitive and emotional engagement by workers. Thus, when organizations invest in a safety management system approach to reducing/preventing accidents and improving safety performance, they should also be concerned about winning over the minds and hearts of their workers through human performance-based safety management systems designed to promote and enhance worker engagement.  相似文献   

危险是危险化学品的天然特征,安全是危险化学品永恒的主题。每一次危险化学品的安全事故,既是其本质特征使然,也与外部环境密切相关,往往在其偶发性中包含着必然性。只有在充分了解、掌握其本质特征基础上,合理设置外部条件,使其始终处于可控的安全状态,并做好安全管控和应急救援的各项准备工作,才是保障安全、防控灾害的根本方法。血的教训不可忘,要想悲剧不再重演,必须采用系统思维进行体系建设,利用先进信息通讯技术采用"互联网+"模式建立全国统一的全天候的实时动态监控体系,在规范管理、防患未然的同时,为应急救援工作提供准确信息和合理救援方案。  相似文献   

With just a few notable exceptions, research supports the concept that red light cameras (RLCs) improve safety. However, many communities that have implemented RLC programs have faced a firestorm of public opinion associated with the use of RLCS, with many communities having to remove the cameras. What makes or breaks a red light camera program? Because of the experimental design process, stated choice is recognized as a tool that can resemble a laboratory experiment for the public policy arena. In this research, a stated choice model was developed and used to explore public preferences for a RLC program through an internet survey and a convenience sample drawn from a typical college town. The results suggest while independently the opposite is true, that when there is an increase in both the fine for violators and the number of cameras together (i.e., the interaction of these two) there is a perceived public safety gain. The interacted variable positively increases utility from the selected RLCS program we analyzed and could be key in generating public support for RLC programs. The results suggest some important deterrence theory implications for improving accident prevention through the use of RLC programs that are designed to avoid unnecessary public scrutiny.  相似文献   

There is an increased use of key performance indicators and incentive schemes in the petroleum industry. Applying modern incentive theory, we explore what implications this management trend has for injury and major accident prevention efforts and safety. Can economic incentives be designed for accident prevention activities? In cases where this is not possible, what are the challenges for the safety efforts? In particular, how are safety efforts affected by enhanced economic incentives for other performance dimensions like production and rate of return? Can safety be neglected? What remedies are available?  相似文献   

露天金属矿山电雷管起爆作业拒爆事故致因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁绍国  王礼  刘冰蕾  魏鑫 《爆破》2011,28(2):112-115
在总体分析露天金属矿山拒爆事故影响因素的基础上,应用安全系统工程中的事故树分析方法,建立拒爆事故树,并对其进行了结构重要度分析.同时针对拒爆事故发生的主要影响因素提出了具体的预防措施,为露天金属矿山爆破安全管理提供可靠的依据.  相似文献   

严娟 《爆破器材》2011,40(4):38-40
烟花爆竹含有大量的氧化剂和可燃剂,在生产、储存、运输、销售及燃放等各环节中都可能引起燃烧和爆炸,甚至造成重大伤亡事故。文中分析了此类火灾事故发生的原因,并提出了加强生产企业的管理,严格执行流通环节的安全规定等预防措施。  相似文献   

民用爆炸物品使用现场的安全管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
加强民用爆炸物品使用现场的安全管理 ,有利于维护政治稳定、治安稳定 ,有效预防和杜绝涉爆违法、违规案件和事故的发生。本文从加强领导的安全意识和管理职能、落实安全生产责任制、加强从业人员的安全教育和综合素质培养、健全施工现场爆炸物品管理制度、完善施工现场的监督和检查机制、必要的安全管理资金和设施的投入等六个方面论述了加强用民爆炸物品使用现场安全管理的必要性。  相似文献   

加强民用爆炸物品使用现场的安全管理 ,有利于维护政治稳定、治安稳定 ,有效预防和杜绝涉爆违法、违规案件和事故的发生。本文从加强领导的安全意识和管理职能、落实安全生产责任制、加强从业人员的安全教育和综合素质培养、健全施工现场爆炸物品管理制度、完善施工现场的监督和检查机制、必要的安全管理资金和设施的投入等六个方面论述了加强用民爆炸物品使用现场安全管理的必要性。  相似文献   

The management of occupational health and safety (OHS) including safety culture interventions is comprised of complex problems that are often hard to scope and define. Due to the dynamic nature and complexity of OHS management, the concept of system dynamics (SD) is used to analyze accident prevention. In this paper, a system dynamics group model building (GMB) approach is used to create a causal loop diagram of the underlying factors influencing the OHS performance of a major drilling and mining contractor in Australia. While the organization has invested considerable resources into OHS their disabling injury frequency rate (DIFR) has not been decreasing. With this in mind, rich individualistic knowledge about the dynamics influencing the DIFR was acquired from experienced employees with operations, health and safety and training background using a GMB workshop. Findings derived from the workshop were used to develop a series of causal loop diagrams that includes a wide range of dynamics that can assist in better understanding the causal influences OHS performance. The causal loop diagram provides a tool for organizations to hypothesize the dynamics influencing effectiveness of OHS management, particularly the impact on DIFR. In addition the paper demonstrates that the SD GMB approach has significant potential in understanding and improving OHS management.  相似文献   

随着高等教育的发展与改革,高校招生规模的扩大,大学毕业生就业形势日趋严峻,高校如何加强组织管理,确保大学毕业生就业率是当前高校教育工作者必须认真探讨的问题。  相似文献   

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