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马明 《太阳能》2022,(2):68-72
本文介绍了一种可应用于房车的光伏发电系统,该系统安装在房车车顶,主要由光伏阵列、切换装置、独立运行模块、并网运行模块及自动升降支架组成.光伏阵列通过自动升降支架与房车车顶连接,该支架可保证光伏阵列随时处于接收太阳直射光的最佳角度,增加光伏阵列接收的太阳辐射量,从而提高光伏发电量.该光伏发电系统通过光伏组件将太阳能转换为...  相似文献   

9月5日,欧瑞康太阳能推出一款新型薄膜光伏组件,凭借154Wp的稳定组件功率和10.8%的转换效率创下了新纪录。这意味着和过去的峰值功率相比,又提高了8%。到2013年初,这款破纪录的组件将会在欧瑞康太阳能ThinFabTM生产线上实现量产,从而大大减低生产成本。  相似文献   

建立了光伏-温差热电混合发电模块的数学模型,导出模块的输出功率和效率表达式,对混合发电模块进行了仿真及试验,揭示了光伏-温差热电混合发电模块的性能特性。研究结果表明,使用混合发电模块可实现能源的梯级利用,提高太阳能的利用率和系统的效率及输出功率。  相似文献   

正根据目前发展趋势,业内预计到2020年,中国晶体硅太阳能光伏组件价格将下降至每瓦0.4美元左右(仍低于IEA预测的国际平均价格水平),2020年之后到2030年,光伏组件的售出价格下降幅度可能低于组件成本下降幅度。尽管如此,由于光伏发电技术的发展,高效电池或其他新型电池的研发和普及,带来转换效率的提升和使用寿命的延长,将会导致太阳能光伏发电成本的进一步下降。届时,太阳能光伏组件的成本占电站总成本的比例也将显著下降,同时,投资贷款利率  相似文献   

钱伯章 《太阳能》2011,(11):57-58
太阳能EPIA:全球光伏组件装机量乐观预期将增27%欧洲光伏产业协会(EPIA)近日就2011年的光伏市场前景作出预测,2011年全球光伏市场将继续出现强劲的增长,但同时警告说,如果政策支持力度减少,光伏市场也将会出现下滑。欧洲光伏产业协会在一份全球太阳能市场前景报告中称,从乐观角度来看,2011年全球光伏组件新的安装量将会达到21.145GW,比2010年  相似文献   

研究一种快装式光伏光热(PVT)一体化热电联产系统,该系统将先进的微热管集热技术应用到分布式光伏发电领域,在不增加任何占地空间的基础上,快速实现真正的光伏光热一体化组件及热电联产系统。通过真实系统搭建,并经过试验数据验证,该系统不仅能够抑制太阳电池板工作时的温度升高,还能在一定程度上提高发电效率,光伏背板所产生的热能还可为用户提供热水需求,从而较大程度提高光电转换效率和低温热量利用率,实现更高的综合效率。  相似文献   

太阳能光伏光热建筑一体化系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太阳能光伏光热一体化不仅能够有效降低光伏组件的温度,提高光伏发电效率,而且能够产生热能,从而大大提高了太阳能的转换效率。对光伏光热建筑一体化(BIPV/T)系统的两种主要模式:水冷却型和空气冷却型系统的工作原理和系统模型进行了理论介绍,详细说明了两种系统中热产品在家庭中的应用。并对目前研究情况下两个系统中存在的问题提出了改进方案。与常规建筑相比,光伏光热建筑减少了墙体得热,改善了室内空调负荷状况,提高了建筑节能效果。  相似文献   

张兴科 《中外能源》2012,17(3):32-36
减少我国冬季采暖所造成的大气污染,降低供暖系统的能耗,节约能源一直是建筑节能追求的目标.目前太阳能光伏发电已经成为人类利用太阳能的最主要方式之一,地源热泵已被作为一项旨在解决建筑冷热源问题的新技术,日渐受到人们的重视.将光伏转换与热泵循环有机结合在一起,从而形成了太阳能光伏-地源热泵系统.该系统提高了光电转换和光热吸收效率,光电/光热综合利用,极大地提高了单位面积太阳辐照的利用效率,同时可提高热泵系统在寒冷地区运行的适用性;利用光电效应把太阳能中高能带区域的光能直接转化成电能,可大大提高太阳能的可用能效率;在增加能量储存装置和逆变器的条件下,可以使系统脱离公用电网运行,从而增加了系统的适用性和灵活性;与普通的空气源热泵相比,太阳能地源热泵具有较高的热性能,具有一机多用的功效;与建筑物相结合的太阳能热泵系统,可以增加建筑物的隔热效果,起到减少建筑物冷暖负荷的作用,同时可极大地减少环境污染.  相似文献   

首先,光伏是光生伏打的简称,简单来说就是光转变成电的一种现象。根据这种效应生产的产品应该都可以算得上光伏产品了。太阳能光伏产品:光伏模块及组件、光伏模块及组件生产设备、农村光伏发电系统、光伏设备安装及配件、并网光伏系统及光伏输配电器材等.  相似文献   

太阳能光电/光热一体化系统主要由光伏电池组件和太阳能集热器组成,可同时实现光伏发电和光热利用,从而有效地提高了太阳能的综合利用效率。文章首先从光伏组件和光热部件着手,分析了PV/T系统的结构和各项性能;然后,概述了目前常用的PV/T热水系统性能评估方法;最后,提出了在推广PV/T系统时还须解决的问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt is made to evaluate the thermal performance of a hybrid photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) air collector system. The two type of photovoltaic (PV) module namely PV module with glass-to-tedlar and glass-to-glass are considered for performance comparison. The results of both PV modules are compared for composite climate of New Delhi. Analytical expression for solar cell, back surface, outlet air temperatures and an overall thermal efficiency are derived for both cases. It is observed that hybrid air collector with PV module glass-to-glass gives better performance in terms of overall thermal efficiency. Parametric studies are also carried out.  相似文献   

The appropriateness of regulatory methods to characterise the toxicity of photovoltaic (PV) modules was investigated to quantify potential environmental impacts for modules disposed of in landfills. Because solar energy is perceived as a green technology, it is important to ensure that end-of-life issues will not be detrimental to solar energy's success. United States Environmental Protection Agency Method 1311, California waste extraction test, and modified versions of both were performed on a multi-crystalline silicon module and cells and a copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) module. Variations in metal leachate concentrations were found with changes in testing parameters. Lead concentrations from the multi-crystalline module ranged from 16.2 to 50.2?mg/L. Cadmium concentrations from the CIGS module ranged from 0.1 to 3.52?mg/L. This raises doubt that regulatory methods can adequately characterise PV modules. The results are useful for developing end-of-life procedures, which is a positive step towards avoiding an e-waste problem and continuing trends of increasing installation and cost reduction in the PV market.  相似文献   

The behavior of amorphous silicon∥micro crystalline silicon (a-Si∥μc-Si) tandem-type photovoltaic (PV) module is complex because the output current is limited by the lower current component cell. Also, the outdoor behaviors are not fully understood. The impact of environment factors on solar cell parameters of a-Si∥μc-Si PV module was quantitatively analyzed and the module was compared with other silicon-based PV modules (single crystalline silicon (sc-Si) and amorphous silicon (a-Si)). The contour maps of solar cell parameters were constructed as a function of irradiance and module temperature. The contour map of a-Si∥μc-Si PV modules is similar to that of a-Si modules. The results imply that output characteristics of a-Si∥μc-Si PV modules are mainly influenced by the a-Si top cell. Furthermore, the efficiency of a-Si∥μc-Si PV modules was compared other solar cell parameters and the contour map of efficiency is similar to that of fill factor.  相似文献   

Producer responsibility and recycling solar photovoltaic modules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rapid expansion of the solar photovoltaic (PV) industry is quickly causing solar to play a growing importance in the energy mix of the world. Over the full life cycle, although to a smaller degree than traditional energy sources, PV also creates solid waste. This paper examines the potential need for PV recycling policies by analyzing existing recycling protocols for the five major types of commercialized PV materials. The amount of recoverable semiconductor material and glass in a 1 m2 area solar module for the five types of cells is quantified both physically and the profit potential of recycling is determined. The cost of landfill disposal of the whole solar module, including the glass and semiconductor was also determined for each type of solar module. It was found that the economic motivation to recycle most PV modules is unfavorable without appropriate policies. Results are discussed on the need to regulate for appropriate energy and environmental policy in the PV manufacturing industry particularly for PV containing hazardous materials. The results demonstrate the need to encourage producer responsibility not only in the PV manufacturing sector but also in the entire energy industry.  相似文献   

将弧形光伏组件安装在建筑和汽车上获取电能,已受到人们越来越多的关注。为获得更高的输出功率,有必要研究由互连太阳能电池组成的、电流不匹配的弧形光伏组件的特性。研究重点关注由串并联太阳能电池组成的弧形光伏组件的发电性能,设计了不同曲率的非平面微型光伏模块,并通过测量获取光伏模块的参数。与平面光伏模块相比,弧形光伏模块的发电量较小。此外,利用二极管模型分析了光伏模块的特性,说明并联比串联功率高的原因。最后研究了实际应用中太阳能电池的互连问题。结果表明,在理想模型下并联能获取更多电能,但大尺寸的光伏模块会产生更大电流,可能会在实际运行中产生额外损耗。因此,在实际应用中设计弧形光伏组件时也应考虑太阳能电池的互连。  相似文献   

为解决太阳电池的发电效率随温度升高而下降以及地源热泵系统供热引起的土壤热失衡问题,以典型居住建筑的光伏/光热-地源热泵(PV/T-GSHP)联合供热系统为研究对象,基于TRNSYS软件,采用土壤温度、地源热泵机组季节能效比、光伏发电效率和太阳能保证率为评价指标,对该联合供热系统进行运行性能分析。研究结果表明:夏热冬冷地区(以长沙为例)太阳能保证率相对较高,PV/T组件面积为满屋顶最大化安装(900 m2)时,第20年末土壤温度相比初始地温仅升高0.8 ℃,热泵机组季节能效比约为5.1,太阳能保证率为97.0%~98.7%;不同气候地区的太阳能保证率与PV/T组件面积和建筑全年累计供热量有关,通过定义单位建筑全年累计供热量PV/T组件面积指标,得到中国不同气候地区的太阳能保证率与该指标的耦合关系,回归方程的决定系数R2为0.983,得出在已知建筑全年累计供热量和太阳保证率设计目标值的条件下所需PV/T组件面积的计算方法。PV/T-GSHP联合供热系统的全年运行能耗显著小于平板太阳能集热器-地源热泵联合系统(最小降幅为沈阳,49.7%),远小于空气源热泵(最小降幅为石家庄,79.8%)和燃气壁挂炉(最小降幅为沈阳,65.1%)。  相似文献   

In this study, the potentiality and economic viability of solar photovoltaic (PV) in Ghana was assessed using RETScreen software. 5 MW of grid-connected solar PV power system using SunPower SPR-320E-WHT-D PV module can be harnessed from Navrongo, Bawku, Wa, Tema, Bolgatanga, Axim, Salaga, Kintampo, Kete Krachi, Tamale, Hohoe, Koforidua, Ejura, Takoradi, Bole, Sunyani, Bibiani, Cape coast, Prestea, and Akuse, which requires US$17,752,179 of investment capital and 25,313 m2 of land for PV installation. The potential of 5 MW grid-connected PV development for Accra, Kumasi, Wenchi, and Tafo are limited. However, there are solar PV energy potentials for low-capacity PV modules for these locations. Investing in solar photovoltaic technology is capital intensive in a developing country like Ghana. However, Government’s effort to provide incentives like subsidies and creating the economic environment for private sector investment will boost investment possibilities of renewable energy in Ghana, which can help in curbing the recent power outages and load shedding, thereby increasing productivity and economic resilience.  相似文献   

Renewable energy sources have been taken the place of the traditional energy sources and especially rapidly developments of photovoltaic (PV) technology and fuel cell (FC) technology have been put forward these renewable energy sources (RES) in all other RES. PV systems have been started to be used widely in domestic applications connected to electrical grid and grid connected PV power generating systems have become widespread all around the world. On the other hand, fuel cell power generating systems have been used to support the PV generating so hybrid generation systems consist of PV and fuel cell technology are investigated for power generating. In this study, a grid connected fuel cell and PV hybrid power generating system was developed with Matlab Simulink. 160 Wp solar module was developed based on solar module temperature and solar irradiation by using real data sheet of a commercial PV module and then by using these modules 800 Wp PV generator was obtained. Output current and voltage of PV system was used for input of DC/DC boost converter and its output was used for the input of the inverter. PV system was connected to the grid and designed 5 kW solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) system was used for supporting the DC bus of the hybrid power generating system. All results obtained from the simulated hybrid power system were explained in the paper. Proposed model was designed as modular so designing and simulating grid connected SOFC and PV systems can be developed easily thanks to flexible design.  相似文献   

Solar photo voltaic array (SPVA) generates a smaller amount of power than the standard rating of the panel due to the partial shading effect. Since the modules of the arrays receive different solar irradiations, the P-V characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) arrays contain multiple peaks or local peaks. This paper presents an innovative method (magic square) in order to increase the generated power by configuring the modules of a shaded photovoltaic array. In this approach, the physical location of the modules in the total cross tied (TCT) connected in the solar PV array is rearranged based on the magic square arrangement pattern. This connection is done without altering any electrical configurations of the modules in the PV array. This method can distribute the shading effect over the entire PVarray, without concentrating on any row of modules and can achieve global peaks. For different types of shading patterns, the output power of the solar PV array with the proposed magic square configuration is compared with the traditional configurations and the performance is calculated. This paper presents a new reconfiguration technique for solar PV arrays, which increases the PV power under different shading conditions. The proposed technique facilitates the distribution of the effect of shading over the entire array, thereby, reducing the mismatch losses caused by partial shading. The theoretical calculations are tested through simulations in Matlab/ Simulink to validate the results. A comparison of power loss for different types of topologies under different types of shading patterns for a 4×4 array is also explained.  相似文献   

Performance of photovoltaic (PV) modules is evaluated under the standard test condition, which rarely meets actual outdoor conditions. Environmental conditions greatly affect the output energy of PV modules. The impact of environmental factors, especially solar spectrum distribution and module temperature, on the outdoor performance of amorphous Si (a-Si) and multicrystalline Si (mc-Si) PV modules is characterized. The results show that the output energy of a-Si modules mainly depends on spectrum distribution and is higher under blue-rich spectrum. In contrast, the output energy of mc-Si module is sensitive to module temperature but not to spectrum distribution.  相似文献   

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