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迪斯尼乐园,俗称魔术王国。它是一座闻合的现代乐园,位于洛杉矾南部橙县阿纳希姆市,占地30公顷。1919年,年仅19岁的穷画家兼动画制作者汪称特·伊莱亚斯·迪斯尼,结识7与其一生事业休戚相关的青年美术家伊泪克,他们两人用一架旧电影摄像机,首次摄制7一部仅放一两分种的动画片,接着又制作出能放七分钟的动画故事片,如(三只小微、(白雪公主和七个小矮人)等等一系列作品,形成7独特的迪斯尼世界。自1955年这座迪斯尼乐园建成开业以来,受到美国人民的喜爱,每月参观的入成千上万,络绎不绝。后经过不断增加新的内容进行扩建,而成…  相似文献   

美国马萨诸塞州波士顿市的爱默生学院,在加利福尼亚州的伯班克设置了一项约20年之久的的实习项目。新建的艾默生洛杉矶中心,坐落在好莱坞的日落大道上,置身于诸多电影工作室之中,这里建造了永久性的教学/行政设施以及学生寓所。学院之所以这样设置,旨在强调其在一个城市中的存在以及身份,这里不只是影视业的发展中心,同时也是许多校友的家。  相似文献   

盖蒂中心坐落在占地44.5hm2(110英亩)的山顶上,被圣·莫尼卡(Santa Monica)山区丘陵地带的242.8hm2(600英亩)保留地所包围。由理查德·迈耶设计的这组可以看到洛杉矶市和大海的建筑容纳了世界上最著名的艺术团体之一。盖蒂中心是由6个独立机构组成的盖蒂联合企业,拥有800名雇员,开展的活动从学术研究到公共演出,每年还接待几十万游客。中心是一个多层次的、综合性的机构,与山地完美呼应,而且充分满足了公共和私人活动的需要。1991年欧林事务所开始介入项目时,建筑师小组已对建筑物和场地特征进行了不少构思和设计。在欧林之前…  相似文献   

设计面临的挑战是,如何将这一重要建筑融入到这个对校园规划影响很大的复杂的地段中去,使得设计不仅使管理学院受益,同时也从整体上丰富整个校园。  相似文献   

兀晨 《世界建筑》2023,(3):58-63
<正>在毗邻皇家植物园、俯瞰悉尼港的壮观场地——悉尼领域公园的缓坡上,坐落着新南威尔士州美术馆。过去的一个世纪美术馆逐渐发展壮大,以容纳日益多样化的艺术收藏。经过了多次扩建,新扩建的美术馆位于原馆的北面,在城市几条重要通道的交界处。城市之间行人在这里穿行往返,而汽车则沿着坡下的快速通道行驶。  相似文献   

1300m2的比利·怀尔德剧院是一个大型的博物馆规划的第一阶段.该规划将把现有的爱德华·巴恩斯设计的UCLA哈穆尔博物馆改造为一个城市的文化“起居室”。剧院在形象、实体和功能上活跃而独特,同时又融入在博物馆的大环境之中。  相似文献   

项琳斐 《世界建筑》2011,(10):112-117
新建筑占用了建于1972年的学校的用地。由于扩建技术上的问题,从可行性、技术和经济方面考虑,过去的学校不值得扩建或翻新。学校的推倒和重建工程要在18个月内完成。  相似文献   

坐落于洛杉矶中心商务区北部的Gateway中心是全美最大的综合性交通枢纽,承担着公共汽车站广场、新建地铁系统、轻轨系统、城际列车及一个可容纳3 000辆汽车的停车设施相互转换的功能。通过地下通道,Gateway中心还与全美铁路客运公司中心相连,后者位于历史悠久的联合车站。都市运输局 (MTA) 已经在公交广场的一侧建起了一栋26层的总部大楼,此外还有5栋办公楼也将选址于此。作为全国范围内以高速公路著称的城市,洛杉矶已经认识到未来发展公共运输系统的重要性。该项目对设计的挑战是:创造尽可能出色的环境,使洛杉矶接受公共交通;力…  相似文献   

叶彪 《世界建筑》2002,(12):36-39
波茨坦能源中心位于德国波茨坦城斯坦大街,是一座现代化的办公楼,主要功能是政府能源供应中央管理大楼,是具有极高建筑美学水准的生态建筑,堪称高技术型生态建筑的典范。该大楼于1997年7月竣工,并于1998年7月扩建,形成现在的建筑整体。这座集现代设计理念与生态设计策略为一体的建筑是由奥地利建筑师乔治·库尔迈尔和德国建筑师霍格尔·君耐尔合作设计完成。波茨坦能源中心在总体布局上沿斯坦大街呈L型布置,形成开阔的前广场,主体建筑为东西朝向,二期扩建部分为南北朝向。主体建筑是由一直一曲两部分办公建筑围绕阳光中庭组成。主…  相似文献   

维也纳阿尔贝蒂娜博物馆收集有大量的照片和建筑物品,此外,还收藏了重要的美术作品。这个位于保护名单上的建筑占据了重要的位置,位于歌剧院和伯格大街之间,标志着通向内城的入口。整个建筑的扩建和改造主要是为了获得足够的展览空间,还包括重新设计博物馆的入口。  相似文献   

Abstract: The degrees to which poor populations are spatially concentrated within metropolitan areas are influenced by two sets of forces. In this article, I refer to the first set of forces as redistributive forces, which includes intrametropolitan forces that redistribute populations among different neighborhoods. The second set of forces includes metropolitan‐wide processes that alter the relative poverty composition of the overall metropolitan population. These latter processes are referred to here as compositional forces. This research investigates the degrees to which these two sets of forces impacted poverty concentration among racial and ethnic groups within Los Angeles County, CA from 1990 to 2000. Both forces generally functioned to increase poverty concentration among all groups considered, with compositional forces having the stronger effect. Evidence suggests that the residential experiences of poor whites, African Americans, and Hispanics were strongly influenced by the migratory behavior of the nonpoor in Los Angeles. The Asian population, however, exhibited some evidence of ethnic (or racial) “self‐selectivity,” as this population exhibited less interclass segregation over time. Despite increased poverty concentration, findings demonstrate that Los Angeles became slightly less segregated by race and ethnicity during the 1990s.  相似文献   

宋迎昌 《城市规划》2004,28(5):86-89,92
1920年代美国进入了城市郊区化阶段,城郊联系日益密切,城郊矛盾也日益突出,实行大都市区管治迫在眉睫。进入1950年代后期的十年,大都市区管治十分盛行,但在随后的数十年,大都市区管治一度陷入停顿状态。进入1990年代,受经济全球化影响,大都市区管治又出现了复兴的趋势。从洛杉矶、华盛顿、路易斯维尔三个大都市区的个例来看,有许多值得我国借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Some spatial mismatch theorists have incorporated racial discrimination in employment into their quantitative models as a causal factor, in addition to spatial barriers, in explaining the unemployment problems of Blacks. They generally argue that racist employers are more likely to locate in the suburbs, rather than the inner city, which helps to explain why Blacks are less likely to be employed there. We take a qualitative approach to the spatial mismatch question on the basis of personal interviews with employers in the electronics industry in Los Angeles. We found that employers in black neighborhoods were just as likely as employers in non‐black neighborhoods to discriminate in their hiring practices and hold preferences for workers from other racial and ethnic backgrounds. Consequently, black residential proximity to firms is unlikely to completely overcome barriers associated with racial discrimination in employment. We argue that spatial mismatch models face limitations to analyzing racial discrimination in employment that are inherent in their quantitative models.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Theory suggests that in the long term, gentrification—which I define as the phenomenon where wealthier individuals move into lower‐income areas—should decrease neighborhood crime. In the short term, however, anecdotal evidence indicates that gentrification actually increases crime, perhaps due to the relative difference in status between newcomers and existing residents, and to increased opportunities for criminal behavior. Further, consumers’ choice of residential location depends on crime rates, creating simultaneity that likely biases estimates that overlook this concern. I exploit the 1994 Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles and subsequent short‐term government‐sponsored home financing incentives as an instrument to control for this endogeneity. The exogenous event induced middle‐ and upper‐income individuals to purchase homes in earthquake‐affected low and moderate‐income neighborhoods, which I argue is independent of the influence of crime. The results show that in the short term, gentrification increases assaults, robberies, automobile thefts, and thefts from automobiles.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The South Central Farm (SCF) in Los Angeles was a 14‐acre urban farm in one of the highest concentrations of impoverished residents in the county. It was destroyed in July 2006. This article analyzes its epic as a landscape of resistance to discriminatory legal and planning practices. It then presents its creation and maintenance as an issue of environmental justice, and argues that there was a substantive rationale on the basis of environmental justice and planning ethics that should have provided sufficient grounds for the city to prevent its dismantling. Based on qualitative case study methodology, the study contributes to the formulation of creation and preservation rationales for community gardens and other “commons” threatened by eventual dismantlement in capitalist societies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Inclusionary zoning—requiring and encouraging developers to build some affordable housing in market‐rate projects—is a growing but deeply contested practice. We evaluate the experience of inclusionary zoning programs in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, including their structure and elements, effectiveness in delivering affordable housing, and effect on housing markets and supply, to address the debate. We find that the programs vary but are not heavily demanding and include cost offsets. Low in‐lieu fees, however, can be the weak link. Many of the mandatory programs are effective, if effectiveness is measured by comparing the affordable housing productivity of inclusionary zoning with other affordable housing programs. We found no statistically significant evidence of inclusionary zoning's adverse effect on housing supply in cities with inclusionary mandates. We conclude that critics underestimate the affordable housing productivity of inclusionary zoning, and overestimate its adverse effects on housing supply. Nonetheless, inclusionary zoning is no panacea and needs to be part of a comprehensive housing strategy.  相似文献   

With state safety nets failing to keep up with expanding urban poverty, ties to community organizations can provide crucial resources. But what explains variation in such tie activation at urban, organizational, and individual levels? I advance a multilevel framework of organizational client–staff tie activation that centralizes the role of trust and specifies effects of multiple social contexts. I apply the framework to an exploratory comparison of transitional housing programs in Los Angeles and Tokyo, including analysis of qualitative data collected among clients, staff, and administrators. I argue that urban welfare regimes and organizational cultures are key contexts shaping how macro‐level forces like neoliberalism intersect with micro‐level processes of social capital building in differentiated ways. Urban scholars can inform theory and practice by further analyzing how organizational‐level trust building practices of holism and flexibility can be affected by urban‐level regulations on scope of aid and inter‐organizational ties.  相似文献   

这是一个小型的护肤品牌专营店的设计,它坐落在美国洛杉矶比弗利山庄一条繁华的街道上,其店面的外观大面积地使用了落地的玻璃,内部用纯净的白色来构成主要的设计基调,让过往的人们可以一眼就看到它的存在.  相似文献   

米拉格罗小学项目位于洛杉矶工业区。该地区常年受暴力和犯罪的困扰,大部分建筑的自然采光都很差,因为所有的建筑都有将近半英寸厚(约1.3厘米)的防弹板。我们的设计任务是将1970年建成的混凝土预制仓库(约42000平方英尺,4200平方米)改造成一个充满活力的K-5小学校园。设计力求创造一个令人振奋和互动的校园环境,通过使用不同的形状、颜色、质地和亮度以表达一直求知和积极探索发现的精神。通过放置硕大的透明蝴蝶状胶质玻璃,教室充满了多彩的自然散射光,在这些  相似文献   

加州人文科学学院(CALS)是洛杉矶东北部的一个废弃仓库的改造项目。这个两层楼高的轻工大厂房已经空置了数年,一直是城市美化的眼中钉。而我们对这个项目的目标是设计一个绿色、创新、融入周围社区的校园环境。这个新的绿色校园将会成为一个为周边社区服务的船只,容纳着优异的学生和老师。我们相信,重新利用一个被城市遗弃的建筑并赋予它新的生命是可持续发展设计实践中坚实的一步。建成后,它将成为第一个洛杉矶东北区获得LEED认证的特许学校项目。此外,我们希望该项目能够作为一个变革的里程碑,为振兴洛杉矶的东北区做出卓越的贡献(洛杉矶东北区是重工业区,贫民社区)。  相似文献   

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