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我国再生铝产业现状及发展对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍国内、外再生铝产业的发展及现状,指出再生铝产业的优势和我国发展再生铝产业的有利条件,提出了发展我国再生铝产业的对策.  相似文献   

再生铝产业是新兴的资源综合利用产业。作为全球最大的再生铝生产国和消费国,再生铝产业已经成为我国制造业的原材料供应的主渠道之一。中国再生铝产业是一个具有较好发展前景的行业,同时又是一个亟待产业升级的领域。我国是全球铝生产和消费第一大国,巨大的需求使得我国在回收利用废铝方面有着巨大的市场。入世十年,中国再生铝产业发展迅速,再生铝生产在资源利用、节能降耗、减少污染等方面表现出明显优势。因此,国家在限制原铝产能规模的同时,对再生铝行业给予了大力支持。再生铝已成为我国铝工业体系实现可持续发展的重要途径。再生铝行业现状中国加入世界贸易组织以后,在外资和民营资本的推动下,掀起了再生铝  相似文献   

近几年,随着能源、人力等要素成本的增加,众多的产业不堪重负,开始逐渐向西部转移.旨在突破瓶颈制约,特别是有电解铝行业向西部转移的潮水可谓势不可档。于是“再生有色金属产业西部转移”成为行业内外关注的话题。为比,曾经在中国百色金属工业协会再生金属分会工作的戴志雄先生对比提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

近年来,随着资源的日益紧张,环境治理等附加成本的不断提高,再生铝的生产优势日渐凸显。随着我国制造业的发展,特别是汽车工业的发展,再生铝产业得到了有力的扩张,可以说,发展再生铝产业可以解决我国铝行业面临的利润危机、能源困境,符合当今世界铝行业发展的大趋势,符合我国可持续发展和科学发展观相关政策的需要。可以说,再生铝产业能否健康发展也是衡量我国从铝工业大国向铝工业强国转变的风向标。  相似文献   

正再生铝产业具有节约资源、节约能源和保护环境的优势,是铝工业可持续展的重要途径,尤其在我国铝土矿资源匮乏和国家大力推动节能减排、绿色发展以及实施"碳达峰碳中和"战略的形势下,发展再生铝产业具有更加重要的意义。一、我国再生铝产业发展取得的主要成就改革开放以来,历经四十载发展,我国再生铝原料供给不断增加,产业规模不断扩大。"十三五"时期,产业转型升级加快,我国再生铝产业基本完成了从劳动密集型向技术密集型的转变,  相似文献   

本文简单介绍了铝的发展过程及其优势特点,对大力发展再生铝产业的好处和意义进行了比对;并分析了我国再生铝行业存在的诸多问题及和世界发达国家再生铝产业方面的差距,进而提出了一些建议观点;同时指明再生铝是铝工业持续发展实现循环经济不可缺少的资源,应快速高效率的发展我国的废铝回收与再生行业,全面打造绿色产业。  相似文献   

第十四届中国铸造铝合金产业链发展论坛6月在无锡召开,来自中国有色金属工业协会、再生金属分会,上海铝行业协会以及相关科研院所、咨询机构和再生铝冶炼企业的负责人200余位到会,22位专家发表演讲。中国再生铝产业正面临重大转折,如何应对全球通货紧缩,制造业梯度转移带来的巨变,如何应对中国制造业的深刻巨变,是大家共同的焦虑,也是这次论坛的重要话题。目前一些企业已在一带一路沿线开始新布局,面对汽车制造业的迷茫与转型,再生铝产业也处在大调整前夜。  相似文献   

刚刚过去的十·一五是中国再生铝产业蓬勃发展的五年,我国再生铝产量和消费量已位居全球首位,快速发展的再生铝工业与我国制造业特别是汽车摩托车工业的发展息息相关。伴随着中国有色金属工业十二·五规划建议的提交,我国有色金属工业将实现新的产业战略转型。近日,工业和信息化部、科学技术部、财政部联合印发了《再生有色金属产业发展推进计划》,目标是进一步提高再生金属产业集中度,优化产业结构,促进废料的预处理、熔炼、节能环保技术装备水平大幅提升,从而推动我国再生金属产业迈上一个新台阶。  相似文献   

前不久,再生铝行业内传出一种说法——“再生铝行业已经进入微利时代”在行业内引起了广泛的关注。由于再生铝行业具有低能耗低污染的特点,一直都受到国家的鼓励与支持。2004年政府提出扶持再生铝产业发展的思路,3年后的再生铝产业取得了快速发展。可是,在快速发展的同时,为何行业利润却越来越微薄。再生铝企业应该如何看待和应对?微利对再生铝企业意味着什么?  相似文献   

在我国再生铝产业的发展过程中,铸造铝合金是再生铝生产的主要品种。我国汽车工业的快速发展,为再生铝产业提供了广阔的市场空间。然而,由于我国再生铝产业的起步门坎较低,长期以来形成的再生铝产业集中度不高,企业发展水平相差较大,致使再生铝企业的产品档次不高,一直处于产业链的低端。尽管我国再生铝产业很大,却大而不强。中国企业面对如此巨大的汽车零部件市场却苦于找不到路径而在门外徘徊。如何走出发展的低水平扩张阶段,提升再生铝企业的产业档次,推动企业走出微利甚至亏损的境地?这是全行业共同关心的重大课题。2011年初,《资源再生》杂志社和北京中色再生金属研究所在筹划第八届再生铝技术升级研修班的课程设置时就提出,要寻觅一位汽车零部件压铸方面的专家,力图通过汽车零部件压铸生产过程的管理和技术规范的讲解,让研修班的学员通过研修班课程的启蒙,引发各个企业在技术升级上有一个可以起步的突破点。在汽车零部件生产管理方面有着丰富经验而且对汽车工业零部件生产规范十分熟悉的刘燕华女士进入了主办者的视野。几次寻访和深入交谈之后,她所熟悉的TS16949的内涵解析成了研修班课程的一个重要环节。  相似文献   

铝灰是铝工亚一种重要的副产品,其中的铝含量约占铝生产使用过程中总损失量的1%~12%.回收铝灰中的铝资源能降低成本、保护环境、节约能源和提高资源利用率,有着巨大的经济和社会效益.本文总结了铝灰的来源、分类和组成,综述了铝灰中回收金属铝的回收工艺和利用铝灰合成材料工艺,展望了铝灰回收工艺的发展前景,提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

Since its discovery in the late Nineteenth century aluminium becomes an important construction material due to its good mechanical properties such as sufficient strength at low density. Additional advantages are high corrosion resistance as well as low manufacturing forces. Apart from this, aluminium is still very expensive to produce. The energy consumption of the production process is at least twice as much as for steel. Most of the energy consumption takes place at the electrolyse process while aluminium oxide (Al2O3)—recovered from natural bauxite—is divided into unalloyed aluminium named “primary aluminium” and CO2. Contrary to the expensive production of primary aluminium the energy consumption of the recycling process of used aluminium also known as “secondary aluminium” is considerably lower. Given this huge effort in producing primary aluminium, the recycling of aluminium is an important economic and ecological approach. The common recycling method for aluminium is to melt it in a furnace. Except from small-sized scrap like chips, this is an overall efficient recycling method for most aluminium scraps. It can be observed that especially chips suffer high material losses mostly due to contaminants from the production process (cooling lubricant, oil etc.), fire losses (oxidation), slag and unadapted furnace settings. For this reason, several researches examine alternative recycling processes to avoid a melting process and minimize material losses. In this investigation a new non-melting aluminium recycling approach will be validated. For this purpose various chip pressings (turning, milling, sawing) are forged with an upsetting press. It will be shown that it is possible to generate a solid consolidation without pores in areas of high material movement. Furthermore, the effect of a previous sintering operation will be examined.  相似文献   

G. Rombach 《Acta Materialia》2013,61(3):1012-1020
The Raw Materials Initiative of the European Union (EU), which aims to “boost overall resource efficiency and promote recycling to reduce the EU’s consumption of primary raw materials and decrease the relative import dependence”, is currently implemented on the national and industry levels. This paper discusses the interpretation of the different indicators used to evaluate the resource efficiency of materials using the example of aluminium. Aluminium is used mainly in long-life applications, like building, transport and engineering, with only packaging materials having a short lifespan. One inventory in use states that about 700 Mt has been accumulated, accounting for 75% of the primary metal ever produced. This metal stock is the future source of raw material and energy in which we have invested. In 2010 about 50 Mt of aluminium entered the use phase as finished products. In the same year 11 Mt of end-of-life scrap was collected for recycling. In other words, less than a quarter of the current aluminium demand is covered by scrap from used products. It becomes problematical if this statistical indicator is used as a criterion for recycling performance. The recycled content of aluminium products is not low because of inefficient recycling but because of increasing demand for long-life products, driven by the need for the unique metallic properties of the lightweight metal. Consequently, growth in demand and an increasing lifespan determine the share of recycled metal in the global production of aluminium. Additionally, trade in scrap and products influence the regional results.  相似文献   

Among the various steps of aluminium production from liquid metal, a lot of scrap is generated due to machining operations. Therefore, recycling of aluminium scrap is an interesting subject because of the broad applications of this metal and low efficiency of processes used to recycle metal scrap. In this paper, the recyclability of aluminium alloy AA 336 turnings with different cold compacting pressures and a protective salt flux (NaCl–KCl–KF) has been experimentally studied. Various categories of compacted samples were melted at 750 °C in molten aluminium alloy AA 336 and also in the protective salt flux to recover aluminium alloy. In order to understand the amount of recycling of different samples, weight loss measurement was applied. From recyclability stand point it is shown that using protective salt flux is the best route, from the point of view of recyclability. Mechanical properties and chemical analysis of samples were approximately the same as the primary material produced by conventional casting process.  相似文献   

由于镁及镁合金的独特性能,其粉末及粉粒通常用球磨法、铣削法、雾化法生产,特别是铣削法用得最多。几乎所有的镁粉都是用质量分数不低于99.5%的纯镁生产的。2004年全世界的镁粉产量约35kt,相当于镁消费总量的8%左右。镁粉主要用于化学还原剂,镁合金零件半固态注射成形原料,钢水脱硫与球墨铸铁孕育剂,烟花,信号弹等。埃卡粉末公司是全球最大的有色金属粉末生产企业,在世界各地有15个生产工厂,20多个经销网点与办事机构。埃卡公司生产的标准镁粉、粒有34种,还可根据用户要求生产所需成分、粒度及形状的镁粉和镁粒。  相似文献   

In this study, the possibility of solid-state recycling of aluminium alloy machining swarf using cold extrusion and a subsequent cold rolling process is investigated. Cast Al-Si alloy swarf was cold compacted into billets and successfully profile-extruded into square bars with a rectangular cross-sectional aspect ratio of 1:1.8 under an extrusion ratio of 4 or more. After annealing, the extruded bars underwent multi-pass cold rolling into 1-mm thick strips with a total rolling reduction of 85%. Optical microscopy demonstrated that in material recycled using only an extrusion process, coarse residual voids existed in regions where insufficient plastic strain was introduced, causing a visible expansion of the material during heat treatment. However, uniaxial tensile tests showed that extrusion-recycled material had a higher mechanical strength than the original aluminium alloy, implying sufficient bonding among the individual pieces of machining swarf. It was also found that the strength and density of material recycled through extrusion and an additional rolling process were superior to material recycled using extrusion only. Moreover, it was observed that the ductility of the recycled materials was inferior to that of the original aluminium alloy.  相似文献   

系统地回顾了中国铝板、带、箔轧制工业的发展历程,对近几年铝轧制工业在产能、产量、装备技术、产品质量、国内消费及外贸出口等方面所取得的成就进行了详细的阐述,并展望了其发展趋势。经过半个多世纪的发展,中国铝板、带、箔轧制工业取得了举世公认的辉煌成就,特别是2002年以来持续高速的发展,使中国已经成为世界铝板、带、箔轧制工业的大国,正朝向铝轧制强国迈进。  相似文献   

中国铝工业(包括氧化铝工业、原铝工业、铝加工工业)从新中国成立以来经过60年的发展,已成为铝工业大国;现在在向着建设铝工业强国迈进。展望了在未来20多年中,中国铝工业暂不宜再扩大生产能力,其发展重点宜转移到新技术开发、新产品、新技术、新工艺的自主研发,全面提高产品质量,大幅度节能减排方面。  相似文献   

阐述了近年来我国电解铝工业正处于竞相投资、产能快速增加、氧化铝原料价格不断上涨、电力形势日趋紧张的状态。笔者指出,在这一形势下,电解铝企业要加强合作,避免盲目竞争,积极走重组联合、优势互补之路,以保证电解铝工业的持续、健康发展。  相似文献   

汽车用铝合金的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
介绍了铝合金在现代汽车工业中的应用,从合金元素、热处理工艺和冲压成形技术等方面分析了国内外汽车用铝合金的研究现状与发展趋势,指出铝合金是现代汽车工业最理想的材料之一。针对我国汽车用铝合金的开发与应用所存在的问题,提出了加速我国汽车用铝合金发展的建议和对策。  相似文献   

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