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利用含红砖的再生细骨料100%替代天然砂,制备生态干混砂浆,研究了用水量、再生粉料掺量和外加剂掺量对干混砂浆力学性能的影响.结果表明:当再生粉料和外加剂掺量不变时,砂浆强度随着用水量的增大而降低,但56 d强度增长率反而增大;当再生粉料掺量和用水量不变时,外加剂掺量的增加对砂浆各龄期的强度均有负面影响;当外加剂掺量和用... 相似文献
张道令吕常胜张春涛徐超余祖胜谌柳 《混凝土与水泥制品》2017,(8):91-94
分析了建筑垃圾再生细骨料在干混砂浆中应用的经济性,并对其在干混砂浆中应用时存在的问题进行了研究。结果表明,用建筑垃圾中红砖破碎的砖砂由于吸水率高,会造成砂浆2h稠度损失率严重超标,但通过技术手段可以使其有效降低,满足相关标准要求。另外,砖砂的加入会使砂浆早期强度逐渐降低,但随着砖砂掺量的增加,砂浆后期强度的增长率逐渐增加,使得砂浆28d抗压强度随砖砂掺量的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势。 相似文献
将郑州地区城改拆迁产生的建筑垃圾破碎筛分后,按照《混凝土和砂浆用再生细骨料》分为II、III两类,作为再生细骨料利用。通过试验对影响再生砂浆强度的再生细骨料类别、水泥和粉煤灰总量、粉煤灰掺合率、再生细骨料取代率四因素进行研究,得出建议配合比。研究结果表明:各因素对不同强度砂浆的影响作用一致,但对28 d抗压、抗折影响的主次顺序不同,其抗压强度主次顺序为:水泥和粉煤灰总量再生细骨料取代率粉煤灰掺合率,抗折强度主次顺序为:水泥和粉煤灰总量粉煤灰掺合率再生细骨料取代率;不同类别再生细骨料不同强度砂浆抗压、抗折强度建议配合比不同,考虑到砌筑砂浆以抗压强度为主,取抗压强度建议配合比作为再生砂浆建议配合比。 相似文献
分类再生细骨料对建筑砂浆性能影响的试验研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
将不同来源的废弃混凝土破碎筛分后,按照《混凝土和砂浆用再生细骨料》分为I、II、III类,依据《建筑砂浆基本性能试验方法标准》对这三类再生细骨料设计五种不同取代率的水泥砂浆标准试块,测定其和易性和抗压强度,并对取代率为100%的再生砂浆界面结合区的微观形貌进行观察。试验结果表明:I、II、III类再生细骨料所配制的砂浆和易性和强度依次降低;控制稠度在60~90 mm时,随取代率的增大,用水量增大,保水性降低,强度降低;通过SEM观察,II类再生细骨料与水泥石黏结较好,强度也较高。建议I类再生细骨料取代率不宜超过50%,II、III类再生细骨料不宜超过30%。 相似文献
伴随城市建设发展,建筑垃圾已成为城市管理中一个棘手的问题,建筑垃圾对城市环境的影响也日趋严重,同时城市建设也使城市周边的砂石等原材料消耗殆尽。实现建筑垃圾资源化利用,将是解决这两个矛盾的必由之路。在这种背景下,我们开展利用再生骨料配制M5-M20再生砂浆试验研究,探索建筑垃圾资源化利用的有效途径。 相似文献
再生细骨料是硬化的水泥砂浆颗粒和水泥颗粒组成。本文用废旧混凝土破碎产生的再生细骨料部分或全部代替天然细骨料来配制砂浆,通过采用固定配合比和调整减水剂、用水量两种方法,研究了再生细骨料取代率对砂浆性能的影响。 相似文献
在国内建筑垃圾再生利用研究中,相对于再生粗骨料,再生细骨料的研究缺乏完整、统一、科学的理论依据。本文根据再生混凝土细骨料的特征,综合考虑其物理和化学改性,进行再生细骨料在应用方面的可行性研究。 相似文献
This paper reports an experimental study that aimed to investigate the effects of recycled clay brick, used as a part of fine aggregate, on mortar durability. The brick, in crushed form, was from a local brick manufacturer that salvages its off-standard products. It was used to replace 10% and 20% (by weight) of the river sand in mortar. Effects of the brick replacement on the mortar flow, compressive strength, shrinkage, freeze–thaw resistance, and alkali–silica reaction potential were investigated. The results showed that as the brick replacement level increased, the mortar flowability reduced. The 10% and 20% brick replacements had no negative effect on the mortar compressive strength and very limited effect on the mortar shrinkage. The freeze–thaw resistance of the mortar was improved by the brick replacement. However, the use of crushed brick as aggregate appeared not to reduce potential alkali–silica reaction. The microscopy study revealed the alkali–silica reaction product and associated cracking in the mortar. Additional study indicated that the brick aggregate used in the study had pessimum proportion, 30%, for the alkali–silica reaction expansion. 相似文献
细集料对砂浆抗渗性能的影响 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
1 前 言水泥防水砂浆作为刚性防水材料 ,在防渗、堵漏工程中应用广泛。水泥防水砂浆的品种很多 ,抗渗性能也有所不同 ,但其组成材料不外乎为水泥、细集料和改性材料。细集料主要起骨架作用 ,本文研究表明砂子的细度模数大小对防水砂浆抗渗性能有着不同的影响。2 原材料(1)砂子 :选用细砂、中砂、粗砂 ,其技术数据详见表 1。(2 )水泥 :选用 42 5R普通硅酸盐水泥 ,其主要性能指标见表 2。表 1 细度模数不同的河砂性能对比规格 细度模数μf含泥量/ %泥块含量/ %堆积密度/ (kg/m3 )紧密密度/ (kg/m3 )空隙率/ %累计筛余 / %筛孔尺寸… 相似文献
Yasser SHARIFI Mahmoud HOUSHIAR Behnam AGHEBATI 《Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering》2013,7(4):419
With increasing environmental pressure to reduce solid waste and to recycle as much as possible, the concrete industry has adopted a number of methods to achieve this goal by replacement of waste glass with concrete composition materials. Due to differences in mixture design, placement and consolidation techniques, the strength and durability of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) may be different than those of conventional concrete. Therefore, replacement of waste glass with fine aggregate in SCC should deeply be investigated compared to conventional concretes. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of glass replacement with fine aggregate on the SCC properties. In present study, fine aggregate has been replaced with waste glass in six different weight ratios ranging from 0% to 50%. Fresh results indicate that the flow-ability characteristics have been increased as the waste glass incorporated to paste volume. Nevertheless, compressive, flexural and splitting strengths of concrete containing waste glass have been shown to decrease when the content of waste glass is increased. The strength reduction of concrete in different glass replacement ratios is not remarkable, thus it can be produced SCC with waste glass as fine aggregate in a standard manner. 相似文献
为拓宽建筑垃圾资源化的应用途径,对建筑垃圾进行破碎和筛分处理,将得到的再生细骨料作为细集料,以水泥作为胶凝材料,粉煤灰作为矿物掺合料,制备干混砂浆。研究了天然河砂与建筑垃圾再生细骨料基本物理性能的异同。研究发现,在用水量相同时,再生细骨料干混砂浆的抗折强度和抗压强度明显高于天然河砂干混砂浆;当粉煤灰掺量为10%时,干混砂浆的力学性能最优,干混砂浆的28d抗折强度为7.81MPa,抗压强度为41.06MPa;粉煤灰掺加量占胶凝材料10%~25%时,对干混砂浆力学性能影响不大,可以作为干混砂浆的基本配比参数应用。 相似文献
研究以粉煤灰、普通硅酸盐水泥和不同细骨料(矿渣、炉底渣、玻化微珠、EPS)为主要材料配制保温砌筑砂浆的导热系数、收缩率、干密度、抗冻性和力学性能.结果表明,细骨料对保温砌筑砂浆强度的贡献大小为:矿渣、炉底渣膨化微珠EPS.保温砌筑砂浆的导热系数随着干密度的减小而减小,在相同条件下,采用EPS作细骨料的砂浆导热系数最小,玻化微珠的次之,矿渣的最大.选用不同的细骨料,可配制不同强度等级的保温砌筑砂浆. 相似文献