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介绍一种利用风能资源、具有发电和提水等功能的风力发电提水机组。这是一种很有应用价值和发展前途的装置,非常适合边远山区和农村等地区的农业灌溉及生活用电等。  相似文献   

Twide.  J 魏建明 《新能源》1992,14(1):14-17

王福星 《新能源》1997,19(11):17-21
扼要回顾了风力离心泵提 应用和发展历史,介绍了几个时期机型的特点和规格参数,分析了发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文概述了我国风力提水技术的现状,指出了风力提水行业中存在的主要问题,对今后我国风力提水的发展目标和任务提出了设想。  相似文献   

通过小型风力发电提水试验研究,探讨了离网型风力发电机组发电提水的优越性。与传统的风力提水机组相比,小型风力发电提水系统具有设备简单、适应性强和匹配性好等优点。  相似文献   

吴双群  刘志璋  赵丹平  吉平 《新能源》2000,22(12):71-73
在同样叶轮直径,同样运行条件下可对变行程与不变行程风力提水机进行了对比实验,实验结果表明,在低风速度下,可变行程风力提水机的性能与不变行风力提水机相比差别不大;但在高风速下,可变行程风力提水机具有提水量大,效率高,泵运行转速稳定等优点,极具开发利用价值。  相似文献   

浓缩风能型风力发电提水系统及其仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宋海辉  田德 《太阳能学报》2011,32(10):1556-1559
将浓缩风能型风力发电机组应用于提水系统,设计控制系统,满足功率控制和最大风能捕获的要求,应用Matlab/Simulink建立该系统仿真模型,对风速阶跃变化情况进行仿真,证明了该系统的合理性及控制策略的可行性和正确性.  相似文献   

变行程风力提水技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡玉龙  郑培  刘建江 《可再生能源》2007,25(4):76-78,82
研究了以变行程技术实现机械式风力提水机风轮与活塞泵在宽风速范围的高效匹配问题.文章对变行程风力提水技术的基本原理进行了分析;提出了风轮与活塞泵最佳匹配时行程随风速变化的关系式;研究了变行程提水机组的工作特性;采用瑞利分布对机组投运后的出力进行了预测.研究结果表明,变行程技术对改善风力提水机组的工作特性有明显效果.  相似文献   

我国风力机械行业近况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李德孚 《新能源》1998,20(1):37-41

胡其颖 《太阳能》2006,(3):36-38
由于风机单机功率越大每千瓦小时风电成本越低,因此,近年来德国、丹麦、美国主要风机生产厂家纷纷推出大功率风机,以适应全球风机市场对大功率风机愈来愈旺盛的需求。表1为Enercon、Multib-  相似文献   

An attempt has been made, may be first time in Saudi Arabia, to utilize power of the wind for pumping the water for remotely located inhabitants not connected with national power grid. Small turbines of 1–10 kW have been chosen in conjunction with Goulds 45 J model water pumps to produce energy from wind and pump water using the produced energy at Arar, Rawdat Ben Habbas and Juaymah localities in Saudi Arabia. Wind speed measurements made at different heights using 40 m tall towers have been utilized in the present work. Higher wind speeds were noticed during summer time compared to winter time at all the locations. Both energy yield and cost of energy point of view, 2.5 kW wind turbine from Proven was found to be most suitable for wind power generation at all sites. It is shown that annual total water pumping capacity of 30,000 m3 is possible from a depth of total dynamic head of 50 m when using 2.5 kW Proven wind turbine with hub heights 15–40 m at all three sites with cost of water pumping as low as 1.28 US¢/m3.  相似文献   

While many remote water pumping systems exist (e.g. mechanical windmills, solar photovoltaic, wind-electric, diesel powered), few combine both the wind and solar energy resources to possibly improve the reliability and the performance of the system. In this paper, off-grid wind turbine (WT) and solar photovoltaic (PV) array water pumping systems were analyzed individually and combined as a hybrid system. The objectives were to determine: (1) advantages or disadvantages of using a hybrid system over using a WT or a solar PV array alone; (2) if the WT or solar PV array interfered with the output of the other; and (3) which hybrid system was the most efficient for the location. The WT used in the analysis was rated at 900 W alternating current (AC). There were three different solar PV arrays analyzed, and they were rated at 320, 480, and 640 W direct current (DC). A rectifier converted the 3-phase variable voltage AC output from the WT to DC before combining it with the solar PV array DC output. The combined renewable energies powered a single helical pump. The independent variable used in the hybrid WT/PV array analysis was in units of W/m2. The peak pump efficiency of the hybrid systems at Bushland, TX occurred for the 900 W WT combined with the 640 W PV array. The peak pump efficiencies at a 75 m pumping depth of the hybrid systems were: 47% (WT/320 W PV array), 51% (WT/480 W PV array), and 55% (WT/640 W PV array). Interference occurred between the WT and the different PV arrays (likely due to voltage mismatch between WT and PV array), but the least interference occurred for the WT/320 W PV array. This hybrid system pumped 28% more water during the greatest water demand month than the WT and PV systems would have pumped individually. An additional controller with a buck/boost converter is discussed at end of paper for improvement of the hybrid WT/PV array water pumping system.  相似文献   

风力发电技术讲座(六) 风电场及风力发电机并网运行   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风电场(即风力发电场)是大规模利用风能的有效方式.风电场是在风能资源良好的较大范围内,将几台、或几十台、或几百台单机容量数十千瓦、数百千瓦,乃至兆瓦的风力发电机,按一定的阵列布局方式,成群安装组成的向电网供电的群体.  相似文献   

为了最大限度地减少风机停机时间和提高风机发电量,基于风机功率曲线特性,结合多元统计Hotelling T~2控制图,提出了一种风力发电机性能及故障监测方法。首先,根据SCADA系统历史数据集,应用粒子群算法(PSO)寻优最小二乘支持向量机的模型,构造风电机组参考功率曲线。然后,计算风场各风机功率特性的多元峰度、多元偏度,将其偏离参考曲线的程度作为评估风力发电机性能的指标。最后,监测风机发生故障的时刻,引入用于监测风机的Hotelling T~2多变量质量控制图。将该方法用于某风场1.5 MW级风力发电机,实例表明,该算法可以有效地对风电机组状态及故障进行监测,为风电机组的故障识别及分析提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

In this paper, the hourly measured wind speed data for years 2003–2005 at 10 m, 30 m and 60 m height for Kingdom of Bahrain have been statically analyzed to determine the potential of wind power generation. Extrapolation of the 10 m data, using the Power Law, has been used to determine the wind data at heights of 30 m and 60 m. Weibull distribution parameters have been estimated and compared annually and on monthly bases using two methods; the graphical method and the another method, designated in this paper as approximated method, which depends on the standard deviation and average wind speed. The maximum power density for 10 m, 30 m and 60 m heights were found to be 164.33 W/m2, 624.17 W/m2 and 1171.18 W/m2 in February, respectively while the minimum power density were 65.33 W/m2, 244.33 W/m2 and 454.53 W/m2 in October, respectively. The average annual wind power density was found to be 114.54 W/m2 for 10 m height, 433.29 W/m2 for 30 m height and 816.70 W/m2 for 60 m height. Weibull probability function, using Weibull parameters estimated from the approximated method, has shown to provide more accurate prediction of average wind speed and average power density than the graphical method. In addition, the site matching of wind turbine generators at 30 m and 60 m heights has been investigated by estimating the capacity factors of various commercially available wind turbines generators. The monthly and annual variation of capacity factors have been studied to ensure optimum selection of wind turbine generators.  相似文献   

风 风能 风力发电——21世纪新型清洁能源   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一风的一般属性1风的形成风是人们非常熟悉的一种自然现象,人人都能感觉到它的存在。春风和煦,给万物带来生机;夏风吹拂,使人心旷神怡;秋风送爽,带来丰收的喜悦;冬风呼啸,迎来漫天飞雪。那么风是怎样形成的呢?众所周知,人类生活的地球表面被大气所包围,来自太阳的辐射不断传送到地球表面,因太阳辐射受热情况不同,地球表面各处的气温不同。在影响气压高低的因素中,气温起着最重要的作用。温度高的地区空气受热上升,气压减小;温度低的地方,空气下降,气压增大,于是产生了气压差。和水往低处流一样,空气也从气压高处向气压…  相似文献   

风力发电技术讲座(二)风力机的工作原理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 升力与阻力 当气流流经如图1所示的翼型叶片时,叶片上面气流速度增高,压力下降,叶片下面几乎保持原来的气流压力,于是叶片受到了向上的作用力F。此力可分解成与气流方向平行的力FX(称为阻力)和与气流方向垂直的力FY(称为升力)。  相似文献   

近年来出现和发展的风力提水泵站,在工程设计中还存在着很多的缺陷.一些风力提水工程运行效率低,有些不能很好地发挥作用.根据多年风力提水泵站的建设和设计经验,从工程的选址、机型的选择、参数的确定和蓄水及输水问题等方面,介绍了风力提水泵站的设计方法和步骤.  相似文献   

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