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This study was conducted to determine if glutinous rice flour (GRF) could be a functional food additive to potentially replace corn starch (CS), soy protein isolate (SPI) and/or sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) to improve the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of seasoned beef patties. GRF had a lower cook loss among the treatment groups due to an increase in fat and moisture retentions (p<0.05). GRF lowered texture profile values for hardness, gumminess, springiness, and chewiness (p<0.05) of the patties, which are generally beneficial for this product. The beef patties with GRF were juicier and more tender than the control and other treatments (p<0.05). Hedonic scores for juiciness, tenderness and overall acceptability were the highest for the beef patties with 1 and 3% GRFs, suggesting that GRF may be an effective functional ingredient to improve the textural quality of seasoned beef patties.  相似文献   

Response surface methodology was used to study the effect of flaxseed flour (FS) and tomato paste (TP) addition, from 0 to 10% and 0 to 20% respectively, on beef patty quality characteristics. The assessed quality characteristics were color (L*, a*, and b*), pH and texture profile analysis (TPA). Also, sensory analysis was performed for the assessment of color, juiciness, firmness, and general acceptance. FS addition reduced L* and a* values and decreased weight loss of cooked products (P < 0.05). An opposite effect was observed when TP was added (P < 0.05). All TPA parameters decreased when percentages of FS and TP were increased in the formulation of beef patties. Furthermore, FS and TP addition adversely affected the sensory characteristics of the cooked product (P < 0.05); nevertheless, all sensory characteristics evaluated had an acceptable score (> 5.6). Thus FS and TP are ingredients that can be used in beef patty preparation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of using different amounts of plum puree (5%, 10% or 15%) on some properties of low fat beef patties. Plum puree (PP) was used as an extender in beef patties. Moisture content decreased with increasing concentration of plum puree. Increasing amounts of PP decreased beef patty pH. The highest cooking yield and moisture retention were found in 5% PP samples. Diameter reduction increased and thickness reduction decreased with increasing amounts of PP. The addition of PP to the formulation significantly affected the colour of samples. TBARS values of control samples were higher than in PP added samples at the end of the storage period. Higher PP concentrations in the formulations led to increased juiciness and texture scores. The results indicated that 5% or 10% plum puree can be used as an extender in low fat beef patties.  相似文献   

The importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in health and nutrition is well recognised. Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) has recently gained a lot of attention as functional food because of its unique nutrient profile. In the present work efforts were made to develop omega-3 enriched functional bread using raw and roasted ground flaxseed flour. Initially optimisation of each bread ingredient viz., salt, sugar, and shortening, GMS, yeast and water was carried out on the basis of sensory overall acceptability score. The standardised bread was incorporated with raw and roasted ground flaxseed (5, 10, and 15 g/100 g) flour. The effect of flaxseed incorporation on bread dough rheology parameters viz., dough stickiness and water absorption was studied. Increase in water absorption and dough stickiness was observed with increased flaxseed level. Further breads were evaluated for sensory parameters, colour and texture. The crumb softness increased with increase in flaxseed level. Bread was optimised at 10(g/100 g) flaxseed level based on sensory evaluation.  相似文献   

Beatriz Martínez 《LWT》2011,44(4):949-956
The food intake in developed countries is characterized by a deficient consumption of n-3 fatty acids and fiber. In this study, modified beef patties enriched with polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids and fiber were developed. The texture profile was compared to traditional beef patties, showing lower values for all parameters except springiness. To improve its texture, pretreatments using transglutaminase (TG) and sodium caseinate (C) were assayed by response surface methodology. Mathematical models were obtained and used to determine the effect of TG, C, temperature and time of pretreatment on the texture of beef patties. The overall optimization indicated that a pretreatment with 0.1 U/g of TG at 40 °C for 17 min allowed to have a traditional texture for beef patties enriched in n-3 PUFAs and fiber. The models showed that the addition of caseinate was not needed. Minimal effects of pretreatment were observed on composition, color and cooking loss of the product.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of incorporation of wheat sprout flours (WSF) on lipid oxidation and some quality characteristics of beef patties. Two wheat sprout flour samples (WSF1 and WSF2) were obtained by germination, drying and milling of two different wheat varieties. The beef patties were stored at +4 °C for 6 days or at ?18 °C for 180 days and analysed for their proximate composition, pH, sensory properties, colour parameters and lipid oxidation. TBA formation in WSF‐added patties was reduced approximately by as much as 20% when compared to that of the control at the 180th day of the storage, while favourable results were detectable in the storage period at +4 °C. Again, up to 4% WSF1 or WSF2 incorporation gave acceptable sensorial scores to the beef patties. As a conclusion, it was confirmed that WSF could be incorporated into beef patties to improve their quality parameters and retard lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

The southern region of South America, a subtropical and temperate zone, is an important region for the production of beef and lamb meat, which is mainly produced in extensive pasture-based systems. Because of its content in highly valuable nutrients such as iron, zinc, selenium, fatty acids, and vitamins, meat is a unique and necessary food for the human diet in order to secure a long and healthy life, without nutritional deficiencies. Beef and lamb production systems based on temperate or tropical grasslands show interesting and, in some cases, a differential content in minerals, fatty acids and vitamins. This review deals with the distinctive aspects of the nutritional quality of beef and lamb meat produced in this region in terms of nutritional composition and the bioavailability of key nutrients related to its contribution for a healthy diet for all ages.  相似文献   

This study evaluated composite beef–bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean L.) seed flour patties to determine the effect of bambara groundnut flour (BGF) inclusion on the quality and acceptability of the products. The effect of different levels of BGF (0%, 2.5%, 5.0% and 7.5%) on the proximate composition and pH indicate that BGF had no significant (p ? 0.05) effect on moisture, protein and carbohydrate of raw patties except ash and pH whereas there was significant (p ? 0.05) effect on all the parameters for the cooked patties. BGF significantly (p ? 0.05) reduced the shrinkage of the cooked patties from 9.13% to 6.76%, while percentage cooking yield, moisture retention, and fat retention increased significantly (p ? 0.05) with increasing BGF levels from 79.1% to 87.2%, 67.51% to 78.05% and 73.51% to 88.34%, respectively. The use of BGF significantly (p ? 0.05) increased the pH of cooked patties from 6.16 to 6.23. Beef patties extended with BGF up to 5% addition exhibited good quality attributes most acceptable to the consumers. The pH of the 0% BGF–beef patties decreased significantly during storage, up to day 14, and increased thereafter. However, the pH of the patties with BGF consistently decreased significantly up to day 21. The TBA values of both (0% and 5% BGF–beef patties) increased significantly (p ? 0.05) from 0.054 to 0.25 and from 0.05 to 0.24 mg malonaldehyde/kg, respectively. All sensory attributes decreased significantly (p ? 0.05) as storage time progressed. The physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of the patties were found to be acceptable after 21 days refrigerated storage.  相似文献   

The effects of incorporating lupin flour on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of beef sausages were explored. Lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) flour was roasted, then hydrated to match the moisture content of beef meat. The beef sausage samples were manufactured for six treatments by replacing beef with hydrated lupin flour from 0% to 36% (w/w). Proximate analysis revealed that carbohydrate (dietary fibre) level was increased from 9.62% to 19.31%, whereas fat content was decreased from 11.62% to 7.91%. Inclusion of lupin flour increased the meat emulsion stability (fluid released decreased from 9.35% to 1.53%) and decreased cooking loss from 22.70% to 14.30%. Softer texture and greater adhesiveness were observed in lupin-incorporated formulations. Sensory evaluation indicated no significant difference between control and 12% lupin-enriched beef sausage formulation in appearance, aroma, flavour and overall liking, suggesting lupin flour can be added to beef sausage at this level without compromising consumer acceptance.  相似文献   

The interactive effects of varying levels of salt and fat on the sensory and physiochemical properties of beef patties were investigated. Twenty beef patties with varying levels of fat (30% 40% 50% 60% w/w) and salt (0.5%, 0.75% 1.0% 1.25% 1.5% w/w) were manufactured. All samples were assessed instrumentally for colour, moisture, fat, cooking loss and texture profile analysis. Sensory consumer evaluation was conducted using 25 consumers. The consumers rated each coded product, in duplicate, in terms of colour, texture, tenderness, juiciness, salt, taste, meat flavour, off flavour and overall acceptability. The data indicate that the most consumer acceptable beef patty was that containing 40% fat with a salt level of 1%. This is a 20% decrease in fat and a 50% decrease in salt levels when compared to commercial patties available in Ireland and the UK.  相似文献   

Nutritional, sensory and textural characteristics of defatted mustard flour fortified biscuits were studied to optimize the mustard flour supplement in the blend for making biscuits. The wheat flour was replaced by defatted mustard flour at 5, 10, 15 and 20% incorporation levels in biscuit preparation. The protein content of mustard flour biscuit increased nearly 2.5 times as a result of mustard flour incorporation, coupled with reduction in fat and an increase in fiber content. Sensory evaluation results revealed that the sample containing 15% defatted mustard flour scored highest in most of the attributes including overall acceptability. Textural characteristics of all dough and biscuit upto 15% supplement of defatted mustard flour were similar while at 20% level, the values were significantly different. The study reveals that incorporation of 15% defatted mustard flour gave desirable results in terms of nutritional, sensory and textural attributes of mustard fortified biscuits.  相似文献   

The effect of three frozen storage temperatures (− 8, − 18 and − 80 °C) on protein oxidation in beef patties was studied through the analysis of novel oxidation markers. Additionally, the connection between lipid and protein oxidation and the impact of the latter on particular quality traits (water holding capacity, color and texture) of subsequently processed beef patties (cooking/cold-stored) were investigated. Protein oxidation was measured as the loss of tryptophan fluorescence and formation of diverse lysine oxidation products (α-aminoadipic semialdehyde, α-aminoadipic acid and Schiff bases). Lipid oxidation was assessed by levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and hexanal. A significant effect of storage temperature on protein oxidation was detected. Frozen storage increased the susceptibility of meat proteins to undergo further oxidation during processing. Timely interactions were found between lipid and protein oxidation. Plausible mechanisms by which oxidative damage to proteins may have an impact in particular quality traits are thoroughly discussed.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effects of glutinous rice flour (GRF) on the quality of ground pork patties. Ground pork patties with 3% of GRF showed better quality compared to addition of 1% and 5% of GRF. Addition of 3% GRF was further compared with 0.5% carrageenan, 3% soy protein isolate, 3% corn starch and 3% potato starch in ground pork patties. The cooking yield in GRF group was significantly higher than that of other treatments due to the increase in moisture and fat retentions (P < 0.05). Comparing with other groups, GRF showed lower texture profile values for hardness and chewiness (P < 0.05). The ground pork patties with GRF were juicier, more tender and showed better flavor and overall acceptability compared to control and the treatments with other additives (P < 0.05). The results indicate that GRF could be an effective functional ingredient in ground pork patties.  相似文献   

The physical composition and nutrient content of different age group carcasses and cuts of South African beef from equal fat classes were investigated. Carcasses from three different age groups and various fatness levels within each, were obtained on the commercial market. The physical composition of each right side cut (n = 270) was assessed and analysed for raw nutrient content, while each left side cut was cooked prior to analyses.  相似文献   

This study examined the ability of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to estimate the concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids and their biohydrogenation products in the subcutaneous fat of beef cows fed flaxseed. Subcutaneous fat samples at the 12th rib of 62 cows were stored at − 80 °C, thawed, scanned over a NIR spectral range from 400 to 2498 nm at 31 °C and 2 °C, and subsequently analysed for fatty acid composition. Best NIRS calibrations were with samples at 31 °C, showing high predictability for most of the n−3 (R2: 0.81-0.86; RMSECV: 0.11-1.56 mg g− 1 fat) and linolenic acid biohydrogenation products such as conjugated linolenic acids, conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), non-CLA dienes and trans-monounsaturated fatty acids with R2 (RMSECV, mg g− 1 fat) of 0.85-0.85 (0.16-0.37), 0.84-0.90 (0.21-2.58), 0.90 (5.49) and 0.84-0.90 (4.24-8.83), respectively. NIRS could discriminate 100% of subcutaneous fat samples from beef cows fed diets with and without flaxseed.  相似文献   

The effect of adding Himanthalia elongata seaweed (10–40% w/w) as a source of antioxidants and dietary fibre on physical, chemical, microbial and sensory traits of cooked beef patties was studied throughout chilled storage. Patties with seaweed showed reduced cooking losses and were nearly 50% more tender as compared to patties without seaweed. Microbiological counts and lipid oxidation were significantly lower in patties containing seaweed (< 0.05), and by day 30 of storage, there was no bacterial growth in samples with ≥20% seaweed and lipid oxidation levels were low (0.61 mg malondialdehyde kg?1 of sample). Seaweed incorporation significantly increased the dietary fibre (1.64 g per 100 g fw in 40% seaweed patties), total phenolic content (up to 28.11 mg GAE per 100 g fw) and DPPH radical scavenging activity (up to 52.32%) of patties compared to the control. Sensory analysis indicated that the seaweed patties were accepted by consumers in terms of aroma, appearance, texture and taste. Patties containing 40% seaweed were rated highest in terms of overall acceptability, most likely due to improvement in texture and mouthfeel. Addition of seaweed in the formulation of beef patties leads to the enhancement of the nutritional and technological quality together with an acceptable sensory quality.  相似文献   

Consumers are becoming more aware of the relationships between diet and health and this has increased consumer interest in the nutritional value of foods. This is impacting on the demand for foods which contain functional components that play important roles in health maintenance and disease prevention. For beef, much attention has been given to lipids. This paper reviews strategies for increasing the content of beneficial omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and reducing saturated fatty acids (SFA) in beef. Particular attention is given to intramuscular fat (IMF) and the relationships between fatty acid composition and key meat quality parameters including colour shelf life and sensory attributes. Despite the high levels of ruminal biohydrogenation of dietary PUFA, nutrition is the major route for increasing the content of beneficial fatty acids in beef. Feeding grass or concentrates containing linseed (rich in α-linolenic acid, 18:3n-3) in the diet increases the content of 18:3n-3 and its longer chain derivative eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) in beef muscle and adipose tissue, resulting in a lower n-6:n-3 ratio. Grass feeding also increases docasahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3). Feeding PUFA rich lipids which are protected from ruminal biohydrogenation result in further enhancement of the PUFA in meat with concomitant beneficial improvements in the ratio of polyunsaturated:saturated fatty acids (P:S ratio) and n-6:n-3 ratio. The main CLA isomer in beef is CLA cis-9, trans-11 and it is mainly associated with the triacylglycerol lipid fraction and therefore is positively correlated with level of fatness. The level of CLA cis-9, trans-11 in beef is related to (1) the amount of this isomer produced in the rumen and (2) synthesis in the tissue, by delta-9 desaturase, from ruminally produced trans vaccenic acid (18:1 trans-11; TVA). Feeding PUFA-rich diets increases the content of CLA cis-9, trans-11 in beef. Trans-fatty acids in foods are of rising importance and knowledge of the differential effects of the individual trans isomers is increasing. TVA is the major trans 18:1 isomer in beef and as the precursor for tissue CLA in both animals and man should be considered as a neutral or beneficial trans-isomer. Increasing the content of n-3 PUFA in beef can influence colour shelf life and sensory attributes of the meat. As the content of n-3 PUFA increases then sensory attributes such as "greasy" and "fishy" score higher and colour shelf life may be reduced. Under these situations, high levels of vitamin E are necessary to help stabilise the effects of incorporating high levels of long chain PUFA into meat. However, grass feeding not only increases n-3 PUFA and CLA but, due to its high content of vitamin E, colour shelf life is improved. It is evident that opportunities exist to enhance the content of health promoting fatty acids in beef and beef products offering opportunities to add value and contribute to market differentiation. However, it is imperative that these approaches to deliver "functional" attributes do not compromise on the health value (lipoperoxidation) or the taste of beef products.  相似文献   

面粉添加剂偶氮甲酰胺代谢物联二脲的HPLC-MS/MS检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了面粉添加剂偶氮甲酰胺(azodicarbonamide,ADA)在加工过程中产生的联二脲(biurea,HDC)的HPLC-MS/MS检测方法。以纯水为溶剂提取后用LC-18SPE小柱净化;液相分离采用氨基柱,流动相为V(CH3CN):V(H2O)=70:30;MS/MS采用ESI正离子模式,多反应监测MRM,外标法定量测定HDC的含量;监测离子对(m/z)为119/76(定量离子)、119/59(定性离子)。结果显示检出限为0.1μg/kg,回收率为89.00%~102.73%,相对标准偏差不大于5.0%(n=5)。   相似文献   

Changes in chemical composition, with special reference to fatty acids, as affected by cooking, were studied in low-salt (0.5%)/low-fat patties (10%) with added Wakame (3%) and partial or total replacement of pork backfat with olive oil-in-water emulsion. The addition of Wakame and olive oil-in-water emulsion improved (P < 0.05) the binding properties and the cooking retention values of moisture, fat, fatty acids and ash, which were close to 100%. Partial and total replacement of animal fat with olive oil-in-water emulsion reduced (P < 0.05) saturated fatty acids (SFAs), while total replacement also reduced (P < 0.05) polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFAs) contents. The fatty acid concentration in cooked patties was affected by product formulation. Unlike the case of all animal fat patties, when olive oil was added the cooking process increased (P < 0.05) SFAs, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and PUFA n-3 (linolenic acid) and n-6 (linoleic acid) contents. Cooked formulated patties with seaweed and partial or total replacement of pork backfat by oil-in-water emulsion and with seaweed added were less calorie-dense and had lower SFAs levels, while samples with olive oil had higher MUFAs levels.  相似文献   

首先对高蛋白质面粉提取设备-面粉气流分级机的结构和工作原理做了简要的介绍。使用中试实验设备,分析了不同转速和风量下面粉分级提取的效果,并在生产中进行了现场生产技术指标的测定。结果表明,气流分级技术能够有效地解决面粉生产中高蛋白质面粉的提取问题,为高筋粉的生产提供了一条有效的途经。  相似文献   

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