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Division of labor among monomers within the Mu transposase tetramer   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A single tetramer of Mu transposase (MuA) pairs the recombination sites, cleaves the donor DNA, and joins these ends to a target DNA by strand transfer. Analysis of C-terminal deletion derivatives of MuA reveals that a 30 amino acid region between residues 575 and 605 is critical for these three steps. Although inactive on its own, a deletion protein lacking this region assembles with the wild-type protein. These mixed tetramers carry out donor cleavage but do not promote strand transfer, even when the donor cleavage stage is bypassed. These data suggest that the active center of the transposase is composed of the C-terminus of four MuA monomers; one dimer carries out donor cleavage while all four monomers contribute to strand transfer.  相似文献   

Two mutants of cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) are reported which exhibit unique specificities toward oxidation of small substrates. Ala-147 in CCP is located near the delta-meso edge of the heme and along the solvent access channel through which H2O2 is thought to approach the active site. This residue was replaced with Met and Tyr to investigate the hypothesis that small molecule substrates are oxidized at the exposed delta-meso edge of the heme. X-ray crystallographic analyses confirm that the side chains of A147M and A147Y are positioned over the delta-meso heme position and might therefore modify small molecule access to the oxidized heme cofactor. Steady-state kinetic measurements show that cytochrome c oxidation is enhanced 3-fold for A147Y relative to wild type, while small molecule oxidation is altered to varying degrees depending on the substrate and mutant. For example, oxidation of phenols by A147Y is reduced to less than 20% relative to the wild-type enzyme, while Vmax/e for oxidation of other small molecules is less affected by either mutation. However, the "specificity" of aniline oxidation by A147M, i.e., (Vmax/e)/Km, is 43-fold higher than in wild-type enzyme, suggesting that a specific interaction for aniline has been introduced by the mutation. Stopped-flow kinetic data show that the restricted heme access in A147Y or A147M slows the reaction between the enzyme and H202, but not to an extent that it becomes rate limiting for the oxidation of the substrates examined. The rate constant for compound ES formation with A147Y is 2.5 times slower than wild-type CCP. These observations strongly support the suggestion that small molecule oxidations occur at sites on the enzyme distinct from those utilized by cytochrome c and that the specificity of small molecule oxidation can be significantly modulated by manipulating access to the heme edge. The results help to define the role of alternative electron transfer pathways in cytochrome c peroxidase and may have useful applications in improving the specificity of peroxidase with engineered function.  相似文献   

MDC-15 (ADAM-15, metargidin), a membrane-anchored metalloprotease/disintegrin/cysteine-rich protein, is expressed on the surface of a wide range of cells and has an RGD tripeptide in its disintegrin-like domain. MDC-15 is potentially involved in cell-cell interactions through its interaction with integrins. We expressed a recombinant MDC-15 disintegrin-like domain as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase (designated D-15) in bacteria and examined its binding function to integrins using mammalian cells expressing different recombinant integrins. We found that D-15 specifically interacts with alphavbeta3 but not with the other integrins tested (alpha2beta1, alpha3beta1, alpha4beta1, alpha5beta1, alpha6beta1, alpha6beta4, alphavbeta1, alphaIIbbeta3, and alphaLbeta2). Mutation of the tripeptide RGD to SGA totally blocked binding of D-15 to alphavbeta3, suggesting that D-15-alphavbeta3 interaction is RGD-dependent. When the sequence RPTRGD is mutated to NWKRGD, D-15 is recognized by both alphaIIbbeta3 and alphavbeta3, suggesting that the receptor binding specificity is mediated by the sequence flanking the RGD tripeptide, as in snake venom disintegrins. These results indicate that the disintegrin-like domain of MDC-15 functions as an adhesion molecule and may be involved n alphavbeta3-mediated cell-cell interactions.  相似文献   

Mu transposase is a member of a protein family that includes many transposases and the retroviral integrases. These recombinases catalyze the DNA cleavage and joining reactions essential for transpositional recombination. Here we demonstrate that, consistent with structural predictions, aspartate 336 of Mu transposase is required for catalysis of both DNA cleavage and DNA joining. This residue, although located 55 rather than 35 residues NH2-terminal of the essential glutamate, is undoubtedly the analog of the second aspartate of the Asp-Asp-35-Glu motif found in other family members. The core domain of Mu transposase consists of two subdomains: the NH2-terminal subdomain (IIA) contains the conserved Asp-Asp-Glu motif residues, whereas the smaller COOH-terminal subdomain (IIB) contains a large positively charged region exposed on its surface. To probe the function of domain IIB, we constructed mutant proteins carrying deletion or substitution mutations within this region. The activity of the deletion proteins revealed that domains IIA and IIB can be provided by different subunits in the transposase tetramer. Substitution mutations at two pairs of exposed lysine residues within the positively charged surface of domain IIB render transposase defective in transposition at a reaction step after DNA cleavage but prior to DNA joining. The severity of this defect depends on the structure of the DNA flanking the cleavage site. Thus, these data suggest that domain IIB is involved in manipulating the DNA near the cleavage site and that this function is important during the transition between the DNA cleavage and the DNA joining steps of recombination.  相似文献   

P elements are a family of mobile DNA elements found in Drosophila. P-element transposition is tightly regulated, and P-element-encoded repressor proteins are responsible for inhibiting transposition in vivo. To investigate the molecular mechanisms by which one of these repressors, the KP protein, inhibits transposition, a variety of mutant KP proteins were prepared and tested for their biochemical activities. The repressor activities of the wild-type and mutant KP proteins were tested in vitro using several different assays for P-element transposase activity. These studies indicate that the site-specific DNA-binding activity of the KP protein is essential for repressing transposase activity. The DNA-binding domain of the KP repressor protein is also shared with the transposase protein and resides in the N-terminal 88 amino acids. Within this region, there is a C2HC putative metal-binding motif that is required for site-specific DNA binding. In vitro the KP protein inhibits transposition by competing with the transposase enzyme for DNA-binding sites near the P-element termini.  相似文献   

A central question in protein-DNA recognition is the origin of the specificity that permits binding to the correct site in the presence of excess, nonspecific DNA. In the P22 Arc repressor, the Phe-10 side chain is part of the hydrophobic core of the free protein but rotates out to pack against the sugar-phosphate backbone of the DNA in the repressor-operator complex. Characterization of a library of position 10 variants reveals that Phe is the only residue that results in fully active Arc. One class of mutants folds stably but binds operator with reduced affinity; another class is unstable. FV10, one member of the first class, binds operator DNA and nonoperator DNA almost equally well. The affinity differences between FV10 and wild type indicate that each Phe-10 side chain contributes 1.5-2.0 kcal to operator binding but less than 0.5 kcal/mol to nonoperator binding, demonstrating that contacts between Phe-10 and the operator DNA backbone contribute to binding specificity. This appears to be a direct contribution as the crystal structure of the FV10 dimer is similar to wild type and the Phe-10-DNA backbone interactions are the only contacts perturbed in the cocrystal structure of the FV10-operator complex.  相似文献   

The hypoxanthine-guanine-xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGXPRTase) from Tritrichomonas foetus has been proven to be a target for potential anti-tritrichomonial chemotherapy. Using a structure-based approach, the base-binding region of the active site of this enzyme, which confers unique purine base specificity, was characterized using site-directed mutagenesis. Determining the roles of different active-site residues in purine specificity would form the basis for designing specific inhibitors toward the parasitic enzyme. A D163N mutant converts the HGXPRTase into a HGPRTase, which no longer recognizes xanthine as a substrate, whereas specificities toward guanine and hypoxanthine are unaffected. Apparently, the side-chain carboxyl of Asp163 forms a hydrogen bond through a water molecule with the C2-carbonyl of xanthine, which constitutes the critical force enabling the enzyme to recognize xanthine as a substrate. Mutations of Arg155, which orients and stacks the neighboring Tyr156 onto the bound purine base by forming a salt bridge between itself and Glu11, result in drastic increases in the Kms for GMP and XMP (but not IMP). This change leads to increased kcats for the forward reactions with guanine and xanthine as substrates without affecting the conversion of hypoxanthine to IMP. Thus, the apparent dislocation of Tyr156, resulted from mutations of Arg155, bring little effect on the hydrophobic interactions between Tyr156 and the purine ring. But the forces involved in recognizing the exocyclic C2-substituents of the purine ring, which involve the Tyr156 hydroxyl, Ile157 backbone carbonyl, and Asp163 side-chain carboxyl, may be weakened by the shifted conformation of the peptide backbone resulted from loss of the Glu11-Arg155 salt bridge. The conserved Lys134 was proven to be the primary determinant in conferring the specificity of the enzyme toward 6-oxopurines. By substituting the lysine residue for a serine, which can potentially hydrogen bond to either an amino or an oxo-group, we have successfully augmented the purine specificity of the enzyme. The K134S mutant recognizes adenine in addition to hypoxanthine, guanine, and xanthine as its substrates. Adenine and hypoxanthine are equivalent substrates for the mutant enzyme with similar Kms of 34.6 and 38.0 microM, respectively. The catalysis of an adenine phosphoribosyltransferase reaction by this mutant enzyme was further demonstrated by the competitive inhibition of AMP with an estimated Kis of 25.4 microM against alpha-D-5-phosphoribosyl-pyrophosphate (PRPP) in converting hypoxanthine to IMP. We have thus succeeded in using site-directed mutagenesis to convert T. foetusHGXPRTase into either a HGPRTase or a genuine AHGXPRTase.  相似文献   

The Mu A protein is a 75 kDa transposase organized into three structural domains. By severing the C-terminal region (domain III) from the remainder of the protein, we unmasked a novel non-specific DNA binding and nuclease activity in this region. Deletion analysis localized both activities to a 26 amino acid stretch (aa 575-600) which remarkably remained active in DNA binding and cleavage. The two activities were shown to be tightly linked by site-directed mutagenesis. To study the importance of these activities in the transposition process, an intact mutant transposase lacking the DNA binding and nuclease activity of domain III was constructed and purified. The mutant transposase was indistinguishable from wild-type Mu A in binding affinity for both the Mu ends and the enhancer, and in strand transfer activity when the cleavage step was bypassed. In contrast, the mutant transposase displayed defects in both synapsis and donor cleavage. Our results strongly suggest that the 26 amino acid region in domain III carries catalytic residues required for donor DNA cleavage by Mu A protein. Furthermore, our data suggest that an active site for donor cleavage activity in the Mu tetramer is assembled from domain II (metal ion binding) in one A monomer and domain III (DNA cleavage) in a separate A monomer. This proposal for active site assembly is in agreement with the recently proposed domain sharing model by Yang et al. (Yang, J.Y., Kim, K., Jayaram, M. and Harshey, R.M. [1995] EMBO J., 14, 2374-2384).  相似文献   

To elucidate structure-activity relationships for drugs that are able to poison or inhibit topoisomerase II, we investigated the thermodynamics and stereochemistry of the DNA binding of a number of anthracene derivatives bearing one or two 4, 5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-yl-hydrazone side chains (characteristic of bisantrene) at different positions of the planar aromatic system. An aza-bioisostere, which can be considered a bisantrene-amsacrine hybrid, was also tested. The affinity for nucleic acids in different sequence contexts was evaluated by spectroscopic techniques, using various experimental conditions. DNA-melting and DNase I footprinting experiments were also performed. The location and number of the otherwise identical side chains dramatically affected the affinity of the test compounds for the nucleic acid. In addition, the new compounds exhibited different DNA sequence preferences, depending on the locations of the dihydroimidazolyl-hydrazone groups, which indicates a major role for the side-chain position in generating specific contacts with the nucleic acid. Molecular modeling studies of the intercalative binding of the 1- or 9-substituted isomers to DNA fully supported the experimental data, because a substantially more favorable recognition of A-T steps, compared with G-C steps, was found for the 9-substituted derivative, whereas a much closer energy balance was found for the 1-substituted isomer. These results compare well with the alteration of base specificity found for the topoisomerase II-mediated DNA cleavage stimulated by the isomeric drugs. Therefore, DNA-binding specificity appears to represent an important determinant for the recognition of the topoisomerase-DNA cleavable complex by the drug, at least for poisons belonging to the amsacrine-bisantrene family.  相似文献   

Defining functional regions of the IS903 transposase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The insertion sequence IS903 encodes a 307 amino acid residue protein, transposase, that is essential for transposition. It is a multi-functional DNA-binding protein that specifically recognizes the 18 bp inverted repeats at the ends of the element and also recognizes DNa non-specifically when it captures a target site. In addition, transposase performs catalytic functions when it mediates the cleavage and religation steps of transposition. We have carried out deletion and mutational analyses to define functional domains of the transposase protein. The deletion studies delineate a 99 residue region of the protein (residues 31 to 129) that specifies binding to the inverted repeat. A slightly larger maltose-binding protein-transposase fusion that includes residues 22 to 139 (Tnp 22-139) binds as efficiently and with the same specificity as the full-length transposase protein. Tnp 22-139 also induces a DNA bend similar to that of the wild-type protein, and so we conclude that all binding and bending specificity is contained within the N-terminal domain of the protein. Unlike full-length transposase, Tnp 22-139 forms additional higher-order complexes in band-shift gels suggesting that the deletion has exposed a surface(s) capable of participating in protein-protein interactions. Six highly conserved residues in the C-terminal portion of the protein were mutated to alanine. Each mutant protein was binding-proficient but defective in transposition. The phenotype of these substitutions, and their alignment with residues shown to abolish catalysis of other transposases and integrases, suggest that these are residues responsible for catalytic steps in transposition of IS903; we believe three of these residues comprise the DDE motif, conserved in transposases and integrases. Our data are consistent with IS903 transposase being composed of two domains: an N-terminal domain primarily involved in DNA binding and a C-terminal domain that is involved in catalysis.  相似文献   

The nucleotide and divalent cation requirements of the in vitro iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMo-co) synthesis system have been compared with those of substrate reduction by nitrogenase. The FeMo-co synthesis system specifically requires ATP, whereas both 1,N6-etheno-ATP and 2'-deoxy-ATP function in place of ATP in substrate reduction (M. F. Weston, S. Kotake, and L. C. Davis, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 225:809-817, 1983). Mn2+, Ca2+, and Fe2+ substitute for Mg2+ to various extents in in vitro FeMo-co synthesis, whereas Ca2+ is ineffective in substrate reduction by nitrogenase. The observed differences in the nucleotide and divalent cation specificities suggest a role(s) for the nucleotide and divalent cation in in vitro FeMo-co synthesis that is distinct from their role(s) in substrate reduction.  相似文献   

The ribozyme RNase P absolutely requires divalent metal ions for catalytic function. Multiple Mg2+ ions contribute to the optimal catalytic efficiency of RNase P, and it is likely that the tertiary structure of the ribozyme forms a specific metal-binding pocket for these ions within the active-site. To identify base moieties that contribute to catalytic metal-binding sites, we have used in vitro selection to isolate variants of the Escherichia coli RNase P RNA with altered specificities for divalent metal. RNase P RNA variants with increased activity in Ca2+ were enriched over 18 generations of selection for catalysis in the presence of Ca2+, which is normally disfavored relative to Mg2+. Although a wide spectrum of mutations was found in the generation-18 clones, only a single point mutation was common to all clones: a cytosine-to-uracil transition at position 70 (E. coli numbering) of RNase P. Analysis of the C70U point mutant in a wild-type background confirmed that the identity of the base at position 70 is the sole determinant of Ca2+ selectivity. It is noteworthy that C70 lies within the phylogenetically well conserved J3/4-P4-J2/4 region, previously implicated in Mg2+ binding. Our finding that a single base change is sufficient to alter the metal preference of RNase P is further evidence that the J3/4-P4-J2/4 domain forms a portion of the ribozyme's active site.  相似文献   

The 476 amino acid Tn5 transposase catalyzes DNA cutting and joining reactions that cleave the Tn5 transposon from donor DNA and integrate it into a target site. Protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions are important for this tranposition process. A truncated transposase variant, the inhibitor, decreases transposition rates via the formation of nonproductive complexes with transposase. Here, the inhibitor and the transposase are shown to have similar secondary and tertiary folding. Using limited proteolysis, the transposase has been examined structurally and functionally. A DNA binding region was localized to the N-terminal 113 amino acids. Generally, the N terminus of transposase is sensitive to proteolysis but can be protected by DNA. Two regions are predicted to contain determinants for protein-protein interactions, encompassing residues 114-314 and 441-476. The dimerization regions appear to be distinct and may have separate functions, one involved in synaptic complex formation and one involved in nonproductive multimerization. Furthermore, predicted catalytic regions are shown to lie between major areas of proteolysis.  相似文献   

In previous experiments, the homeodomain proteins even-skipped and fushi-tarazu were found to UV cross-link to a surprisingly wide array of DNA sites in living Drosophila embryos. We now show that UV cross-linking gives a highly accurate measure of DNA binding by these proteins. In addition, the binding of even-skipped and fushi-tarazu proteins has been measured in vitro to the same DNA fragments that were examined in vivo. This analysis shows that these proteins have broad DNA recognition properties in vitro that are likely to be important determinants of their distribution on DNA in vivo, but it also shows that in vitro DNA binding specificity alone is not sufficient to explain the distribution of these proteins in embryos.  相似文献   

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