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The constitutive transport elements (CTEs) of type D retroviruses are cis-acting elements that promote nuclear export of incompletely spliced mRNAs. Unlike the Rev response element (RRE) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), CTEs depend entirely on factors encoded by the host cell genome. We show that an RNA comprised almost entirely of the CTE of Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (CTE RNA) is exported efficiently from Xenopus oocyte nuclei. The CTE RNA and an RNA containing the RRE of HIV-1 (plus Rev) have little effect on export of one another, demonstrating differences in host cell requirements of these two viral mRNA export pathways. Surprisingly, even very low amounts of CTE RNA block export of normal mRNAs, apparently through the sequestration of cellular mRNA export factors. Export of a CTE-containing lariat occurs when wild-type CTE, but not a mutant form, is inserted into the pre-mRNA. The CTE has two symmetric structures, either of which supports export and the titration of mRNA export factors, but both of which are required for maximal inhibition of mRNA export. Two host proteins bind specifically to the CTE but not to non-functional variants, making these proteins candidates for the sequestered mRNA export factors.  相似文献   

Retroviral nucleocapsid proteins (NCPs) are CCHC-type zinc finger proteins that mediate virion RNA binding activities associated with retrovirus assembly and genomic RNA encapsidation. Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (MPMV), a type D retrovirus, encodes a 96-amino acid nucleocapsid protein, which contains two Cys-X2-Cys-X4-His-X4-Cys (CCHC) zinc fingers connected by an unusually long 15-amino acid linker. Homonuclear, two-dimensional sensitivity-enhanced 15N-1H, three-dimensional 15N-1H, and triple resonance NMR spectroscopy have been used to determine the solution structure and residue-specific backbone dynamics of the structured core domain of MPMV NCP containing residues 21-80. Structure calculations and spectral density mapping of N-H bond vector mobility reveal that MPMV NCP 21-80 is best described as two independently folded, rotationally uncorrelated globular domains connected by a seven-residue flexible linker consisting of residues 42-48. The N-terminal CCHC zinc finger domain (residues 24-37) appears to adopt a fold like that described previously for HIV-1 NCP; however, residues within this domain and the immediately adjacent linker region (residues 38-41) are characterized by extensive conformational averaging on the micros-ms time scale at 25 degrees C. In contrast to other NCPs, residues 49-77, which includes the C-terminal CCHC zinc-finger (residues 53-66), comprise a well-folded globular domain with the Val49-Pro-Gly-Leu52 sequence and C-terminal tail residues 67-77 characterized by amide proton exchange properties and 15N R1, R2, and (1H-15N) NOE values indistinguishable to residues in the core C-terminal finger. Twelve refined structural models of MPMV NCP residues 49-80 (pairwise backbone RMSD of 0.77 A) reveal that the side chains of the conserved Pro50 and Trp62 are in van der Waals contact with one another. Residues 70-73 in the C-terminal tail adopt a reverse turn-like structure. Ile77 is involved in extensive van der Waals contact with the core finger domain, while the side chains of Ser68 and Asn75 appear to form hydrogen bonds that stabilize the overall fold of this domain. These residues outside of the core finger structure are conserved in D-type and related retroviral NCPs, e.g., MMTV NCP, suggesting that the structure of MPMV NCP may be representative of this subclass of retroviral NCPs.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the cellular protein Crm1 mediates human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Rev-dependent nuclear export posits that Crm1 can directly interact both with the Rev nuclear export signal (NES) and with cellular nucleoporins. Here, we demonstrate that Crm1 is indeed able to interact with active but not defective forms of the HIV-1 Rev NES and of NESs found in other retroviral nuclear export factors. In addition, we demonstrate that Crm1 can bind the Rev NES when Rev is assembled onto the Rev response element RNA target and that Crm1, like Rev, is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttle protein. Crm1 also specifically binds the Rev NES in vitro, although this latter interaction is detectable only in the presence of added Ran . GTP. Overexpression of a truncated, defective form of the nucleoporin Nup214/CAN, termed DeltaCAN, that retains Crm1 binding ability resulted in the effective inhibition of HIV-1 Rev or human T-cell leukemia virus Rex-dependent gene expression. In contrast, DeltaCAN had no significant affect on Mason-Pfizer monkey virus constitutive transport element (MPMV CTE)-dependent nuclear RNA export or on the expression of RNAs dependent on the cellular mRNA export pathway. As a result, DeltaCAN specifically blocked late, but not early, HIV-1 gene expression in HIV-1-infected cells. These data strongly validate Crm1 as a cellular cofactor for HIV-1 Rev and demonstrate that the MPMV CTE nuclear RNA export pathway uses a distinct, Crm1-independent mechanism. In addition, these data identify a novel and highly potent inhibitor of leucine-rich NES-dependent nuclear export.  相似文献   

Virus assembly represents one of the last steps in the retrovirus life cycle. During this process, Gag polyproteins assemble at specific sites within the cell to form viral capsids and induce membrane extrusion (viral budding) either as assembly progresses (type C virus) or following formation of a complete capsid (type B and type D viruses). Finally, the membrane must undergo a fusion event to pinch off the particle in order to release a complete enveloped virion. Structural elements within the MA region of the Gag polyprotein define the route taken to the plasma membrane and direct the process of virus budding. Results presented here suggest that a distinct region of Gag is necessary for virus release. The pp24 and pp16 proteins of the type D retrovirus Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (M-PMV) are phosphoproteins that are encoded in the gag gene of the virus. The pp16 protein is a C-terminally located cleavage product of pp24 and contains a proline-rich motif (PPPY) that is conserved among the Gag proteins of a wide variety of retroviruses. By performing a functional analysis of this coding region with deletion mutants, we have shown that the pp16 protein is dispensable for capsid assembly but essential for virion release. Moreover, additional experiments indicated that the virus release function of pp16 was abolished by the deletion of only the PPPY motif and could be restored when this motif alone was reinserted into a Gag polyprotein lacking the entire pp16 domain. Single-amino-acid substitutions for any of the residues within this motif confer a similar virion release-defective phenotype. It is unlikely that the function of the proline-rich motif is simply to inhibit premature activation of protease, since the PPPY deletion blocked virion release in the context of a protease-defective provirus. These results demonstrate that in type D retroviruses a PPPY motif plays a key role in a late stage of virus budding that is independent of and occurs prior to virion maturation.  相似文献   

A captive-born rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) experimentally infected with simian immunodeficiency virus developed neurologic abnormalities approximately seven months postinoculation. A chronic necrotizing encephalomyelitis with intralesional protozoal schizonts was diagnosed histologically. The protozoa was identified as Sarcocystis neurona based on its morphologic characteristics by light and electron microscopic examination, the developmental stages of the schizonts, and positive staining with antisera against Sarcocystis cruzi by immunocytochemical techniques. Although S. neurona may be confused with Toxoplasma gondii by light microscopy, the former lacks rhoptries, is in direct contact with the host cell cytoplasm, and divides by endopolygeny. Sarcocystis neurona has recently been identified as an etiologic agent of encephalomyelitis in horses, raccoons, and mink.  相似文献   

Germline mutation in mice of the retinoic acid receptor gene RXRalpha results in a proliferative failure of cardiomyocytes, which leads to an underdeveloped ventricular chamber and midgestation lethality. Mutation of the cell cycle regulator N-myc gene also leads to an apparently identical phenotype. In this study, we demonstrate by chimera analysis that the cardiomyocyte phenotype in RXRalpha-/- embryos is a non-cell-autonomous phenotype. In chimeric embryos made with embryonic stem cells lacking RXRalpha, cardiomyocytes deficient in RXRalpha develop normally and contribute to the ventricular chamber wall in a normal manner. Because the ventricular hypoplastic phenotype reemerges in highly chimeric embryos, we conclude that RXRalpha functions in a non-myocyte lineage of the heart to induce cardiomyocyte proliferation and accumulation, in a manner that is quantitatively sensitive. We further show that RXRalpha is not epistatic to N-myc, and that RXRalpha and N-myc regulate convergent obligate pathways of cardiomyocyte maturation.  相似文献   

The drill monkey has been shown by serology and PCR to harbor a unique simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVdrl). A pol sequence, amplified from uncultured peripheral blood cells, is most closely related to the equivalent SIV sequences from the red-capped mangabey (SIVrcm), the sabaeus African green monkey (SIVagmSAB), and the chimpanzee (SIVcpz) and to the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) sequence of humans. It is as yet unclear whether SIVdrl has a mosaic genome like SIVrcm and SIVagmSAB, is a member of the SIVcpz/HIV-1 lineage, or represents a novel primate lentivirus lineage.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE AND IMPORTANCE: Dural arteriovenous fistulas of the superior sagittal sinus (SSS) account for 8% of intracranial dural fistulas. Their association with a thrombosis of the posterior part of the SSS is rare. In such cases, the usual neurosurgical and endovascular approaches cannot provide a good technical solution for treatment of the lesion, and a combined neurosurgical and neuroradiological approach is therefore needed. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: A 68-year-old man presented with rapidly evolving dementia. Cerebral angiography revealed a dural arteriovenous fistula of the SSS associated with thrombosis of the posterior part of the SSS. Various endovascular and neurosurgical approaches failed to cure the fistula. INTERVENTION: A burr hole was drilled in the frontal region, in the neurosurgical room. The patient was then transferred to the angiographic room, and the SSS was occluded using free spirals. CONCLUSION: This procedure led to a complete anatomic cure of the fistula, and a slow clinical improvement was observed.  相似文献   

A 17 month field study of unprovisioned patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas pyrrhonotus) in Laikipia, Kenya, using both ad libitum and scan sampling techniques, revealed that the diet of patas monkeys consists primarily of gum of Acacia drepanolobium, arthropods (both free-living and concentrated in the swollen thorns of A. drepanolobium), and other animals. This type of diet is normally found only in smaller-bodied primates. Results from vegetational transects suggest that the larger-bodied patas monkey can subsist on such a diet because gum and arthropods are relatively easily found in their habitat, thereby minimizing search time. Patas monkeys also spend more time moving and less time feeding (while not moving) than other Old World primates. The characteristic long limbs of patas may have evolved in response to feeding on small, nonusurpable, and widely distributed foods, in which access to foods is maximized while time and energy spent in terrestrial travel between food sites are minimized.  相似文献   

The nuclear export of importin-alpha is mediated by CAS, which is related to importin-beta, whereas the mechanism for the export of importin-beta remains unclear. In this study, we demonstrate that the nuclear export of importin-beta is mediated by the nuclear pore complex-binding domain of this molecule. Insensitivity to leptomycin B indicates that its export is not mediated by a leucine-rich nuclear export signal-specific receptor, CRM1. Furthermore, the nuclear export of importin-beta was not inhibited by co-injection with a GTPase-deficient Ran mutant (G19V). The cell line tsBN2 contains a temperature-sensitive point mutation in the RCC1 gene, which encodes a guanine nucleotide exchange factor of Ran. At the nonpermissive temperature, importin-beta was exported from the nucleus of these cells, even when RanGAP1, a GTPase-activating protein for Ran, was co-injected. These results not only provide support for the view that Ran-dependent GTP hydrolysis is not required for the nuclear export of importin-beta but also indicate that nuclear RanGTP is not essential for its export. As a result, we propose that importin-beta can be recycled from the nucleus alone in a Ran-independent manner.  相似文献   

Sixteen isozyme markers have been assigned to the chromosome complement of the neotropical primate species Ateles paniscus chamek using three somatic cell hybrid panels. Several genetic associations were found to be common between humans and this species, despite the fact that Ateles is a karyologically rearranged taxon. Conversely, several human gene clusters were disrupted, resulting in gene associations not previously found in other primates. A comparison with other primates and mammalian orders, for which gene maps are available, was carried out for a comprehensive evaluation of genome evolution in these disparate taxa.  相似文献   

CAPS is a neural/endocrine-specific protein discovered as a cytosolic factor required for Ca2+-activated dense-core vesicle (DCV) exocytosis in permeable neuroendocrine cells. We report that CAPS is also a membrane-associated, peripherally bound protein in brain homogenates that localizes Selectively to plasma membranes and to DCVs but not to small clear synaptic vesicles (SVs). CAPS exhibits high affinity and saturable binding to DCVs by interaction with bilayer phospholipids. Specific CAPS antibodies inhibit Ca2+-activated norepinephrine release from lysed synaptosomes that contain membrane-associated CAPS, indicating that membrane-bound CAPS is essential for neural DCV exocytosis. CAPS is a functional component of the exocytotic machinery that localizes selectively to DCVs, and it may confer distinct regulatory features on neuropeptide and biogenic amine transmitter secretion.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of bacitracin upon growth of the producer strain Bacillus licheniformis ATCC 10716 was dependent upon the presence of several different metal (II) ions, particularly Mn (II), Co (II), or Zn (II) ions. This supports our previous suggestion that the normal function of bacitracin during growth of the producer organism may be to promote the uptake of several divalent metal ions. Due to the striking similarity between the antimicrobial effect of bacitracin towards susceptible organisms and the effect of bacitracin towards the producer organisms B. licheniformis ATCC 10716, the possibility that the antimicrobial effect of bacitracin may be an induction of uptake of toxic amounts of metal ions is discussed. The possibility that peptide antibiotics may normally participate in ion transport during growth of producer organisms is also discussed.  相似文献   

Glycogen from the thermophilic eubacterium Thermus thermophilus has been characterized by enzymatic, chemical and spectroscopic analysis. With an average chain length of seven glucose units, the glycogen from T. thermophilus is one of the most highly branched glycogens known. In contrast to other bacterial species, in T. thermophilus, accumulation of glycogen appears not be affected by low nitrogen concentration. For the first time, alpha-glucan phosphorylase activity and glycogen content were measured throughout the growth cycle of T. thermophilus in order to gain insight into glycogen metabolism. In contrast to the situation that prevails in Escherichia coli, additional carbon sources had no effect on alpha-glucan phosphorylase activity in T. thermophilus. Maximal activity of the thermophilic enzyme was found in the early logarithmic phase of growth, suggesting a function of the alpha-glucan phosphorylase in T. thermophilus as an outgrowth-specific enzyme.  相似文献   

A great deal of cellular functions are regulated by changes in intracellular calcium concentration. Calmodulin, a low molecular weight cytoplasmic protein is basically involved in this regulation through a calcium-dependent interaction with various enzyme systems. The review discusses the chemical and physiological basis of calcium and calmodulin actions in the cell interior. Describes calcium-regulation of various functions in red cells, platelets and leukocytes.  相似文献   

The NIb protein of tobacco etch potyvirus (TEV) possesses several functions, including RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and nuclear translocation activities. Using a reporter protein fusion strategy, NIb was shown to contain two independent nuclear localization signals (NLS I and NLS II). NLS I was mapped to a sequence within amino acid residues 1 to 17, and NLS II was identified between residues 292 and 316. Clustered point mutations resulting in substitutions of basic residues within the NLSs were shown previously to disrupt nuclear translocation activity. These mutations also abolished TEV RNA amplification when introduced into the viral genome. The amplification defects caused by each NLS mutation were complemented in trans within transgenic cells expressing functional NIb, although the level of complementation detected for each mutant differed significantly. Combined with previous results (X. H. Li and J. C. Carrington, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:457-461, 1995), these data suggest that the NLSs overlap with essential regions necessary for NIb trans-active function(s). The fact that NIb functions in trans implies that it must interact with one or more other components of the genome replication apparatus. A yeast two-hybrid system was used to investigate physical interactions between NIb and several other TEV replication proteins, including the multifunctional VPg/proteinase NIa and the RNA helicase CI. A specific interaction was detected between NIa and NIb. Deletion of any of five regions spanning the NIb sequence resulted in NIb variants that were unable to interact with NIa. Clustered point mutations affecting the conserved GDD motif or NLS II within the central region of NIb, but not mutations affecting NLS I near the N terminus, reduced or eliminated the interaction. The C-terminal proteinase (Pro) domain of NIa, but not the N-terminal VPg domain, interacted with NIb. The effects of NIb mutations within NLS I, NLS II, and the GDD motif on the interaction between the Pro domain and NIb were identical to the effects of these mutations on the interaction between full-length NIa and NIb. These data are compatible with a model in which NIb is directed to replication complexes through an interaction with the Pro domain of NIa.  相似文献   

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