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钛合金作为一种重要的航空材料,具有比强度高、耐蚀性好等优异性能,并具有一定的高温蠕变抗力。但是在更高温度下,有限的蠕变抗力限制了钛合金的进一步应用。研究表明,钛合金稳态蠕变过程蠕变激活能与合金的表观扩散激活能非常接近,说明原子的扩散与蠕变过程密切相关。采用第一性原理方法,计算了钛合金中常见的杂质及合金原子的迁移能垒。结果表明,对以空位机制扩散的合金原子,其在基面内迁移的能垒从高到低为Al、V、Ti、Sn、Ta、Mo、Nb、Zr,面间原子迁移由难到易为Al、Sn、V、Ti、Ta、Mo、Nb、Zr。以间隙机制迁移的Co、Fe、Ni迁移能垒较低,与实验观测到的这些原子为快扩散原子相符。  相似文献   

刘学杰  叶勇  赵艳飞  马琴芳 《表面技术》2011,40(2):62-64,91
纳米薄膜的各方面性能和薄膜自身的微观结构是密切相关的,研究原子的迁移行为可以充分了解纳米材料的形成机理以及基本结构.笔者运用第一性原理VASP软件包对粒子的迁移行为进行模拟计算,内容包括模型的建立、原子吸附能的计算以及NEB方法计算迁移激活能.计算结果表明:Ta原子在2Ta2N岛附近的P3和P5位置为两个最稳定吸附,分...  相似文献   

应用基于密度泛函与密度泛函微扰理论的平面波赝势方法计算了一组不同晶格常数下hcp结构金属Zr的声子谱及相应的静态总能,由此得到不同晶格常数下的自由能,由准谐近似及自由能极小判据得到自由能与温度的关系,进而计算了金属Zr热膨胀系数、体弹性模量、定容及定压摩尔热容与温度的关系,计算结果在较宽的温度范围内与实验相符.对热膨胀系数,同时应用Debye-Grüneisen模型进行了计算,并与第一原理方法的结果进行了比较.对摩尔热容的计算考虑了电子的贡献,表明在高温区电子热容的贡献不能忽略.  相似文献   

为研究V元素对Ti合金弹性模量的影响,采用平面波展开的第一原理赝势法,对固溶状态下hcp结构的Ti-V合金的结构、弹性模量进行研究,结果表明V含量小于5.6 at%时合金呈稳定的hcp结构,且随V含量的增加,合金的体弹模量、剪切模量和杨氏模量单调减小,泊松比单调增大。  相似文献   

李贵发  彭平  陈律  胡艳军 《贵金属》2006,27(2):5-13
采用第一原理赝势平面波方法,计算了Fcc-Ag晶体及其Ag(111)、Ag(110)与Ag(100)自由表面的能量、几何与电子结构.根据表面能的计算,预测了Ag表面的结构稳定性,结果表明密排Ag(111)面结构稳定性最好,低指数奇异面Ag(100)面次之,Ag(110)面的结构稳定性最差.通过对不同表面几何与电子结构的比较,初步分析了其结构稳定性差异的产生原因.表面原子驰豫不仅引起表面几何结构的变化,而且使表面层的电子结构与键合特性发生改变.驰豫后表面层原子的部分价电子跑到了表面层以上的真空区,使表面层原子的电子态密度峰形发生变化,还新形成了表面态,这是表面能产生的主要原因,而Ag(110)表面相对于Ag(111)与Ag(110)表面具有高表面活性的主要原因则源于其表面层原子显著的结构驰豫.  相似文献   

利用第一原理计算方法可分析和预测锂-金属氧化物电池正极材料在Li离子嵌入脱出过程中的电势和稳定性等性能。本文详细介绍了第一原理计算方法的理论背景以及目前LiCoO2正极材料计算研究的现状。利用此方法对LiNiO2及多组分材料掺杂进行研究是今后工作的重点。  相似文献   

应用第一原理方法研究通过元素掺杂来抑制SnBi无铅焊料中Bi的电迁移问题.在SnBi体系中掺杂zn和Sb元素,通过用近弹性带方法计算掺杂体系中Bi元素的扩散能垒.结果表明:加入Sb之后,Bi的扩散能垒由原来的0.32 eV升高到0.46 eV,扩散激活能由原来的1.14 eV升高到1.18 eV;加入Zn后,Bi的扩散能垒由原来的0.32 eV升高到0.48 eV,扩散激活能由原来的1.14 eV升高到1.22 eV.由此可得,Zn和Sb的加入都能够提高Bi的扩散激活能,起到抑制扩散的作用.通过分析态密度可知:加入Zn和Sb后,体系中Sb与Bi的p态曲线几乎完全重合,比Sn与Bi的p态曲线重合度高很多,说明sb和Bi的共价键作用很强,且比Sn-Bi的共价键作用强,从而增加Bi的扩散能垒.同样,Zn和Bi的p态曲线重合度也比Sn和Bi的曲线重合度高很多,表明Zn-Bi的共价键同样比sn-Bi的共价键强,所以Zn的加入同样增加Bi的扩散能垒.总结说来,Sb和zn的掺杂能够抑制SnBi焊料中Bi的电迁移.  相似文献   

ZrV2体系的第一原理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于局域密度泛函理论,结合赝势方法,研究了ZrV2-H体系的结构及其能量性质,研究结果表明,H原子填入ZrV2晶胞中的2Zr2V四面体间隙所形成的氢化物最稳定,填入1Zr3V四面体间隙所开成氢化物的稳定性次之,填入4V四面体间隙所形成氢化物的稳定性最差,吸H前后ZrV2合金晶体结构类型不变,随含H量增大,晶格常数增大,当H/ZrV2小于2.0时,ZrV2的氢化物应具有较强的抗粉化能力,H在ZrV2合金中的固溶度小,p-C坪台度,室温平衡压低,有利于贮存氢同位素。  相似文献   

采用第一原理计算立方(c)、四方(t)、单斜(m)结构的氧化锆同质异性体能量,对能量体积变化关系计算发现,在0K下m-ZrO2能量最低,并且单斜相保持到较大温度范围,而t-ZrO2和c-ZrO2则通过热膨胀、应力等体积转变方式而导致能量不同,从而引起结构转变。采用应力应变关系描述其弹性系数,通过Voigt-Reuss-Hill近似表征氧化锆同质异性体的力学性能,计算得到的结果与实验符合较好,研究表明单斜氧化锆的模量明显低于四方和立方结构,是由于其密度降低,导致原子堆垒不紧密和化学键变弱,造成力学性能下降。  相似文献   

张会  王绍青 《金属学报》2012,(7):889-894
La和Nd是镁合金中常用的稀土添加元素,为了帮助理解它们在Mg合金中的强化机制,应用第一原理计算方法,研究了Mg-La和Mg-Nd二元合金的相稳定性.计算结果表明,Mg-La和Mg-Nd合金在Mg12RE和Mg3RE之间的平衡相分别为Mg17La2和Mg41Nd5;La和Nd在Mg中的溶解度大小差别较大,表明者在镁合金中产生强化的机理不同;Mg3Nd具有比Mg12La更大的弹性模量,因而具有更好的强化效果.  相似文献   

对[001]取向DD6单晶合金进行1000°C、300MPa条件下的拉伸蠕变实验,以研究合金的筏化现象以及元素的定向迁移行为,SEM对合金显微组织的观察表明,γ′相在温度和应力的作用下发生了筏化,且筏化方向与应力轴垂直,同时平行于应力轴的基体通道变宽,垂直方向的基体通道逐渐消失。TEM对合金的成分统计分析表明,合金中Al、Re、W元素发生了定向迁移,其中Al向与应力轴平行的基体通道扩散,而Re、W向与应力轴垂直的基体通道扩散,并主要富集于相互垂直的基体通道的交叉区域。  相似文献   

Recently, a large local stress has been found, caused by the change of both the diffusion rate of oxygen through an existing oxide and the rate of chemical reaction at the oxide/oxidized material interface. Since high thermal stress occurs in the thermal barrier coating (TBC) system, the volume expansion of the newly grown oxide, and centrifugal force, the growth rate of the thermally grown oxide (TGO) may change depending on the temperature, the exposure time, and the stress. The aim of this study is to make clear the influence of stress on the growth rate of the TGO thickness under static oxidation. The results show that TGO thickening was affected by the increase of not only the exposure temperature but also the applied stress. The tensile stress in a longitudinal direction in a TBC system due to the applied load makes the oxidant transport and oxide flow more easy, i.e., the tensile stress promotes a volume expansion of newly formed oxide. The increase rate of the TGO thickness was approximately 34% when the applied stress increased from 0 to 205 MPa at 900 °C for 325 h, and approximately 25% when the stress increased from 0 to 150 MPa at 950 °C for 125 h.  相似文献   

The effect of trace levels of Ni on the intermediate temperature creep behavior of the alloy Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo (wt%) has been investigated. Creep experiments were performed in tension over the temperature range 510–565 °C at stress range 138–413 MPa. Two heats of commercial grade Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo with Ni levels of 0.006 and 0.035 wt% were studied. The high Ni material uniformly exhibited higher primary creep strains and minimum strain rates than the lower Ni material. Stress exponents in the range 5–7 and 4–6 were obtained for the high Ni and low Ni material respectively. At 565 °C a transition to a low stress region with a stress exponent equal 1 is found for both materials. At all stress levels, the apparent activation energy was lower for the high Ni material. The apparent activation energy is in excellent agreement with those reported for lattice self-diffusion in -titanium in the presence of fast diffusing impurities. The results also suggest that creep in the higher stress regime is controlled by dislocation motion within the -phase. We suggest that trace levels of Ni in the -phase accelerate self-diffusion therefore increasing the rate of dislocation climb leading to the higher creep rates observed in the high Ni material. In Part II, direct evidence in support of dislocation-based creep being important in both low and high stress regimes is presented.  相似文献   

The evolution of microtwins during high temperature creep deformation in a γ′ strengthened Ni-based superalloy has been investigated through a combination of creep testing, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), theoretical modeling, and computer simulation. Experimentally, microtwin nucleation sources were identified and their evolution was tracked by characterizing the deformation substructure at different stages of creep deformation. Deformation is highly localized around stress concentrators such as carbides, borides and serrated grain boundaries, which act as sources of a/2〈1 1 0〉 matrix-type dislocations. Due to fine channels between the γ′ particles, coupled with a low γ matrix stacking fault energy, the a/2〈1 1 0〉 matrix dislocations dissociate into a/6〈1 1 2〉 Shockley partials, which were commonly observed to be decorrelated from one another, creating extended intrinsic stacking faults in the γ matrix. Microtwins are common and form via Shockley partial dislocations, cooperatively shearing both the γ and γ′ phases on adjacent {1 1 1} glide planes. The TEM observations lead directly to an analysis of dislocation–precipitate interactions. The important processes of dislocation dissociation and decorrelation were modeled in detail through phase field simulations and theoretical analyses based on Orowan looping, providing a comprehensive insight into the microstructural features and applied stress conditions that favor the microtwinning deformation mode in γ′ strengthened Ni-based superalloys.  相似文献   

作者研究了Ti6321合金等轴、双态和魏氏组织室温下706MPa拉伸应力作用200h的蠕变行为,采用透射电子显微镜(TEM)观察了Ti6321合金不同组织拉伸蠕变后的微观组织形貌,并通过迹线法分析了位错滑移类型。结果表明:Ti6321合金等轴组织的蠕变应变最大,双态组织次之,魏氏组织最小。通过对蠕变曲线进行一阶求导,找到蠕变速率变化转折点,得到不同阶段的蠕变应变,发现初始蠕变应变大小与组织中残留的位错量成正相关。Ti6321合金室温蠕变机制主要是位错滑移,拉伸蠕变过程中等轴组织发生了原始胞状位错分解和新位错滑移的形成,该位错为(10-11)<11-23>交滑移;双态组织初始α相发生了{10-10}<11-20>柱面滑移,次生α相发生了 (-1101)<-1-120>锥面滑移;魏氏组织发生了(0001)<-2110>基面滑移,可能发生了(10-11)<10-12>锥面滑移。  相似文献   

Isothermal creep tests on single-crystal Ni-based superalloy sheet specimens show a thickness-dependent creep response that is known as the thickness debit effect. A size-dependent creep response at similar length scales has also been observed in a wide variety of other materials. We focus on Ni-based single-crystal superalloys and present a phenomenological nonlinear parallel spring model for uniaxial creep with springs representing the bulk and possible surface damage layers. The nonlinear spring constitutive relations model both material creep and evolving damage. The number of springs and the spring creep and damage parameters are based, as much as possible, on recent experimental observations of the thickness debit effect under two creep test conditions: a low-temperature, high-stress condition, 760 °C/758 MPa, and a high-temperature, low-stress condition, 982 °C/248 MPa. The bulk damage mechanisms accounted for are the nucleation of cleavage-like cracks from pre-existing voids and, at the higher temperature, void nucleation. The surface damage mechanisms modeled at the higher temperature are an oxidation layer, a γ′-precipitate-free layer and a γ′-precipitate-reduced layer. Model results for the creep response and for the thickness debit effect are in close quantitative agreement with the experimental results. In addition, the model predicts qualitative features of the failure process that are in good agreement with experimental observations. The simplicity of the model also allows parameter studies to be undertaken to explore the relative roles of bulk and surface damage as well as the relative roles of cleavage-like cracking and void nucleation in the bulk.  相似文献   

R. Goodall  T.W. Clyne   《Acta Materialia》2006,54(20):5489-5499
Nanoindentation is being increasingly used to obtain creep parameters. The technique allows interrogation of small volumes and relatively rapid acquisition of data. However, the reliability of the methods used to extract creep parameters from experimental data is largely unproven. In the present work, commonly employed procedures are applied to a wide range of materials, for which the creep parameters are already known. The correlation observed between known values of the stress exponent, n, and those obtained using the indentation method is generally very poor. Possible reasons for this are considered. One concern is that primary creep, or other unsteady deformation mechanisms, may be strongly influencing the observed behaviour throughout the test. Taking such uncertainties into account, a procedure is proposed for ranking creep propensities exhibited during nanoindentation under specified conditions.  相似文献   

A constitutive law for power-law creep of BCC β-Ti is developed, based on experimental data from eight independent studies. The present compilation adds more than twice as many data points as previous analyses, covers nine orders of magnitude in strain rate from 10−7 to 102 s−1, and incorporates recent data for the shear modulus of β-Ti.  相似文献   

对2124铝合金板状试样在185℃,时效5~15 h及试验应力为150~250 MPa条件下,采用RWS50型电子式蠕变松弛试验机进行拉伸蠕变时效成形试验,得到了不同时效时间和试验应力下材料的蠕变应变.通过金相观察、硬度(HV)测试等方法,在185℃×8 h、185℃×12 h,试验应力为200~250 MPa条件下,得到了材料蠕变时效后的金相组织和室温硬度.结果表明,时效时间和试验应力对材料的成形有较大的影响.在185℃×(0~15)h,200 MPa应力条件下,材料的硬度随时效时间的增加而增加.在15 h时,材料达到最大硬度(HV)为136.7.蠕变速率、应变量和晶粒尺寸随时效时间、试验应力的增加而增大.  相似文献   

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