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针对现阶段产品设计已经实现三维数字化,但在航空等典型离散行业的制造现场仍以二维工程图为产品制造依据的现实,提出了基于三维轻模型的装配MES系统,将产品设计数据向制造过程延伸,并结合MBD( ModelBased Definition,基于模型的定义)技术实现基于三维轻模型的装配工艺定义,以三维轻模型为车间现场装配生产的...  相似文献   

针对装配车间现场对于移动应用、过程控制、物料追踪、数据采集、质量管理等方面的需求,深入分析离散型企业的装配流程,研究基于平板电脑的三维可视化在装配车间现场应用的关键技术,提出了基于平板电脑和轻量化三维模型的装配过程管理应用解决方案.在此基础上开发的系统在某航空企业复杂产品上进行了应用验证.  相似文献   

机械产品质量的好坏在很大程度上与装夹该产品夹具的精度有很大关系,传统的调整装配法是依据图纸加工出各零件,然后进行组装,该方法满足不了夹具精度的设计要求,一种特殊的加工工艺方法-装配加工法则易于获得精度的要求。本文首先对装配加工法进行了简单的介绍,之后结合一些典型的实例从夹具导向元件和定位元件精度要求方面,对其进行了详细的阐述,大量的实践结果表明,该方法在保证夹具生产精度上最为有效。  相似文献   

网络对人类生活的影响可以说是革命性的。它具有快捷性、自由性、开创性、互动性以及创新性。它传播的速度快,传播的深度广以及对社会反应灵敏。它改变了人们传统的生活方式,在数据管理中扮演重的角色。本文对计算机网络技术在数据管理中的应用以及发展进行分析,重点阐述计算机网络技术在档案管理中的应用,同时就应用的重点以及难点进行解析,指出计算机网络技术在档案管理中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

离散制造车间的物联网系统,可以为整个车间的制造提供数据支撑,降低信息设备运行过程当中的不兼容现象,提高远程指导的控制效率。在物联网技术发展的背景下,对这种信息采集方式进行相关的数据分析,可以全面提升信息维护的系统性,对各个离散车间的生产进行优化安排,提高生产的综合经济效益。基于此,该文主要从离散制造车间数据管理的关键技术内容入手,分析物联网体系在目前离散制造车间当中的具体应用,从而提高数据管理的效能。  相似文献   

通过研究制造执行系统中产品与工艺数据管理的应用需求,讨论了MES中的过程表达模型与过程配置方法在制造数据管理中的应用.参考XPDL等流程模型表达规范,构建了以过程为中心的制造数据信息模型.针对MES对制造过程不确定性表达的需求,给出了过程配置规则表达和配置结果求解的实现方法,设计开发了图形化的流程可视化软件模块,解决了...  相似文献   

Excel在计量数据管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了Microsoft Excel在计量测试数据管理中的应用,并对其中几项关键技术进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

为了解决铝制发动机缸体耐磨性差这一问题,利用热喷涂技术在铝制发动机气缸内壁制备一层铁基耐磨涂层,就能大大增加缸体的耐磨性。该文选择了两种喷涂丝材和适合的喷涂工艺,在铝制缸体内壁上制备出耐磨涂层,并对涂层的硬度、厚度、微观组织、物质组成及耐磨性进行试验并分析,结果表明利用热喷涂技术制备出的耐磨涂层硬度适中,涂层中存在的大量氧化物和孔隙结构,可以提高涂层材料的耐磨性,在湿摩擦条件下,涂层的摩擦系数均小于灰铸铁的,从而说明在铝制缸体内壁上制备耐磨涂层,是实现汽车的轻量化的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

结合三牙轮钻头的设计制造过程,介绍了江汉钻头厂JZ-CIMS重点应用工程中的技术文档管理系统的结构和功能,以此作为集成数据管理平台,实现了JZ-CIMS中工程设计与制造分系统(ED&M)的集成。  相似文献   

<正>1引言在产品的开发和制造过程中,许多产品并非由CAD模型描述。设计和制造者面对的是实物样件,有时甚至可能连参考的图纸也没有,而客户还要求对样件进行优化改进。为了适应先进制造技术的发展。需要将这些实物转化为CAD模型。使之能利用CAD/CAM、RPM、CIMS及PDM等先进技术进行处理或管理。逆向工程是通过各种测量手段及三维几何建模方法,对原有实物模型进行几何形状的反求,重新建立实物的三维数字化模型。从而实现产品模具的设计与制造。  相似文献   

张海月  司占军 《包装工程》2017,38(9):245-248
目的满足新产品的研发、后期维护以及操作培训等方面的需求。方法选用型号为Makerbot Replicator2的3D打印机为例,通过实际测量在三维建模软件SolidWorks中进行精确建模,之后利用3dsMax进行模型优化,最后导入到VRP完成虚拟装配系统制作。结果该系统能够展示整个3D打印机的内外部结构和装配过程。结论将虚拟装配技术与3D打印机相结合,能够以数字化的形式呈现3D打印机的整体结构和功能,而不必再受客观条件的制约,为工业产品的设计、完善、维护和管理提供了一种崭新的方式,对市场现有的3D打印机具有一定的适用性。  相似文献   

Nanoscience and nanotechnology offer great opportunities and challenges in both fundamental research and practical applications, which require precise control of building blocks with micro/nanoscale resolution in both individual and mass‐production ways. The recent and intensive nanotechnology development gives birth to a new focus on nanomembrane materials, which are defined as structures with thickness limited to about one to several hundred nanometers and with much larger (typically at least two orders of magnitude larger, or even macroscopic scale) lateral dimensions. Nanomembranes can be readily processed in an accurate manner and integrated into functional devices and systems. In this Review, a nanotechnology perspective of nanomembranes is provided, with examples of science and applications in semiconductor, metal, insulator, polymer, and composite materials. Assisted assembly of nanomembranes leads to wrinkled/buckled geometries for flexible electronics and stacked structures for applications in photonics and thermoelectrics. Inspired by kirigami/origami, self‐assembled 3D structures are constructed via strain engineering. Many advanced materials have begun to be explored in the format of nanomembranes and extend to biomimetic and 2D materials for various applications. Nanomembranes, as a new type of nanomaterials, allow nanotechnology in a controllable and precise way for practical applications and promise great potential for future nanorelated products.  相似文献   

Deterministic transformations of 2D patterns of materials into well-controlled 3D mesostructures serve as the basis for manufacturing methods that can bypass limitations of conventional 3D micro/nanofabrication. Here, guided mechanical buckling processes provide access to a rich range of complex 3D mesostructures in high-performance materials, from inorganic and organic semiconductors, metals and dielectrics, to ceramics and even 2D materials (e.g., graphene, MoS2). Previous studies demonstrate that iterative computational procedures can define design parameters for certain targeted 3D configurations, but without the ability to address complex shapes. A technical need is in efficient, generalized inverse design algorithms that directly yield sets of optimized parameters. Here, such schemes are introduced, where the distributions of thicknesses across arrays of separated or interconnected ribbons provide scalable routes to 3D surfaces with a broad range of targeted shapes. Specifically, discretizing desired shapes into 2D ribbon components allows for analytic solutions to the inverse design of centrally symmetric and even general surfaces, in an approximate manner. Combined theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies of ≈20 different 3D structures with characteristic sizes (e.g., ribbon width) ranging from ≈200 µm to ≈2 cm and with geometries that resemble hemispheres, fire balloons, flowers, concave lenses, saddle surfaces, waterdrops, and rodents, illustrate the essential ideas.  相似文献   

断层数据三维重构技术的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基于断层数据的三维重构已经成为国内外的研究热点,并成为工业快速反求工程的一种新的研究方向。本文总结国内外关于断层数据三维重构技术,以综述的形式对各种方法进行阐述,比较出各自的优缺点,吸取医学CT领域的重构技术的经验,寻求解决决面向制造的而不仅仅是面向对视化的基于断导数据的三维重构技术,该项研究对新产品的快速设计制造具有重要理论和应用意义。  相似文献   

3D打印是以计算机图形数据为基础,通过逐层堆积的方式构建实体,具有高柔性制造以及对复杂零件自由快速成形的特点.从文献研究入手,重点介绍了光固化成形、熔融沉积制造、选区激光烧结、选区激光熔化、三维印刷成形、分层实体制造等典型3D打印工艺的成形原理以及研究进展,在此基础上着重概述了3D打印在生物医学、航空航天、建筑工程领域的应用.简要分析了当前3D打印技术发展中存在的一些问题并提出了一系列解决方案.3D打印技术的出现,给传统制造技术带来了革命性改变,其应用范围广泛,未来一定会融入到人们生活的方方面面.  相似文献   

Origami/kirigami-inspired 3D assembly approaches have recently attracted attention for a variety of applications, such as advanced optoelectronic devices and biomedical sensors. The results reported here describe an approach to construct classes of multiple foldable 3D microstructures that involve deformations that typical conductive materials, such as conventional metal films, cannot tolerate. Atomically thin graphene sheets serve as folding hinges during a process of 2D to 3D conversion via a deterministic buckling process. The exceptional mechanical properties of graphene enable the controlled, geometric transformation of a 2D precursor bonded at selective sites on a prestretched elastomer into folded 3D microstructures, in a reversible manner without adverse effects on the electrical properties. Experimental and computational investigations of the folding mechanisms for such types of 3D objects reveal the underlying physics and the dependence of the process on the thickness of the graphene/supporting films that define the hinges.  相似文献   

3D electronic/optoelectronic devices have shown great potentials for various applications due to their unique properties inherited not only from functional materials, but also from 3D architectures. Although a variety of fabrication methods including mechanically guided assembly have been reported, the resulting 3D devices show no stimuli‐responsive functions or are not free standing, thereby limiting their applications. Herein, the stimulus responsive assembly of complex 3D structures driven by temperature‐responsive hydrogels is demonstrated for applications in 3D multifunctional sensors. The assembly driving force, compressive buckling, arises from the volume shrinkage of the responsive hydrogel substrates when they are heated above the lower critical solution temperature. Driven by the compressive buckling force, the 2D‐formed membrane materials, which are pre‐defined and selectively bonded to the substrates, are then assembled to 3D structures. They include “tent,” “tower,” “two‐floor pavilion,” “dome,” “basket,” and “nested‐cages” with delicate geometries. Moreover, the demonstrated 3D bifunctional sensors based on laser induced graphene show capability of spatially resolved tactile sensing and temperature sensing. These multifunctional 3D sensors would open new applications in soft robotics, bioelectronics, micro‐electromechanical systems, and others.  相似文献   

何志明 《包装工程》2018,39(10):188-193
目的研究3D打印技术性因素对产品从内在概念到外在结构与形式的影响,科学地认知该技术在设计方面的价值。重点研究在3D打印技术背景下产品属性及价值、生产与制造、设计、结构与形态等诸方面呈现出新的变化趋势。方法通过对"商品"与"产品"概念变迁的阐述,揭示3D打印技术影响下产品价值与内涵的变迁形式。分析3D打印技术对产品生产制造、造型与结构等方面的影响,进一步理清3D打印技术对产品、产品设计与生产、产品结构与形态等方面影响的形式与程度。结论 3D打印技术在设计范畴、设计观念、设计核心问题等方面突破了传统的设计认知藩篱。通过梳理新技术对产品多方面的影响,从而建立起新技术背景下的设计认知,以实现技术价值与创新设计价值的进一步融合。  相似文献   

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