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视频点播(VOD)是目前广受网络用户欢迎的应用服务,而节目调度问题始终是VOD系统方案设计和实现中的一个重要问题。该文针对互联网的用户点播特点,从用户行为和节目流行度入手,详尽分析了系统体系和用户点播流程。通过改进基于流行度的节目调度策略,采用每个节目不同片段分块备份存储和不同时间实时调度相结合的方案。实验表明,该方案的边缘Server资源利用率较高,系统能达到较好的服务性能。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of multimedia synchronization based on scheduling the transmission of multimedia documents in a networked environment. Assuming channels with different bandwidth and delay characteristics are established between the multimedia server and the client, we formulate the scheduling problem to ensure interstream and intrastream synchronization as a parallel processor scheduling problem. Since the heterogeneous parallel processor scheduling problem is NP-hard, we propose two heuristic algorithms with time complexity ofO(n log n+nm), wherenis the number of data units to be scheduled andmthe number of channels available. We also develop an enumerative algorithm to obtain the exact solutions. Extensive computational simulations reveal that the heuristics consistently obtain near-optimal solutions. From the simulation results, we also identify special structures of multimedia documents along with characteristics of the available channels which affect the relative performance of the algorithms.  相似文献   

Recent technology advances have made multimedia on-demand services feasible. One of the challenges is to provide fault-tolerant capability at system level for a practical video-on-demand system. The main concern on providing fault recovery is to minimize the consumption of system resources on the surviving servers in the event of server failure. In order to reduce the overhead on recovery, we present three schemes for recovering faulty playbacks through channel merging and sharing techniques on the surviving servers. Furthermore, to evenly distribute the recovery load among the surviving servers, we propose a balanced dispatch policy that ensures load balancing in both the normal server conditions and the presence of a server failure.  相似文献   

胖树中的分布式动态容错路由   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向云计算的超大规模互连网络增加了对网络容错的要求,容错已成为互连网络的重要问题.为了保证网络的高可用性和高性能,文中基于胖树网络拓扑提出了一种分布式的动态容错路由方法.该方法通过引入一套链路失效消息传播机制和一套基于链路失效信息的动态容错路由算法来实现胖树网络的分布式动态容错.相比已有方法,该方法不增加网络硬件和路由路径长度,并且具有高执行效率和高性能.实验结果表明,在m端口交换机构成的胖树中,该方法可以容忍任意m/2-1条失效链路并以高概率容忍更多条失效链路的组合,同时保持网络的高性能.  相似文献   

为了解决分布式计算系统回卷恢复容错的验证评估问题,设计一种分布式计算系统的回卷恢复容错算法的仿真机制,依据分布式计算系统回卷恢复容错的总体架构,将分布式计算系统中的节点任务过程使用离散事件模拟,在网络系统仿真工具的应用层增加支持多任务回卷恢复容错仿真的模块,并设计用于回卷恢复容错仿真的结构、功能模块和系统参数设定。结果表明本文提出的仿真机制能够实现分布式计算系统的回卷恢复容错算法的模拟验证,为不同容错算法间对比、改进与优化提供参照。   相似文献   

基于延迟主动副版本的分布式实时容错调度算法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
主/副版本备份技术是分布式系统常用的实时容错调度方法,然而传统的主动方式副版本即使在无处理机故障时也需要在备份处理机上完全运行,增加了处理机消耗.提出一种基于固定优先级调度算法的延迟主动副版本(deferred active backup-copy)备份技术,该技术通过尽量向后调度主动方式的副版本,并在主版本成功执行时终止副版本的执行来减少备份的冗余度.在此基础上,提出一种基于该技术的以最小化处理机数目为优化目标的启发式任务分配算法--基于延迟主动副版本的最佳适应算法DABCBF(deferred active backup-copy based best-fit algorithm).DABCBF在保证系统的实时性和容错能力的前提条件下,通过尽量减少主版本的最坏响应时间来最大程度地减少冗余,以节省处理机.最后通过仿真实验,证明了算法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

分布式多媒体系统的设计要点   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
分布式多媒体系统由于其管理的信息的特点,其设计和实现在许多方面不同于一般的分布式系统。本文根据国内外研究的情况,从系统结构、服务器、客户机、网络等方面讨论分布式多媒体系统的设计要点,重点讨论服务策略和服务质量控制问题。  相似文献   

针对分布式环境提出一种容错的文件数据复制与更新机制,其算法/协议建立在分布式算法理论的基础上,具有较强的容错性、故障恢复透明性和较高的效率,支持服务器同步和异步两种复制模式以及客户机启动与服务器启动两种工作方式。该机制可广泛应用于Internet分布式文件系统、分布式数据库、WEB镜像服务器以及分布式软件分发、群集服务器等应用中。  相似文献   

异构分布式系统中实时周期任务的容错调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗威  阳富民  庞丽萍  涂刚 《计算机学报》2007,30(10):1740-1749
提出一个基于抢占性实时周期任务的可靠性调度模型,该模型与现有可靠性模型相比充分考虑了单处理机故障容错情况下的系统可靠性,因而更加接近现实和精确.在此基础上,提出一个基于异构分布式系统的实时容错调度算法IRDFTAHS,IRDFTAHS算法以提高系统的可靠性为目标来进行任务的分配,从而在不增加硬件代价的前提条件下通过调度增加了系统的可靠性.该算法同时支持主动和被动两种方式的副版本,使得容错调度算法具有更大的灵活性.最后,通过仿真实验对IRDFTAHS和现有的调度算法在几个方面进行比较.实验结果表明,IRDFTAHS算法的综合性能优于现有算法.  相似文献   

We propose a new, low-cost fault-tolerant structure for the hypercube that employs spare processors and extra links. The target of the proposed structure is to fully tolerate the first faulty node, no matter where it occurs, and almost fully tolerate the second, meaning that the underlying hypercube topology can be resumed if the second faulty node occurs at most locations—expectantly 92% of locations. The unique features of our structure are that (1) it utilizes the unused extra link-ports in the processor nodes of the hypercube to obtain the proposed topology, so that minimum extra hardware is needed in constructing the fault-tolerant structure and (2) the structure's node-degrees are low as desired—the primary and spare nodes all have node-degrees of n + 2 for an n-dimensional hypercube. The number of spare nodes is one fourth of primary nodes. The reconfiguration algorithm in the presence of faults is elegant and efficient. The proposed structure also effectively enhances the diagnosability of the hypercube system. It is shown that the diagnosability of the structure is increased to n + 2, whereas an ordinary n-dimensional hypercube has diagnosability n.  相似文献   

利用现有的商用并行、分布式计算机系统本身所固有的冗余可以实现低成本的容错。为了提高整个分布式计算机系统的可靠性,将系统中的故障结点与正确结点隔离至关重要。文章提出了一个有效的分布式系统级故障诊断算法:在利用系统中各结点机有限的故障检测能力的基础上,将所有的故障结点从系统中隔离,并测试了该算法对系统性能的影响。  相似文献   

分布式系统中软件可靠性是应用软件的发布者和用户关心的重要问题。针对大规模分布式应用,包括电子政务、电子商务、多媒体服务和端到端的自动化解决方案,已经产生了各种各样的模型来评价或预测其可靠性,但是这些系统的可靠性问题依然存在。相反,为了确保分布式系统的可靠性,要求在预测或评价整个系统可靠性之前,检查与企业分布式应用相关的每一个单个构件或因素的可靠性,且实现透明的错误检测和错误恢复机制为用户提供无缝交互。因此,文章从检查单个构件可靠性的角度,提出了在分布式系统上运行的应用软件可靠性的问题和挑战。  相似文献   

一般来说,异构分布式实时系统中任务的周期并不完全相同且任务的时限不等于它们的周期,同时系统中还有一些无容错需求的任务.因此现有的任务调度算法一般不能满足这些要求.针对这类系统,在结合基版本/副版本技术和EDF算法的基础上,给出了一种新的容错调度算法.该算法由两部分组成:任务分配调度算法和单处理器调度算法.对于单处理器调度算法,本文采用了EDF算法;在此基础上,给出一种启发式静态任务分配算法.分析了系统的可调度性,给出了任务可调度条件和基版本/副版本时限的设置方法.仿真结果表明,这种算法是有效的.  相似文献   

A next generation distributed system is expected to adapt to various changes of both the users' requirements and the operational conditions of environment where the distributed system operates. The aim of our research is to establish a new design model of an adaptive distributed system (ADS) to deal with various changes occurred in the system environment. In this paper, we propose an agent-based architecture of ADS, based on the agent-based computing paradigm. Then, we implement a prototype of the ADS with respect to videoconferencing applications and also evaluate the adaptive functions of the ADS realized on the basis of the proposed architecture.  相似文献   

Checkpoint and rollback recovery is a well‐known technique for providing fault tolerance to long‐running distributed applications. Performance of a checkpoint and recovery protocol depends on the characteristics of the application and the system on which it runs. However, given an application and system environment, there is no easy way to identify which checkpoint and recovery protocol will be most suitable for it. Conventional approaches require implementing the application with all the protocols under consideration, running them on the desired system, and comparing their performances. This process can be very tedious and time consuming. This paper first presents the design and implementation of a simulation environment, distributed process simulation or dPSIM, which enables easy implementation and evaluation of checkpoint and recovery protocols. The tool enables the protocols to be simulated under a wide variety of application, system, and network characteristics. The paper then presents performance evaluation of five checkpoint and recovery protocols. These protocols are implemented and executed in dPSIM under different simulated application, system, and network characteristics. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The ftIO-system provides portable and fault-tolerant file-I/O by enhancing the functionality of the ANSI C file system without changing its application programmer interface and without depending on system-specific implementations of the standard file operations. The ftIO-system is an extension of the porch compiler and its runtime system. The porch compiler automatically generates code to save bookkeeping information about ftIO's transactional file operations in portable checkpoints. These portable checkpoints can be recovered on a binary incompatible architecture. We developed a new algorithm for supporting transactional file operations in ftIO. Rather than using the well-known two-phase commit protocol, this algorithm uses only a single bit of information and an atomic rename file operation to guarantee fault tolerance. In this paper, we describe our new ftIO algorithm, discuss design choices for ftIO, and provide experimental data of our ftIO prototype.  相似文献   

The application of the tolerance paradigm to security - intrusion tolerance - has been raising a reasonable amount of attention in the dependability and security communities. In this paper we present a novel approach to intrusion tolerance. The idea is to use privileged components - generically designated by wormholes - to support the execution of intrusion-tolerant protocols, often called Byzantine-resilient in the literature.The paper introduces the design of wormhole-aware intrusion-tolerant protocols using a classical distributed systems problem: consensus. The system where the consensus protocol runs is mostly asynchronous and can fail in an arbitrary way, except for the wormhole, which is secure and synchronous. Using the wormhole to execute a few critical steps, the protocol manages to have a low time complexity: in the best case, it runs in two rounds, even if some processes are malicious. The protocol also shows how often theoretical partial synchrony assumptions can be substantiated in practical distributed systems. The paper shows the significance of the TTCB as an engineering paradigm, since the protocol manages to be simple when compared with other protocols in the literature.Published online: 29 October 2004This work was partially supported by the EC, through project IST-1999-11583 (MAFTIA), and by the FCT, through the Large-Scale Informatic Systems Laboratory (LASIGE) and projects POSI/1999/CHS/33996 (DEFEATS) and POSI/CHS/39815/2001 (COPE).  相似文献   

VOD系统设计经验   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
张鸿  戚大波 《计算机工程与设计》2004,25(9):1610-1611,1614
目前市场上VOD系统迅速发展,但大多数系统在多个方面均有不足之处,特别是在稳定性、容错性等方面。介绍了一个VOD系统,包括体系结构设计、负载均衡、故障转移和数据库动态搜索加载技术,在低成本的条件下实现了较高的稳定性和可靠性。  相似文献   

虞浩泽  李善平 《计算机工程与设计》2005,26(5):1380-1383,1398
提出了分布式可扩展的VOD系统结构,扩展性的研究能够提供更多的并发流服务。从系统结构及工作流程、基于CORBA的通讯、负载均衡及存储技术等方面论述了系统的扩展性。测试结果表明,该系统可以适应不同规模的VOD应用。  相似文献   

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