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Antibodies (Abs) hydrolyzing proteins, DNA, and RNA are detected in the blood of patients with various autoimmune diseases. In the present work, homogeneous preparations of IgG Abs from the blood of the healthy donors as well as patients with A, B, C, and delta types of viral hepatitis, influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, duodenal ulcer, and some types of cancer were purified. For the first time, the fraction of IgG and its Fab fragments of patients with viral hepatitis were shown to have high DNA- and RNA-hydrolyzing activity. In case of Abs from the healthy donors and patients with other diseases, high activity of Abs was not detected. The data obtained by various methods indicate that the activity of hepatitis Abs is an intrinsic property of the immunoglobulins. The relative rates of hydrolysis of cCMP, poly(U), poly(A), poly(C), and tRNA(Phe) by hepatitis Abs were compared with those of RNase A and other RNases from human blood. Significant differences in activities of Abs and nucleases in hydrolysis of model substrates were demonstrated. Thus, catalytically active Abs can appear in the blood of patients not only with autoimmune disorders, but with viral diseases as well.  相似文献   

The C3-Proactivator (C3-PA) and the C3 and C4 complements were determined by radio-immuno diffusion in the serum of 72 patients with definite or classical rheumatoid arthritis, 51 patients with osteoarthrosis and 42 healthy subjects. C3-PA and C4 levles were significantly higher in the serum of patients with rheumatoid arthritis than in the control group (C3-PA in 72%, C4 in 37% of the RA patients). There was also a significant difference between seropositive und seronegative cases. Elevation of both components was more frequently found in patients with seronegative rheumatoid arthritis than in the seropositive cases. However, the C3-PA serum level is not correlated with the ESR. Also an elevation of the C3-PA serum level is not specific for rheumatoid arthritis, it is also found in other inflammatory diseases as well as after surgery.  相似文献   

This study investigated serum levels of the soluble form of CD30 (sCD30), which is mainly secreted from T helper 2(Th2) cells, in autoimmune thyroid diseases. The possible relationship of sCD30 to autoantibody production was also evaluated. Serum levels of sCD30 were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in 71 patients with Graves' disease, 37 patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and 21 normal donors. Compared with normal subjects (7.1 +/- 4.5 U/mL), sCD30 was increased in patients with Graves' disease (29.2 +/- 25.2 U/mL, P < 0.0001) and in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (29.9 +/- 26.9 U/mL, P < 0.0001). In Graves' disease, sCD30 levels were higher in thyrotoxic patients (41.7 +/- 31.2 U/mL, P < 0.001) than in remission patients (15.8 +/- 11.0 U/mL), and a significant correlation was observed between sCD30 levels and serum activities of TSH receptor antibody (r = 0.444, P < 0.0001). In Hashimoto's thyroiditis, sCD30 levels were higher in patients with transient destructive thyrotoxicosis caused by the aggravation of the disease (48.8 +/- 34.4 U/mL, P < 0.05) than in euthyroid patients (24.2 +/- 19.4 U/mL). These data suggest that serum sCD30 is a valuable marker of disease activity and support an important role of the Th2-type immune response in the pathogenesis in Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to validate dentists' periodontal reasons for extraction by comparison with the in vitro periodontal status of extracted teeth. A national systematic random sample of Norwegian dentists (n = 500) was requested to record primary, secondary and tertiary reasons for tooth extraction for a period of 2 weeks in 1988. The response rate was 70%. The extracted permanent teeth from the first 2 patients of each dentist were collected. Of the 365 teeth, 329 satisfied the criteria for assessment of periodontal attachment after staining. Using a dissecting microscope (10x), 4 to 8 linear measurements were recorded per tooth. 159 of the 329 teeth had loss of periodontal support. Of the 93 teeth for which the dentists' reason for extraction included periodontal considerations, 1% had 1-10% loss of attachment, 59% had 11-50% loss and 40% had 51-76% loss of periodontal support. There was a significant correlation between in vitro measurements of attachment loss and a ranking of teeth on a scale from 1 to 3 based on the dentists' emphasis on periodontal reasons for extraction (The Spearman Rs = 0.29, p < 0.01). The results suggest that the forceps level for removal of teeth for periodontal reasons was set at a relatively early stage of the disease process by Norwegian dentists, and that there was a weak association between attachment loss and the dentists' emphasis on periodontal reasons for extraction.  相似文献   

The specificity of delta ribozyme cleavage was investigated using a trans-acting antigenomic delta ribozyme. Under single turnover conditions, the wild type ribozyme cleaved the 11-mer ribonucleotide substrate with a rate constant of 0.34 min-1, an apparent Km of 17.9 nM and an apparent second-order rate constant of 1.89 x 10(7) min-1 M-1. The substrate specificity of the delta ribozyme was thoroughly investigated using a collection of substrates that varied in either the length or the nucleotide sequence of their P1 stems. We observed that not only is the base pairing of the substrate and the ribozyme important to cleavage activity, but also both the identity and the combination of the nucleotide sequence in the substrates are essential for cleavage activity. We show that the nucleotides in the middle of the P1 stem are essential for substrate binding and subsequent steps in the cleavage pathway. The introduction of any mismatches at these positions resulted in a complete lack of cleavage by the wild type ribozyme. Our findings suggest that factors more complex than simple base pairing interactions, such as tertiary structure interactions, could play an important role in the substrate specificity of delta ribozyme cleavage.  相似文献   

Immunization of Lewis rats with myelin basic protein (MBP) in complete Freud's adjuvant (CFA) provokes experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). Here we compare, irrespective of antigen specificity, the structure and dynamics of serum IgM autoreactive repertoires following immunization with MBP/CFA in EAE-susceptible Lewis and relatively resistant Fischer rats. Prior to the appearance of clinical symptoms, Lewis rats developed a specific modification of serum IgM autoreactivities that, scored on other determinants than MBP itself, showed a prognostic association with EAE symptoms. Although comparable in their production of MBP-specific serum IgM and IgG antibodies, Fischer rats did not share these MBP/CFA-induced IgM autoreactivities of Lewis rats when immunized in the same manner. Moreover, while the Lewis-type repertoire reaction was specific for MBP/CFA alone, the respective Fischer reaction was not qualitatively different from that observed in this strain upon non-pathogenic immunization with self-related or -unrelated antigens. In general, the repertoire reactions differed qualitatively between the strains, consisting of components with typical behavior and strain preferences. The EAE-associated, as well as the other components of both Lewis- and Fischer-type repertoire reactions were usually co-dominantly inherited in F1 animals. These results indicate that a global antibody repertoire analysis may serve as a tool to describe prototypical response structures, possibly involved in immune regulation and susceptibility to pathogenic autoimmunity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The mechanism responsible for the forward blood flow associated with external chest compression is still controversial. Evidence for both blood flow caused by direct cardiac compression and blood flow generated by a general increase in intrathoracic pressure has been found in experimental as well as clinical studies. No data are available concerning the mechanism causing forward blood flow in hypothermic patients undergoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Therefore, echocardiographic findings during external chest compression in seven hypothermic arrest victims are reported. METHODS: All transesophageal echocardiographic studies performed at the Anaesthesia department between 1994 and 1997 were reviewed and seven hypothermic patients with transesophageal echocardiography performed during cardiopulmonary resuscitation were identified. RESULTS: An open mitral valve or a circumferential reduction in aortic diameter during the compression phase was found in four of seven patients, indicating that primarily an increase in intrathoracic pressure (thoracic pump mechanism) generated forward blood flow. In three patients, mitral valve closure during external chest compression indicated that direct cardiac compression (cardiac pump mechanism) contributed to forward blood flow. Two patients studied during active compression-decompression cardiopulmonary resuscitation demonstrated enhanced right ventricular filling and aortic valve opening during active decompression of the thorax. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to normothermic arrest victims, an open mitral valve during external chest compression is a common finding during hypothermia, indicating that thoracic pump mechanism is important for forward blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in hypothermic arrest victims. Aortic valve opening in two hypothermic arrest victims suggests forward blood flow also during active decompression of the thorax with the Cardiopump.  相似文献   

Celiac disease may be associated with other underlying autoimmune diseases. Among these, thyroid disease has been described in around 10% of the cases with hypothyroidism being the most frequently reported. Clinical suspicion of thyroid involvement in patients with celiac disease is difficult since the symptomatology is scarce or is masked by the picture of malabsorption. Nonetheless, its detection is important since it is not solved by gluten free diet and its correction requires specific treatment. Thyroid function studies, in addition to determination of antithyroglobulin and antimicrosomal antibodies, should be considered in celiac patients refractory to conventional dietetic treatment. We herein present the case of a 65-year-old woman who consulted for a malabsorption syndrome in whom celiac disease of the adult was simultaneously presented with hyperthyroidism secondary to autoimmune thyroiditis.  相似文献   

Anticardiolipin antibodies were studied in serum and cerebrospinal fluid from 32 consecutive patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, admitted for the assessment of neuropsychiatric disease. Ten of the 16 patients with active neuropsychiatric complaints showed positive anticardiolipin antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid, including eight with the simultaneous presence of antibodies in their sera. By contrast, only 2 of the 16 patients with headaches, lacking further data of neurological disease, revealed anticardiolipin antibodies in their cerebrospinal fluid. The assessment of Q-albumin index showed abnormal values in a subset of patients with active neuropsychiatric changes who showed positive cerebrospinal anticardiolipin antibodies, suggesting that an impairment of the blood brain barrier function may lead to a leakage of intrathecal antiphospholipid antibodies from systemic circulation. Additionally, few patients revealed normal Q-albumin values with high IgG-cerebrospinal fluid index suggesting increased intrathecal synthesis of autoantibodies. The study of anticardiolipin antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid was useful to detect active neuropsychiatric disease in systemic lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   

Since dual specificity at the antibody active-site level involves new principles relative to monospecific antigen-antibody interactions and may be a general property of autoantibodies, it was important to further characterize such antibodies. Four lupus derived autoantibodies were studied to understand parameters and mechanisms involved in the participation of dual-specific antibody molecules in the formation of highly stable immune complexes. Because the dual-specific binding properties of selected lupus-related murine autoantibodies had been previously described using a solid-phase polystyrene-based ELISA, a conformational sensitive membrane based assay (CSI) was used on a comparative basis to further characterize NZB/NZW F1 murine monoclonal anti-DNA autoantibodies BV 04-01 (anti-ssDNA), BV 16-19 (anti-ssDNA), BV 17-45 (anti-dsDNA), and BV 16-13 (anti-dsDNA). All four monoclonal autoantibodies exhibited anti-IgG binding in the solid-phase ELISA. However in the CSI assay, only anti-dsDNA monoclonal autoantibodies BV 17-45 and BV 16-13 demonstrated anti-IgG binding, while anti-ssDNA autoantibodies BV 04-01 and BV 16-19 did not. Upon subjection to time-dependent thermal denaturation, with and without thiol reduction at 100 degrees C in the CSI, the self-binding activities of BV 17-45 and BV 16-13 were abrogated demonstrating that the recognized IgG autoepitope(s) possessed conformational or discontinuous three-dimensional properties. The immunological implications of dual specificity are discussed on a structure-function basis and its correlation with formation of pathogenic immune complexes.  相似文献   

We have previously identified proteolytic activity in rat liver microsomes that cleaves an intact tripeptide, VIS, from S-farnesylated-CVIS tetrapeptide. This enzymatic activity, termed prenyl protein-specific endoprotease (PPEP) activity, has been solubilized in CHAPS and purified 5-fold. To probe the peptide recognition features of PPEP activity, 64 tripeptides [N-acetyl-C(S-farnesyl)a1a2] were prepared and tested as competitive inhibitors of PPEP activity-catalyzed hydrolysis of N-acetyl-C(S-farnesyl)VI[3H]S. It was found that PPEP activity prefers large hydrophobic residues in the a1 and a2 positions. A subset of N-acetyl-C(S-farnesyl)a1a2 peptides were prepared in radiolabeled form, and it was found that PPEP activity preferences for these substrates correlated well in most cases with the inhibition data. The exception is that R in the a1 position does not prevent binding of peptide to PPEP activity, but such peptides are poor substrates. The anionic residue D in the a2 position is not tolerated by PPEP activity. Five farnesylated radiolabeled tetrapeptides, Ac-C(F)FM[3H]L, Ac-C(F)LI[3H]L, Ac-C(F)LL[3H]L, Ac-C(F)LM[3H]L, and Ac-C(F)VI[3H]L were prepared, and PPEP activity kinetic studies revealed that they are good substrates and show comparable KM values (2.2-13.5 microM). Ac-C(F)RL[3H]S is a poor substrate. The reported peptide binding preferences of PPEP activity should be useful in designing compounds that block the C-terminal proteolysis of prenylated proteins. Nonprenylated peptides do not bind to PPEP activity, and replacement of the farnesyl group with ann-pentadecyl group modestly reduces binding. Peptide-membrane partitioning studies were used together with theoretical arguments to fully understand the substrate specificity of PPEP activity toward these compounds.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The serine protease prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a useful clinical marker for prostatic malignancy. PSA is a member of the kallikrein subgroup of the (chymo)trypsin serine protease family, but differs from the prototypical member of this subgroup, tissue kallikrein, in possessing a specificity more similar to that of chymotrypsin than trypsin. We report the use of two strategies, substrate phage display and iterative optimization of natural cleavage sites, to identify labile sequences for PSA cleavage. RESULTS: Iterative optimization and substrate phage display converged on the amino-acid sequence SS(Y/F)Y decreases S(G/S) as preferred subsite occupancy for PSA. These sequences were cleaved by PSA with catalytic efficiencies as high as 2200-3100 M-1 s-1, compared with values of 2-46 M-1 s-1 for peptides containing likely physiological target sequences of PSA from the protein semenogelin. Substrate residues that bind to secondary (non-S1) subsites have a critical role in defining labile substrates and can even cause otherwise disfavored amino acids to bind in the primary specificity (S1) pocket. CONCLUSION: The importance of secondary subsites in defining both the specificity and efficiency of cleavage suggests that substrate recognition by PSA is mediated by an extended binding site. Elucidation of preferred subsite occupancy allowed refinement of the structural model of PSA and should facilitate the development of more sensitive activity-based assays and the design of potent inhibitors.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is one of the angiogenic factors. We examined both thyroid volume and intrathyroidal vascular area by color flow Doppler ultrasonography in patients with Graves' disease (GD), Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), and subacute thyroiditis. The serum concentrations of thyroid hormones, TSH, TSH receptor antibodies, and VEGF were also examined. There was a significant increase in serum VEGF levels in patients with untreated GD and goitrous HT compared with those in healthy subjects. The serum VEGF levels in untreated patients with subacute thyroiditis were significantly higher than those in patients with untreated GD or HT. There was a significant correlation between serum VEGF levels and the ratio of intrathyroidal vascular area and thyroid area in untreated patients with GD who had a goiter larger than or equal to 40 cm3. There was also a significant correlation between serum VEGF and TSH levels in patients with HT who were hypothyroid and had a goiter. Serum VEGF levels decreased significantly in these patients after treatment; this was accompanied by a significant decrease in intrathyroidal vascular area and thyroid volume. Our study demonstrates that VEGF appears to play an important role in intrathyroidal angiogenesis in patients with GD and goitrous HT.  相似文献   

An analysis was undertaken to the records of 651 patients (median age 51 years, range 1-91; 334 male and 317 female patients), who were admitted for various reasons to the department of neurology and psychosomatics of the county hospital in Villach (K?rnten, Austria), over the period of one year. The clinical diagnoses were mostly neurological and psychiatric (n = 599), involving 25 different conditions. Other diagnoses (n = 52) comprised a group of 13 various conditions. Sera of all these patients were tested for antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi. Overall seropositivity was 37.8%. Seropositivity increased significantly with age (p < 0.01). Seroprevalence exceeded 40% in patients with meningitis, paresis of the cranial nerves, cervical syndrome, pareses and sponylitis. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was raised in 37.9% of cases which was not related to seropositivity. ESR was significantly increased in patients with lumbago (p < 0.01) and with arthritis (p < 0.05). Antibiotics and dosages used were recorded in 164 cases. All these cases improved after therapy. Of 81 patients with a history of tick bite, 43 (53%) were seropositive. This is a significantly higher incidence than that of patients without tick bites (p < 0.01). The retrospective evaluation of patients' records showed that anamnestic and clinical findings alone do not suffice to establish the specific diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis and, hence, do not provide the indication of appropriate therapy. Furthermore, the mere demonstration of serum antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi does not give information on the current state of infection. In case of a suspected Borrelia burgdorferi infection confirmatory tests are needed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The beneficial use of intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) in certain groups of patients with autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (AITP) has been proven. AITP is a severe disease in children with a still unknown etiology. It is not clear how IVIG functions in this and other autoimmune diseases. To analyze and compare patient-derived monoclonal IgG antibodies that are bound by IVIG in an anti-idiotypic manner, the combinatorial antibody phage display system was applied. From three different patients with AITP, a large number of clones specifically reacting with IVIG molecules were enriched. The heavy and light chain variable regions were sequenced and compared with each other and with databases. Many variable regions showed extensive replacement mutations within the complementarity-determining regions, while two were identical to germ-line genes. Our data show that the most frequently used germ-line gene loci of these IVIG binders are identical to those observed for many other autoantibodies. This implicates a specific interaction of IVIG particularly with autoantibodies and B cell receptors derived from germ-line genes that are often used for the generation of autoantibodies.  相似文献   

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