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Bead-on-plate welding of zircaloy-4 (a reactive material) plates was conducted using electron beam according to central composite design of experiments. Its predictive models were developed in the form of knowledge-based systems in both forward and reverse directions using neural networks. Input parameters considered for this welding of reactive metals were accelerating voltage, beam current and weld speed. The responses of the welding process were measured in terms of bead width, depth of penetration and micro-hardness. Forward mapping of the welding process was conducted using regression analysis, back-propagation neural network (BPNN), genetic algorithm-tuned neural network (GANN) and particle swarm optimization algorithm-tuned neural network (PSONN). Reverse mapping of this process was also carried out using the BPNN, GANN and PSONN-based approaches. Neural network-based approaches could model this welding process of reactive material in both forward and reverse directions efficiently, which is required for the automation of the same. The performance of the neural network models was found to be data-dependent. The BPNN could outperform the other two approaches for most of the cases but not all in both the forward and reverse mappings.  相似文献   

This paper deals with microfluidic studies for lab-on-a-chip development. The first goal was to develop microsystems immediately usable by biologists for complex protocol integrations. All fluid operations are performed on nano-liter droplet independently handled solely by electrowetting on dielectric (EWOD) actuation. A bottom-up architecture was used for chip design due to the development and validation of elementary fluidic designs, which are then assembled. This approach speeds up development and industrialization while minimizing the effort in designing and simplifying chip-fluidic programming. Dispensing reproducibility for 64 nl droplets obtained a CV below 3% and mixing time was only a few seconds. Ease of the integration was demonstrated by performing on chip serial dilutions of 2.8-folds, four times. The second part of this paper concerns the development of new innovative fluidic functions in order to extend EWOD-actuated digital fluidics’ capabilities. Experiments of particle dispensing by EWOD droplet handling are reported. Finally, work is shown concerning the coupling of EWOD actuation and magnetic fields for magnetic bead manipulation.  相似文献   

A new micro molecular tagging velocimetry (μMTV) setup has been developed to analyze velocity fields in confined internal gas flows. MTV is a little-intrusive velocimetry technique. It relies on the properties of molecular tracers which can experience relatively long lifetime luminescence once excited by a laser beam with an appropriate wavelength. The technique has been validated for acetone seeded flows of argon inside a 1 mm depth rectangular minichannel, with a multilayer design offering two optical accesses. Velocity profiles have been obtained using a specific data reduction process, with a resolution in the order of 15 μm. The experimental data are compared to theoretical velocity profiles of compressible pressure-driven flows. A good agreement is observed, except close to the walls, where the accuracy would still need to be improved. Following these first results obtained at atmospheric pressure, the influence of pressure on the luminescence intensity of acetone molecules is analyzed. The obtained data lead to a discussion of MTV applicability to rarefied flows and its possible use for a direct measurement of velocity slip at the channel walls.  相似文献   

罗怡桂  栾静  顾君忠 《计算机应用》2005,25(6):1432-1436
给出一个混合实时嵌入式系统软硬件协同综合算法COSMT及其组件的设计方法,从而能够生成混合实时嵌入式系统的系统结构,并且能够在SystemC仿真环境下进行软件与硬件的协同设计与调试。  相似文献   

There has been a significant increase in the magnitude of material errors discovered in financial statements during the 1980s. Auditors, financial analysts, and regulators have shown considerable interest in evaluating and predicting these material errors. This paper describes the development and validation of a prototype expert system, ERRORXPERT, which evaluates material errors and potential fraud. This prototype system is designed to assist auditors at the planning stage in the design of subsequent substantive tests, when material errors and irregularities in the financial statements are probable. A commercial machine learning program was used for rule induction. A set of training examples comprising error and non-error firms was used to generate rules and a separate holdout sample was used to validate the expert system results. The performance of the expert system was also compared to that of a multiple discriminant analysis model using the same data. The results demonstrate that the expert system, ERRORXPERT, outperforms the discriminant model and is a powerful evaluation tool to classify firms into error and non-error categories. The size of the sample used in this study somewhat limits the generalizability of the specific rules.  相似文献   

Quadratic Lyapunov functionals with a given time derivative for the case of neutral type time delay systems have been presented in Rodriguez et al. (“Robust stability of neutral systems: a Lyapunov–Krasovskii constructive approach”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 14, pp. 1345–1358, 2004). In this contribution a new form of the functionals is proposed. The functionals now do not include the time derivative of the system state. This modification provides new quadratic bounds for the functionals and makes them useful in computation of exponential estimates for solutions of the systems, as well as in calculation of the robustness bounds.

Special attention has also been paid to the Lyapunov matrices which define the functionals. A new definition of the matrices is given, and their properties are analysed in detail.  相似文献   

Borkar  S. 《Micro, IEEE》2005,25(6):10-16
As technology scales, variability in transistor performance continues to increase, making transistors less and less reliable. This creates several challenges in building reliable systems, from the unpredictability of delay to increasing leakage current. Finding solutions to these challenges require a concerted effort on the part of all the players in a system design. This article discusses these effects and proposes microarchitecture, circuit, and testing research that focuses on designing with many unreliable components (transistors) to yield reliable system designs.  相似文献   

In todays global markets the commercial success of a product, however defined, is highly dependent upon the rapid and efficient transformation of an engineering system from a design schema to a fully embodied optimal solution. The ability of the designer to achieve this is severely frustrated by the analytically intensive and time-consuming aspects of embodying a concept. This is particularly the case where standard components have to be considered. This paper presents a new modelling approach that supports the designer during the transformation of a concept to an embodied solution. This modelling approach provides for the representation of conceptual schemas and their subsequent embodiment with standard components from third-party electronic representations. The modelling strategies and associated software issues for representing a mechanical system, handling the interactions between components and incorporating the governing representations for the design and selection of individual components are discussed. The process of constructing a system model, specifying the desired performance characteristics and the process of system resolution are also described. The paper concludes with an industrial case study which is used to demonstrate the capabilities and potential of the new approach for supporting the embodiment of systems and the important task of design synthesis.  相似文献   

We investigated the potential of the aluminum nitride films to excite ultrasonic waves at frequencies >50?MHz. The deposition process of the aluminum nitride thin film layers on silicon substrates was investigated and optimized regarding their piezoelectric behavior. Large single element transducers were deposited on silicon substrates with aluminum electrodes, under different parameters for the magnetron sputter process, like pressure and bias voltage. Special test setup and a measuring station were created to characterize the sensors. Acoustical measurements were carried out in pulse echo mode up to 500?MHz and the values of piezoelectric charge constant (d33) were determined. As a result, two parameter sets were found for the sputtering process to obtain an excellent piezoelectric charge constant of about 7.2?pC/N maximum. Then the sputtering process with these parameters was used to deposit sensors on various substrate materials and with different electrode sizes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the performance of four ordering rules for material requirements planning systems in the context of a rolling planning horizon. A Monte Carlo experiment simulates the performance of the lot for lot, Wagner-Whitin, Groff, and least unit cost decision rules. Factors which are systematically varied include the demand distribution, length of horizon, and setup costs.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses the physical simulation methodology currently employed in the Industrial Automation Laboratory in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Texas A&M University. Physical simulation is the study of complex automated manufacturing and material handling systems through the use of scaled-down system replicas controlled by mini and microcomputers using full-sized software. The physical simulation methodology is the design, construction, operation, and study of such systems in a laboratory environment. The methodology consists of identifying basic automated system components; constructing scaled-down, functionally-equivalent generic models of the components with mechanical breadboarding kits; and then using these generic models to construct fully functional scaled-down systems. Thus, it allows us to evaluate the dynamic physical interactions using the models to confirm design decisions and to develop and test system software in parallel with the construction of the full-sized system. This approach should allow a cost reduction in the design cycle for complex automation because (1) through it we can identify design errors early, and (2) it provides a mechanism for the parallel development of both the computer hardware/software control system and the system's machinery. The methodology is currently under development in the Industrial Automation Laboratory in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Texas A&M University.  相似文献   

In this paper, we bring out the implications of a spatially varying magnetic field towards combined magnetohydrodynamic–magnetophoretic transport in narrow fluidic confinements. We first present a generic framework for describing the flow field that is generated under the combined influences of a driving pressure gradient, an axial electric field, and a spatially varying transverse magnetic field. As a demonstrative example, we derive analytical solutions for the flow field, based on a plausible choice of the mathematical form of the nature of spatial variation of the magnetic field. Proceeding further ahead, we also address the magnetophoretic motion of particles, subjected to such spatially varying magnetic fields. We depict the trajectories of representative spherical particles in the flow-field, as a combined consequence of the magnetohydrodynamic and magnetophoretic forcing mechanisms. We also demonstrate that such combined magnetophoretic and magnetohydrodynamic transport can be employed as a novel technique to separate particles based on sizes and electromagnetic properties.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the robust Hurwitz stability analysis problems of a single parameter-dependent matrix A(θ)?A0+θA1 over θ∈[-1,1], where A0,A1Rn×n with A0 being Hurwitz stable. In particular, we are interested in the degree N of the polynomial parameter-dependent Lyapunov matrix (PPDLM) of the form that ensures the robust Hurwitz stability of A(θ) via . On the degree of PPDLMs, Barmish conjectured in early 90s that if there exists such P(θ), then there always exists a first-degree PPDLM P(θ)=P0+θP1 that meets the desired conditions, regardless of the size or rank of A0 and A1. The goal of this paper is to falsify this conjecture. More precisely, we will show a pair of the matrices A0,A1R3×3 with A0+θA1 being Hurwitz stable for all θ∈[-1,1] and prove rigorously that the desired first-degree PPDLM does not exist for this particular pair. The proof is based on the recently developed techniques to deal with parametrized LMIs in an exact fashion and related duality arguments. From this counter-example, we can conclude that the conjecture posed by Barmish is not valid when n?3 in general.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to determine quantum master and filter equations for systems coupled to fields in certain non-classical continuous-mode states. Specifically, we consider two types of field states (i) single photon states, and (ii) superpositions of coherent states. The system and field are described using a quantum stochastic unitary model. Master equations are derived from this model and are given in terms of systems of coupled equations. The output field carries information about the system, and is continuously monitored. The quantum filters are determined with the aid of an embedding of the system into a larger non-Markovian system, and are given by a system of coupled stochastic differential equations.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a low temperature transient liquid phase bonding process for 8″ wafer-level packaging of micro-electro-mechanical systems. Cu/Sn and Au/Sn material systems have been investigated under varying bonding temperatures from 240 to 280 °C and different dwell times from 8 to 30 min. The used bond frame had a width of 80 μm and lateral dimensions of 1.5 mm × 1.55 mm. The sealing frame of the cap wafer consisted of Au and Cu, respectively, and Sn. The MEMS wafer only holds the parent metal of Au or Cu. High quality bonds were confirmed by shear tests, cleavage analysis, polished cross-section analysis using optical and electron microscope, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and pressure cocker test. The samples showed high shear strength (>80 MPa), nearly perfect bond regions and no main failure mode in the cleavage analyses. Non-corroded Cu test structures confirmed the hermeticity.  相似文献   

Abstract: An important problem in financial investment is the classification of bonds based on the likelihood that the issuing company may default on the promised payments. Much effort has been invested into simulating the bond rating process using statistical tools. A weakness of these tools is the requirement of statistical assumptions which may not be appropriate for the bond rating problem. In this paper we present results of a study comparing an artificial neural network system, a rule-based expert system and statistical techniques applied to the bond rating problem. The bond rating process is simulated by using published financial data.  相似文献   

David Rine   《Information Sciences》2003,150(3-4):123-151
Human exploration and development of space will involve opening the space frontier by exploring, using and enabling the development of space through information technology, while expanding the human experience into the far reaches of space. At that point in time we assert that the current primitive World Wide Web (Web) will be replaced and dramatically expanded into an Interstellar Space Wide Web (SWW). The current state-of-the-art low-orbits communications satellites constellations will be dramatically expanded to higher orbits and to orbits supporting work on other remote human colonies. This will be necessary in order to furnish in a human-friendly way the necessary software and information that will be needed in support of Interstellar Space Wide Information Technologies. Many of the problems encountered in conceiving of, modeling, designing and deploying such a facility will be different from those problems encountered in today’s Web. Future research and development work will be to identify some of these problems and to conceptually model a few of their solutions. In this work we describe research into the development of scalable tools and techniques that reduce the effort associated with component integration, both with respect to network environments and with respect to other components within the application. Our approach is also targeted at increasing the reusability of software components and software architectures. Our research is to investigate current problems in leveraging adapters as a means to configure of large-scale Next Generation distributed systems software from reusable architectures and components. Our approach to solving this problem is through the development of a novel configuration model and network-aware runtime environment called SWWACXML, for Space Wide Web Adapter Configuration eXtensible Markup Language. SWWACXML provides support for cross-layer architectural configuration at both the application level and the level of individual network connections. The language associated with this environment captures component interaction properties and network level quality-of-service (QoS) constraints. Adapters will be generated automatically from SWWACXML specifications. These adapters are part of the SWWACXML runtime system. The runtime system includes facilities for automatic configuration and runtime reconfiguration, as well as efficient management of network connections and QoS options. This facilitates reuse because components are not tied to interactions or environments. Another aspect of this work will focus on development and experimentation with a novel Web-based interaction paradigm that allows client adapters to tailor themselves to servers at runtime. One of the strengths of our approach is that clients do not have to be tied to specific servers at implementation time. Rather, a client’s adapter loads an SWWACXML configuration page from the server. The SWWACXML configuration page defines the appropriate interaction, including management of heterogeneous network QoS options. We believe our approach is amenable to facilitate a style of dynamic reconfiguration, where clients can at runtime change server, communication or interaction protocol. Future researchers and developers will design and implement the SWWACXML system in a distributed test-bed. They will develop performance analysis techniques to judge the success and efficiency of our approach.  相似文献   

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